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Earth Must BE Stopped

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  “This is top-secret at the highest level, but you need to know it. I trust you will not discuss this anywhere.” They nodded. “This new metal was made using a highly magnetic material that was bombarded by high-radiation inside a phase field.”

  “We knew that, Duncan,” Tal responded.

  “What you probably didn’t know was that the level of radiation used to produce it was hotter than the radiation released by a hydrogen-nuclear explosion. The scientists that developed it tested it by firing simultaneously more than ten-pulse cannons at it. They had no effect on it.”

  The three stared at Duncan in silence and Tal finally stated, “The warships are obsolete.”

  “Yes and no, Tal.” Tal’s head tilted slightly, and Duncan added, “The hulls of our warships are made of Chronide, just like the lining inside this ship. We can fuse this new metal to their hulls and modify them to use it. We’re going to start that process after you launch.”

  Tal nodded; looked through his eyebrows, and smiled slightly, “It looks like our development of new weapons is bearing fruit.”

  “Yes, it does, Tal.” Duncan broke eye-contact with Tal and said, “Your consoles are currently shutdown. I have a helmet for each of you that will familiarize you with your consoles. You need to put them on and start going over your panels. We’ll bring you your meals here and if you need anything, let my staff know. Any questions?”

  “Where are you going?”

  “There’s still the issue of Colony agents and I now have command of the Navy; I have more than I can do. You have two-months to learn how to operate this ship, so don’t waste any time.”

  “Why two-months?” Ste asked.

  “Earth is currently behind the sun from Neptune. You will need to launch before Earth moves around the sun where it will be visible from Neptune. Even though this ship is extremely difficult to see on a scan, we don’t want to risk the aliens seeing you.”

  Tal nodded and reached for the helmet on back of his chair. He put it on his head and sat down in his chair; Sha and Ste joined him a moment later at their consoles. Duncan watched them for a moment, then turned and left the bridge.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The time passed quickly and in six-weeks, the crew were familiar with their control panels. Tal contacted Duncan and told him they were ready to launch. Duncan set the launch to take place in three-days.”

  “Why the delay?” Tal asked.

  “We’ve not provisioned your ship, Tal. We need to move the air-containers on board and that will take most of two-days.”

  “I’ve developed a tool that will make that unnecessary, Duncan.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve seen the space set aside for the containers and I’ve been working on a filter that will be inserted into the ship’s air-returns. It will convert the used air back to nitrogen and oxygen.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I have a virus that will do it.”

  “You need to leave a sample of that filter for us to use on our warships.”

  “Duncan, the filter is dangerous and could kill everyone on board if it gets out of the filter.”

  “Then I refuse to allow you to use it.”

  “Duncan, I’ve immunized Sha and me from it and I’ll immunize Ste before we launch.”

  “Then give us the means to immunize our crews and leave the filter with Dr. Santiago to duplicate.”

  Sha was listening in and interrupted, “Dr. Santiago can do it, Tal. He’s Earth’s best geneticist.”

  Tal hesitated, and Duncan said before he could reply, “Tal, we have to consider that you may not make it back from this mission. Give us the filter and antidote.”

  Tal glanced at Sha and saw her nodding, “I’ll give it to Dr. Santiago. You need to get him here for me to go over the dangers of this virus.”

  “I’ll bring him back with me. I’m going to be there for the launch.”

  Tal nodded and went off the ship to find an engineer to stop the transfer of air-containers. He did allow fifty-containers to be brought on board but stopped the other four-hundred from being installed.

  • • •

  The next day, Tal, Sha, and Ste were being fitted for their flight armor outside the ship when Ste looked out at the distant elevator. He squinted and said, “HOLY MOTHER OF SINBAD THE SAILOR!!” He turned and ran into the ship.

  Tal and Sha turned toward the elevator and saw Ka walking across the facility with Duncan. Sha raised her shoulders, “Mother doesn’t look very happy.”

  Tal nodded, “No, she doesn’t.

  Duncan arrived, and Ka walked up to Sha and stuck her nose in her face, “JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!?”

  Duncan looked at them, “She used a listening device she developed to listen in on my conversation with General Lein. She threatened to destroy the computer network if I didn’t bring her with me.”

  Sha listened to Duncan and turned back to Ka’s angry face, “I’m going on a mission with my husband.”


  “Mother, stop being ridiculous! You won’t do that and you and I both know that is an idle threat.”

  Ka turned to Tal, “YOU PROMISED TO PROTECT HER!!”

  Tal shrugged, “Ka, have you ever been able to stop Sha from doing anything she ever set her mind to do? I tried, and you see how well I did in stopping her.”

  Ka stared at him and turned back to Sha, as she said, “She can be hard-headed.”

  Tal smiled, “You have no idea.”

  Ka turned back to him, “I believe I do; she’s my daughter!”

  Sha took her mother’s hands, “Did Duncan explain the importance of this mission to you?” Ka glared at her and then nodded. “I’m going to set up the satellite that will be used to keep an eye on these aliens. You know it can’t be set up before arrival and who, other than me, can do it?”

  “I could!” Ka answered.

  “But you’re not married to Tal, Ka.”


  Sha sighed, “There’s something you should know. Tal and I are officially married.”

  Ste came out of the ship as Sha made her announcement and said, “Ka, do you intend for your daughter to remain single for the rest of her life?”

  Ka whipped her head around to him and said, “I’ll deal with you in a moment!!”

  “I look forward to it!” Ste said angrily at hearing her tone. “But answer the question. If she’s going to choose a mate one day, who would you recommend? Do you know anyone other than Tal that could match up with her intelligence and avoid being run over by her?”

  Ka was silent, as she turned to Tal. He raised his hands, “Look, I was shocked she had feelings for me. I don’t understand how she can, but I’m thankful for them.”

  Ka turned back to Sha and she sighed before saying, “Mom, when you told me everything he did while you were originally on Earth, I was impressed and felt admiration for all the things he did. That admiration turned into an attraction the moment I talked with him on the cruise ship. I eventually came to love him. He didn’t notice it and going on this mission forced me to hit him in the head to get him to see it. I tried to stop him from going, but he must go, and I understand why. You need to accept that I am his and I will be going with him on this mission; nothing you can do or say will stop me!”

  Ka looked at Tal and sighed, “He can be pretty dense.”

  “HEY!” Tal responded.

  Sha nodded, “I know it, Mom. But now he knows, and our fake marriage is real. I won’t be leaving his side.”

  Ka looked at Ste, “What about you, whoever you are?”

  “I’m Colonel Ste; I’m an officer in the Colony’s Military. Tal showed me that the best way to defend the colonies was to help Earth.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was afraid of losing you if I did.”

��Why do you say that?”

  “Tal wasn’t able to keep you and I didn’t see you wanting to be with anyone from the colonies. I…I…just didn’t want you to stop seeing me.”

  Ka stared at him, looked at Sha…then Tal. “I’m being hit by multiple haulers today. Why didn’t any of you tell me what was going on?”


  “Sha, I’m not unreasonable.” Tal, Sha, and Ste’s mouths fell open. She saw them and sighed, “Well, not so unreasonable.”

  “Mom, you’re an idiot. You try to control everyone around you and use force if necessary to get your way. I learned long ago that I had to break away from your control.”

  Ka stared at Sha, before saying, “I guess I deserve that.” She turned to Ste, “And you? How do you feel about all this?”

  “I can see that Tal and Sha are a good match.”

  “And us?”

  Ste took a deep breath, “You are an enigma to me, Ka. I’m really attracted to you but I’m tired of walking around on broken glass to avoid doing or saying anything that would scare you away.”

  “You’re pretty smart for a Colony Officer.”

  “Mark it up to Dr. Laramie’s memories.”

  “No, subject matter doesn’t make one smart, Ste. You’re smarter than anyone I know, other than Tal and Sha.”

  “You didn’t mention yourself,” Ste responded.

  “I think you hold your own with me, Ste. And I don’t want to stop being with you. What is your normal appearance?’

  Ste hesitated and then changed his form. Sha said, “My goodness gracious!” Ste fit the description tall, dark, and handsome perfectly.

  Ka stared at him and smiled, “I think you’ll do.” She paused and said, “But I’m afraid I may lose all of you if you go on this mission.”

  “Does that include me?” Tal asked.

  “Especially you, Tal. You and I would never make it, but I love you more than you know.” She turned to Sha, “Like a brother I never had.” She turned back to Tal, “As long as I know you’re around, I can sleep better at night.”

  Tal smiled, “Ka, I’m not going out to start a fight. I intend to do the job and bring all of us back safely. There’s no guarantees in life and the worst could happen. But if we don’t do this, we’re working blind in dealing with the aliens and all of us could ultimately die at their hands…or whatever they use to manipulate things.”

  “I want to go with you…”

  Duncan forcefully interrupted, “THAT’S NOT HAPPENING!!”

  Ka blew out a breath and shrugged, “I had to promise not to go for him to bring me here.”

  “She’s too important!!” Duncan added.

  Ste walked up to Ka and took her in his arms. He hugged her, and Ka put her head on his chest and softly asked, “When do you leave?”


  “We need to make the most of them.” Ste nodded and put his head on top of hers as he held her close.

  Duncan turned to Tal, “Dr. Santiago is in the lab. I need you to show him what you’ve got.” Tal nodded, and Sha held his hand as they followed Duncan to the lab.

  • • •

  The launch day arrived, and they stood outside the landing bay door. Ka was holding on to Ste and she turned to Tal, “You promise to keep them safe?”

  “I will, Ka.” Ka walked over to Tal and hugged him. Tal returned her hug and released her to go back to Ste.

  Ste looked at Tal, “Sir, what is the ship’s name?”

  “Sir?” Tal asked.

  “Sir, you outrank me. You are the commander of this mission.” Tal glanced at Duncan and he nodded. “I don’t know. Do either of you have a suggestion?”

  Sha nodded, “We’ll name her Epy.”

  “What in creation does that mean?” Ste asked.

  Sha turned to Ste, “It stands for Eye of Providence.”

  “Say what?” Tal responded.

  Sha pulled a gold chain our from her collar and showed them a small medallion. She handed it to Tal and his eyes narrowed, “This looks like an open eye on top of a pyramid.”

  “That’s exactly what it is, Tal. It was an image that once appeared on the back of an ancient nation’s currency. I purchased it in the colonies from a rare coin collector and tried to determine what it was, I failed miserably. But I liked it and kept it around my neck. I discovered while searching the history database here on Earth that the image was called the Eye of Providence and represented the all-seeing eye of the universe’s creator. I figured that our mission is to go out and see everything out there and that it was an appropriate name for the ship. I think we should call her Epy.”

  Tal looked at Ste and he shrugged. He turned back to Sha and smiled, “Epy it is.” He turned to Duncan, “How do we get out of here, Sir?”

  Duncan raised his right arm and waved it at the far wall. A giant door began raising. There was a huge room behind it that was as long as the facility. Duncan turned to Ste, “You need to use the joystick to move Epy into that elevator-room. It will move you to the surface.”

  Ste raised a shoulder, “I’ve only done this on the simulator.”

  Duncan smiled, “Then take your time. My understanding is the simulators are as close to your systems as possible.”

  Ste hugged Ka and she reached up and quickly kissed him, “Make sure you come back.” Ste smiled and nodded.

  The crew went into the ship. The large bay door closed and the gravity field holding it in place was released. The ship hovered three-feet off the floor and then began slowly moving toward the giant door. It wobbled slightly and then straightened out. It moved smoothly across the floor and slid into the huge elevator room. The giant door came down and Ka heard heavy machinery noises. Duncan pressed a button on his wrist unit and Ka saw an image of desert sands. Suddenly, the sands split as two giant doors opened. Duncan remarked, “The sand attached to those doors is artificial.” Ka nodded and saw the small ship rise out of the doors, point its nose skyward, and accelerate away. In a moment it was gone. “We’ve trained them well, Ka. If anyone can do this, it’s them.”

  Ka nodded, “I know.” She turned to him, “You will tell me when they’re coming back.”

  Duncan nodded, “I’ll tell you either way.”

  • • •

  The small ship rose above the sands and picked up speed. It was out of Earth’s atmosphere in less than a minute and Ste looked at Tal, “How do you want to handle this?”

  Tal looked at Sha and she said, “We need to drop off the receiver.”


  “Ste, head directly above the sun. We’re going to put it in a polar position, so to speak.”

  Ste moved the joystick forward and Epy took off at incredible speed. Ste raised the nose of the ship and arrived above the sun in seconds. “Boy! This lady has legs!” Ste announced.

  “Why are you putting the receiver above the sun?” Tal asked.

  “The receiver is made of the same material as our hull. We can put it in place and the Sun’s gravity won’t pull it in. We’re placing it far enough away above the sun where it can see Earth wherever it is in its orbit. That will keep the communication lines open.”

  “Only to the northern hemisphere,” Ste commented.

  “Orlando is in the northern hemisphere, Ste.”

  “I know, Sha. You might consider putting one below the sun to get full coverage.”

  “I guess. However, I need you to move Epy above the sun until you can see Earth in its orbit.” Ste moved away from the sun and stopped about 700-million miles above the sun. Sha turned to Ste, “I need you to bring the ship to a complete stop.”

  Ste moved the joystick and kept his eyes on a speedometer on his panel. The needle reached zero and didn’t move. “Done.”

  Sha pressed a button on her panel and said, Depressurizing the landing bay.” She waited and then announced, “I’m having the robotic arm move the receiver out of the bay; Ste, keep her still.” Ste nodded and kept his
eyes on the speedometer. The large receiver moved out of the landing bay. Sha released it and pressed another button on her panel. The arm retracted, and the receiver remained in place.

  Tal watched the receiver on the forward monitor and saw hundreds of giant tube-shaped stalks rise out of the satellite. “What are those, Sha?”

  “They are antennas that will combine to make an electronic field more than ten-thousand-miles wide. This satellite will be the most powerful receiver ever created. It will hear our transmissions from far beyond Neptune.”

  “Can it hear us from the Colonies?”

  “If we use a phase frequency, it can.”

  Tal nodded, and Sha looked away from the monitor, “It’s your ship, Tal.”

  “Ste, take the ship at maximum speed directly away from the sun. Don’t stop until you’re out of the galaxy.” Ste’s eyes narrowed, as he shutoff the joystick and pushed the lever forward. Tal saw Sha staring at him. “We’re going to make sure we’re outside the scanning range of those aliens before we turn around and come down above Neptune. Sha, I need you to determine where their scanners are pointed.”

  “They may have them pointed above Neptune, Tal.”

  “They could, but I doubt it. They’re focused on Earth and the traffic going to it. They’ll be focused on the Solar System and, even if they’re not, keep in mind Epy will have to get really close for them to detect her.”

  Ste nodded and pushed the lever fully forward. The small ship accelerated like a greyhound after a rabbit. He smiled, “Duncan was right.”

  About what?” Sha asked.

  “These new gravity units are faster than any thrusters I’ve ever used.

  They arrived high above the Milky Way and Ste brought the ship to a stop. The gazed out of the front monitor at the beautiful spiral galaxy below them. Sha went over and sat in Tal’s lap, “I’ve never seen this,” She said softly. “It’s beautiful.”

  Tal nodded, “It’s home. Let’s stay here and eat before we go back. We may not have a chance to eat if we wait.”

  Sha stood up, “I’ll bring it to the bridge.” Tal nodded absently and stared at the monitor. He touched a nob on his panel and the view expanded. He looked off to the left and saw Andromeda in the distance. He stared at it in silence.


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