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Lost Memories (Sycamore P.D. Series Book 1)

Page 17

by T. E. Killian

  Sarah cleared her throat and said, “Harry was good to me, in his own way, if you don’t consider all the lies he told me.”

  When neither Kelly nor Grant said anything, she continued, “After what Sybil said about my first husband . . .” She looked over at Grant. “Your father. I realize just how good Harry was to me. I never saw him drunk, and he certainly never hit me in any way.”

  She paused again as if to collect her thoughts, “Actually, he treated me like a queen most of the time. If anything, he overprotected me. I found it difficult to make friends, even other women, but especially men. Chet is the only man who was ever around much.”

  She stopped herself to add, “Well, of course, Leo has been with us daily for the past seven years.”

  Kelly gave her a puzzled look, and said, “Who is Chet?”

  Sarah smiled almost sadly and explained, “General Chet Walker was Harry’s best friend for thirty years. If you remember, he spoke at the service the other day. Well, I’ve always felt that he didn’t like me or at the least, didn’t approve of me for Harry.”

  Grant and Kelly both remained silent hoping to keep her talking.

  “I guess you could say though, that I’ve had a fairytale life for the past twenty years, especially since Harry became a general seven years ago.” She interrupted herself to say, “He would have been getting his second star soon.”

  She looked up at Grant. “I always thought that it was quite the life for a girl who grew up in foster homes, but I guess that wasn’t the case after all, was it? I wasn’t an orphan at all.” She looked at Grant through wet eyes. “I had a family and didn’t even know it. I knew nothing about any of you.”

  She lowered her head and began to sob silently with tears running down her cheeks. Kelly moved awkwardly to sit beside her, grabbing some tissues on the way.

  Something snapped in Grant at the sight of this stranger, who was actually his mother, crying because she had missed out on being with him and Alison. Could he now actually think of her as his mother?

  He stood and walked over to where Kelly had her arm around Sarah. He reached out one hand tentatively. Then he reached farther and placed his hand on Sarah’s shoulder. When she looked up at him, he didn’t know what to do or say, so he held out the other hand too.

  Sarah cried out and leaped into his arms throwing her arms around his waist. Grant didn’t know how long they stood that way. All he knew for sure was that it felt good. He had the sudden thought that he didn’t know who was holding whom then decided that they were holding each other.

  Kelly started to get up to leave but both mother and son reached out as one to stop her.

  Sarah said, “No, Kelly, please stay. You are part of our family now too.”

  Grant didn’t miss the quick look that Kelly gave him. He hoped that wouldn’t damage his plans to spend more time with her, to get to know her better.

  Finally, they all sat back down. This time Sarah was sitting in the middle of one of the sofas with Kelly and Grant on either side of her.

  She looked up into Grant’s eyes and said, “I know this will sound staged, but I love you Grant. And even though I haven’t met Alison yet, I love her too.”

  When he started to speak, she stopped him with a finger to his lips. “No, please allow me to explain. I’ve always felt that there was a huge piece of my life that was somehow missing. My life felt incomplete. Now, you and Alison . . . and Sybil have filled that part of my heart.”

  When she began crying again, Grant leaned back and Kelly took over, giving Sarah another tissue and wrapping her arms around the older woman.

  When she was able to stop this round of tears, Sarah stood and said, “I think I need to step into the restroom to wash my face. I must be a mess.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Sarah, Grant turned to Kelly who was only sitting two feet from him on the sofa. “Kelly, I am very serious about wanting to spend time with you. Would you be willing to meet me at a restaurant tomorrow evening? It would be more of a meeting that way rather than a date, if we don’t go there together that is.”

  He could tell that she was still going to refuse so he added. “We can even go Dutch if that makes it less like a date.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes he stared deeply into hers. “Please?”

  The restroom door opened and Sarah was coming back toward them. Kelly looked into Grant’s eyes and said, “Call me tomorrow morning with the details.”

  After that, Sarah was between them again, and all conversation revolved around the newfound relationship between mother and son.

  * * *

  Kelly was in her car leaving the office parking lot when Sarah popped into her mind again. She suddenly felt the need to make sure that Sarah was all right. She didn’t know where that thought came from, but since she didn’t have much else to do, she headed toward the estate. George could wait for his supper. That cat was getting too fat anyway.

  She found Sarah on the back patio in one of the lounge chairs reading and sipping iced tea. She looked up when Kelly stepped through the door from the parking court onto the patio. Sarah smiled and placed both her book and her tea glass on the table next to her.

  “Kelly dear, what a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you again today.”

  Kelly had always been one to be honest about her feelings and thoughts with her brother and her grandparents, so she decided she would try being the same with Sarah, after all, she was Kelly’s step-mother.

  “Sarah, have you ever had a feeling that you needed to go somewhere, or be with someone right then and you couldn’t fight the feeling?”

  “Oh, yes, Kelly, I have, quite often in fact.”

  When Kelly didn’t say anything to that, Sarah said, “I always feel that it’s God watching over me and telling me what I need to do and even how to do it sometimes.”

  Kelly was shocked. “You’ve never mentioned God before.”

  Sarah reached for her book and sitting up in her chair turned the book so Kelly could see that it was the Bible.

  “Kelly, this is the only way I could have survived all those years when Harry was gone three to six months a year and sometimes more than a year at a time.” She smiled. “I have turned to the Lord for everything. In fact, I don’t know how I would have made it through this past week without Him.”

  Kelly sat in the lounge chair next to Sarah.

  “Sarah, did you know that my grandparents and I are also very strong Christians?”

  Maria stepped through the sliding door long enough to hand Kelly a glass of iced tea then leave.

  “Thanks Maria.” Then Kelly turned back to Sarah. “When I was in that accident that crippled me and killed my mom, I was bitter at the world and blamed God. But my grandparents, especially Grandmother kept after me until I finally turned it all over to the Lord.”

  She laughed. “It was then that I began to not only accept what had happened to me but I also began to make the best of my overall situation.”

  A puzzled look came across Sarah’s face. “You didn’t mention your brother. What about Wayne?”

  Kelly frowned and shook her head. “No. Wayne has always been so bitter about Harry leaving us then mom dying and my injury that he’s still blaming God.”

  Sarah smiled and placed a hand on Kelly’s arm. “Be patient with Wayne, Kelly, he will come around. Just keep praying for him.”

  Kelly was surprised at the comfort she received from Sarah’s touch, from her words. “I came here to comfort you Sarah, but instead you’re comforting me.”

  Sarah laughed. “You see, dear, that’s how the Lord often works. As we help others, he also helps us.”

  Kelly marveled at the wisdom in that statement but had no time to think about it or even comment on it. Maria stepped back through the sliding door and said, “Señora, that man who said he was General Walker is back to see you.”

  Kelly watched Sarah’s face turn pale. “Could you bring him out here, Maria, plea

  When Maria turned to go, Sarah added, “And could you let Leo know too, please?”

  “I’m right here ma’am.” Leo’s voice came through the doorway from behind Maria.

  Sarah seemed to visibly relax when Leo stepped out onto the patio. Without another word, he took a seat on the opposite end of the patio from Kelly and Sarah thus placing the door between them. Kelly noticed that by doing so, Leo would be behind the general as he faced the women.

  Kelly remembered the man as soon as he walked through the patio door. Even though he wasn’t in uniform today, there was no mistake that he was military. She marveled at how stiff and straight the man stood. How could he do that?

  “Jane, it’s good to see you again.” When Sarah remained silent, he continued, “I hate to intrude on your mourning, but Harry had something for me that he was going to give me as soon as we returned to Germany.”

  He paused and Kelly wasn’t sure if it was for effect or because he was thinking of what to say next.

  “There should be a small package among his things that probably has my name on it. I would appreciate it if you would allow me to retrieve it.”

  Sarah was visibly nervous and Kelly couldn’t see that there was anything she could do to help her.

  Sarah looked up at the general and said, “I’m sorry Chet, but all of Harry’s things are locked up in a room in one of the garages here and that Air Force agent has the only key.”

  Kelly watched as the general’s face turned red and he took a step toward Sarah. “I demand that you release my property to me at once.”

  Kelly noticed that the finger that the general was pointing at Sarah was shaking slightly. If she would have known the general better, she might have thought that he was nervous too, or even a little frightened.

  “I think it’s time you were leaving General.” Kelly had momentarily forgotten about Leo, and was startled when he spoke up from behind the general, close enough to be able to touch him.

  The general spun around and glared at Leo. “Keep out of this Sergeant.”

  Leo shook his massive head. “I don’t think so General. I’m here to watch over and protect Mrs. Newcomb.”

  “I order you to leave us at once Sergeant, or I’ll have your stripes for insubordination.”

  Leo laughed, or at least that’s what Kelly thought he did though it sounded more like a snarl to her. “I don’t think so General. I’m officially retired now. Would you like to see my DD-214?”

  The general turned back to Sarah and said, “I must have my property as soon as possible. Tell that OSI agent that for me.”

  With that, he went through the doorway with Leo close behind him.

  Kelly had been so enthralled by the confrontation between Leo and the general that she hadn’t noticed Sarah. When Kelly looked at her now, she came up out of her chair and quickly rushed to Sarah’s side. She looked as if she were going to faint.

  Kelly handed Sarah her glass of iced tea and Sarah took a drink then leaned back in her chair with her eyes closed.

  “I’ve always been afraid of that man.” She opened her eyes and said, “I’m sure glad that Leo was here. I don’t know what Chet might have done otherwise.”

  Kelly picked her purse up from the floor and pulled out her cell phone. “I’m calling Grant. I think he needs to know that the general wants something from Harry’s things.”

  Sarah only nodded as Kelly dialed Grant’s cell phone number.

  * * *

  Grant disconnected his cell phone and turned to Stan. “That was Kelly. She said that General Walker was just there and he was demanding that they give him something from General Newcomb’s things. She said he came close to threatening Sarah for it.”

  Stan was smiling big.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  Stan shook his head and said, “So, now Ms. Newcomb has become Kelly huh?”

  Grant leaned back in his desk chair and tried for nonchalant. “Yes, and for your information, partner, I’m having dinner with Kelly tomorrow evening.”

  Stan laughed then and held up his hand palm out for Grant to slap it which he reluctantly did. “Way to go partner. That’s pretty quick work, especially for a guy who hasn’t had a date for . . . how many years is it?”

  He tried to ignore Stan’s kidding. “Don’t you think this is something important? We should let Agent Scott know about it.”

  Grant quickly dialed Scott’s cell phone.

  When Scott answered, Grant started right in. “I think we just got a break. General Walker was just at the Newcomb estate and he was demanding they give him something that he said General Newcomb had that was his.”

  Grant could hear Scott chuckle. “Well, I was wondering if our little visit with Walker yesterday might produce just such a response.”

  Before Grant could reply, he was paged on the office speaker system to call the front desk. He placed Scott on hold and called the front.

  When he switched back to Scott, he said, “Are you close enough to get here quick?”

  “Sure, I’m in my hotel room going over all the leads we have.”

  “Good, you might want to get here fast. General Walker is out front wanting to talk to the three of us.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  When he placed the phone back in its cradle, he jumped up out of his chair and said, “Come on, General Walker’s out in the front interview room waiting for us and Scott’s on his way.”

  When they stepped into the twelve by twelve room with no windows and a rectangular table in the center of it, General Walker was pacing the floor on the other side of the table.

  Grant took the lead and said, “General Walker, we didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”

  The general didn’t respond to that, but looked behind them and said, “Where’s Agent Scott?”

  Grant smiled. “He’ll be here shortly. In the meantime, General, I must ask if you are armed.”

  The general held out his arms and said, “No. As you can see, I’m not in uniform.”

  Grant didn’t want to argue the point, so he continued to stall while waiting for Agent Scott to arrive. And maybe it wouldn’t hurt to make the man squirm a little in the process.

  “I understand that you were just at the Newcomb estate harassing General Newcomb’s widow.”

  Grant could immediately see that surprised and angered the general who was now glaring at Grant.

  “I was not harassing the woman. I merely asked her to give me something that belongs to me from her husband’s personal effects.”

  Grant thought he’d better wait and let Agent Scott ask the next most logical question.

  When Scott entered the room, he didn’t even look Walker’s way, but sat down at the table across from where the general was standing. Grant and Stan followed his lead and sat on either side of Scott. Walker hesitated before sitting on the other side of the table directly across from Scott.

  Scott began, “Okay, general, first, what do you want to see us about?”

  The general glared at Grant then Stan and said, “Are these men authorized to hear what may be classified information?”

  Scott didn’t blink or remove his eyes from Walker. “Yes, General, they have been briefed on everything that has transpired in this case.”

  Grant was surprised because he didn’t think that Scott had told them much of anything about the case. His surprise faded when he thought about the fact that General Walker wouldn’t talk if Scott had answered in any other way.

  Walker still hesitated. He gave each of the detectives another glaring look before he said, “Okay, Agent Scott, I will hold you responsible for that technicality.”

  When Scott merely nodded, the general continued, “I have come to the conclusion that Harry, General Newcomb, was murdered by a conspiracy consisting of at least two other generals.”

  When no one reacted in any way, Walker squirmed in his chair and said, “To be exact, I think it must be Generals Preston and Renn
ick behind the whole mess.”

  Grant and Stan were totally following Scott’s lead now. He showed no reaction, so neither did they.

  General Walker seemed agitated enough that he couldn’t stand the silence. “Harry and I suspected that this same group was involved in some pretty heavy black market activity in Europe. As I’m sure you know, we are all stationed in Germany at the moment.”

  Scott waited for a few more moments before finally breaking his silence. “What leads you to believe this General?”

  Walker cleared his throat and said, “Harry intercepted a series of email messages that went through his office addressed to his exec., Colonel Whitehead. It seems that his exec. is involved in the group. The messages came from the other two general’s offices.”

  When no one commented, he continued, “Then, I began to watch and I also intercepted a message intended for my exec. Colonel Hatch.”

  Grant didn’t know Agent Scott very well, but he was certain that the man suddenly became excited.

  “General, do you know who sent these messages?” When Walker gave him a puzzled look, he added, “Were either of the other two generals’ names on those messages?”

  Walker seemed to realize where Scott was going and shook his head. “No, I think each one of the messages was from one exec. to another. But, that would be the way those two would operate. They would have their execs do their dirty work.”

  Scott gave a satisfied smile. “Okay, General, now let’s turn to the reason for your visit with Mrs. Newcomb this afternoon.”

  The general didn’t seem surprised, but didn’t comment.

  “What is it that may be among General Newcomb’s personal effects that you are so anxious to get?”

  Walker appeared to debate whether or not to answer before he finally shrugged his shoulders and said, “When we were in Afghanistan, Harry told me that he had a thumb drive with a series of incriminating emails and other messages saved on it. I know it wasn’t on him at the time, because I was at the field hospital when they took his clothes off and emptied his pockets.”

  “And General Newcomb gave you no indication as to where this drive might be?”


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