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Powertools Complete Series

Page 32

by Jayne Rylon

  “It’s your call.” Kate nodded. “There shouldn’t be any limits then. But for now, we’ll reserve one person bonding with the crew for special occasions. You know, maybe each person’s birthday. Sort of like, whoever is celebrating gets to be the centerpiece for the night. They can ask for whatever and whoever they want. No one will be excluded, though. Those not playing could still view if they wanted.”

  “Damn, who would choose not to?” Kayla shifted in her seat, fanning her rosy cheeks.

  “I’m not making anyone else’s decisions for them. I feel like if we’re in it together, there’s nothing seedy about it. When I saw Mike around you at dinner, Dev, I noticed a difference. It felt right to me. He seemed more natural when he interacted with you. He loves you. All the guys do, same as we love them. But it’s something totally different than what he and I have as a pair. Hell, Morgan even wrangled him into seeing the dentist somehow! He still won’t tell me how you did that.”

  Morgan didn’t reveal their secret, though she and Kayla nodded their agreement.

  “I admit, not being there when the guys took you screwed with my head a little. I started to wonder if Mike enjoyed himself more with you than me or if he might start to expect a new flavor every week. I don’t think that’s healthy for our relationship.” Kate showed all her cards. “This way, it’s not that different from what we talked about the other day, really. You know, swapping when we’re together. Except every once in a while we’d take turns letting someone have all the attention. And that’s putting it more simply than I mean to. I’m not trying to brush this off. Life is a constant jumble of priorities and unexpected shit. If we stick together, we can even out the peaks and valleys, make life better for all of us, you know?”

  Morgan raised her hand sheepishly.

  Devon whacked her on the butt with a dishtowel for the ridiculous propriety.

  “I agree with you in theory.” Morgan winced. “I’ll never forget the heat in Joe’s stare when he watched Dave, Neil and James playing with me. Hell, I retired that cake recipe. It could never taste as good as when I shared it with the crew. And Joe told me Mike was actually the one to suck him off at the end the other day. Damn do I regret not seeing that for myself, by the way. But for the first time, I got a little case of jitters. I think you’re right. It’s best if we reserve five-on-one for times we’re all present. And…playing devil’s advocate here…we haven’t actually tried swapping yet. What if we do and someone finds out they can’t handle it?”

  “Then we’ll discuss and reconsider.” Kate made sure to make eye contact with each of her friends. “I couldn’t bear to break what we have now. It’s a good thing. I think everyone has to know this is a risk-free environment. Everyone’s in or no one is. Agreed?”

  Each of the women nodded in turn.

  When they got to Kayla, she nodded too. Still, Devon could tell the naturist had something else on her mind. “Spit it out, Kay.”

  “What if it’s not five-on-one? What if it’s eight-on-one?” The usually brash woman spoke so softly, Devon wasn’t sure everyone had heard. “And I’m not just talking about the guys’ birthdays either.”

  “To be frank, I’m not sure I’m ready for that, Kay.” Morgan interjected before Devon could process the idea of such hedonistic gluttony. “I might never be. Like Neil and his no-BJ rule. But I would like to observe. And I don’t begrudge you the request if it’s something you’re interested in and the other girls are too. Who knows, maybe after I see it for myself, I’ll change my mind. I hope you don’t count on that, though. Is that okay?”

  Kayla hugged Morgan. “I would never pressure you into something you didn’t enjoy. But thanks for understanding.”

  “This is exactly what I hoped for.” Kate broke the lingering weight of the moment with a huge grin and a clap. Then she ticked off their agreements on her fingers. “When intact couples are together, like me and Mike over at Morgan and Joe’s house or all nine of us here today, anything goes. Birthday girls and boys name their pleasure. Anyone who agrees is in. Anyone who doesn’t feel like playing can stay and watch or leave, no hard feelings. None of us will ever judge. We swear to be open and honest if something makes us uncomfortable. What do you think?”

  Each of them took time to really consider. This wasn’t a fling or some crazy college experiment. These were their lives—their hearts, their soulmates, their futures—they were talking about.

  “I think it sucks ass that my birthday was last month and I gotta wait a whole year for my turn.” Kayla plumped out her lower lip.

  “Ohh, good call.” Kate grinned. “Mine is coming up soon. Neener neener.”

  “Lucky thing our birthdays happen to be distributed pretty evenly throughout the year. Otherwise we might develop some chaffage.” Devon giggled.

  The women linked hands with their neighbors until they made one continuous, unbroken ring. And with that, the promise was sealed.

  “Time to celebrate.” Kayla grinned.

  “Does anyone have condoms?” Morgan confessed, “I’m wearing a diaphragm, like Kate said she’s been doing when we play together, but I haven’t been taking my birth control for a while. Mike and Kate aren’t the only ones hoping for a miracle.”

  The friends squealed and fussed over each other. In the meantime, Kayla retrieved a jumbo box of rubbers in various colors and flavors from the bathroom and plunked it on the counter.

  Devon raised her eyebrows at the mega-assortment.

  “What?” Kay whistled innocently. “They’re smart to have on hand for guests in the resort. Okay, plus I figured it wise to be prepared since we seem to gravitate toward my house for our sessions. I swear. Being a naturist is not about getting it on at every opportunity. That’s your faults.”

  She wagged her finger at each of them, cracking up the whole time.

  “Can I ask a favor?” Kate beamed when the women all nodded without reservation. “Mike is pretty far behind in the sharing space. The closest he came was granting Dev her wish the other day. Would you mind if we made his day?”

  “You want to team up on him?” Morgan grinned.

  “I’d love to see him speechless for once.” Devon chaffed her hands together. “Let’s do it.”

  “I’m in, too.” Kayla winked at Kate. “Settle down, I think I see him coming in right now.”

  They giggled as they peeked through the kitchen window. Sure enough, he headed straight for their trap.

  “Why do you ladies look like you’re up to no good?” Mike crossed to the sink and filled a bottle with chilled well water. The filtration unit he’d helped Dave install ensured the taste was great direct from the tap.

  All four of the women gawked as he slammed the refreshment. His throat flexed in time to his gulps. He sighed and placed the re-emptied container on the counter. When he turned and caught them staring, he swiped the back of his hand over his lips. “What? Did I drool on myself or something?”

  He dusted at the front of his fitted T-shirt. Not a single droplet had escaped his mouth.

  Pacing, he took a few steps one way, then a couple back. Their gazes tracked his every move.

  “Oh. It’s like that, is it?” The corners of his mouth kicked up in a self-assured smile that had Devon squirming in her seat. He locked his stare on his wife, who nodded. “Today’s the day, huh? Where are the rest of your guys when I need them? Some crew. Abandoning me to the clutches of four horny women. Then again, maybe that’s not a terrible fate.”

  He stalked toward their assembly, his eyes flicking from woman to woman to woman to woman. No one uttered a peep.

  “Am I dreaming or do I really have you all to myself for a bit?” He stripped his shirt over his head and dropped it on the slate floor tiles.

  Morgan began to clarify.

  Mike waved her off. “The rest of them are about five minutes behind. They were wrapping up a few things and shooed me from helping. Let’s teach them a lesson about keeping you waiting.”

  Devon couldn’t d
eny his rugged grace and beauty. Neither could Morgan, apparently. She reached out and tentatively traced the ridge that stretched from his hipbone to disappear beneath the waistband of his low-riding jeans.

  He trapped her fingers against his taut belly, then slid their joined hands into his pants. All the while, he never once glanced away from his wife. Kate used his belt to tug him closer. She kissed him as Morgan circled around to hover by his right side.

  Mike groaned into Kate’s mouth while Morgan unbuckled his belt. With the leather free, nothing held the fabric over his slim hips. Jeans crumpled at their feet. Devon couldn’t stay still a moment longer. She abandoned her perch at the bar and stepped behind Mike.

  She plastered herself against his back, her hands reaching around to roam over his defined chest while she hugged him from behind. If nothing else, she hoped he realized how much she appreciated the family he’d built and invited her to join. Because of this man, their construction foreman and the head of their gang, they’d each found a place where their individual and collective needs were met.

  A row of kisses down his spine made him shiver in her hold. Or maybe his reaction was caused by Morgan and Kayla descending in front of him, stroking, licking and nibbling as they sank to their knees in unison. Having such a strong man in their clutches, causing his legs to wobble with their attention, sent a rush of adrenaline through Devon’s veins.

  She smacked his ass playfully yet hard enough to sting. She liked the evidence left behind in the form of her glowing handprint. It looked so small on his firm butt.

  “Behave yourself, shorty.” He grinned over his shoulder.

  Whatever else he might have threatened dissolved into a gurgle. Devon craned her neck around his ribs to see what had caused such a guttural cry. Kate’s lips were nestled against the base of his cock while Kayla massaged his balls.

  When his wife pulled off his shaft, pressing a kiss to the tip, she wrapped her fist around it and aimed it toward Morgan. “Go ahead.”

  Kate’s best friend whimpered. She looked at Kate, then Mike, then his cock.

  They all held their breath.

  “Now or never,” she whispered before opening her mouth and leaning forward. Kate guided Mike’s cock between her lips.

  Tense, she choked a little. Devon laid a hand on her shoulder and kneaded the knot there. As Morgan relaxed, she took more of the foreman into her mouth. Soon her lips rested on Kate’s knuckles.

  Mike cursed. “Jesus, that’s sweet. You’re amazing. All of you. Hope you don’t expect me to last like this.”

  Devon giggled as she angled herself more toward his side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She suspected the gesture had more to do with keeping his balance than embracing her, though she didn’t begrudge him the assistance.

  Kate and Morgan took turns laving, sucking and stroking Mike’s cock while Kayla perfected the motion of her relentless fingers over his sac. Devon felt like she should help, but even when Mike widened his stance, she didn’t have any room to maneuver.

  The next time Morgan descended on Mike, Kate glanced up. “Dev, let Kay suck on your fingers for a minute.”

  Turned on beyond belief, she wasn’t about to argue. She extended her hand without question. Her friend smiled before taking the digits into her mouth. Devon couldn’t help but squirm when Kay’s wet tongue snaked around her knuckles, slathering them with saliva and making zillions of nerve endings stand at attention.

  “Oh yeah, not so tough now, are you?” Mike squeezed her tight to his torso. “That’s fucking hot. Shit.”

  She retaliated by scraping her teeth over his nipple. The tight disc couldn’t have been in a better position for her to reach. He released a long, low moan. His head tipped back, and she saw his lips moving out of the corner of her eye as if he prayed for stamina or maybe thanked the stars for shining such good fortune on them.

  Kate let him suffer while she relieved Morgan. In between their active duty, the women licked and nipped his abdomen or studied their friend as they imparted pleasure. Kayla never faltered in her dual manipulation of Mike’s balls and Devon’s fingers. She was an expert after all.

  Next time Morgan nudged Kate from their shared treat, the foreman’s wife developed an evil grin. “Enough, Kay. I think they’re ready.”

  Devon glanced between Kayla, Kate and Mike. Could she mean…?

  “Yeah.” Kate nodded. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. Mike might prefer to be the one doing the fucking, but when I use my fingers on him while blowing him… Let’s just say the results are pretty spectacular.”

  “Fuck me.” Mike swayed. Together they managed to brace him.

  “Yeah, that’s kind of the point.” Kayla rubbed the side of his ass closest to her. She filled her palm with the solid muscle and gently pulled it toward her.

  “You can find his prostate?” Kate smirked up at Devon.

  “You have met my guys, right?” She rolled her eyes. “I might have done this once or twice before.”

  “I knew you were the right woman for the job.” Kate entrusted her husband’s satisfaction to Devon. She resumed licking him as if he were the best-tasting lollipop in the world.

  “Be gentle with me,” Mike half-teased. The corners of his mouth pinched at the first glancing contact of her fingertip sliding along his crack.

  “Promise.” She suckled his chest lightly while she traced his puckered hole with slow circles, painting Kayla’s spit over the entrance.

  “Her hands are miniature.” Morgan petted his corded thigh. “You probably won’t even realize she’s inside you.”

  His huff when Devon pressed inward, breaching the tight ring of muscle guarding his ass, proclaimed otherwise.

  “Or not.” Morgan chuckled before engulfing him once more.

  “That’s right, Mike. Let Devon in. She’s going to make you feel so good,” Kate murmured to her husband.

  “Already is.” He grunted. “All of you are. Always do.”

  “We love you too.” Kayla nuzzled his hip.

  Devon took advantage of his distraction to penetrate completely. As she moved, he began to relax, loosen, allowing her to angle her hand. She stroked in and out, curling her fingers into the come-hither shape that usually did the trick for James and Neil.

  She knew she had it right when he cursed a blue streak and twitched his hips first forward, then back hard. His cock slipped from Morgan’s lips with a wet smack. Kate was quick to welcome him into her mouth again, sucking with enough pressure to hollow her cheeks.

  Devon rubbed Mike’s chest and belly to calm him as she continued to prod the chestnut-sized organ in time to his wife’s quickening migrations up and down his solid shaft.

  “Are you going to be a good boy and come for us?” Morgan impressed Devon with her schoolmarm act. “You know we like it when you show us how much we turn you on.”

  “Holy. Shit. Holy shit.” Dave stutter-stepped as he entered the room, naked as always once inside. “Sign me up for the next turn. I know what I want for my birthday, and Christmas. Every year. Until I die.”

  “What the fu—” Joe crashed into him from behind. He peeked over Dave’s shoulder, then growled, “Son of a bitch. Me too.”

  James skirted around them for a better view of the action. “I could get into that. I think it should be a new crew tradition. Whoever’s celebrating can be the center of attention.”

  “I wanna party. A lot.” Neil didn’t stop with the rest of his friends. He barreled toward the action like a young boy cannonballing into a lake on the first day of summer vacation.

  “Funny you should say that.” Kayla grinned up at them from her place at Mike’s feet. “We sort of decided something similar.”

  “Can we…talk…about…it later?” Mike’s chest heaved between each forced phrase.

  Dave approached from behind. He looped his arms around Mike’s middle, supporting his friend without interrupting Devon’s devilish handiwork.

  “That good, huh?” Dave
grinned. “It’s not every day you come apart like this, foreman. You’ve got quite an audience now. Why don’t you show us what a fucking lucky bastard you are?”

  Devon could feel energy sparking through the room, arcing in glowing connections between each of the nine of them in every possible permutation. She knew right then they’d made the right choice. Having all of them together made this so much…more.

  Mike didn’t stand a chance.

  She tapped his prostate in a syncopated rhythm Neil had taught her to drive James wild. It worked just as well on their boss.

  Neil and James chanted encouragement to her as the other guys did the same for their wives. In less than a minute, Mike shouted. His fists balled as though he struggled to keep from exploding. He thrust his hips into the air, his ass clenching around her fingers. Then he shook in Dave’s hold like he’d grabbed the exposed end of a live 220 wire.

  “Fuck, yes.” Neil encouraged him. “Shoot all over them. Make them yours. Ours.”

  Only then did Devon realize Kate, Morgan and Kayla had huddled together, their faces side by side. Mike’s cock had tugged from their lips with his involuntary shudders.

  Slipping her hand from his body, she joined her friends in a semi-circle. Dave helped ensure each of them received at least one spurt of his come, adorning them with the results of their hard work.

  When the foremen went limp, Dave allowed him to succumb to gravity, easing their weight onto the floor. He cradled his friend through the final throes of his rapture.

  The rest of the crew descended on their women. Joe nearly tackled Morgan, who’d taken the brunt of Mike’s orgasm. He snuffed the flicker of doubt Devon caught in her eyes when he kissed her madly, pausing only to lick her chin and neck clean.

  James and Neil swarmed Devon. They had her feeling a little like a bone between two dogs when they both attempted to devour the droplets of Mike’s semen on her cheeks.

  The delicacy didn’t last long. The guys had moved on, demonstrating exactly how much they’d enjoyed the scene they’d walked in on, when Kate’s voice rose above the din caused by a cacophony of moans, sighs and pleas.


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