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A Lovely Lesbian Collection

Page 14

by Emily Vixen

  After a minute or two of indecision she eventually settled on one of the videos she had used for research. Hopefully Beth would be into it, though even if she wasn't Julie had at least found something new that she would enjoy. She sat back in her chair and gasped softly, her fingertips brushing softly over her already swollen clit. She pushed two fingertips gently against it and moved them in small, tight circles. Her movements were slow and precise at first but it wasn't long before her hand was moving faster and harder. Her free hand moved up to massage her breasts, squeezing and groping them and pinching her nipple gently between her fingers as she squeezed. Apparently she had been even more desperate to masturbate than she'd realised. She didn't remember the last time she had been so horny, which was especially peculiar given that she and Beth had only been fucking a few hours ago.

  Her hips moved of their own volition, her body begging for even more attention as it attempted to fuck her hand and get even more friction against her swollen, sensitive clit. She tried not to moan too loudly, fearing she might embarrass herself by letting the neighbours hear her get off, but it was impossible to be completely silent. She bit her lip to try and least stifle her noises as she gasped and moaned and panted quietly, her hand moving rapidly as she rubbed her sensitive spot. She was going wild with lust and it was impossible to hold on for much longer. She gave in and restrained a final loud yell of pleasure as she came, her pussy feeling wetter than ever as she had the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. Her entire body was twitching for a moment and she was sure her heart had skipped a beat.

  Julie collapsed back into her chair, utterly exhausted. That had been incredible, far better than anything she had ever experienced before. Why had it been so good though? She had looked at porn plenty of times in the past and it hadn't made her so exciting. She supposed that discovering a new fetish might have had something to do with it as well but she didn't think that alone would be enough to have such a huge impact on her. There had to be something else. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, it hit her. She knew why it had been so good. She knew what made this time so different from every other. It was the denial. She had wanted to masturbate for a good while but had refused to be tempted away from her research. Denying herself that pleasure had made the eventual gratification far better. It was good information to have anyway but right now it was precisely what she needed. Exploring a new fetish with Beth would be one way to liven up their sex life but if she could incorporate a little teasing and denial into their bedroom activities then things would be even better.

  The remainder of the day passed by agonizingly slowly while she waited for Beth to return home. She went into town briefly to pick up a few things she would need for that night but even that didn't seem to take long. It was a huge relief when Beth finally walked through the door. Finally her goal was within reach, though now she would have to face the challenge of keeping her plans a secret from Beth until the time finally came to enjoy themselves. She had prepared the bedroom in advance so would have to keep her away from there but a simple 'don't go in there yet I have a surprise' would be enough to deter Beth from stepping inside without giving away too much in advance.

  “Told you I'd bring back dinner!” Beth said happily, stepping through the door and kicking off her shoes. She held up a huge box that was impossible to balance on just one arm. It was a wonder she had managed to open the door while wielding something so large.

  “Ooh, pizza!” Julie said excitedly. “I'll grab drinks, you get yourself comfortable on the couch and put something on!” she said, rushing off to the kitchen.

  “Alright, but the queue at the pizza place was huge so you'd better make it up to me later!” she warned with a laugh, calling after Julie.

  “No worries, I have everything planned out for us once we've finished digesting! Just don't go in the bedroom!” she warned.

  “Ooh, can't wait!” Beth settled down on the couch and gently lay the huge pizza down on the coffee table, grabbing the television remote and finding something to watch while they ate. As usual there was nothing on so she just put on a decent, fairly recent film they had both seen and enjoyed before. It was already half-finished but that didn't matter, they already knew what happened anyway. She sighed happily, glad to finally be home and relaxing on her own couch, and things got even better when Julie brought over the drinks and sat down beside her so they could enjoy their pizza together.

  The meal was even bigger than expected. Julie ate until she felt she might burst and Beth did the same, and even then there were still a couple of slices left. The two of them groaned, clearly having eaten too much, and leaned gently on each other while they sat in front of the television.

  “You want the last couple of slices?” Beth asked, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the almost empty pizza box.

  “I couldn't possibly eat another bite,” Julie groaned. “I think we'll have to just save those two for now. I'll go and put it in the kitchen and we can warm up the leftover pizza tomorrow.” She moved to get up off the couch and winced. She really had eaten too much. “...maybe I'll do it in a bit, actually,” she said after giving it some more thought. She flopped heavily against the back of the couch again, deciding to just relax and let her stomach recover while they finished watching their movie together.

  By the time the movie was over they had both recovered, though that might have had less to do with the time they spent sitting down and more to do with the fact that they had both dozed off on the couch while leaning against one another. Now that she didn't feel so full Julie could finally move the pizza box to the kitchen and store it away so they could eat the leftovers the following day.

  “You finished recovering after all that pizza?” Beth called through to her, trying and failing to sound like it was just a casual question. There was clearly something she was after judging by the tone of her voice, though if it was what Julie thoughts it was then she certainly didn't mind.

  “I'm alright now, I think a little post-meal map was just what we both needed,” Julie said with a little laugh as she returned from the kitchen. “Why? You after something in particular?” she asked teasingly, despite knowing full-well what Beth wanted.

  “Well, I just thought that since you've spent all day preparing a big surprise for me that it would be rude of me not to experience it. I wouldn't want all of your hard work to go to waste, after all!” she pointed out.

  “That's an interesting way of making it sound like you're doing me a favour,” Julie said with a smirk. “Anyway, I do have everything prepared but I want to make it as big a surprise as possible. Wait there a moment.” She retreated into the bedroom, careful not to open the door to far in case Beth peeked inside and ruined the surprise, and then returned with a blindfold that she had picked up earlier. “Here, put this on.”

  “Ooh, this is already a good start,” Beth said excitedly. She took the blindfold and slipped it on, unable to stop grinning as she eagerly awaited Julie's big surprise. “So what now?”

  “Now you do precisely as I tell you and you don't ask any questions,” Julie said, taking her hand and gently leading her into the bedroom. She had tested the blindfold earlier to make sure it was thick enough that Beth wouldn't see through it and ruin all of the effort she had put into keeping her surprise a secret.

  “You're lucky I trust you so much,” Beth said as she allowed herself to be guided into the bedroom. “For all I know you could be taking me in there to sell me off to the highest bidder,” she laughed.

  “I thought I told you not to peek! How did you know about that?!” Julie complained, though made no effort to sound serious. She didn't really think that Beth would believe something so terrible about her but even so she didn't want to make her unnecessarily nervous.

  “Come on, stop joking around and show me the surprise already!” Beth complained, wriggling impatiently on the spot. “We're in the bedroom now aren't we? Can't I remove the blindfold yet?”

  “Not until I've got everything
in place,” Julie warned, “and by everything, I mean you. Now, first thing's first, let's get these out of the way.” She gently began to remove Beth's clothes, her fingers dexterous and swift after having spent countless nights practicing the same manoeuvrers whenever they stripped one another down before climbing into bed together.

  “Ooh, I already like where this is heading,” Beth laughed. “She was used to Julie stripping her anyway but having it happen while she was blindfolded added a whole new level of pleasure to the interaction. She was putting her complete trust in the other woman and making herself exceedingly vulnerable. It would have been intimidating with most people but with someone like Julie who she could trust it was thrilling. She resisted the urge to help out in order to get naked sooner and allowed the other woman to completely strip her down, not even moving her arms or legs until Julie's hands guided her into position so her bra and panties could be removed. Now she was blindfolded and naked in front of Julie, completely at her mercy, and the thought made her thighs wet with excitement. Even if this had been all that Julie planned it would have been enough to get her in the mood, though she still hoped that there was even more to come.

  “Okay, this way,” Julie said, guiding her carefully over to the bed. She encouraged Anabeth to lay down on her back with her arms and legs splayed out to the sides. “Now don't move and don't ask questions.”

  “I know that should sound threatening but I'm really enjoying this so far,” Beth grinned, wriggling around on the bed. “I hope it doesn't take too long though. I'm already pretty worked up over here.”

  “Trust me, it'll be worth the wait,” Julie assured her, making it a point not to assure her on how long everything would take. After all, denying her for an extended period was bound to make her eventual orgasm especially mind-blowing.

  “Huh? What's that?” Beth asked as she felt something warm and fluffy wrap around one of her ankles.

  “No questions,” Julie reminded her as the same unusual feeling wrapped around Beth's other foot.

  “Mm, fine, I guess I'll wait a little longer to find out,” she said, wriggling impatiently as she felt the same sensation twice more, this time on both of her wrists. She made sure not to move her arms and legs and kept them in the same position, just as Julie had instructed.

  “There, all done.” Julie finally climbed up the bed and lifted the blindfold so Beth could see what was going on. She had picked up four pairs of furry handcuffs earlier, using them to bind each of Beth's hands and feet to the posts of the bed and keep her in place. She had also stripped off while tying up Beth and was now on all fours above her, both of them completely naked.

  “Ooh, bondage,” Beth grinned, looking at her hands and feet. That is kinky. Looks like you really did your research,” she laughed.

  “Yep, though this might feel even better than you expect when I'm through with you,” Julie smirked. She crawled further up the bed and let her breasts hang above Beth's face, just out of her reach. They may not have been as big as the other woman's but they still seemed to be enough for Beth.

  “Mm...” Beth leaned up to try and kiss and suck at her tits but failed. Being tied up made it impossible, and when she tried to use her hands to draw Julie closer she realised she couldn't. She was completely at the other woman's mercy now, tied down and unable to do anything about it.

  “Mm? Something wrong?” Julie teased her, lowering her body for a moment only to lift it up again when Beth's head moved in closer. She was trying desperately to get at her tits and Julie continued to tease her by keeping them just out of her reach.

  “Come on, don't tease me like that, you know I love your tits,” Beth complained, writhing around impatiently on the bed.

  “Oh, is that so? I thought you'd have grabbed onto them if you were that bothered though,” she teased her, fully aware that it was impossible. “Maybe you'd like something a little...wetter?” she suggested. Julie moved up the bed and placed her knees either side of Beth's head, her already wet slit hovering just above her mouth.

  “Ah, fuck...” Beth gasped, her arousal already overwhelming her. She struggled against the handcuffs again, trying and failing to reach out and grab the other woman. She pushed her head closer and stuck out her tongue, trying to at least get a taste of Julie's perfect pussy but the other woman knew exactly what she was doing. Her pussy was the perfect distance away that Beth could get close enough to smell her and feel her heat yet not close enough to actually touch and taste her.

  “Hm? It seems I was wrong, you clearly don't want that either,” Julie sighed, earning a whine of frustration from Beth. “Oh well, can't say I didn't offer!” she laughed. She moved down the bed again, ignoring Beth's attempt to explain that she had simply been out of reach. Julie knew all that anyway. Her entire act had been on purpose, purely designed to agitate and excite Beth even further. That was only the start though. Now it was time for the real fun to begin.

  Julie moved down the bed and got between Beth's legs, laying on her front and reaching out to gently slide her index finger up and down the other woman's soaking wet slit. Beth gasped and moaned quietly, shuffling on the bed and trying to push her pussy against Julie's finger. She was used to getting fairly instantaneous gratification so even this brief bit of teasing was difficult to handle. Although she was able to move a little while handcuffed to bed it wasn't a great deal. Julie easily moved her hand back, just out of reach so that Beth was still only able to feel her gently touching the entrance.

  “Is something wrong?” Julie asked sweetly, despite clearly knowing the issue.

  “Put it in me!” Beth complained, already desperate for pleasure. “I want it in me!”

  “Want what in you?” Julie asked, playing dumb. “This?” She suddenly pushed her finger forward and it sunk straight into her pussy with a squelch. Beth hadn't been expecting it to happen so suddenly and let out a loud yell of pleasure, biting her lip afterwards as if she could somehow snatch her embarrassing loud moan out of the air and stifle it.

  “Y-yes, that...!” Beth groaned, wriggling around and doing her best to fuck Julie's finger. This was it. Perfect! That was what she wanted. In fact, she didn't even care how she got off at this point just so long as she actually got to. Her hips shifted back and forth rapidly. Julie contributed a little but that amounted to nothing more than shifting her finger back and forth slightly. It was an incredibly minor contribution but Beth was too horny to be angry. She wanted to fuck and she wanted to cum. She could confront Julie about not putting it any effort later on.

  After a few minutes, just when Beth felt herself slowly start approaching orgasm, the pleasure abruptly ended. She let out a quiet whine of annoyance and looked down to find Julie grinned up at her.

  “What is it? Something wrong?” she taunted her.

  “Ah! You know what's wrong!” Beth complained. “It was just getting good! Come on and let me finish already!” she whined.

  “Really? Just from my finger?” she asked. “I thought you might like something a little better than that.”

  “Like what?” Beth huffed. Honestly, she didn't care what the alternative was at this point. She was willing to accept pretty much anything if it meant the pleasure could continue. Her pussy was drenched and in dire need of further attention.

  “Like this.” Julie suddenly down between her legs and brought her mouth to Beth's pussy. Her lips pressed firmly against her cunt and her tongue quickly darted out, flicking at her clit and licking at her slit as she tasted and sucked at her pussy.

  “F-fuck!” Beth gasped, her entire body tensing up in both surprise and pleasure for a moment as Julie suddenly went all-out using her mouth on her pussy. Getting oral was incredible at the best of times but it was even better when she was in such dire need of an orgasm. Her hips bucked and shifted and she started humping Julie's face, begging for even more attention as she lay back. She could do nothing but hope Julie would continue this time, her hands and feet tied to the bed and preventing her from dealing with t
he matter personally. The only thing she could achieve was shifting back and forth slightly, pushing her pussy eagerly against Julie's mouth while her tits bounced with every movement, begging to be touched just as much as the rest of her. She didn't remember ever being this horny before. Suddenly it seemed as if getting to orgasm was the only thing in the entire world that mattered.

  Julie's tongue pushed harder, squeezing into her tight slit and bringing Beth to even greater heights of pleasure. She bit her lip to stifle a scream of ecstasy and her hips bucked and shifted on their own as her body begged for more. This was it! She was finally going to get to finish! She could already feel the start of her orgasm building, far more intense than anything she had felt before. It was going to be magnificent. She could already tell. She tensed her body, preparing to finally reach her climax.

  “Oops, got a little carried away there,” Julie said, pulling away at the last second.

  “No!” Beth yelled, louder than she'd intended. She knew she had been enjoying herself but she didn't realise quite how devastating it was to have her orgasm snatched away at the last moment. She wriggled and writhed on the bed, struggling to push her pussy towards Julie again. “Come on, don't stop! I'm nearly there!” she pleaded.

  “I know,” Julie grinned. “You don't think I know you well enough by now to tell that? That's why I stopped.”

  “Ugh, why?!” Beth complained. “Come on, let me finish! Why are you teasing me like this?!” she whined.

  “Tying you down is one thing, but a little orgasm denial can go a long way to making the eventual pay-off even better,” she said simply. “However, I suppose I am being a little too mean to you here. I guess it's about time I let you finish.”


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