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Powertools Complete Series

Page 30

by Jayne Rylon

  “That’s kind of fucked up, Dev,” Joe murmured from behind her where he, Dave and Mike stood shoulder to shoulder, guarding her back.

  “Gee, thanks.” She snorted. “Okay, now I know you’re real men.”

  “We’re in this for the long haul.” Mike dropped a hand to her stubby ponytail and mussed the strands already flying free, since her hair was really too short for the ’do.

  “You couldn’t get rid of us if you tried.” Dave towered over her. His commanding presence reassured her. They all did.

  She reached out to Neil and James. Neil nibbled on her trembling fingers, layering kisses along the digits he cradled as delicately as if they were a precisely calibrated set of calipers. He paid special attention to her ring finger and the stylized tattoo gracing it. They’d offered to buy her a ring. Fought with her over it, actually, until she convinced them the extravagance would go to waste. Safety prohibited her from wearing jewelry most of the time.

  Truth be told, she preferred the indelible marking—a vine that wound around the base of her finger and cradled two flowers that mimicked center stones, one red and one yellow, the guys’ favorite colors—as permanent as their residency in her heart. If the artwork bore traces of sawdust, Neil didn’t seem to mind. More like his breath steamed harder against her wrist when his tongue traced the proof of their possession.

  James captured her mouth. He coaxed her lips apart with skill and finesse that never ceased to amaze her. For a guy who claimed to prefer men most of the time, he sure as hell knew how to trip every single one of her passionate triggers.

  He dazzled her with the thrill he inspired. Dizzy, she tipped into Neil’s waiting embrace. He rose smoothly to his feet, lifting her too.

  “Come here.” He must have aimed the directive at James, because she had no choice except to go where he toted her. Not that she minded. Never would she have complained.

  His gruff commands echoed through the space, which they’d cleared furniture from.

  Devon closed her eyes as Neil ducked beneath the plastic shield they’d hung in the arched opening to the living room. When Mike, Dave and Joe evaluated his trajectory and guessed where Neil intended to place her, they jogged ahead.

  Mike ripped the protective sheet from the worn leather couch and stripped the seat cushions off. He tossed one to Joe and another to Dave. Between the three of them, they converted the rustic coffee table into a padded dais faster than James’s adopted kitty invaded the kitchen when he heard his savior rustling a bag of pricey organic kibble. Only the best for everything and everyone James loved.

  Spoiled rotten and reveling in it, Devon winked up at the crew.

  Neil swooped in to kiss her even as her legs were tugged from his grip. Her safety glasses clattered to the ground, skidding somewhere under the chair. Devon gasped when someone, James if the deft yet caressing hands were any indication, unclasped her tool belt, unlaced and disposed of her boots, then swiped her jeans off in no time flat. She wobbled on shaky legs when they shifted their attention to stripping her top half.

  Thank God for the electric heaters they’d installed to keep the house cozy. They hadn’t overhauled the plumbing yet and wouldn’t take a chance on a busted pipe until they had.

  She gulped for air like a fish out of water once her mouth ripped free of Neil’s, their connection severed by the passing of her thermal top. One of the guys nudged her arms up while another whipped the cotton from her body. Left in her cute yet utilitarian cotton bra and panties, she didn’t feel the least bit exposed.

  “Your underwear is yellow.” Neil traced the skin beside the cheery straps.

  “With red hearts.” James nipped at one cartoony symbol gracing the curve of her hip.

  “What better to hug my lady parts all day than something that reminds me of you two?” Her whisper carried in the hush of the calm before the storm.

  “Nothing would be pretty damn fine. Imagining you naked beneath those funky, patched overalls you wear sometimes gives me massive wood.” Neil grimaced when several of them paused to consider that mental image. Dave cursed under his breath.

  She laughed out loud. Too bad she hadn’t known that before their Valentine’s Day photo session. Although she doubted there’d be any complaints when he discovered the Victorian getup she’d stashed in the back of their closet. It had made her waist look tiny.

  “What?” Neil shrugged. “I have to have something extra special to daydream about when I’m stuck worming around in dark, dingy crawlspaces to examine foundations, or evaluate attics, or check for mold, or whatever other duties these guys claim the skinniest of us should be on the hook for. If I thought about rats or spiders or asbestos monsters lurking in those tight spots, I’d flip out.”

  Devon laid her hand on his forearm. “I’ll take inspection duty next time. You shouldn’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable. I’m the littlest. Not afraid of bugs either. And claustrophobia has never been an issue. I kind of like being crowded.”

  As if by tacit understanding, each crew member took a step closer. Their heat and hunger blasted her from all sides as they encroached on her personal space. She closed her eyes and leaned toward Neil, trusting him to catch her.

  Of course, he did. They guided her to the improvised bed they’d constructed. She yelped at the initial contact of the cool leather on her skin. Ten hands petted and soothed her until they abolished any hint of chill.

  “Scoot over, Dev.” James whipped his clothes off, then nudged her hip with his knee. She made room for him to join her. “I’m in the mood to share the bottom with you today.”

  “Or do you mean share your bottom?” She nipped his lip when he slipped his arm beneath her neck, supporting her.

  “Either works for me.” He pressed a delicate peck on the tip of her nose. “But I wouldn’t dare steal your fun.”

  “There’s plenty to go around.” She switched her gaze from man to man to man to man, ringing them.

  When she licked her lips, they shed chambray, denim and leather as if it were a race. Maybe it was. Dave finished first. Though Devon expected him to reach for James, or maybe the industrial-sized bottle of lube they kept in their tool chest, he didn’t. Instead, he straddled the head of the coffee table, planting one foot on either side of her and James. He squatted until his thick cock hung between their faces.

  “Ladies first.” James rolled onto his side, and she mirrored him.

  Devon reached upward to fondle the heavy sac swaying gently in the aftermath of Dave’s gymnastics. It still felt new and somewhat taboo to be touching Kayla’s husband. A thrill zinged through her, accompanied by a shiver that vibrated along her spine. The tremble had her hand retracting, severing her contact with Dave’s electrified skin.

  Did this adhere to their slumber party agreement? Or was she crossing the boundaries by indulging without her girlfriends?

  She tried to work out the intricacies in her lust-hazed mind without much success. All she could say for sure was that her visceral response to the situation instilled a craving, the intensity of which she’d never known before. Or at least not since the first time she’d had James and Neil together.

  “Trust your instincts.” James came to her rescue. “He likes it like this.”

  He demonstrated a firmer grip than Dev would have been comfortable imparting on her own.

  “Go ahead.” Dave barked instructions. “Do me like he’s showing you. It feels fucking great.”

  She hesitated, her hand a fraction of an inch away from her goal.

  “Am I allowed to?” She hated the pale imitation of her voice. “I’ve never…”

  “Kay confessed to me about your scheming the other night.” He growled. “Time to put your mouth where your fantasies are. If you still want this. Me. Us.”

  The note of uncertainty in his gruff admission had Devon reaching out in a flash. Her insecurities would never affect the rest of the crew if she had anything to say about it.

  He gasped and might have topple
d if James hadn’t braced the bigger man’s bulging thigh. Devon didn’t blink twice. They’d never allow her to be crushed. She focused on her prize, cupping his nuts in her palm. The heavy sac covered in soft skin nestled into her palm.

  James lectured her on refining her technique. He offered subtle adjustments to her clutch. When she had Dave panting and groaning softly, they moved to phase two of their tandem attack.

  Devon grinned across at James. He smacked his lips together while staring at the damp head of Dave’s cock.

  “There’s enough to share,” she whispered. “Probably can’t fit him all in my mouth anyway. Suck him with me, James.”

  She twined her fingers in the neat strands of her mate’s hair and used the clutch to coax him nearer. Not that he resisted much. When his tongue flicked from between his lips, she mimicked his technique. Together, they laved every inch of Dave’s shaft from the base to just below the head. Veins grew in definition beneath each timid lap of her tongue.

  From time to time, James would get carried away. His lips clashed with hers around the cylinder of Dave’s cock. She gasped. Dave took advantage of the situation to poke his hard-on into her mouth. His girth stretched her lips into a wide O.

  James traced the semi-circle closest to him with the tip of his tongue.

  “Jesus. That’s sexy, Dev.” Neil leaned in to kiss her cheek. Although he had serviced James on special occasions more recently, it was a true act of love for him. He didn’t derive pleasure from giving blowjobs. The crew respected his limits. Knowing his face lingered so near his friend’s cock had Devon whimpering.

  The vibration must have done wonderful things to Dave’s shaft because the big man sighed and sank lower, feeding her more of his cock.

  James took advantage of the opportunity. He stretched his neck upward and engulfed Dave’s balls. He sucked first one, then the other. The wet slurps and smacks inspired her to draw a few more inches of their friend inside her.

  “Give me a break,” Dave groaned. “Or I’m gonna shoot before we’ve really gotten started.”

  Devon giggled around his beast of a cock.

  Neil cupped her cheeks in his palms and drew her off his friend’s length. James rejoined her, abandoning his oral massage of the sensitive tissues between Dave’s thighs. He tossed her a devilish grin, then nipped at Neil’s restraining fingers.

  “Ouch. That stung, asshole.” Neil let go and shook his hand. His rebuke was hard to take seriously when he laughed through his curses.

  “Just remember payback is a bitch.” Mike slapped James’s bare ass from his spot behind their lover. The crack reverberated off the hardwood floors gracing their latest project.

  “Yeah. Except I fucking love that, you bastard.” James hooked an arm around Devon’s waist and tugged until their pelvises ground together. His erection never failed to impress her with its ultra-hardness. Though the rest of the guys had him in length and girth, he had more than enough to please her. After all, it was less about the tool and more about his proficiency in handling it.

  James had skills beyond belief.

  They bumped together until Devon was sure her panties had soaked through. Why wouldn’t someone touch her?

  “Is this what you want, little one?” Joe flicked his fingers over the catch of her bra. The pressure of the straps on her shoulders made it clear he planned to divest her of the extra-padded push-up. She lifted her arms, careful not to whack Dave in the family jewels. She might not have a lot to warrant the garment, but she was vain enough to enhance what little she had. Hopefully the guys didn’t see it as false advertising. She’d never be as stacked as Kate or Morgan.

  She shouldn’t have worried.

  Joe knelt on the floor behind her, cupping her chest in his calloused palms. The slight abrasion launched shafts of pleasure from her breasts to her pussy.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “More.”

  Neil released her, dragging his hands along the stretched column of her neck. He outlined the hold Joe had on her, making both of the guys’ respiration grow ragged. Joe shifted his fingers to blanket Neil’s for an instant before they continued their trek toward her belly. Neil paused to span her waist, as he often did. Both of them enjoyed how large he was compared to her diminutive form.

  She lifted up when his hands tucked into the waistband of her panties. He peeled them from her so fast she was relieved she didn’t get some kind of friction burn. At least he hadn’t shredded this pair. She was rather fond of them. More so after today.

  They cleared her matching red-painted toes, a remnant of the weekend photo shoot. He sling-shotted them at Mike. They all stared as the foreman brought the cotton to his face and breathed deep, like an alpha wolf memorizing the scent of a member of his pack.

  “Sweet.” He dropped the scrap of fabric onto the pile of clothes littering the floor. “Will you let me taste you too?”

  Devon glanced between Neil and James. Neither of them objected. She squeaked when James reached down to hoist her knee toward her chest, opening her to their crewmates. “He’s really good with his mouth, Dev. You don’t want to miss out.”

  And there it was.

  The truth. She didn’t want to miss out anymore. This tension had zinged through them for months now. Every time the crew expressed their affection and relieved some stress on the job site, she cooled her heels on the sidelines. Granted, she already felt like she had an unfair advantage over some of the crew wives for her ringside seat to those glorious shows, but she’d longed to cross their unspoken boundaries and truly become one of the crew.

  Today, there would be no stopping short. No embargos placed on the pure adoration in her heart. These men were hers and she was theirs. Though not many others would understand, she thanked the universe every single day that she’d found the family she’d never really had but always needed so desperately.

  “Yes. Please, Mike.” She would never forget the glitter in his eyes as he descended on her. It came close to the fire in her soul for the man who’d glued them all together.

  The moment his lips brushed her core, she wilted, surrendering to his authority, which ordered her to relax and accept his gift. Once her eyes had stopped rolling back at the initial onslaught of pleasure, she realized Dave had cradled her head, granting her a clear view of Mike as he peppered her waxed mound with light, feathery kisses.

  “So smooth,” he rumbled against her sensitive flesh.

  “Benefit of having a friend who owns a spa.” She managed to force out the revelation between gritted teeth.

  “Another reason I love my wife.” Dave sighed dreamily. His cock lurched, rising up to paint a sticky trail across Devon’s cheek with the dripping head. “I can’t wait to tell her about this. She’ll go crazy, begging me to fuck her, imagining she was the one to taste you. You know she wants that. Bad. Don’t you, Dev? She cares for you. She’ll be so happy you finally got what you’ve wanted.”

  When he put it so simply, Devon’s lingering guilt evaporated. It would be impossible to deny the honesty of his rambling when desire acted like a truth serum, causing him to blurt out the deepest secrets in his heart.

  “I dream about it too, Dave.” She angled her head to kiss along the side of his thick shaft. James echoed her motion. They sandwiched Dave’s cock between their hot, moist mouths, licking, sucking and sliding up and down his length again. Their dual blowjob was sloppy, but he didn’t seem to mind. Some of his control restored, he helped them by rocking into their grip, fucking their faces relentlessly as Mike continued his reverent exploration.

  “Damn, that’s sexy.” Joe stroked her back from his place behind her. “You’re a natural, Dev. I always wondered what it’d be like to have shared you with the crew. Each of our girls is so different. Being with Kate the first time… Shit. I’ll never forget that scorching afternoon. And seeing how much these guys could please Morgan, I would never deny her that. You either. I hope we can make it half as good for you.”

  While he continued his ge
nerous speech, he caressed her from head to toe. Neil moved out of his way, circling around the table to stand behind James instead. Joe stroked her hair, rubbed her shoulders and took over for James, supporting her knee so Mike had clear access to her pussy. James used his newly freed hand to reach behind him and connect with Neil. He didn’t have to look to find their mate.

  “Yeah,” Neil groaned. “Go with it. Both of you.”

  Devon’s lashes fluttered as she struggled to keep them open. She made direct eye contact with James. His gorgeous eyes seared a stare into hers and she knew she’d never feel lonely again. Not with him and the rest of these men surrounding her. His pupils dilated, and he gasped around Dave’s shaft before releasing the plaintive whimper she’d come to associate with the initial burn of someone penetrating his ass.

  She abandoned Dave’s cock to soothe James instead. Distracting him with open-mouthed kisses, she helped him relax enough to accept the lubed fingers Neil surely worked into his ass.

  “That’s right, James,” Neil whispered against James’s neck. “Soon you’ll have all of me. That’s what you needed, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He groaned when Neil massaged him from the inside out.

  “And you, sweetheart?” Mike lifted his mouth from her long enough to ask. “What would you like?”

  “Don’t stop.” She squirmed until her pussy aligned with his lips again. That talented, deceptively gentle mouth descended.

  His chuckles buffeted her nerves. This time, he enhanced the sensation with his fingers. The pressure caused by two of his thick, blunt digits prodding at her entrance had her seeking James’s hand.

  “Holy shit.” Mike paused the figure eight of his tongue to glare at Neil. “Why didn’t you warn me? I might have hurt her, rushed her.”

  “We told you she was tight,” they muttered together.

  “She’s tiny.” He sighed and folded one of his fingers against his palm, leaving only his index finger to penetrate her rippling channel.

  No matter how she tried to relax, his decadent fondling had her tensed again in no time. “S-sorry.”


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