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Black Knights, Dark Dungeon

Page 4

by Powerone

  William heard the men in the other room and knew it was time. Two soldiers came out of nowhere and stood in the living room next to Liam. “Seize him. Take him to the dungeon and make sure he’s securely bound. I have a feeling he’s not going to be happy with what he sees.” William laughed when he saw the frightened look on Liam’s face as the two soldiers manhandled him roughly. Liam sputtered out cries of despair, but the men were adept at what they did, and they came prepared. One of them slapped his face as he would do to an errant female prisoner and rocked it from one side to the other. Liam tried to raise his hands in protest and protect himself, but he was a slim man and too used to the fine life to be much of a man.

  “Wait, stop,” Liam cried out as Lord William left the room when Liam was confronted by the two men. He saw stars when he was slapped, shocking his senses of morality. How could they do such a thing to a man of my stature? He couldn’t fight them off as they dragged him from the chair, his glass of wine dropped to the floor and shattered, staining the lovely rug with the red wine. His nose began to bleed as they slammed him onto the floor, his face shoved hard into the unyielding floor. One man stepped on the small of his back as he grabbed both of his wrists and pulled his arms behind him. He cried out in pain, fearing that they would break them, his shoulders strained as his back was arched unnaturally backward. His head rose up, but it was from the pain of the excruciating position. The soldier dug his boot in his back on purpose, as he twisted his arms until every muscle felt as though they would tear. He cried out in pain, but the soldiers laughed.

  The soldier folded both of Liam’s arms around each other in the small of his back. The rope laced around them, starting at the wrists and moved up, encircling them in a band of rope all the way to the elbows. He cinched it so tight that he got a groan from Liam. He’d soon feel his arms grow numb from the tight rope, bound together in the small of his back.

  Liam continued to cry out in pain and despair, but the soldiers ignored him and continued to bind him. His arms ached, but now, they worked on his legs. First, his ankles were bound tightly, but like his arms, the soldier ran the rope around his legs all the way up past his knees to his thighs. The thick rope dug into every inch of his legs, feeling as though he was sewn into a leather blanket. “No; what are you doing?” He cried out in shame as the soldier flipped him on his back, his arms trapped painfully beneath him, but it was the shameful way the soldier touched him that brought out his latest indignation. A rope was wrapped around his belly until he couldn’t take a big breath, but then, the soldier’s hand slid between Liam’s legs, touching him in a place that no other man should touch. He pushed the rope between his legs; they flipped him over, and he felt the rope slip up between his cheeks until it was drawn tightly under the rope around his waist. The soldier yanked it tight, and Liam felt his cock and balls trapped beneath the rope. His balls ached, but the soldier wasn’t through yet. Another rope was tied to his waist, and the soldier slid it between Liam’s legs again; this time, his hand searched, his balls handled rudely by the man until the rope was drawn between his legs once again and bound tight. The pain in his crotch increased, his balls trapped between the two ropes and pinched harshly. His whole body was encased in the painful embrace of the cruel rope. He didn’t understand why the soldiers did this to him.

  A soldier grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. They took him down the stairs to the special room Lord William had built. He knew what it was for and hoped one day he’d be allowed to guard it and he could watch what happened. He found the chair that Lord William wanted Liam seated on. It was a large, wooden chair, but it was bolted to the floor. He dropped Liam to the chair, pushed him back against the wooden slats, and pinned his arms behind him. A rope was thrown around the chair and Liam’s ribcage and tightened so he couldn’t move or escape. One final thing, the soldier grabbed his ankles and threaded a rope that hung from the ceiling and knotted it to the ropes on his ankles. He pulled the end of the rope as the pulley slid easily and the soldier soon had his legs rise up higher. He didn’t stop until Liam’s ass barely touched the seat of the chair. His legs were pulled up as though he was a lamb ready for slaughter. He approved of his handiwork; the rope that cut through his crotch had pulled his pants tight. The outline of his balls was clearly visible beneath his tightly stretched pants. He had done a good job trapping them, sure that they were painfully clenched, and Liam’s balls would be extremely vulnerable. The slightest tap of them would surely bring excruciating pain.

  Liam struggled to breathe; the ropes around him were so tight that his lungs couldn’t expand enough. His breathing was ragged as he took the short breaths that the ropes allowed, feeling dizzy from not enough air. He was in a basement, the walls barren stones, drips of water ran down from the dampness. Torches blazed on the walls, but the heat only made the dampness more stifling. Liam’s clothes began to grow wet with sweat. He couldn’t move his body the slightest, but it was his crotch that suffered the most. The ropes cut into his cock and trapped his balls in their cruel embrace. He tried to squirm, as best as he could, but it did nothing to relieve the ache between his legs. At least the soldiers left him alone in the room. He looked around the room; across from the chair he was bound in were an upholstered chair and a fine wooden table that looked out of place in such a barren room. On the table was a decanter of wine and a single wine glass. There were four cells in the far back of the room, fearing that he’d be confined here without anyone knowing of his whereabouts. His only salvation was that Bridget was safe at home. There were other pieces of furniture in the room, but they were covered in black shrouds of silk. Along the wall were cabinets of wood, all of them closed to conceal their contents. He heard the large door creak open and the sound of footsteps on the wooden stairs.

  William saw the look on Liam’s face, torn between fear and loathing. His men had trussed him up nicely, and he couldn’t help but notice his vulnerability. It would come in handy to force Bridget to submit or subject her father to painful torment in a place that she barely understood. William sat on the chair and poured himself a glass of wine. He noticed that Liam had already learned obedience, not saying a word in anger or question. He took a sip before he said a word, this wine better, from France. “I hope my men have made you comfortable, Liam.”

  “I’m sorry for whatever I have done to get into your bad graces, Lord de Barry,” Liam sensing his danger. If he could get loose, he’d make him pay, but for now, he’d have to grovel.

  “I doubt that, Liam, but you will soon find yourself sorrier. We have a visitor if my ears hear me correctly.” He heard the heavy boots come down the stairs, but it was only his imagination of the soft patter of a petit woman’s feet, sure that his guards had her off the ground to bring her down the stairs. “Welcome our visitor, Liam.” He watched his face and saw his eyes open wide and his face etched in terror when he saw his daughter, trussed up with her young breasts almost spilled from her dress as her arched back thrust them out lewdly.

  “Bridget, are you okay?” He shouted out with a worried voice but saw that she couldn’t speak. Her arms were bound behind her and he saw the way they cruelly tied them. He tried not to look at the way the ropes forced her white breasts to almost spill out of the dress. Tears ran down her face, but there were only muffled cries from her lips behind the gag. He turned to Lord William. “Do what you want with me, but release my daughter. She’s done nothing to you.”

  William’s hand went to his trousers when he saw her in order to straighten his growing erection. He had caught a glimpse of her in passing, but she was more beautiful than expected. Her fine brown hair hung down below her breasts, pushed to the side for now, but his imagination could see it hiding her naked breasts. Her skin was white and smooth; sure, it was soft like a baby’s skin. She might only be nineteen, but she possessed the body of a woman. Her breasts were firm and alluring, and he couldn’t help but notice tiny bumps that appeared beneath her dress, sure that Bridget had perky nipples. The dr
ess was long and covered most of her legs, but it hugged her full, womanly hips. With a nod from his head, the guards turned her so he could admire her firm, proud ass, her dress stretched so exotically across her tight buttocks. They turned her back, and he saw her skin turn pink in shame. She knew why they turned her.

  “I can easily do what I want with you, Liam, as you see now. You’re trussed up like a cow ready for slaughter, but that would be too easy. I’ve seen your lovely daughter, and I think it would be more painful to you to see her degrading demise.”

  “Leave her be; she’s pure.” He hoped he could reason to William’s sensibilities as a gentleman.

  “That’s why I chose her. I’m going to enjoy all her charms. Not only that, but she’ll willingly submit to my lust, and you’ll get to watch every degrading and perverted act we’ll commit.” He smiled as his cock strained to be free of the tight confines of his trousers. He knew it would be a long process, no need to hurry. Each day would bring more pleasure to him and shame to her and her father.

  Bridget was stunned by what he said. Her situation grew perilous, but no matter what he said, she’d not submit to him, especially in front of her father. It was such a perverted idea. How could a gentleman even consider such a dastardly deed? She could only shake her head in denial and murmur incoherently.

  “I’ll kill you,” Liam spat out angrily, no thought of his demise, only the degrading things that Lord William would do to his pure daughter.

  “I like that anger in you, Liam. I’m sure that I’ll get more out of you as Bridget and I get acquainted. I love the thought of you seeing your chaste daughter in a new light. Now, I want you to meet someone. You can call him Dr. Philip. He has very special talents. He is well versed in a woman’s body, even more than a woman is. He can make a woman crave, not only pleasure, but also pain until she cannot distinguish any difference between them. He’ll soon have her virginal body crying out in unexpected pleasure in front of you, and then, he’ll have her begging for me to take her with my mighty weapon and show her all that she has missed with her chaste life. Together, we’ll shame her with perverted and degrading acts, but she’ll find pleasure where she didn’t expect it to be and in places that she never fathomed. Instead of you suffering under harsh punishment, it is Bridget that will be subject to such painful indignities for you to watch and feel her suffering.” William laughed loudly in the room as his bellow bounced off the rock walls and echoed his threats.

  Chapter 4

  Bridget, so Vulnerable

  Dr. Philip looked the part, dressed in a black shirt and trousers, his body firm and muscular, more than most doctors. Two men walked behind him, not like the other guards, but every bit as formidable. Bridget looked at all of them in fear. Not only her father, but also Lord William, the doctor and two other men would see her disgraced. She had no idea what they’d do to her, but she knew it would be distasteful. Her innocence would be taken from her in a cruel display for all to see. She’d no longer be pure for her future husband.

  “She’s a lovely creature, Lord William. This will be a pleasure for both of us.” Philip couldn’t draw his eyes away from her, but he saw the bound man in the chair. He smiled at the way he was bound. “Her father?”

  “Yes, I thought he might like to watch.”

  “At least he wouldn’t be shamed at getting hard watching his daughter ravished. You made excellent work of his groin with the ropes.”

  “I thought a whip on his balls might make Bridget more willing, though I’d enjoy whipping her more. I can only imagine that soft white flesh beneath a rod or whip. It tends to make a woman more pliable, especially when her more feminine parts are visited with the instrument.”

  Bridget couldn’t believe they talked as if she and her father weren’t in the room, speaking of the atrocities they would commit on them. If she could only speak.

  “Have a seat for a minute, Lord William, so Bridget and I can get more acquainted.”

  Bridget tried to move back, but she found another man behind her, and she was stopped by his large body pressed against her. She felt the shameful touch of his hard organ pushed into her buttocks, but she feared more the doctor that stood in front of her. His black eyes stared at her face. She was trapped between them as the doctor’s hand reached up to her face. She cringed when he touched her, but she’d expected his touch to be harsh, not the soft touch of his fingers as they lightly brushed across her cheek.

  “Such soft skin, Bridget; it’d be a shame to mar it.” His hand felt her smooth skin, like silk, her green eyes shone back her fear as her lower lip trembled. His finger moved lower to trace across the edge of her lips. “Remove the gag; I think we’ll require Bridget’s mouth soon enough.” The gag was quickly taken off and Philip saw her chest fill with air, heaving exotically. Her pink tongue snuck out her mouth and wet her dry lips. Philip’s cock rose to the occasion at the thought of his cock in that sweet, virgin mouth. His finger returned to her lips; this time, he had free access to them. She shivered in fear, but she didn’t turn her head away as he explored her soft, wet lips. “I’m sure your mouth inspired many a man, Bridget.”

  She felt his touch on her lips, but she couldn’t do anything to stop him, still bound painfully. She didn’t understand his statement, why would her mouth inspire men? She knew enough not to say a word, trapped between two men that could overpower her with ease. She couldn’t look at her father, already feeling her chest flushed with heated shame. She tried to push back when she saw his hand move down her chin and run over her neck. She feared where it was going, her chest pushed out lewdly, her naked cleavage revealed too much to his prying eyes. The man behind her pushed harder against her, and she felt the shudder that ran through his organ as it slid along her buttocks so obscenely. She froze, not wanting to move and make his organ grow more excited, but she had to suffer the fondling fingers that moved down to her upper chest. “No, don’t,” she cried out in defiance as his finger slid in her deep cleavage. It would be easier to protest if his touch was cruel or clenching, but his finger lightly touched her skin as it ran up and down the deep divide. It was almost a caress, if she had consented. She fought her nipples as they began to spring to life just as she made them do in the privacy of her bed at night. I don’t want this, why do they grow aroused? She feared that he would touch the tips and find her shameful secret.

  There was no doubt that there were two little nubs that began to grow beneath his touch. His fingers became bolder, moving the edge of her dress out of the way to expose more of the firm white globes of her breasts. The man behind her pushed into her ass and made her stand up tall, her breasts jutted out so conveniently. “I’m going to uncover your breasts now, Bridget.” He saw her face and chest turned red in shame, her lip quivered as she bit it.

  She looked down as his fingers moved over the swell of her breasts, the first time any man had ever touched them. These were older men, not the man she expected to find as her first lover. They were here to abuse her, to take her, yet she trembled in fear and lust. She couldn’t look into his face, staring at his fingers as they slowly peeled back the edge of her dress. She hated that she wore such a low-cut dress that revealed so much, making it easy to bare her breasts. She felt the soft material of her dress rub over her naked breasts, moving closer to her hardened nipples, fearing what it would feel like when the material ran over the tips. She heard the material begin to rip, knowing that he couldn’t expose her without tearing it. His hands were powerful and the material was no match for his strength. More of it ripped open, her breasts revealed from her deep cleavage to almost the tips.

  He couldn’t wait any longer, teasing his cock too much. He slipped his hand inside one side of her dress until he felt a hard nipple press into the palm of his hand.

  “EEEEHHH, NOOOOO!” She cried out when she felt his hand engulf her naked breast. Her nipple felt like a rock as it pushed into his palm. Her dress tore beneath his hand as it tightened on her breast and squeezed it. She never felt
anything like it before. Not even her hand had brought her such excitement. It wasn’t just pleasure, but the fear of the unknown made her body shudder in unexpected feelings that rippled through her body.

  He loved the feel of her firm, soft breast beneath his hand, but he grew eager. He pulled his hand out of her dress, but ripped the bodice until one breast spilled free. It stood up hard and tall, the white breast tipped with a pink nipple and surrounded by a big, brown areola. He tore the other side of the dress until both of her breasts were bared; his finger plucked out her other breast like an exotic fruit. He stared into her eyes as his fingers sought out her nipples.

  Her breasts sprung free as they swung and moved gently from her slightest movement as they were freed of the constraints. Her skin grew flushed and hot as she looked down as his hands pushed her dress aside in haste to expose her. She watched as his fingers lifted her dangling tips, shivering from the tormenting caress on such a sensitive place. “No, please, no,” but the temperament of her voice wasn’t convincing. He began to toy with her nipples, so skillful as he twirled, teased, and provoked the tips into such hardness. The room was damp, she sweated, and her chest glistened with perspiration, unable to control her breathing as the doctor so expertly fondled her nipples. It was such a delightful feeling, his skilled fingers circled each of her nipples, and she saw the tips of his fingers dig into the sensitive aureoles. She felt tiny bumps on them as his long, sharp fingers ran so delicately along the edges and sent shivers of pleasures to the deep depth of her breasts. “AAAAHH!” She cried out when his fingers flicked across the hardened stubs of her nipples. It was harsher, but all she felt was pleasure when his hard fingernails slapped them with a loud thud. She hadn’t expected this. She expected him to be cruel, not to fondle her, as a lover would do.


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