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Page 24

by Blake, Joanna


  My mother’s disapproving voice rang out in my head. Just like clock work. I pushed it away and followed him into the empty shop. It was surprisingly clean.

  “This is where you work?”

  He looked at me like ‘duh.’ I shrugged.

  “It’s amazing.”

  Now he was staring at me with a look of incredulity on his face.

  “I’m just not good at stuff like that.”

  “Stuff like what?”

  “I tried to take an engineering course. I was horrible at it.”

  “Engineering. That’s what they wanted me to take.”


  He shrugged, changing the subject.

  “I better get you to campus. We can sort out the rest later.”

  He grinned at me, cocking his head. My heart skipped a beat.

  “You’re good for it right?”

  I nodded wordlessly and followed him back outside.

  “Go ahead, get on.”

  He was standing next to a motorcycle. My jaw must have dropped. He wanted me to…

  “On this?”

  He laughed and held out a helmet.

  “Safety first.”

  Now why did I feel like that had a double meaning?

  I swallowed and fit the helmet over my head, staring as he slid his heavily muscled arms into a thin leather jacket. He pulled on his helmet and straddled the bike with ease. My heart beat a little bit faster at the sight of him on that bike.

  He looked so… fierce.

  And then he smiled at me.

  My heart melted. I felt all mushy inside, like a pool of butter.

  Hot, sticky butter.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  That was a very good question. This incredibly gorgeous man was offering me a ride. So what if motorcycles were dangerous? This was one of those life experiences that I would never forget.

  Live dangerously for once Frannie.

  Before I knew it I was behind him, my legs straddling his. He looked over his shoulder at me, his eyebrow raised. Then he grabbed my arms and pulled them forward until I was pressed against his back.

  Good lord he felt good.

  He revved the engine and we pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic. The sky was dark and bright lights of different colors whizzed by, kind of like my own private laser light show. But I wasn’t paying attention to anything.

  I couldn’t.

  This was the closest I’d ever been to a boy in my life.

  Not a boy.

  A man.

  It felt so good. Almost like I was a normal girl. The kind of girl guys wanted to take out.

  But it also felt dangerous.

  He felt dangerous.

  By the time we pulled up to the south edge of campus, I knew I would be dreaming about Jace for a long, long time.

  Chapter Three


  “Is this close enough?”

  The girl behind me nodded, reaching for her helmet strap.

  “It’s that one over there.”

  I dismounted and leaned in close, helping her with the buckle under her chin.

  Of course it was just an excuse.

  An excuse to get closer to her.

  My whole body was jangling from the ride over here. The feel of her against my back… Fuck if I ever felt anything so good in my life.

  Her luscious tits would make a lesser man cry.

  I wasn’t used to that. I never felt desperate around a girl. All the same, I had zero control of my cock around her.

  I was glad it was dark so she didn’t see the huge fucking boner in my pants.

  I pulled her helmet off and smiled at her, not stepping away. Rich girl or not, I was very, very interested in getting to know this girl.

  Between the sheets anyway.

  She looked up at me, her eyes clear. She had yet to even flirt with me a little I realized. Not that she needed to. She had my full attention, and then some.

  It was weird, but refreshing. I was used to girls throwing themselves at me. I realized I kind of liked it.


  “I’ll wait for you. Give you a ride back.”

  She shook her head, those gorgeous curls of hers flying every which way.

  “No that’s okay. I can- I can just grab the bus.”

  “I don’t mind. I’m just going back to the shop anyway.”

  “No, that’s fine. You’ve done enough. Thank you, Jace.”

  I like the sound of my name on her lips.

  I liked it a lot.

  She swung her leg over the bike and I swallowed, realizing her skirt had gotten jacked up pretty high. I saw a little bit of her creamy inner thigh… oh God did I want to see more.

  I pretended not to look while she tugged her skirt down over her hips.

  She started to walk away but I touched her shoulder, stopping her.

  “I need your number.”

  Her big blue eyes blinked at me.

  “For the car.”

  “Oh right, of course.”

  That was weird. She seemed… surprised. I was sure this girl had to beat guys off with a stick. But she seemed to be completely missing my signals, not ignoring them as I had originally thought.

  That was… interesting.

  She fished around in her bag, finding a small notebook and a pen. I watched her scribble her number down and hand it to me. Such neat, dainty handwriting. I smiled and tucked it into the pocket on my chest.

  The one with a zipper.

  Fuck if I was going to risk losing that.

  “Okay well, see you. And thanks again.”

  I stared after her as she walked away, realizing that something was bothering me. I decided to put her number into my phone right away, just in case. Fuck, I was thinking about memorizing it when I figured out what was bothering me.

  How many rich college girls took the bus?


  I felt flushed as I ran up the stairs to Professor Candel’s office. I’d never felt anything like it. The way Jace had looked at me… it was almost as if…

  Almost as if he wanted me.

  That’s not why he asked for you number Frannie!

  Wise up!

  He just wants to make sure he doesn’t get stuck with your crappy old car!

  I forced myself to walk down the top floor hallway where Professor Candel’s office was. I exhaled and knelt by the slot in his door, pulling my paper out of my book bag.

  I lifted open the slot and-

  The door opened.

  “Frannie. I was hoping I would see you tonight.”

  I stared up at my handsome professor. He was looking down at me with an intense look on his face. I swallowed. I’d taken multiple classes from him over all four years. But I’d never seen him look like this.

  This was by far the strangest day of my life.

  “Come in.”

  He turned and walked back to his desk. But he didn’t sit behind it. No, he leaned on the edge.

  Slowly I stood up and walked towards him.


  I sat.

  He held out his hand and I stared at it, belatedly realizing he was waiting for my paper. I handed it to him and he smiled, picking up a pen.

  Without taking his eyes off me, he scribbled an A+ on the page. My eyes flew to his face in surprise.

  “You’re not even going to read it?”

  He laughed.

  “I will if you want me to Frannie. I know it’s going to be excellent though either way.”

  Outrage filled me. What was he talking about? Had he read any of my papers???

  “But I worked so hard on it!”

  He held up his hands.

  “Never has a student complained to me about getting an automatic A. But you are special, aren’t you Frannie?”

  His eyes dipped to my chest. And stayed there.

  “Very, very special.”

  Horror spread through me at t
he realization of what was happening. I was almost positive that my favorite Professor from all four years of college was hitting on me. And not in the way I dreamed about.

  No, this was pure sleaze in action.

  In fact, only one word was going through my head over and over again.


  I wanted to get up and leave but my body felt frozen in horror as he came closer. His legs were brushing mine now. And his eyes were still glued to my chest!

  “I’ve waited years for this day Frannie. I’d like to take you out somewhere. For a drink. Or we could stay here…”

  His eyes finally lifted to my face but quickly scuttled back down to my chest. It was as if he’d been waiting to ogle me forever. And now he was looking his fill.

  “You are married, Professor Candel.”

  He laughed harshly, holding up his hand. No ring. He waved at me coyly, sending a wave of nausea through my body.

  “I just do that to deter horny co-eds. Every year a couple of them try anyway. But I don’t date students until after school ends.”

  It all became clear to me suddenly. He had done this before. He hadn’t been teaching me the past four years.

  He had been seducing me.

  Grooming me.

  And yet for all my outrage, I realized that he hadn’t actually done anything wrong.

  Not legally anyway. It was just… not very nice of him!

  I took a deep breath and stood up.

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Now Frannie, don’t pretend this isn’t what you want.”

  He reached for me, his hand stroking my arm. I jerked it away.

  “It’s not actually. Have a-“

  My voice broke as tears threatened to spill out of my stinging eyes.

  “Good night!”

  And then I ran.

  Down the hallway, the stairs and out into the night.

  That’s when I saw him leaning against his bike.


  He was still waiting for me outside. My stomach flipped over and I stopped in my tracks. He hadn’t seen me yet. I could still go somewhere else. Be alone. Lick my wounds.

  I couldn’t bear to look at anyone right now. To be looked at… I couldn’t even stand to ride the bus.

  I was just a stupid little girl who didn’t know a thing about men. And Professor Candel was a… a… dirty old creep!

  I ran off down a darkened side street, not hearing the rumble of the motorcycle behind me.

  Chapter Four


  She was crying.

  The girl was crying.

  Frannie was crying.

  Not like a pretty girl cried to get her way or even the way chicks cried during movies.

  She was bawling her freaking eyes out.

  Fuck man, what the hell happened?

  I was pretty sure she saw me before she ran off towards downtown. I was pretty sure she wanted to be alone. But I didn’t care.

  Fuck me if I was going to let a girl who looked like that roam the streets alone at night. Never mind that I was pretty sure she had no cash on her. She was going to get herself into a bad situation.

  I didn’t like the thought of that.

  Not at all.

  I started my bike and followed her at a crawl.

  Fucking hell!

  The chick was paying zero attention to which way she was walking. She was heading directly into a sketchy part of town. I told myself I was just keeping the girl from getting mugged, or worse.

  The truth was, I didn’t want to let her out of my sight.

  If you had asked me why I would have said it’s because I wanted to fuck her.

  But it was more than that.

  I just wasn’t sure what.

  After about ten blocks she stopped suddenly, finally looking around. I guess she just figured out that she was lost. She turned and saw me.

  In the darkness I could just see her eyes, big and wide and wet with tears. My heart lurched, feeling an overwhelming urge to pull her into my arms.

  To protect her.

  Fuck yeah this was about more than just sex.

  Slowly I pulled the bike up beside her.



  She looked at the ground then back up at me. Her eyes were the only thing I could see. But they said everything.

  “You were following me.”

  I nodded.


  “You looked like you weren’t paying attention to where you were going.”

  She just stared at me. I grabbed the spare helmet and walked over to her.

  “And you definitely were not headed for the bus.”

  She glanced away defiantly but when she looked back at me she was biting her lip. Trying not to laugh at herself. In that moment I got her.

  I got her completely.

  And I got it bad.

  She shook her head ruefully and lifted her chin so I could put the helmet on her head. What I really wanted to do was kiss her. Staring down at her face, lit up by the headlight of my bike.

  I wanted to kiss her so bad it hurt.

  Instead I pulled her hair back and lowered the helmet into place. She stared at me as I buckled the strap under her chin.

  I knew it was the right thing to do. Not kissing her. The girl was clearly upset about something. It would be like stealing candy from a baby.

  But I couldn’t help myself from rubbing my knuckles over her cheek.

  She felt like silk.

  Warm, living silk.

  I stepped back quickly before I changed my mind. I climbed on, waiting for her to get into position behind me without a word.

  She slid her arms around me and I took off, going faster than I had before. I wanted to put the streets behind us. I wanted to get her home.

  Fuck, I wanted to go home with her.

  I’d known this girl only a few hours and I already felt like we were in tempo, moving together on the bike like one person.

  We rode for a half hour, heading toward her neighborhood on the far side of town. I was having trouble believing the girl lived all the way over here. It didn’t seem like a college area. Not that it was unsafe. It was just sort of… run down.

  I pulled in front of the seedy looking apartment building and stopped, waiting for her to get off before I did. She handed me her helmet and I grinned, whipping off mine. She looked so solemn. But I wasn’t giving up yet.

  “You’re not getting off that easy.”

  Her big eyes got even bigger. Her lips opened. I was pretty sure we both had the same thing in mind at that moment. But I wanted to drag things out a bit.

  Besides, I really really wanted to know what had freaked her out so bad.

  “So, are you going to tell me what happened?”


  I stared at the gorgeous guy standing in front of me. He’d come to my aid already tonight twice. Maybe he was expecting something in return.

  Like sex.

  The crazy thing was… if I hadn’t been sure I would embarrass myself, I would have seriously considered it.

  As it was I still owed him an explanation.

  And a cup of coffee. Or a beer. Too bad I didn’t have any.

  “Do you want to come up for a minute?”

  His eyes lit up and I knew I’d been right. For whatever reason, this Adonis wanted to hook up with me. But it wasn’t going to happen.

  Not like this.

  For some reason I didn’t have a second thought about asking him upstairs though. He’d been polite all evening. More than polite.

  He was a regular knight in shining armor.

  It’s too bad I wasn’t a princess.

  Or an easy tavern wench.

  He nodded and I bent down to rummage in my bag for my keys. When I finally found them, I realized he was laughing at me.

  “Why do you carry around all that stuff?”

  I flushed.

  “Oh, force of habit. I didn’t like to go home
much when I was a kid so I got used to bringing my stuff with me.”

  I almost kicked myself as soon as the words were out. I sounded like a freak. Or a runaway.

  Not like what I was at all.

  A spoiled rich girl whose Mommy and Daddy didn’t love her.

  Nobody on Earth would feel sorry for me if they knew the truth.

  I lived in a big house, with servants. I had everything a little girl could want and more. Horseback riding lessons. Ballet. Tutors for every subject.

  And yet I dreaded going home every day after school. To the big empty house where nobody laughed. Nobody even talked.

  It felt like a tomb.

  Instead, I’d spent every weekend at my best friend Nevada’s house. I’d basically lived there from the age of eight to eighteen. Nev and her mom didn’t have much back then, but they had each other. Their little apartment was always filled with laughter and music and cheesy old movies.

  I loved it there.

  I felt loved there.

  It was pretty much the only time I’d ever felt that other than when my Gram was looking after me. And she’d been in a home since I was in seventh grade.

  So, not a lot.

  Either way, this insanely good-looking guy did not need to hear it. But when I stole a glance over my shoulder at him, he looked thoughtful. Not bored.

  Not judgemental.

  Also, he was staring at my legs.

  He caught me looking and smiled as if staring at my legs was perfectly natural. In one night I’d now been ogled by two men. After twenty-two years on Earth, with not a single solitary glance.

  What the heck was going on?

  The most interesting thing was that I didn’t seem to mind Jace looking. The creepy crawly feeling I’d had with Professor Candel was nowhere to be found.

  Jace’s eyes on me created another feeling altogether as I climbed the stairs.

  A warm feeling. Very, very warm.

  “This is me.”

  I unlocked the door, wondering for the hundredth time what had gotten into me. Professor Candel. The car. Jace.

  Rescuing me.

  Twice in one night.

  He followed me inside, saying nothing as I switched the lights on and opened the windows, turning on my precious fan. No AC, so that fan was basically my baby. Especially now that it was the start of summer.


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