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A Promise of Passion

Page 34

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Sure, what?”

  “You must not be taken in by the things you see when you are with him. You must pay attention to what matters, to you heart. Remember those words. Listen to your heart. Do you promise?”

  “You’re being so mysterious,” she muttered.

  “Do you promise?” he pressed.

  “Listen to my heart,” she nodded. “Yes, I promise.”

  “I don’t wish to be this way, mysterious, as you said, but for the moment I have no choice.”

  “I’m suddenly very tired,” she said, slumping in her chair.

  “This I can see. I am feeling weary too. It has been a very big day for us both.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere tonight. Let’s order in some Thai food, or Indian, something spicy and warming, and watch TV.”

  “Yes, this is an excellent idea,” he smiled.

  “I can’t believe I’m leaving for France so soon. I really wish you were coming. How long will this thing with your friend take? Do you think maybe you can meet me?”

  “You’ll be there a week?”

  “Yes, that’s what Gustav told me,” she replied, “at least.”

  “Maybe the problem will be dealt with quickly. It’s hard to say, but remember, my absence is because I am painting, nothing else.”

  “Yes, Dominic, I’ll remember.”

  “It’s almost five o’clock,” he frowned, staring at his watch. “You said Robson will be here around six o’clock?”


  “I wish to take a shower, then why don’t we nap until he gets here.”

  “That is a very good idea,” she nodded.

  Rising to his feet, he walked around the table, took her hand, and gently pulled her up.

  “Vivien,” he whispered, “you are so precious to me.”

  He stared at her for a moment, then moving his hands to the sides of her face he kissed her, and as his lips lingered, then crushed, then lingered again, she felt an overflow of emotion. Moving her arms around his neck she clung to him until he gently broke away, and with an arm around her shoulder, he walked her down the short hallway to her bedroom. As he disappeared into the bathroom to take his shower, she stripped off, donned a long-sleeved T-shirt, then collapsed on the bed.

  “Whatever is going on, I do trust you, I just wish I knew,” she murmured.

  Exhausted from their respective days, wrapped in each other’s arms they gratefully dozed. Dominic had set his internal clock and they were up and ready for Robson’s arrival, and at precisely six o’clock, when the doorbell rang they were in the living room watching the start of the news.

  “Wait in the kitchen until I call for you,” Dominic said firmly as he switched off the television. “I’m going to answer the door and make sure this is all safe.”

  Waiting until she was out of sight, he walked to the front door, opened it slightly, and stared at the man who had caused so much distress in Vivien’s life a year before.

  “Hello, Dominic,” Robson said solemnly.

  Dominic sized him up. He was as dapper as ever, but Dominic felt no threat. On the contrary, the man standing in front of him appeared almost meek.

  “Come in,” Dominic said, standing aside.

  “Thank you, and thank you for allowing Vivien to see me. I was expecting a call from her canceling this meeting.”

  “I was…I am, not happy about it, but she said you sounded sincere, and that it was important.”

  “It is, it matters. I think it will matter to Vivien as well, and maybe even to you.”

  “Vivien, you can come out,” Dominic called.

  Standing in the kitchen, Vivien had heard the brief conversation. Seeing Robson again was unnerving, but his voice had sounded softer than she remembered, and Dominic was there, so taking a deep breath, she left the kitchen and walked in to join them.


  Vivien stared across at her former fiancé. It unexpectedly rattled her to see him, but as she stared at the wealthy and aristocratic, Viscount Robson Parker-Jones, she realized he was just a man. She’d never seen him as, just a man. Coming from her humble beginnings he had always held a certain mystique. He was tantamount to royalty, and as the epiphany hit, she had to fight the desire to fly across the room and throw her fists against his chest. He had terrorized her, but darting her eyes over to Dominic, she found the strength and comfort she needed.

  “Hello, Robson.”

  She was surprised that her voice sounded so measured, and as she walked forward, she felt her confidence growing.

  “Vivien, you are still so beautiful,” Robson said with a slight smile. “Thank you for agreeing to see me.”

  “You’re welcome. What’s so important?”

  “I am here to give you my…”

  To her utter astonishment, Robson suddenly choked up, and unable to continue he covered his face with his hands.

  “Please, sit down,” Dominic said quickly, guiding him to the couch. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “No, no, thank-you, I, uh, I don’t drink anymore,” Robson stammered.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Vivien asked urgently, moving to sit next to him.

  “That’s just it, everything was wrong, terribly wrong, for a very long time,” he exclaimed, “and I’m here for only one reason. I must deeply, and with all my heart, give you my most sincere apology for the way I treated you. Seeing you, the guilt is almost overwhelming. You are such a gracious, loving, sweet woman, and I am just so, so, sorry.”

  “Mon Dieu,” Dominic mumbled, shocked at the change in the man who had been so vicious.

  “I don’t expect you to forgive me,” Robson continued, “but I do hope…I truly do hope, you will accept my apology.”

  “Robson,” she said, shaking her head, “of course I do, and yes, I forgive you. Absolutely I forgive you. What’s happened? How did you come to have this…this…change?”

  “Do you remember my friend, Alfred Montrose?”

  “Of course.”

  “He took me to a place in Cornwall. There were doctors there, therapists, and I found out why I had been so angry, so emotionally distorted and detached from everyone. It’s impossible to explain how they have helped me become human, how are they’re continuing to help me. There are still times I feel the rage, but I know what it is now, how to deal with it, and Mary, my dear fiancée, is my rock.”

  “You poor man,” Vivien murmured, her heart filling with compassion.

  “When I read that you were back in London it was like a miracle. I felt God was giving me a chance to make things right with you before I see Mary walk down the aisle. It’s very important to me. I am so ashamed of how I treated you.”

  “Robson,” she sighed, unable to fight the tears, “this is healing for me too. Thank you. It was very brave for you to come here and do this.”

  “It was brave of you to say yes,” Robson said softly.

  “Tell me about Mary.”

  “Believe it or not, she’s a Vicar’s daughter. My family was apoplectic when I told them, but I don’t care. They have no say in my life, not anymore.”

  “A Vicar’s daughter?” Vivien smiled. “How did you meet her?”

  “I’d been in Cornwall about three, maybe four months. I was doing fairly well by then. There’s a small fishing village near the therapy center, and It was a misty day, cold, but quite beautiful. I was sitting on the rocky beach just staring at the sea, and suddenly, there she was, walking in front of me. I was instantly taken with her. Her smile…it lit up my heart. She was so real, so friendly, and we sat on those uncomfortable rocks and talked for ages. Then we went into a cafe and had dinner. The whole thing was like a dream. I knew she was the one for me that very first night. She calls me Robbie,” he sighed. “I’ve never liked Robson, but Robbie, when she says it, well, it just makes me feel so good.”

  “That is the most romantic story,” Vivien sighed.

  “Did she know who you were?” Dominic asked.
  “No, and I didn’t tell her for a while. I wasn’t sure how she’d take it, and I was glad of the chance for her to know me, not the Viscount, if you know what I mean. I’d been advised not to become intimately involved, so we became friends, super friends, and after I was discharged I rented a small house on the bluffs. She’d come over and cook for me. I’m worse than useless in a kitchen. We both knew we were falling in love. We couldn’t help it.”

  “It must have been a shock when you told her and she saw your house,” Alana said. “I mean, talk about from rags to riches. What does she, or rather, what did she do?”

  “She was a teacher in the village. Yes, it was rather, but she’s done brilliantly. She oozes warmth. You can’t help but like her. She knows all about you, she knows I’m here, and I know she’d be delighted to have you both to the house for dinner, if you ever felt like you wanted to,” he added quickly. “I mean, I certainly don’t expect-“

  “Of course we would,” Vivien said, “wouldn’t we Dominic?”

  “Oui, but of course,” Dominic agreed.

  “Well, thank you for this. It’s the best wedding present I could have hoped for. I just wish I could make it all up to you Vivien,” he sighed. “I don’t know how to do that.”

  “I think you just did.”

  “I’m going to say one more thing, and then I’ll take my leave, and I absolutely mean this. If there is ever anything I can do for either of you, and I do mean anything, please pick up the phone. I am still a Viscount, I still have more money than the Bank of England, and I still have friends in very high places, very high. All of that is at your disposable at any time. I mean it. It would make me so very happy to be able to help you with something. Please, please remember that.”

  “That is very generous of you,” Vivien said hugging him. “What a lovely man you’ve become.”

  “Oh, dear, my goodness,” he sputtered, disengaging himself and rising to his feet. “I’m quite embarrassed.”

  “You shouldn’t be,” Dominic said stepping forward. “I’ll walk you out. I could use a breath of air.”

  “Ah, good, quite,” Dominic nodded. “Goodbye, Vivien, and when I come back from my honeymoon I’ll be in touch.”

  “May I ask where you’re going?”

  “The Bahamas, and then fly to New York for a week of shopping. My new wife will need some clothes, and where better to buy them than Fifth Avenue?”

  “Where better indeed?” Vivien laughed.

  She walked with them to the door, ambled back into the kitchen, and opening a bottle of wine, poured it into a thin crystal goblet, and lifted it in the air.

  “Here’s to happy endings,” she declared.

  Outside, as Dominic and Robson were standing by Robson’s car chatting about life’s twists and turns, and the mysterious hand of fate, Robson sensed Dominic had something on his mind, but was hesitating.

  “I feel there’s something else you wish to say to me,” Robson remarked. “Am I wrong?”

  “No, you’re not wrong,” Dominic said quietly. “Did mean what you said, about friends in high places should we need them?”

  “Yes, yes, most definitely, do you have a problem?”

  “No, not really, I mean, a dear friend of mine does. You might know him. Walter Fairmont?”

  “Wally? Of course, he’s an excellent chap, older than me, of course, but yes, a good chap.”

  “I am so surprised that I am here talking with you like this,” Dominic remarked, shaking his head. “It seems, what is the word, surréaliste.”

  “Surreal,” Robson offered.

  “Oui, surreal,” Dominic nodded.

  “Tell me,” Dominic pressed, “what about Wally?”

  “It’s quite serious, I’m afraid, and indirectly, it involves Vivien. Perhaps we could talk in the car?”

  “Vivien? Yes, yes, please,” Robson said opening the passenger door.

  Once they were settled, Dominic told Robson everything Walter Fairmont had shared with him.

  “What do you think? Do you know anyone who might be able to help?”

  “Indeed I do! I can take care of this with a phone call,” Robson smiled, “and I’m so delighted to do it.”

  “You seem very sure.”

  “Oh, I am. I have a secret weapon.”

  “A secret weapon?”

  “The old school tie,” Robson replied, raising his eyebrows. “Do you know what I’m talking about?”

  “Oui,” Dominic smiled. “I know very well. Connections that go back to boyhood.”

  “They last a lifetime,” Robson nodded, “and the loyalty is fierce. The thing is, I’m not sure it will be sorted out before Vivien leaves, and you’re right, you have to stay here until it is, but it won’t be long. You’ll be able to join her soon enough, and if I were you, I’d keep it a secret. Surprise her.”

  “I am most grateful,” Dominic said earnestly.

  “I am the one who is grateful,” Robson said sincerely. “We need to exchange phone numbers so I can keep you informed, and if anything else should happen, you can reach me.”

  They exchanged numbers, and as Dominic climbed from the sleek, black Jaguar and watched it drive away, he shook his head in disbelief. A miracle had just fallen into his lap, and walking back to Vivien’s flat, he decided he was going to ravage her mercilessly.

  She was sitting on the couch studying the takeout menu for the local Thai restaurant when Dominic walked in the door.

  “You were a long time,” she remarked looking up at him.

  “Things to talk about,” he said vaguely. “Have I told you how ravishing you look? How was I able to take a nap next to you and not devour your body?”

  “Perhaps I’m not ravishing enough,” she teased.

  “We’ll see about that,” he declared, and striding forward, he grabbed her wrist, pulled her to her feet, and sweeping her into his arms he carried her to the bedroom and threw her on the bed.

  “God, Dominic,” she bleated, “I love the beast in you!”

  Placing his hands on either side of her head, he leaned over her and crushed her lips, pushing his tongue between her teeth, exploring her mouth, leaving her breathless as he broke away. He was about to leap on top of her when another idea floated into his mind, and he kissed his way to her ear.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered, “and keep them closed as you take off your clothes.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, feeling a delicious flood between her legs.

  She could feel him standing by the bed watching her, and as she pulled her sweater over her head, and unsnapped the bar behind her back, she began to feel strangely self-conscious.

  “Keep going,” he said huskily, “and keep those eyes closed.”

  “It feels weird,” she murmured.

  “I hope that’s not a complaint or a protest.”

  “No, Sir,” she said hastily.

  “Take off your shoes and socks, then your jeans and panties.”

  “Please, Sir, will you blindfold me?”

  “No,” he said sternly. “Do as you’re told.”

  Sitting up she unlaced her sneakers, and feeling her way to the edge of the bed she dropped them on the floor, then pulled off her socks. She was shifting back on the bed to remove her jeans when an unexpected finger and thumb tweaked a nipple. She squealed, then sighed, and fell backwards, raising her chest for more.

  “Jeans,” he growled. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

  Unbuttoning the waistband and unzipping the fly, she wriggled her way out of them, then followed quickly with her panties.

  “Spread, touch yourself, and tell me,” he demanded. “Tell me what you feel.”

  “I’m wet, Sir,” she breathed.

  “How wet?”

  “Very, Sir, very wet.”

  “Stroke yourself, make yourself moan, rub until you’re right at the edge.”

  As she began she felt hesitant, but as she continued, her shyness waned, and she wanted to perfo
rm. She wanted him to see her excitement grow, and the more aroused she became, the more she wanted him to watch. It was like a cycle, and as she felt her orgasm build she let out a muttered warning.

  “I’m getting there, Sir.”

  “I can see that,” he said softly, “your nipples are lovely and puckered, and when I stare at your pussy I can see the wetness. Soon I am going to fuck you very slow and very hard.”

  “Ooh, Sir,” she groaned. “The things you say to me.”

  “What about them?”

  “They make me weak, they make my stomach turn.”

  “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, yes, so much, very much.”

  “Roll over and get on your hands and knees.”

  Dominic had been languidly stripping as he’d watched her. He had felt her initial awkwardness and had found it charming, and as she’d continued to tease herself, he’d witnessed her inhibitions dissolve.

  Kneeling behind her, gazing at her luscious backside still pink and blotchy from his earlier spanking, he sheathed his turgid member and slid inside, simultaneously pressing his thumb into her naughty anus. She let out a strange mewling sound, and for a moment he thought she was going to pull away from his back door intruder, but to his delight she didn’t, and as he began to pummel her pussy with slow, strong strokes, he felt her surrender to the lewd attention between her cheeks.

  “Good girl,” he crooned as he diddled his thumb. “I’m very proud of you, ma chérie.”

  “Sir,” she moaned, “please may I touch myself again?”

  “Oh, yes, you may, you may play all you want, but remember, you’re not allowed to come, not without permission.”

  Moving her hand underneath her, she searched out her clit, and as she began to rub, he increased the pace of his strokes, but every time her moans grew louder, signaling her orgasm was looming, he slowed. All the while his thumb remained buried, and during the moments when his cock slowed, he would send his thumb to work, probing and exploring.

  “Sir,” she finally groaned, “I can’t stand it.”

  “What?” he teased, languidly slithering his cock back and forth.


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