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Randy & Jett_Dragon Kisses

Page 5

by Lynn Stark

  Jett swore. “Really?”


  Jett hadn’t seen any sign of Randy. There weren’t any windows on this side of the house. “How did he know I was out here?”

  Slender shoulders shrugged. “I told him when he asked what I was doing. I won’t lie to him. That’s not cool and friends don’t lie to each other.”

  There was no way in hell Jett could ever get mad at Quinn. He was obviously as honest as he was sweet. There was a surprise.

  “Sure, why not?”

  “Hurry. Randy bought a pool for Gemma. He says she’s being silly. I don’t want to miss it.”

  Neither did Jett. During his research he had learned that Gemma was Randy’s dog. He got out of the car and followed Quinn and Snake to backyard of Randy’s house. He briefly wondered what Randy would have to say about Jett sitting outside his house. Anticipation buzzed through his body. It was an unfamiliar sensation. He couldn’t remember ever feeling anything quite like it. It wasn’t the same as what he had felt when he was overseas, watching for and fighting the enemy. No, it wasn’t the same at all. That form of anticipation had been filled with a combination of fear, dread, and a strong sense of survival. It had kept his senses sharp, which had saved him and his men more than once.

  This anticipation was light. It made his heart beat in a good way. His blood raced through his veins and he recognized the pleasure he felt when Randy came to mind. Jett had the feeling he was falling in love with a man he had only met twice. Was that possible? he wondered as he walked along the side of the house toward the white picket gate. There was no sign of Quinn, but he could hear the man’s joyous laughter and Snake’s more reserved chuckle. Randy appeared, however, to push the gate open in welcome. There was a dripping wet dog beside him. It stared at Jett for a few seconds with huge brown eyes before sniffing his leg and running off.

  “How’s the covert surveillance going?” Randy asked.

  “It was going fine. You didn’t know I was there until Quinn spilled his guts, did you?”

  “I had absolutely no clue you were out there being all secret agent and stuff.”

  Jett bent down to whisper in Randy’s ear. “Being a smartass might get your ass warmed.”

  Randy didn’t respond, but Jett saw the color spread across his cheekbones as he straightened. Randy all but ran ahead of Jett as they made their way around to the back of the house and a flagstone patio. Jett’s gaze roamed over Randy’s slender, muscular body before looking at his surroundings.

  There was a small swimming pool set up out in the center of the yard. Gemma was jumping in and out of it with more enthusiasm than grace, causing Jett to wince when the small dog tripped and flopped over into the pool.

  “I see you have something to drink. How about some chips and dip?” Randy asked, not quite meeting Jett’s gaze. The man’s color was still high, as if his awareness of Jett was increasing. “Go ahead, sit down. This is my landlady, Mrs. Green. Mrs. Green, this is Jett Hayden, a friend.”

  Randy disappeared inside the house, leaving Jett with Snake, Quinn, and Mrs. Green. Jett was aware that Randy was running and hiding. What Jett wanted to know was why. They barely knew each other and Jett certainly hadn’t made a move on the guy. Jett didn’t believe that one or two suggestive remarks to test the waters counted. They hadn’t been enough to make Randy run scared.

  Randy returned after a few minutes. Quinn had gone up to help him and both men were loaded down with an assortment of snacks. Mrs. Green also left for a few minutes. When she returned he saw that she had a deck of cards and poker chips. It wasn’t long before they had a game going. It turned out to be an entertaining afternoon. They didn’t leave until they had all lost money to the elderly woman. It wasn’t until they finished, and she was putting away the chips, that she told them that she had worked in Las Vegas casinos during the 50s and 60s, before she had met Mr. Green. There was a definite twinkle in her eyes as she wished them a good night and headed inside.

  “It’s a good thing we were only playing for quarters,” Jett said, with a chuckle. “Well, it’s been fun. Pit Bull and Bear will be here soon. Try not to blow their cover, okay?”

  Randy didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded in agreement. “Okay. I hope you guys won’t feel the need to do this for long.”

  “We’ll do it for as long as we need to. Your safety is a priority. After checking out Barker, we feel you were right in wanting to take steps to protect yourself. Barker is a loose cannon. He has quite the past in several other places.”

  Randy frowned as he walked with Jett toward the gate. “I didn’t know that. Well, I guessed that he couldn’t have gotten to his age of what, almost thirty, without getting in trouble. I just don’t know why he’s focused on me.” Randy laughed, but Jett didn’t hear any real humor in it. “Maybe he forgot about me while he was in jail.”

  Jett doubted that, but said in comforting a tone, “Maybe he has. We should know soon enough.” Feeling his leg being poked, Jett looked down to see Gemma trying to get his attention. Her stumpy little tail began wagging vigorously when he made eye contact with her. Leaning down Jett scratched her behind the ear. “Good girl,” he told her.

  As he straightened and looked down, Jett considered kissing Randy. There was nothing about the man that indicated that Randy would welcome such a move. Keeping his lips to himself, Jett unlatched the gate and glanced down again at Gemma. She was standing beside Randy now. Jett stepped through the opening, closing and latching the gate after him.

  “Hopefully, we won’t have to do this for long. I don’t want you to worry about anything. We’re here to take care of you.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Jett had to get out of there. The sudden urge to kiss Randy was growing stronger and he didn’t know how long he would be able to resist. It wasn’t a line he wanted to cross. Instinct was telling him Randy wouldn’t appreciate any physical contact with him just yet, if ever. He walked along the flagstone path, heading out to the car idling at the curb. He was in no way surprised to see Quinn in the car with Snake. Shaking his head he got into the car and settled back into the passenger seat. He saw Pit Bull and Bear not too far away, walking along the sidewalk.

  “We’re going to drop Quinn off at home,” Snake told him, waving to the two men as they drove past.

  “Dragon, do you like Randy?” Quinn asked, from the rear seat.

  Did he? Jett felt an attraction. He had felt it the first time he had seen Randy at the bar. “I can’t say for sure. He’s a nice guy, but we’ve only met a couple of times.”

  “Randy’s a terrific person. Just give him a chance to get to know you,” Quinn advised. A small hand touched Jett’s shoulder. “Don’t give up, if things don’t go smoothly at first,” he added softly.

  This told Jett that there was a lot going on with Randy, maybe more than he wanted to deal with. Time would tell. Jett knew he would have to wait at least until he knew what his feelings were for the other man. It was certainly too soon to know.

  They dropped Quinn off at the house where he lived with several others. It was a lengthy good-bye between Snake and Quinn, although there didn’t seem to be much of a sexual nature. They held hands and Quinn leaned against Snake. Jett could both see and feel the emotion the two men shared. What surprised him was that there wasn’t even a single kiss exchanged. It was as puzzling as it was wonderful.

  Once Snake had put Quinn securely behind the front door, Snake returned to the car and they headed home.

  Jett didn’t particularly like poking his nose in other people’s business, but he was curious, “What’s going on with you and Quinn? Is it serious?” Snake was like a brother to him. He didn’t believe the man would be upset by the question.

  “I think so. We’re taking it slow. Randy’s not the only one with issues, although I don’t know what they are,” he added quickly. “Quinn might seem like he’s willing to spill his guts
about some things, but he’s completely loyal to his friends. He didn’t share information about Randy. Anyway, he and I have decided that there’s no need to rush into anything. I’m fairly sure I’m falling hard for the guy,” Snake said, chuckling. “Quinn wants to be sure I’m his one and only, because he’s never been with anyone before.”

  “Really? That’s cool.”

  It seemed incredible to Jett that Quinn could be a virgin, when it seemed so many young people were sexually active. He felt a stab of envy. Not because Snake was going to be with a virgin, but because he was finding something special with another person.

  Feeling as he did, Jett realized he was at a point in his life where he was ready for love, too. Was Randy the other half of that equation?

  “It is. Quinn’s a great guy. I certainly would never get bored with him. He cracks me up.”

  “Yeah, he is a character. I hope things work out for the two of you.”

  “Thanks. Same to you.”

  After that, Jett and Snake stowed away their feelings. It was enough sharing for a while. As they arrived home, Jade waved to them from the new deck behind the house. “Hey, guys, I’ve finished smoking more ribs. After you get cleaned up, come back to eat,” Jade yelled.

  Jett waved. “Sure thing. We’ll be over in about fifteen minutes.”

  It was a good thing there was more than one bathroom in the bunkhouse. Jett showered quickly as his stomach grumbled. He was ready for some serious food. Chips were okay, but he needed something more substantial, otherwise his empty stomach would keep him awake all night. If he remained awake, he would likely think about Randy. Not knowing what he wanted from him, Jett decided rest was better for him than rampant speculation. He figured the morning was soon enough to think about love, sex, and relationships.

  Supper with Jade and Stephen was enjoyable, as it always was. The two men were pointedly weaning themselves off the protection they had needed the past few months. Stephen, former law enforcement, had been honing his own skills with Jett and the other men that had been hired to protect them. Jade, too, was increasing his own skills. The two men were feeling more confident in their ability to defend themselves, should the need arise. It was important for Jade and Stephen to be prepared, if they didn’t want a protection detail for an undetermined amount of time.

  As they sat on the deck, enjoying the sounds of the night, Jade spoke up. “We’ve given a lot of thought to getting two or three dogs to help guard the place. Because we would like to have livestock, like sheep or goats, we think the Kuvasz is the breed for us and maybe a smaller, more vocal dog for inside the house.”

  Jett grinned when Jade looked ruefully to where Afghan hound Willow was spread out like a silky rug on the decking. Tug, a black and white French bulldog, was on his back nearby, short legs in the air. A goldfish had more ambition than either of those dogs.

  “We actually checked out the website of a local animal rescue organization,” Stephen said, kissing Jade’s cheek as the smaller man moved to sit on his lap. “They have several dogs that would be suitable for the house, so we’re going in to look at them tomorrow. Then we will contact a breed rescue to investigate further into getting a couple of the Kuvasz. Those dogs need homes, too. Jade and I don’t see any reason to get a puppy when there are already fully grown dogs available, ones that need something we can give them.”

  “The outside dogs will be able to help with more than the livestock,” Snake said. “Just having them around will make people think twice about coming on the property, let alone the house. Those kids, who trashed the house last winter, before you moved in, could have been deterred by dogs.”

  The damage done to the house by a group of partying teenagers had been extensive and costly. It had taken several weeks to repair the damage to walls, ceilings, and floors. Appliances and furniture had been replaced as well.

  “You would think the property being owned by Colt Redford would have been enough of a deterrent,” Jade joked.

  Jett could understand that. Colt Redford was probably the most important person in town. While the man had a heart of gold, and would do anything to help anyone, he was also someone people with lick of common sense wouldn’t mess with. Jett didn’t have any firsthand experience, but he knew Colt could be dangerous. He hadn’t been a threat to the destructive teenagers, of course, but he had seen to it that they were held responsible.

  “You’ve got that right. He’s like a legend around here,” Jade said.

  “Baby, you’re not having impure thoughts about Colt again, are you?”

  The beautiful smile Jade gave Stephen caused Jett to catch his breath. “Maybe?” Jade said, lifting his face for a kiss.

  “Maybe I should do something to make you forget about him,” Stephen told his mischievous husband.

  Seeing that as his cue to leave, Jett rose to his feet and picked up the empty beer bottle. “We’ll see you guys in the morning. Be sure to lock up before you get too distracted.”

  “Bye, guys,” Jade said as Jett and Snake walked down off the deck and headed out into the darkness to do a check around the house before heading to the bunkhouse.

  Chapter Five

  Soaping his hair, Randy tried to hurry through his shower. He didn’t want to think about why he was in a hurry. It didn’t matter that it was Jett’s night to guard him, did it? No, it didn’t matter, Randy told himself as he rinsed off.

  He knew he wasn’t interested in Jett in a sexual way. Hadn’t he vowed to remain celibate for the remainder of his life? It was just a friendship thing. The guy was a hell of a lot of fun to hang around with. Randy liked the other three men who took turns guarding him, but Jett was the one he liked the best. Jett seemed to know how to be Randy’s buddy. They could joke around or have serious discussions. Randy was getting to be completely at ease with Jett. It felt as if he had made another friend and a person couldn’t have too many of those. He hadn’t had friends as a child, but he was determined to have them as an adult.

  The thought made Randy smile as he searched for a pair of underwear. He really needed to do his laundry, he thought with a grimace. As he pulled on his last pair of boxer briefs, the ones with holes and stretched elastic he saved for an emergency like this, he wondered if Jett would be willing to hang out in the laundromat for a couple of hours.

  Once Randy was dressed he gathered all his dirty clothes and pillowcases, tossed them in the center of the bed, and then pulled the sheets off and tied the four corners together. Picking the bundle up, he carried it out to the living room, glancing at the clock as he did so. Jett would be here in five more minutes. Gemma came running to stand beside Randy, her eyes filled with hope.

  “Do you want to go wash clothes with daddy?” Gemma barked excitedly, her tail wagging. He reached out to get her leash from the peg on the wall at the top of the stairs. He snapped it on her collar and told her firmly, “Stay. Daddy will call you in a second.”

  Randy picked up the bundle of dirty laundry and carried it down the stairs and outside to place it on the porch. He smiled when he saw Jett walking up the sidewalk toward the house.

  Jett’s dark gaze went to the laundry. “I guess I know what we’re doing tonight,” he said. “Are we walking or driving?”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m too lazy to carry this all the way to the laundromat and back. We’ll take the car.” Randy looked around. “No buddy system tonight?”

  Laughing, Jett shook his head. “I can’t give away all of our secrets. Now, let’s get this stuff loaded. Once it starts washing, we’ll find something to do around town.”

  “I like the way you think. I wasn’t looking forward to watching my clothes slosh around in a washer.”

  “Have you had supper yet?” Jett asked as they went to Randy’s car. He opened the trunk and put the laundry in. “We can go over to the Silver Pig Bar and Grill for pulled pork sandwiches and corn on the cob.”

  Randy nodded. “And coleslaw.” He returned to the porch and opened the door
, calling Gemma as he did so. She ran down the stairs, yapping happily, and past him to the car. He followed, watching as Jett opened the door to the car to let Gemma hop in. “We can eat outside. That way Gemma can come with us.”

  Unfamiliar sensations shot through Randy as soon as he was closed in the confines of the car with Jett. He didn’t waste time in squashing them. Allowing himself to feel any kind of attraction toward him was pointless. The minute they hooked up he would be reminded of his past and that was something he planned on avoiding at all costs. There was also the honesty issue. While he would want to keep the details of his past to himself, he knew he couldn’t go into a relationship with any man without telling them that he used to sell his body to support his drug habit. Because he had no plans to do any such thing, that meant there was no possibility of having a relationship. He wasn’t sharing the shame he had experienced since the first time he had accepted money from a stranger for sex.

  Randy tried hard not to think about his past. The only time he allowed himself to think about it was when he was with his therapist. There were times he felt better during and afterward, but the feeling never lasted. He knew others going through therapy, too, but most seemed to be having more positive results. Giving himself time was the answer. He knew that. However, changing his mind about not wanting a lover was not likely to happen. There was no way he could ever rid himself of feeling that he had been one of lowest of the low. Thinking about what he had done now threatened to make him lose his appetite.

  Taking a deep breath, Randy parked the car in the laundromat parking lot. Gemma hopped around in the small backseat, eager to get out. She had so much energy, he knew he’d take her to the new dog park at the edge of town later.

  Jett carried the bundle of laundry as Randy led Gemma in and carried the small container with the laundry tabs in it. When he tried to shove everything into one washer, Jett stopped him.


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