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Sigma One

Page 12

by Hutchison, William

  Amanda disagreed. "You didn't see the way he looked at me while he was chewing me out. You didn't hear his tone of voice."

  "I don't need to know what he said to know that he isn't mad at you."

  "How do you know that? You're not clairvoyant are you?"

  "No, of course I'm not clairvoyant. But I just happen to know that Mr. Huxley probably has his reasons for being on edge. That's all. It has nothing to do with you. Okay?"

  "What reasons?"

  Cherisa hesitated before answering. She liked Amanda, but wasn't sure she could trust her entirely yet. "Let's just say I have it on good authority that SIGMA ONE is in trouble and it may be cancelled. That's the reason why Mr. Huxley is so irritable. Not because you were late!"

  "Who told you that?" Amanda pressed for an answer. She was concerned for her job, and the resultant bills which wouldn't be paid if what Cherisa said was true.

  "A friend," Cherisa replied evasively. She didn't want to tell her that it was Radcliff who had told her about the hearings when she had been with him two nights earlier.

  Amanda had no reason to disbelieve her or press her for the source of her information. It just didn't seem to be the right time. The fact that SIGMA ONE might be cancelled meant a direct threat to her future ability to support herself, and finding out who the bearer of the information was took a second seat to finding out if it was true or not.

  "Are you sure what you heard, Cherisa?" Amanda asked.

  "I'm quite sure."

  "When? When will it happen and why?" Amanda continued to probe.

  "My friend didn't say exactly when and he was vague about why such an action would be taken. He merely said that unless things straightened out here, that it would be soon. So I wouldn't go worrying about a little chewing out Mr. Huxley gave you. He has his hands full now and he wasn't mad at you in particular. He was only mad at being put into this bind and you happened to be a convenient target for his anger."

  What Cherisa said comforted Amanda slightly. At least her boss didn't have it out for her personally. But the fact remained; unless things got better at the NSF, she might end up having to look for another job sometime in the near future, and that prospect didn't appeal to her in the slightest.

  She remembered the charts she had given Huxley a couple of weeks earlier and wondered if the overrun had anything to do with SIGMA ONE's problems. Whatever the reason, though, she made up her mind that from then on out she wouldn't be late for work again. She also resolved to work harder than she had ever worked before to save the NSF and SIGMA ONE. She liked her job and she felt particularly strongly about its mission. She liked the thought of contributing to a world safe from nuclear destruction. If her extra efforts could help make that dream come true, the small personal sacrifice she would have to make would be well worth the price.

  Amanda looked kindly at Cherisa, thankful she had confided in her. "Thanks for being so understanding," she said feeling better knowing there was a reason for her boss being so irritable.

  Cherisa shrugged her shoulders and told her to think nothing of it. She hated maudlin shows of affection between women finding it far easier to be bitchy than to be caring.

  "Hey Cherisa," Amanda said as she finished wiping her face off in front of the mirror. "I'm going out tonight to have a few drinks after work. I think after what you told me, need them. Want to come along?"

  "You going alone?" Cherisa asked tentatively. She didn't want to go if any of the other girls were going to go along fearing she would be the butt of their comments and not wanting to face Amanda's questions if anything came up about the senator.

  "No." Amanda answered.

  Cherisa's face dropped.

  "Well, then who are you going with?"

  Amanda played coy briefly, but then replied, "you, you idiot. I won't take no for an answer!" She was adamant.

  Cherisa's frown turned up into a smile. "Okay," she answered. "How does six o'clock sound at the Crab 'N Claw Bar at the Key Bridge Marriott near Georgetown?"

  "Sounds great to me." Amanda said as she left and then added "six sharp?"

  "Six sharp's okay by me," Cherisa agreed as she glanced at her watch. It would give her plenty of time to go home and change. She was, after all, leaving at her standard time of three thirty.

  The Crab 'N Claw restaurant sat high atop the Marriott Hotel at Key Bridge just west of quaint Georgetown. It was a beautifully decorated cocktail lounge done in beige and pinks with a hint of brass to add to its opulence, and unlike most hotel bars in the area that catered almost strictly to their captive guest clientele, the Crab 'N Claw was lucky in that it did a fair business catering to local regulars as well. This was due primarily to its fantastic raw bar and the spectacular view of the urban Washington skyline it offered. Even though the bar was moderately expensive, as are most of the Washington pubs, the elegant atmosphere more than made up for the dent to the pocketbook that would result after a night there.

  Unbeknownst to Cherisa and Amanda, Pat Huxley and Radcliff had agreed to meet at the Crab 'N Claw the same afternoon they had. Pat, it turns out, had called the senator to discuss the schedule the committee had given him and after his review of his organization's progress earlier that day, he didn't see how he'd be able to make the artificial deadline. He hoped Radcliff would have the answers he didn't.

  When Cherisa and Amanda arrived at the bar, Radcliff and Pat had already been there two hours and had already downed several vodkas on the rocks. Now they were locked in a heated (but nonsensical) debate regarding SIGMA ONE. Both were a little tipsy and were seated at the far end of the room out of sight from the entrance and didn't notice the girls when they walked in and sat at the bar, their backs to them.

  Amanda ordered two Chardonnays for the pair and began the conversation. "So how did the rest of your day go, Cherisa?"

  "My day? You're asking about my day? How about yours?" she replied. "Did Mr. Huxley attack you again?"

  "No, he pretty much left me alone. I did hear him giving some of the scientists hell to hurry up and find out why Dr. Jackowitz died. They were supposed to have had an answer by today, and Mr. Huxley blew his stack when they said they'd need a couple of more days. I sure wouldn't have wanted to be one of them. He can get downright nasty when he's chewing you out. Some of the other girls in the section crossed his path, too, but I didn't tell any of them the reasons you gave me for his outburst. I didn't think it would be too good an idea to let everyone else in on what we know."

  "Why not?" Cherisa asked passively darting her head from left to right, scoping out the businessmen lining the bar on either side of them. She wasn't interested in the slightest why Amanda didn't let any of the other girls know. She hadn't told her from whom she obtained the information in the first place, besides which, she rather hoped Amanda would leak that SIGMA ONE was in trouble. It would put the other girls on edge and maybe they'd leave her alone for the time being. Cherisa wasn't paying attention to Amanda for another reason, as well: she didn't want to bump into the tire salesman with acne she had met there previously. She definitely didn't need that hassle!

  Suddenly, Cherisa quit scanning the crowd, turned around in her stool and faced Amanda, pretending to pay attention as she did.

  Amanda didn't notice her quick movements having briefly looked down at her wine glass the moment Cherisa spun around, and continued to offer an explanation for her earlier actions at work. "I didn't tell the other girls for the simple reason that I thought it might distract them from their work if they thought SIGMA ONE was going to be cancelled. I felt Mr. Huxley had enough problems of his own without having to answer the countless questions he would get if the other girls found out."

  Cherisa nearly gagged as she listened to Amanda's explanation and squirmed in her chair, the reason being that she had seen Pat and Senator Radcliff earlier, and Pat was now making his way toward their chairs. She hoped Amanda wouldn't see him, but no sooner than she thought this, did Amanda finish what she was saying and raise her voic
e to call him.

  "Mr. Huxley! Mr. Huxley!" Amanda called down the bar while she waved to get his attention.

  Cherisa grabbed her hand to quiet her. She didn't want Huxley to see them and she certainly didn't want Amanda to meet Radcliff or vice versa. Radcliff might not be the greatest in bed, but being one of his chosen ones (and Cherisa knew she wasn't the 'only' girl in Washington with whom the senator was sleeping) did have its advantages. And Cherisa did like those advantages. Amanda was very attractive, just the type the senator might find to his liking, and Cherisa didn't want to risk the potential loss of her celebrity status at the NSF if worse name to worse and the senator and Amanda hit it off. But she wasn't quick enough and Amanda succeeded in attracting Pat, who, on noticing them, staggered forward to join them.

  "Amanda and Cherisa." Pat slurred. "What a surprise to see you both. What are you two doing here? I didn't know we paid you well enough to come to a place like this." Pat was referring to the price of the drinks. He then backpedaled slightly, "or do you two have a couple of hot dates?"

  Both Amanda and Cherisa could see he was quite drunk and ignored his comments. Huxley was normally very professional at the office, and it was the first time they had seen him in such a state. Amanda thought it was quite funny to see her boss act this way, but she also thought his 'more relaxed state' was warranted, too: Knowing the pressure he was under, she thought it was just what he needed to do--go out and let off some steam. She decided to play along with him in spite of the cautionary tug Cherisa was giving her skirt and the warning to end the conversation soon which was in her eyes.

  "Mr. Huxley," Amanda said sweetly batting her eyes, "we're not waiting for anyone. We just came here because of the beautiful view." She pointed out the window to the tranquil scene which lay before them. The Washington sunset had long since passed, but the beauty of the twinkling lights was still breathtaking. "What about you?" she added.

  Before Pat could answer, Cherisa indicated her disgust by getting up and excusing herself to go to the restroom.

  Pat watched her walk away and admired her curvaceous hips as they swayed sexily under her cotton, skin tight skirt. He then turned to Amanda and answered her question while he looked past her out the window. "We came here for the view, too." He laughed and then offered a reason why he was there in a bar, high atop the Washington countryside, and not home with his wife and daughter even though Amanda hadn't asked. As he was talking, he draped his arm over her shoulder and brought his head close to her ear so he could whisper to her. He was slurring slightly as he talked. "I've got friends in very powerful positions in this city, Amanda, and I had to meet one of them here after work to discuss SIGMA ONE. It'sh very important, you know, to talk about our current problemsh and come up with an ansher. In fact, I was just telling my friend that I have the commitment of all my employees and that that commitment will help get us over this hump." He then pulled Amanda closer to him, "I do have your commitment, don't I?"

  Amanda felt slightly uncomfortable with his advances, but nodded in agreement just the same.

  "Well, anyway, that's why I'm here and not home." Pat said sensing her mood and backing away ever so slightly before continuing. "I'm trying to help the project, the all-consuming project." He then removed his hand from behind her neck and stared out the window. "It seems that's all I ever do now, is worry about the project. Nothin' more, just the project."

  Amanda, on hearing this, felt a little sorry for him. It was obvious he cared a great deal about the future of SIGMA ONE.

  Pat quit looking out the window and turned toward her. "We're going to talk about how we can save SIGMA ONE and if we don't get the solution, well, we'll all just be out of a job. It's as simple as that." When he finished, he lowered his head slightly and let out a deep sigh.

  Amanda cringed, but it went unnoticed by Pat as he continued to stare silently at the bar. Finally after two or three minutes without saying anything, he popped his head up and continued his conversation as if no time at all had passed. This time, he sounded less drunk.

  "You seem to have a pretty good head on your shoulders, Amanda, and I think you might be able to help. Don't you?" Pat moved closer and put his hand around the back of her neck again.

  She didn't like the suggestive way her boss was stroking her hair. It made her uncomfortable and she started to lift his arm from around her shoulder. Before she was able to, though, Pat moved closer and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  "Join us for a drink---pretty please?" He whispered into her ear while he waited for a reply.

  Amanda had had quite enough. Drunk or not, he was overstepping his bounds. She grabbed his arm and started to remove it, but before she could completely take it away, Pat yanked it back himself and then stood up. It was as if a light had gone on in his dull mind. He started to explain himself.

  "Oh, I get it! You're still mad for the way I snapped at you today. Aren't you?"

  "Which time?" Amanda replied.

  "Well, young lady, I am the head of the NSF and I can't have my employees unhappy--especially one as pretty as you. So I tell you what. I'll make a deal with you. You come over and join us for a drink and tomorrow you'll start in the research department. You'd like that wouldn't you?" He didn't wait for an answer. "I'll clear it with Mr. Stokes in the morning, but this promotion is conditional." As he spoke, he leered at her.

  His stares made her even more uncomfortable, but the thought of a promotion and the pay raise caused her to overlook it. She rationalized his actions as being alcohol-induced, and tentatively asked "just what are the conditions anyway?" She hoped it was no more than a drink.

  Pat heard the way she sounded, somewhat afraid, somewhat timid, like a kid asking the doctor who was holding the needle behind his back if it was going to hurt, afraid of the answer. He shook his head violently. "No, no, no, Amanda. You've got it all wrong!" He then stepped back and put his hands out to his sides, palms up elbows slightly bent. "It's nothing like what you're thinking." He was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm a married man. All I want you and Cherisa to do is to join me and Senator Radcliff for a drinky-poo. That's nothing more. I promise." He sounded and looked like a little boy whose hand had been caught in the cookie jar as he spoke and Amanda felt a little more at ease noting the similarity. She also felt slightly embarrassed at her previous misinterpretation of his suggestions.

  "Okay, Mr. Huxley. I'll join you and the senator for a drink but first we have to wait for Cherisa to get back. Okay?"

  "Okay. We'll wait." Pat said and then took the seat next to her at the bar. As he did, Amanda noticed he seemed to be sobering up slightly and wasn't slurring quite so badly. At that moment, she also realized how attractive her boss was, now that he was behaving like a gentleman. His chiseled jaw line, his hair slightly graying at the temples, his boyish grin and dancing eyes were all very appealing. Amanda didn't really think that Huxley had a senator at his table and she wasn't quite sure he meant what he had said about the promotion, but both these things didn't matter. At that particular instant, he seemed so nice -- like the kind of person she would like to get to know alot better. She also thought as she looked at his face, he wasn't the least bit hard on the eyes either. She would have joined him anyway, with or without a senator, with or without the promise of a promotion, with or without him being married.

  Pat and Amanda sat at the bar for five more minutes while they waited for Cherisa. During that time, Pat ordered Amanda another Chardonnay, but got himself a ginger-ale instead of another drink. He knew he was getting a little drunk and said so to her which she thought made him even more desirable.

  Their conversation, if overheard by anyone else, would have been mistaken for that of two sweethearts out on their first date. They immediately blended together, and, in spite of their age difference, him being forty-one, her being twenty-two, they connected. During that time together, they exchanged personal likes and dislikes, their opinions on favorite movies and actors, Pat saying he liked Humphrey Bogart because
of his strong character, and Amanda retorting with her admiration for Katherine Hepburn in her opposite role in Jungle Queen for similar reasons. To her, Hepburn's self-confidence and unswaying drive was something Amanda longed for, but was having trouble obtaining because of her past.

  They continued their conversation discussing politics and religion, and finally Pat opened up and told her about his love of flying, and how his career was ended and the reason for his limp. This was something he normally kept to himself, but something about her young innocence made Pat want to talk. Amanda sensed she was being told something very personal by the way Pat hesitated in the middle of his story and responded in kind, by offering up part of herself as well. After he was through, she told him of the death of her mother and father in a freak automobile accident, resulting in her being orphaned at the early age of eight and the reason for her lack of self-confidence. By the time she was through, the two of them, in that very short span, had gotten to know one another quite well. Even before Cherisa returned, the beginnings of a lasting friendship between them had been born.


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