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A Promise of Passion

Page 26

by Maggie Carpenter

“No, no, I’m sure I’ll be fine. It doesn’t happen every flight, just sometimes.”

  “I’ll make sure there’s something on the aircraft just in case,” Katherine promised. “We’ll be ready to board momentarily.”

  As the woman rose to her feet and walked away, Vivien stared at Dominic completely bewildered.

  “Why did you say that?”

  “Because you don’t want word getting back that you have a problem with anyone. Have you forgotten the politics of the game?”

  “No, I haven’t,” she said shaking her head.

  “Then why did you ask if we were the only passengers besides Alana? What were you going to say to make sure you were separate from her?”

  “I was going to tell her that we’ve been looking forward to having some private time, and ask if we could be somewhat removed from any other passengers,” Vivien replied. “Would that have been so bad?”

  Dominic stared at her and shook his head.

  “Je m'excuse,” he apologized, “I am feeling so protective of you. I should have known you wouldn’t say anything inadequate.”

  “Inappropriate,” she grinned.

  “Oui, that too,” he grinned back, “but Vivien, is Alana so bad? I know you said you don’t like working with her, but it’s just a few hours on a plane.”

  “You don’t know what a cow she can be,” Vivien grumbled. “After being around her I couldn’t fathom how she became such a big star. She’s such a prima donna.”

  “Many stars are prima donnas,” Dominic remarked, “and she’s a star because the public love her.”

  “The public don’t know her!”

  “What is so bad about her?”

  “Where do I start?” Vivien groaned, rolling her eyes. “She’s totally two-faced. She’s horrible to the worker bees, and when I say horrible, I mean she’s an absolutely bully, but she’s super sweet to the people that matter.”

  “That sounds fairly common. Many celebrities are this way,” he remarked, then glancing over her shoulder, he added, “wait, Katherine Lucas is coming over.”

  Glancing behind her, Vivien saw the woman moving towards them carrying two large leather toiletry bags.

  “With our compliments,” Katherine said, handing a bag to each of them. “You should find everything you need on board, but Mr. Harrison wanted you to have these just in case.”

  “This is very generous,” Dominic said, surprised by the gift.

  “Very,” Vivien agreed.

  “Mr. Harrison is a generous man, and a very gracious host. If you’d like to follow me, I’ll see you on board. Alana hasn’t arrived yet, but we’ve been asked to wait for a little while. At least this way I can get you settled so we’ll be ready to take off when she gets here.”

  They gathered up their carry-ons and headed outside, and Vivien leaned her lips into Dominic’s ear.

  “So typical,” she whispered. “Alana has to be the center of attention so she keeps everyone waiting. Like I said, she’s a cow, a total cow.”

  “Hush,” Dominic frowned. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “I hope we don’t have to share a car when we land. At least I’ll be back in my wonderful flat and not staying in at Harrison Towers with her.”

  “Oui,” Dominic smiled. “I’m very glad we’ll be in your place and together again.”

  They started up the air-stairs, and though Vivien was expecting the interior of the plane to be richly appointed, when she walked inside the jet she was stunned at what greeted her. It oozed luxury. Everything was cream leather and burled walnut, and she immediately spied both a couch and wide inviting chairs, and as they continued forward they passed a sleeping compartment with curtains that could be closed for privacy.

  “This is fantastic,” Amanda murmured.

  “This is the only front compartment,” Katherine explained as she led them forward. “The one you’ll be staying in offers a full bedroom.”

  “It does? Is that why it was reserved for us?”

  “No, Alana requested that she be in the front cabin of the aircraft, but it is fortuitous. I believe this will suit you better.”

  Vivien felt her blood boil. Alana, being Alana, had made sure she would receive the best of whatever was on offer. Seeing Vivian grimace, Dominic grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, but as Katherine slid open the curtain to the next compartment, Vivien’s frown instantly transformed into a wide smile.

  “Oh, my gosh!”

  “Yes, it’s quite a bit more spacious,” Katherine said, “and as you can see it has a dining table. This particular jet is one Mr. Harrison uses personally. The bedroom is through there. Please, go in.”

  With Dominic following her, Vivien walked through the spacious cabin, and filled with eager anticipation she opened the door. It was, as Katherine had promised, a bedroom, equipped with a round bed, two chairs with a round table between them, and a small bar in the corner.

  “I can’t believe it,” Vivien muttered. “I would never have imagined anything like this.”

  “When Mr. Harrison travels with a companion as well as his assistant, the assistant takes the front cabin, and Mr. Harrison stays in here. The third cabin, beyond this one, he uses as an office.”

  “I have flown privately on several occasions,” Dominic said, “but I’ve never been in a plane so nice. Really, it is beautiful.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be very comfortable,” Katherine smiled, “and here comes Nina. She’ll be your flight attendant. Hopefully we’ll be taking off before too long.”

  “Thank you, Katherine,” Vivien said. “Alana has probably been held up in the traffic out of Manhattan. It was bad when we came in too.”

  “We’ve been instructed to wait fifteen minutes past the scheduled departure time, so regardless, you’ll be in the air very soon. I’ll say goodbye now, and leave you in Nina’s very capable hands.”

  As Katherine walked away, Vivien decided to sit at the dining table, and after giving Nina his jacket, Dominic settled in across from her.

  “Here is the remote control for the television,” Nina said, pointing to the wide-screen television set mounted on the opposite wall. “Would you care for some appetizers while we wait?”

  “Yes, definitely,” Vivien nodded, “I’m starving. We didn’t have any dinner, and I’d like a glass of Bordeaux if you have it.”

  “We do. Would you care for something to drink, Mr. Dubois?”

  “Can you tell me please, the Bordeaux you have on board?”

  “Of course. Mr. Harrison stocks Chateau Pontet-Canet 2010, and the Chateau Lynch-Bages, also 2010.”

  “Excellent choices,” Dominic said with a wide smile. “We’d like the Lynch-Bages.”

  “Certainly, I’ll be right back,” Nina promised.

  “This is unbelievable,” Vivien exclaimed in a hushed whisper, her eyes wide with excitement. “Alana totally screwed herself. She assumed the best cabin was up front, like first class. How perfect is this? She’ll be green with envy. I can’t wait to invite her to join us for dinner.”

  “No, no, ma chérie,” Dominic said firmly. “I will not have any cat fights on this plane. You don’t need to provoke her. If she stops in and says hello, we say hello, and then we say goodbye. Comprends?”

  “But I have to invite her to join us for the main meal.”

  “You do? Why?”

  “If I invite her, she’ll say no. If I don’t, she’ll invite herself.”

  “I don’t understand this,” Dominic frowned.

  “She gets off on turning people down, but if she thinks she’s not wanted, she’ll go out of her way to get in your face.”

  “Get in your face? Such an ugly comment.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is, but that’s how her mind works.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “Very sure,” Vivien nodded. “You’ll see.”

  Dominic spied the mischievous twinkle in her eye, but before he could add anything further, Nina returned with the w
ine he had requested, and a plate of appetizers.

  “Let me know if you need anything else,” the pretty flight attendant said as she poured the expensive Bordeaux into the bulbous crystal glasses. “Just push that button on the side of the table.”

  “Ah, yes, I see,” Dominic nodded, “merci.”

  “Will you also be taking care of Alana?” Vivien asked.

  “No, Alana will have her own flight attendant,” Nina replied. “Will that be all?”

  “I believe we’re fine for now,” Dominic smiled.

  As Nina walked away, Vivien reached for her wine, swirled it, and took a swallow.

  “Oh, that is so good. I needed that. I’m still feeling a bit shell-shocked. If you’d told me a month ago I’d be flying back to London in a private jet owned by one of the richest men in America, I would have called the doctors in the white coats to take you away. I still can’t believe it. I hope I get the job. I want it so bad.”

  “I hope you do too, but if you don’t there’ll be others, many others.”

  “I know, but to be the spokesmodel for a Harry Harrison cosmetic line…I mean…that would be huge. Just being around him and getting to know him would be awesome.”

  “Pourquoi?” Dominic frowned.

  “Why? Because he is Harry Harrison, a mega-billionaire.”

  “Getting the job would be a wonderful opportunity, yes, but wanting to be around a man just because he is rich? You almost married a very wealthy member of the aristocracy, remember? He was not such a nice person.”

  “I know,” she sighed, placing her glass back on the table. “You’re right, but look at this plane. Can you imagine having this at your disposal whenever you wanted to fly somewhere?”

  Dominic frowned. Ignoring his wishes, Vivien had risked life and limb to retrieve some jewelry from her former fiancé and had paid dearly for it. Was she still starstruck by money and power?

  “Look, there’s Alana,” she declared, pointing out the window and interrupting his thoughts.

  “Ah, yes, I see,” he nodded. “You are absolutely certain if you invite her for dinner she will say no?”

  “Unless she’s changed in the last year, but the fact that she made sure she got the front cabin tells me she hasn’t.”

  “Very well, ma chérie. What is it they say? Let the games begin?”

  “That’s what they say,” she laughed. “Let the games begin, and they will as soon as she walks on board. I guarantee she’ll be poking her head through that curtain to gloat about being at the head of the plane as soon as she’s on board. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she discovers what she’s be missing out on.”

  “Vivien,” Dominic warned, shaking his finger, “don’t be catty.”

  “No promises,” she grinned, watching Alana walk up the air-stairs. “She’ll make herself known in, let’s see, I’ll say thirty-seconds? Yes, thirty-seconds.”

  “I am looking at my watch,” Dominic declared. “Let’s see if you’re right.”

  Taking a sip of her wine, Vivien stared at the curtain expectantly.

  “Okay,” Dominic whispered, “ten, nine, eight, seven-“


  Shooting Vivien a wink, he turned around and saw the famous model peeking through the side of the heavy drapes.

  “Hi, stranger,” Vivien smiled. “Come on in. I don’t think you know Dominic Dubois?”

  “Hi, Dominic,” Alana smiled. “Are you meeting the great Harry Harrison for the new cosmetics line as well?”

  “Moi? No, no, I am not a model,” Dominic laughed.

  Staring at her, Vivien thought Alana looked like she was eyeing Dominic as if he was prey, and it made her stomach churn.

  “What a waste, you should be,” Alana said suggestively. “I’d love to see you strut down a catwalk.”

  “Dominic is with me,” Vivien said curtly, “he’s a painter.”

  “Really? Like, houses?”

  “Yes,” Vivien quipped before Dominic had a chance to respond.

  “Will you be staying at the hotel with us?” Alana pressed, moving closer to him, smiling her most seductive smile.

  “No,” he said, looking up at her, amazed at her blatant flirtation. “We will be in Vivien’s flat.”

  “Are you happy with your cabin?” Vivien interjected. “Isn’t this an amazing plane?”

  “Absolutely,” Alana exclaimed. “Did you see the bed? Imagine, a bed, and with a curtain for privacy. Too bad you don’t have one. It’s spacious in here though. Larger than upfront, but then, I have that sleeping compartment. I guess the seats in here go all the way back, huh?”

  “No,” Vivien said casually.

  “What a pity,” Alana sighed, “how are you going to get any rest?”

  “In the bedroom.”

  “What bedroom?”

  “Through there,” Vivien replied, pointing to the door. “Check it out if you want.”

  Wordlessly moving past them, Alana opened the door and peered inside. She stood for a minute, then turned around, feigning a smile.

  “Nice,” she muttered. “I’d better take my seat. I know they want to take off.”

  “Why don’t you join Dominic and me for dinner, or stay here and share some of these appetizers? They’re really good.”

  “No thanks,” Alana muttered, meeting Vivien’s gaze without blinking. “I’m not even sure if I’ll eat much. I’m tired. I’ve been working for endless days. I’m sure you remember what that’s like, even if it has been a while. You must be worried, being out of practice like you are.”

  “Yes, you do look tired,” Vivien remarked, tilting her head to the side and ignoring Alana’s snide comment. “What a shame you won’t have a proper bed to sleep in.”

  Unable to think of a retort, Alana lifted her chin for just a moment, giving off an air of superiority, and hurried past them.

  “See,” Vivien whispered, staring at Dominic as Alana disappeared through the curtain.

  “Oh, yes, I saw,” Dominic whispered back. “She is exactly as you said. Mon Dieu, that girl needs a spanking!”

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right,” Vivien giggled.

  “And so do you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Why? You ask me why?” he replied, raising his eyebrows. “You tell her I was a house-painter, you tease her into asking about the bedroom, you have nasty words with her after? You are too naughty, much too naughty.”

  “I couldn’t help it,” she protested. “She was looking at you like a lion about to pounce on a helpless lamb, but she wouldn’t have any interest in a man who paints houses for living, besides, she deserved every bit of it. Did you see her face when she walked away from that bedroom? It was priceless.”

  “I am going to tap your pretty bottom with my crop very soon,” he said, lowering his voice as he leaned across the table.

  “That’s okay,” she laughed, “it’ll be worth it.”

  “That remains to be seen, or rather, felt.”

  “This wine is going straight to my head,” she sighed.

  “You are changing the subject, but it will make no difference. You will be spanked on this flight.”

  Though her face was reddening, and her butterflies were fluttering, Vivien broke into a smile. She was heading back to London, she was going back to work, and she was with the man of her dreams.

  Across the pond, staring out the windows of his Mayfair home, Harry Harrison was sipping on a glass of one-hundred-year-old scotch. While he would go through the motions of meeting with half-a-dozen or so top models, supposedly serious candidates vying for the role of spokesmodel for his new cosmetic line, there were only two in which he had any interest, Vivien McKay, the down-home girl from the American Midwest, and Alana, the supermodel who was known only by her first name. Everything was falling into place, but then, Harry had a way of manipulating events to ensure they did and he raised his glass in a toast as he stared up at the twilight sky.

“Safe travels, my beauties. I will be seeing you very soon.”


  Throughout the seven-hour flight, Vivien was on pins and needles waiting for Dominic to order her over his lap. She knew he enjoyed watching her sit on a hot bottom, so she had expected his short fat crop to materialize before their meal. When it didn’t happen she assumed it would be their after-dinner entertainment, but to her surprise he still made no move to spank her. As they undressed and slipped into the wonderfully comfortable round bed, she was sure he would pull the crop from under the pillows, but rather than heat up her backside, he made glorious love to her, grabbing her hips and fucking her mercilessly from behind until she begged for release.

  Dominic always made good on his threats. Was it possible he’d forgotten? As she fell asleep in his arms she felt slightly disappointed. It was an odd, uncomfortable feeling, but as he squeezed her and whispered a soft, loving goodnight in her ear, she let out a heavy sigh and tried to tell herself it didn’t matter.

  It wasn’t that Dominic had forgotten. Dominic was purposely making her wait. He was curious to see if she would raise the subject, but he also wanted to dispatch the crop shortly before they landed. Assuming they would be sitting in the back seat of a limousine with Alana, he wanted Vivien with a freshly warmed backside. In such close quarters with the provocative supermodel who knew how to push Vivien’s buttons, he knew it would help her cope.

  The flight was smooth with only a short period of minor turbulence, and when the announcement came over the P.A. that they were ninety minutes from London, kissing her softly, Dominic slipped from the bed and instructed her to stay put.

  “Where are you going?” she yawned. “Please don’t be long.”

  “I won’t. I’ll be right back, I promise.”

  Donning a robe he ambled through the cabin, past the curtained off sleeping area where Alana was hidden away, and approached the galley where he found Nina and another attendant busy preparing breakfast.

  “Good morning, Mr. Dubois,” Nina smiled. “Is there something you need? You didn’t have to come up here. I would have responded if you’d pressed the button.”

  “It is good to stretch my legs,” he replied. “Please, if you could not disturb us until I buzz. Only a short time, fifteen minutes or so.”


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