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Earth Must BE Stopped

Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  Ka walked out of her room and went down to Duncan’s cabin. She turned to face it and held out her right hand shaking her index finger at it with a smile. She then extended her hand and the spotting device shutdown. She rushed to their cabin and moved all of Tal’s luggage to the next-door cabin leaving her empty luggage behind. She left the room, went to the elevator, and put an ‘Out-of-Order’ sign on it. She extended her hand and turned off the elevator’s controls. “Get moving,” she said over the communicator to Zak.

  Zak stood up and rushed out of the cafeteria. Duncan watched him leaving in a rush and started to follow him but shook his head and followed his orders to stay away from them. Jil waited for him to arrive and moved the empty luggage out of the cabin as he rushed up. Ka activated the elevator controls and they entered together. Ka pressed the top-deck button and the elevator shot up to the escape pod level. Ka was invisible and knew that a guard was on duty that had to be avoided. The door opened, and Tal put his foot in the door preventing it from closing. Ka stepped out and saw the guard far down the corridor, as he walked toward the far end. The corridor was so long, he disappeared around the curve in the corridor and Ka motioned Tal forward. He grabbed the two-bags, rushed across to the Escape Pod they were assigned on the first-day of the cruise, and threw the luggage into the pod. He turned and rushed to the rear of the pod, as Ka pushed the thruster handle forward and pressed the red button next to it. It turned green and she turned to Tal, “What are you doing?”

  “Hold off on the tube cover.” Ka watched him very carefully placing seven-strips of green tape in a circle on the back wall. He pasted the last one down and turned to Ka, “Al right, I’m going to press each one of these and after I press the last one, I’m getting out of here. Go ahead and press the tube cover now. I hope you have a way to press the last button and not get caught in here.”

  “Relax, Tal. Come up here and take a look.” Tal walked up to Ka and saw her pull a cone shaped device out of her uniform and put it over the last button. Tal’s eyes narrowed as Ka pushed the device down on the console over the last button and it adhered in place. She pressed the top of it and a blue light illuminated.

  “Wait before you press it!” Jil pressed the tube cover button as Tal went back to the rear of the shuttle and pressed the strips of tape one-by-one. DO IT NOW, KA!”

  Ka pressed the blue button and the center of the cone started moving down, “Time to go!” She jumped out of her chair and Tal followed her out of the port to the escape pod. They rushed out to the corridor and saw the guard coming back toward them. Tal pressed the elevator button and it immediately opened. They rushed in and the door closed before the guard arrived.

  Tal looked at Ka, “You know he’s going to see the cover over the escape pod’s launch tube.” Ka smiled, as they heard the engines of the escape pod ignite with a loud whoose. Ka pressed the button for the fortieth-deck and the elevator moved into the ship.

  • • •

  Duncan heard the alarms go off and he jumped up out of his chair. He grabbed a crewman running by, “WHAT’S GOING ON?”

  “An escape pod has launched from the ship!”

  Duncan lifted his wrist-chronometer and pressed a button. The face changed, and he saw the tracker he put on the woman’s suitcase was no longer on the ship but was moving away from it at high-speed. “What the hell?” He turned and rushed toward the bridge.

  • • •

  He arrived at the bridge and the Captain saw him, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY BRIDGE, MAJOR? GET OUT NOW!”

  Two-armed-guards moved toward him and Duncan’s expression turned angry, “Captain, one of your escape pods has left your ship and is within range of Earth! You are responsible for that escape pod and I will tell my superiors on Earth that your ship may represent a danger to the planet. IS THAT HOW YOU WANT TO HANDLE THIS?!”

  The Captain saw a very deadly expression on Duncan’s face and said, “You may stay and observe what’s happening.”

  “Are you going to be able to stop the pod, Captain?”

  “No, Major, we are not equipped to stop it; this is a commercial vessel.”

  Duncan raised his wrist and suddenly saw a huge flash on the main wall-monitor. He turned his head and looked back at the monitor; the escape pod was gone.”

  “Sir, it appears that stopping the pod is no longer an issue,” the Navigator remarked.

  The Captain turned to Duncan, “You better hope no passengers were on that escape pod.”

  Duncan snorted, “Do you think we destroyed it? Why don’t you slow down the video you recorded and see what happened? You’re being ridiculous. Earth would have no reason to endanger any of your passengers!” The Captain nodded to the navigator and he replayed the explosion in super-slow-motion. Everyone on the bridge watched the recording closely and it was clear the pod was destroyed from an explosion on its hull or from inside it.

  The Captain looked at his Second, “Order all passengers to their cabins and see if anyone doesn’t show up.” He turned to Duncan, “Take a seat and you can report to your superiors what we uncover.”

  Duncan forced a smile, “Thank you, Sir.”

  • • •

  Three-hours later, the head of ship security reported in, “Sir, two-passengers in cabin 4012 are not present and there is no luggage in their cabin. We’ve searched the ship and I’m certain they aren’t on board.” Duncan knew that the crew would uncover anyone attempting to hide; they knew this ship in detail and if they didn’t find anyone, then the couple in 4012 weren’t on board.

  The Captain was shaking his head and Duncan asked, “Do you think we had anything to do with this, Captain?”

  “The thought has crossed my mind, Major. Why else would this couple try to escape the ship before arriving on Earth?”

  Duncan was quiet for a moment and replied, “Perhaps, they were frightened of something on this ship and wanted to get to Earth safely.”

  The Captain glared at Duncan and his expression showed his stress, “What are you suggesting?”

  “What would cause enough fear in someone to make them attempt to steal an escape pod? Is it possible that they believed that one of your guild assassins was after them?” The Captain’s expression changed, and Duncan saw this wasn’t something he considered. “Evidently, they thought they could use the pod to get to Earth and be arrested, keeping them safe from an assassin. However, it appears the assassin followed them to the escape pod and put an explosive device on it before it launched.”

  The Second asked, “Why do you think that?”

  “Because the escape pod’s engines would never cause that large of an explosion alone. Something else was introduced to the pod to make that happen.” Duncan turned back to the Captain, “Have there ever been assassinations on a cruise ship, Sir?”

  The Captain nodded, “There have. And the evidence supports that’s what happened here. I’m going to file an official complaint with the Council and protest assassins being allowed on our vessels, but it will probably be ignored.”

  Duncan nodded before saying, “I just want to make sure that you know that Earth takes the safety of any tourist that comes to visit very seriously and would not allow this sort of thing to happen.”

  The Captain smirked, “I’ll make sure the cruise lines know Earth had nothing to do with this. Now, if you’ll excuse me; there’s a group of passengers that were traveling with them that I need to explain what happened.”

  Duncan nodded, stood up, and left the bridge. He rushed to his cabin and snatched the spotter off his door handle. He quickly played it and saw Jil wagging her index finger at it. Then it shut down and nothing else was seen. He leaned back in his chair; she knew about the spotter. Something about this didn’t feel right. What possible reason was there for her to disable it? He struggled with that question as he reported in to his Commanding Officer.

  • • •

  The next day, the ship was due to arrive in two-hours and the tourists were gathering on the outer dec
k to leave the ship. Duncan stepped out of his cabin, locked it, and looked up the corridor. He saw a couple pulling their luggage toward him and his brow furrowed; he didn’t remember seeing them during the cruise. He focused and shook his head slightly; he was certain he had not seen them. He waited for them to get closer.

  Sig said in his mouth, “He’s on to us.”

  “Just be quiet.” Lis replied.

  The couple arrived, and Duncan asked with a smile, “Did you have a good trip, so far?”

  The woman looked at him and Duncan was surprised to see she was angry, “We spend the bulk of the time in our cabin.”

  Duncan’s eyes narrowed, “Why would you do that?”

  “I’m a historian and we’ve been studying Earth’s history in the ship’s computer.”

  Duncan smiled, “You missed many of the entertainment facilities offered on board.”

  Lis lowered her eyes, “Isn’t that a military uniform you’re wearing?” Duncan nodded. “What rank are you?”

  “I’m a major; why do you ask?”

  Lis looked at Sig, “You’re right; he is a major.”

  “I told you the insignia on his collar was a major’s” Sig replied.

  Duncan forced a smile and said, “Is that an issue?”

  Lis turned to him, “Major, why don’t you stop the fake smiles? You don’t like the colonies or anyone that comes from them. We stayed in our room and, when we went out, we deliberately avoided any place where you were present.”

  Duncan’s smile vanished, “Why did you do that?”

  “We’ve learned in the colonies that anyone wearing a military uniform represents great danger to anyone around them. We decided to treat you like them and stay away from you. We know that the colonies haven’t been good neighbors to Earth and that Earth doesn’t have good will toward us. I just couldn’t stomach your fake smile and false humor, I found it disgusting. You should feel free to act normally around us.”

  Duncan’s expression revealed his growing anger, “If that’s true, why did you come on this cruise?”

  “You also don’t listen very well, Major,” Lis replied. Duncan’s eyes narrowed even more. “I told you, I am a historian and Earth is where most of humanity’s history took place. My curiosity got the better of my trepidation at coming here. Besides, my husband is overwhelmed with excitement at visiting Disney World.”

  Zig smiled broadly, “Is it true that they have all the ancient rides and exhibits operating?”

  Duncan saw his excitement and smiled slightly, “Orlando was not destroyed by a nuclear explosion. Neutron bombs were used across central Florida and all human life was eradicated but the structures were undamaged. Disney World has been restored to its former glory. When the technology purge took place, there were no survivors in central Florida to destroy the machines at Disney; they survived the purge.”

  Sig’s smile grew even wider, and Lis shrugged, “I want to see all the old-buildings and the Kennedy Space Center.”

  Duncan nodded, “All the old architecture is protected and most of the old buildings are still in place.”

  Lis moved to step around Duncan, “We have a host to meet, Major. Have a good day.”

  Duncan smiled, “I’m sorry we didn’t meet earlier.”

  Lis stopped and turned, “Why is that?”

  “I think we would have had some interesting conversations talking honestly with each other. You’re right; no one on Earth likes the way the colonies have treated us. But I respect that you recognize it, understand why, and doesn’t allow it to get in the way of expressing your opinion. Before you go, I want to give you something.”

  Lis gave him a suspicious look, “What is that?”

  Duncan took a pen and card out of his front pocket and handed it to Lis, “This is my direct contact number. The day before you schedule your trip to Kennedy or Disney, call me and I’ll arrange a free VIP tour for you and your husband.”

  Lis tilted her head, “Why would you do this?”

  Duncan smiled slightly, “Honesty is hard to find, and I appreciate it when I see it. Please, call me and I’ll set it up for you.”

  Lis took the card, looked at it, and looked at Duncan, “Thank you, Major. Perhaps I’m worrying needlessly about this trip. I do have one question before we go, and I hope you’ll answer it honestly.”

  “What is that?”

  “A friend of mine who came to Earth on a cruise says that the people on Earth call us clowns behind our backs. Why is that?”

  Duncan rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly and asked, “Do you know where the term clown comes from?”

  “I did some research and it was a name given to comedic performers in something called a circus.”

  “Were there any images of clowns in your research?”

  “No, there were not.”

  “Clowns dressed in very bright colors and often had purple, red, yellow, or bright green hair. They had a colored-ball on their noses of varying colors in most instances. The way most of the colonists appear, they remind us of how clowns once dressed.”

  “So, it’s a derogatory term?”

  “Yes, it is. Clowns were laughed at and never taken seriously in a circus.”

  “Thank you for your honesty, Major.

  Duncan shook his head, “No thanks needed; you’re right about us for the most part. Just be careful and enjoy your stay.” Lis nodded and headed toward the elevator. Duncan watched them go and sighed. The military on Earth was also avoided by everyone on Earth. He hated that was the case but understood why it had to be.

  Chapter Seven

  Sig had gotten used to speaking sub-vocally with his mouth closed and, as the elevator door closed, he said, “You never cease to amaze me.”

  “Sig, when in a difficult situation, always resort to some piece of the truth. The mutual dislike between Earth and the Colonies is something that most are uncomfortable discussing; it took him off his guard when I mentioned it. He feels guilty about his feelings and that proves to me that the Major is a decent man.”

  “Your idea to wear normal colony clothes over our stretch suit was a good idea. He would have noticed that instantly. He would have connected Zak and Jil with us.”

  “We need to delay wearing them again,’ she suggested.

  “We’ll wear them on the beach.” Sig paused and then asked, “Are we going to take him up on his offer?”

  “We are.”


  “Because you and I know that there really is a scientist developing a stardrive and he’ll be in Orlando. That’s why I said you were excited about going to Disney World. You picked up on it quickly and ran with it. I’m impressed.”

  “Do you think our room will be bugged?”

  “No, I think the early cruises proved that doing that would jeopardize any future cruises. They might do it if they suspected us of being Colony Agents, but I think we’re in the clear for the moment. Why do you ask?”

  “I need to discuss something with you.” Lis nodded as they exited the elevator and headed toward the departure deck.

  • • •

  They finally stepped on the moving boarding ramp and arrived at a large people hauler at the dock. A beautiful woman stepped up and smiled, “I’m one of your hostesses and if you’ll board the bus, we’ll transport you to your accommodations.”

  Sig flashed a smile, “Thank you.” They placed their luggage on a large gravity sled and stepped on board the bus.

  “You can put your tongue back in your mouth,” Lis commented.

  Sig’s face turned red, as he smiled, “She was very impressive. You’re just jealous.”

  Lis shrugged, “Yes, I suppose I am. You should keep in mind that she hates you.” Sig was surprised at the admission and wondered again if it was Ka or Lis talking.

  • • •

  They arrived at their hotel and a porter led them to their room. “Your assigned hostess will contact you to set up a meeting to iron out your i
tinerary. Welcome to Earth and enjoy your stay.”

  The porter left, and Lis raised her hand and moved it around the room. After a few minutes, she lowered her arm, “It’s clear. What’s on your mind?”

  “I also believe we’re going to have to go to Orlando to find that scientist. Getting to him is going to be a real problem and I want to make something that might help us.”

  “What is that?”

  “A new ID.”

  “A new what?”

  Sig pulled a small printer out of his bag and pressed a button on top of it. A picture appeared on the small display and Lis’s eyes went wide, “Is that an image of Major Montana’s ID?” Sig nodded. “Where did you get that?”

  “He laid it on his bed when he went into his room to contact his superior. I made a copy while he was occupied.”

  Lia shook her head, “I’ve seen his ID, Sig. It’s not possible to duplicate it! The material it’s made of and the holograms on it make it impossible!”

  Sig smiled, “You have your magic hand; I have my devices. I can make a duplicate, but I need a new picture to go on it.” Lis turned to him, “It can’t be any image used on the ship,” Sig statd.

  “Then what do you suggest I use?”

  “I need you to use your normal genetic image without any modifications,” Sig replied.

  “I’m not going to do that.”

  Sig’s head tilted to one side, “Why not?”

  “I just won’t.”

  Sig sighed, “Lis, if you’re determined to find that scientist, then you’re going to have to do this. Otherwise, we enjoy our vacation and head back.” Lis silently glared at him. “Do you have another way to get in a military facility,” Sig asked.

  “We’ll be invisible.”

  Sig shook his head, “But we’ll still have mass and I know that they’ll have floors that will detect any weight being placed on them. What’s the problem?!”


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