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Blood of Denebria (Star Sojourner Book 4)

Page 10

by Jean Kilczer

  “We wanted him to be fully awake from the anesthetic before giving him water. But he has a chewie bone in there.”

  “A chewie bone? You can open the door now.”

  “Are you certain?”

  Huff woke up and lifted his head. “Jules? Do I dream?”

  “No, Huff. It's me.” I smiled. “I've come to rescue you.”

  The vet shifted her feet in irritation.

  “Oh, Jules Terran friend.” He tried to get up and slid back down. He looked at his cast and dragged himself to his feet. There were two small wheels under the cast and he used them to walk to the bars and lift himself. He clutched the bars with his forearms. “It is you.”

  I smiled and stroked his paw.

  “I saw them hit you,” he said, and leaned his head against the bars. I leaned mine to touch his. “You went limp and I thought you were…”

  “Dead? Ah, they can't kill me that easily, Huff. I'm sorry I got you into this, my friend.”

  He nodded and glanced at the keys in the vet's hand. “Can you get me out?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “I was just leaving when you came in,” the vet said. “Here!” She shoved the keys at me “You let him out. After I'm gone!”

  Huff and I sat in the restaurant. They had graciously lowered the “music” at my request. While I studied the menu, Huff took out the chewie toy from his pouch and gnawed on it.

  I sighed and folded the menu. Eggs, bacon and coffee would've been nice. I settled for Orange Gourd Twists in a Basket and berry juice, and a dozen grain rolls for Huff. But we both needed meat.

  “I wonder if the BEMs are guarding the oasis?” I said. “I'd like to go back for the sous chef and see if the team left us a note, or maybe a hidden message to tell us where they went. Huff, where are your mouse beamers?”

  “Gone when I woke up.”

  Yeah, I thought. The rebels would covet any beam weapons.

  After a breakfast I could easily forget, we found a motel and shared a room. I shaved, showered, and brushed my teeth. There was no vib unit. I washed my clothes by hand and hung them on a line outside the window to dry in the desert air. Then I gave Huff a good brushing with a stiff brush provided by the motel, picking off parasites on his back and combing out tangles. As a creature of ice and snow, his soft fur didn't hold dirt, or even ice balls, I imagined, for very long.

  We both laid down on the wide floor mat. I wrapped myself in a blanket made of soft plant material. Huff didn't need one. And we slept the day away.

  By night, Doc's pill had worn off. I limped to the wooden stand and took another one. “Huff,” I said. “Your pill.”

  He nodded, reached into his pouch, and took out one of his.

  A knock on the door. I was naked. My clothes still hung outside, dry by now. But to a Denebrian, I was just an alien. “Coming,” I called, went to the door and opened it.

  Reika, Joe, Chancey, Bat and Wolfie stood there.

  Reika hooked her thumb in the strap of her backpack as she scanned my body and smirked. “Wash day?” She took a step inside.

  I pushed her gently back out. “Very glad to see all of you. I'll be right back.” I closed the door.

  After I got into my shorts and pants, I opened the door and let them in. “What happened?” I asked as I finished dressing. “How'd you find us?”

  We sat around the table while Joe explained that the Denebs had contacted them after the BEMs were gone and told them where Huff and I had been taken.

  I nodded. It was reassuring to see him clean-shaven and looking well rested. Circumstances being what they were, Joe pushes himself beyond the limits of his age.

  Wolfie went to the window, opened it and surveyed the street below,

  “Did you salvage the sous chef?” I asked.

  Chancey crossed his dark, bare arms and sat back. “The Denebs loaded our gear on those…what did you call them?” he asked me.

  “A travois,” Reika said and took out a thermos from her backpack. Her long straight hair, so black and shiny, fell across her face and she flipped it back.

  “They've got horses to pull them,” Chancey said.

  “Earth horses?” I asked.

  Bat pushed the cap back off his square face. “They bought the fertilized eggs from a merchant ship years ago. They look like Arabians.”

  I nodded. “Desert horses.”

  Reika opened the thermos and poured coffee into a cup. “We brought you something, tag.” She smiled and slid the cup toward me. “Real java.”

  “Nectar from the gods!” I picked up the cup and closed my eyes as I breathed in the spice of crushed coffee beans, then sipped the strong, hot brew. “How can I thank you?” I asked her.

  She winked at me. “I'll think of something.”

  I took another sip. “This is like the night before Christmas,” I said. “I couldn't have asked for a better present, Reika.” I smiled and saw her stare at me with those inscrutable almond eyes. “Uh,” I nodded toward Huff, “any other goodies in your bag, Santa?”

  “Oh.” She reached in, pulled out a container, opened it and handed Huff a bone laden with raw mock meat. “For you, Huff.”

  “For me?” Huff looked around as though expecting someone else to claim this precious gift.”

  “Ain't for nobody else, Huff,” Bat said. “You eat up, now.” He crinkled those kindly light eyes as he smiled.

  Huff took the bone and licked it. He limped to a corner and began munching it. “Oh,” he said to Reika, “happy Christmas night before Santa.”

  Wolfie came back and sat at the table.

  “This village is secure, Wolfie,” I told him. “It's a rebel stronghold.”

  He unslung his rifle and laid it at his feet. “And our ship wasn't supposed to be attacked when we landed.” He took off his cap, ran his fingers through stringy blonde hair, and replaced the cap. “Our captain and the radio man weren't supposed to be eaten alive.” He pulled the cap low over his eyes.

  I bit my lip in the difficult silence.

  Joe stared at me with a pained look. “We thought they had the two of you,” he said.

  “So did we, Joe,” I told him. “So did we.”

  Huff whined softly.

  “We thought the Denebs were BEMs when they landed in the canyon.” I rubbed a hand over my eyes, remembering. “The BEMs were… I could tell by Older Brother's probe they were breathing down our necks.”

  Joe gestured toward my swollen left cheek. “So the Denebs had to set you straight?”

  “They set him on the ground!” Huff called and whined again. “Without moving!”

  “Couldn't you tell the difference,” Wolfie asked me and tapped the table with a bony finger, “between BEMs and Denebs?”

  “Not so much in the dark,” I said tightly.

  “That's water under the bridge, Wolfie,” Reika told him.

  “We have a saying in my Kresthaven,” Huff said and licked blood from his lips.

  Chancey took a breath and muttered something as we politely listened.

  “The ice we all cling to flows only in one direction down the river of life.”

  “Oh. Right, Huff,” I said. “Joe, do you have—“

  “Only the Ten Gods,” Huff continued, “can return that which is gone from the river of the living.”

  Bat glanced at me and smiled, dimpling his cheeks. “Wise saying, Huff.”

  “Joe!” I said, to get his attention. “Do you have my stingler?”

  “It's back at our safehouse at the edge of town.”

  I stared out the window and sipped my brew.

  After a pause, Joe said “What're you thinking?”

  “Older brother said he knew we were after the SPS, and we'd all be food for Bountiful before they'd let that happen.”

  “Maybe it won't be in their hands!” Wolfie slammed the table with a fist. “Maybe we'll shut the door between them and their supply lines. Maybe—maybe we'll hit their ships as they land with lightning strikes, and then
fade into the desert. We'll starve the bastards out!”

  Chancey slid him a look. “They've got a supply of canned goods to keep them well fed until their invasion force hits Denebria.”

  I knew he meant the Deneb slaves.

  “Thing is, Wolfie,” I said, “the Denebs are already making forays into BEM-held territory. There's only one way to stop them in their tracks.”

  “Contact Alpha about a counter attack,” Reika said, “and bring the war to Tau Ceti, their homeworld.”

  I took the last sip of coffee. “Any chance of a refill?” I asked Reika.

  “For you, tag?” She unscrewed the thermos and filled my cup.

  I pulled it to me and stared into the dark brew. “Anybody willing to bet a few creds that the SPS unit is no longer at BEMs' HQ?”

  Joe pressed his lips. “Keep going.”

  “Well, if you knew that the enemy was after a valuable piece of equipment,” I said, “one that could turn the tide of war itself, would you keep it where that enemy might attack, and make a grab for it?”

  Joe nodded. “That's what I've been thinking. Got any ideas on how we find out where it is?”

  “You know that plan we had about me projecting into the compound and probing for the SPS?”

  “Joe nodded.

  'Suppose, instead of going directly to the source…”

  “You mean that Older Brother fella?” Bat asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Or Bountiful. She's a formidable telepath. I wouldn't want to go head to head with her.”

  “Then who?” Chancey asked. “The foot soldiers?”

  I stared at my coffee. “There are hornets that will infiltrate a bee hive, the advance guard. Then they call in their sisters, and decimate the hive.”

  “How do they get in?” Reika asked.

  “I don't know,” I told her. “Maybe they mimic the bees.”

  “Are they ever caught?” Bat asked.

  “It happens,” I said. “The bees gang up on the hornet. They vibrate their bodies, cause a rise in temperature, and roast her alive.” I sipped the soothing coffee.

  “So with the advance scout dead, “Wolfie said, “the attack force never finds the hive.”

  I nodded and glanced at their grim faces. “That's the chance the advance scout and her comrades take.”

  Joe let out a long breath. “We've got a meeting tonight with General Roothe, the Denebrian head of the local rebel forces.” He stood up. “Everybody's a goddamn general. They're in Korschaff right now picking up supplies. Let's get back to the safehouse. Wolfie may be right about a possible attack.” He went to the door and opened it. “Let's go.”

  Reika gazed at me and raised her brows. “Suppose Jules and I hang out here a little longer,” she told Joe with a smile. “It's early yet for the meeting.”

  I ran my gaze across her body, her coy smile, the way she arched her back to make her breasts press against her shirt as she slid me a look. There were magical secrets hidden beneath those clothes that she was ready to share with me. The fullness of her young breasts that were probably already hardening. The swell of her hips that invited me to explore the nest between them. To part the lips there and plumb those sweet depths. A man knew what he was born to do when a woman invited him into that sacred place which was his gateway to immortality. She ran her tongue across her lips and smiled at me. Holy Kama Sutra! Did I need a written invitation?


  “What?” I realized Joe had been talking to me.

  “Let's go!” he said.

  I also realized that I'd better not stand up just then.

  Reika smiled, her back to Joe, and gazed at me from under long-lashed lids. She pursed her lips and threw me a kiss. A fish on a hook had more choices than me.

  “Uh,” I began. “We've got time, Joe. It's early. Why don't you tags go ahead? We'll catch up.”

  Chancey leaned against the wall, arms folded, black, muscled biceps bulging. His lips curled into an amused smile as he stared at me.

  Bat shook his head, chuckled, and went out the door, followed by a dour Wolfie, who kept throwing sullen glances at Reika.

  Tough cookies, Wolfie, I thought. The lady made her choice. But I wondered if I had to be wary of Wolfie in any coming skirmishes. Was he capable of turning on me? It wouldn't be the first time a soldier had been killed by one of his own. The term fragged came to mind.

  Joe looked from me to Reika and shook his head. “I guess you tags deserve a break. One hour. That's it. Huff!”

  Uh oh, I thought and lowered my head to my hand.

  “Yes. I am Huff.”

  “Come on,” Joe said.

  He shuffled over to me. “Jules, we must go now.”

  “I'm…I'm going to stay awhile, Huff. You go ahead with the others, OK?”

  He shook his head. “Then I will stay awhile and wait with you, friend Jules.”

  “No, Huff. I have to take care of a…some things,” I mumbled. “I'll catch up later.” Could I have been more embarrassed?

  “Then I will ketchup later too,” Huff said.

  I looked at Joe with a note of pleading in my eyes.

  “Goddammit, Huff!” Joe yelled.

  Huff jumped and dropped his gnawed bone.

  “Now,” Joe stated. “Right now, soldier. That's an order.”

  “I have been ordered, Jules friend, but I am not wishful to leave you.”

  I scratched his ear. “I'll be OK, Huff. You go ahead with Joe. I'll meet you later.”

  He shuffled to the door, clutching his bone, looked back at me and whined.

  Joe smirked at me and went out the door.

  Chancey pushed himself off from the wall and strolled over to us. He glanced at Reika, then leaned his hands on the table. “I just want to know one thing, tag.”

  I lifted brows.

  “How the hell do you do it?”

  I shrugged.

  “Why don't you ask me, Chancey?” Reika said and came and sat on my lap. She ran her hand through my hair and kissed my forehead. “He's the most adorable man I've ever met.”

  Chancey shook his head as he turned to the door. “Yeah. Adorable.” He closed the door behind him.

  Reika kissed me and I pulled her closer. “Now where were we?” I whispered.

  “About here.” She straddled my hips and unbuttoned her shirt.

  I pushed it off her shoulders and down to her waist. Her bra was a mystery with its circular clips. She laughed and slid it off one shoulder, exposing a breast, then off the other, and leaned against my chest. I cupped her breasts in my hands. So soft and full, yet firm, with the nipples hardened now. I reached down and licked her left breast.

  She drew in a breath and pulled my sweater over my head.

  I held her loosely, running my hands across her smooth back, down to her slender waist.

  She played with the zipper of my pants, then drew it down and reached inside. I felt her hand close on my penis and she began a rocking motion.

  That was about all the foreplay I could take. I lifted her off me, got out of my clothes and helped her out of hers.

  Her body was smooth olive skin over tight muscles and curves. “You're beautiful, Reika.” I kissed her cheek, then moved to her ear and nibbled on it.

  She giggled and bit my neck.

  “God, I want you, Reika. I need you.” I took her in my arms and kissed her full lips and let my tongue probe inside her mouth. “I want to feel your body around me right now. I want to climb inside you.”

  “She pressed herself against my hardened penis and laughed. “Funny, I can tell.” She lifted her legs around my waist and I carried her to the mat.

  I laid her down gently and pressed my body on top of hers. “My Reika.” I pushed her legs apart and guided my penis inside that sweet nest. She was wet and ready and she lifted her legs around my hips and gasped as I pushed harder.

  “Oh, baby,” she whispered and kissed me. “You fill me like the sweet rod of God Himself.” She gasped a
nd arched her back as I began to thrust.

  I cupped her buttocks in my hands and moaned as I moved faster inside her. But I had to hold back. She wasn't near orgasm. Jesus and Buddha, this was difficult! I raised up on my elbows and licked her right nipple, then sucked it.

  She let out a cry and lifted against me, then dragged me down on top of her.

  “Oh, Reika,” I moaned.

  She grabbed my head and kissed me with such intensity I thought we'd bruised our lips. But she gasped and cried out and I thrust faster. She picked up the rhythm and pushed back.

  There was no more control then. We clung to each other as the orgasm hit us both. We fought as though we wanted to get inside each other's bodies. Desire turned to pleasure to a lightning storm that rolled through me in waves. I heard myself cry out like some stricken wild animal. I sank into her in a bond that was no longer male or female, but had become one entity as we fulfilled an ancient call.

  When the magic was over, nature's imperative achieved, I slid out of her and rolled to my back. “God, Reika.” I took her wrist and gently kissed her palm. “You're going to kill me, woman.”

  She was still breathing hard. “So, was it was good for you?”

  “I'm afraid we're going to make a baby.”

  “No.” She laughed. “No babies. I've seen to that.” She cuddled against me and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head.

  “Suppose we just stay here forever?” I said. “I can call out for pizza.”

  “The boss man would not be happy.”

  I kissed her nose. “Ah, we'll save him some.”

  “The pizza, I hope. I think our time is over, Jules.” She raised up on an elbow and stared into my eyes. “I've never met anyone like you.”

  “Is that good or bad?” I wiped her hair back off her face and tucked a strand behind her ear.

  “I can't get enough of you, baby.” She laid her head on my chest.

  “You got a pretty good piece of me just now.”

  “I'm afraid for you, Jules.” I felt a tear slide down my chest.

  “I know.” I stroked her hair. “I'll be careful, Reika. Promise.”

  “Not with the things you intend to do!”


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