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Amish Sweethearts

Page 30

by Amy Clipston

  “All right.” Her pulse leapt as she sank onto the glider beside him.

  “I owe you an apology,” he began. “I’m so sorry for losing my temper with you. I realize now that you never meant to hurt me, and you believe my carvings should be shared.”

  “I was wrong.” She shook her head.

  “No. Actually, you were right.” Lloyd smiled, and her insides swelled with hope. “I should sell them, and I want to sell them.”

  “You do?” Ellie regarded him with suspicion. “I don’t understand.”

  “I decided tonight that I want to sell them at Gene’s store, and my father gave me permission.” Lloyd took her hands in his, and she enjoyed the security of his warm skin against hers. “I want to sell them in memory of Seth and give all the money to you and your mamm.”

  “Why would you give the money to us?”

  “Rebecca told me you need to work to even be able to buy groceries.” His expression clouded with concern. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed help?”

  A lump swelled in Ellie’s throat. “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I guess I didn’t want to ask for help. I thought I could take care of mei mamm myself.”

  “I want to help you take care of your mamm. I know that’s what Seth would want me to do. If the sales help Gene increase your hours again, and you want to keep your job, too, that’s your decision. You aren’t a kind. But I want to help.”

  Ellie sniffed as tears filled her eyes. “Lloyd, that is too generous.”

  “It’s not nearly enough to show you how much I care for you,” he said. “Ellie, I love you. I’ve loved you since you fell in the mud while you were chasing Daisy. I’m so sorry I was upset with you for showing the dove to Gene. You’re the sweetest, most thoughtful maedel I’ve ever met, and I know you would never betray me. I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” He touched her cheek and wiped away a tear. “I would be honored if you would be my girlfriend.”

  Ellie was speechless as she searched his eyes. Was she dreaming? Had Lloyd truly said he loved her? This couldn’t possibly be real.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, worry filling his expression.

  “Ya, of course I will.” Her heart raced with happiness. “I love you too. I’ve loved you since I was twelve years old.”

  “You have?” His eyes widened with shock.

  “Ya.” She smiled. “I was hoping that someday you’d figure out how I felt about you and then decide to love me too.”

  “Danki for waiting for me.” Lloyd leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, sending her stomach into a wild swirl. “I’m so sorry it took me this long to figure out how strongly I feel about you. I promise I will never let you go.”

  As he kissed her again, Ellie closed her eyes and silently thanked God for her precious friendship with Lloyd and his wonderful carved birds. Then she chuckled at her next thought.

  “You know what I think Seth would say, Lloyd? I think he’d call us the love birds.”

  Lloyd chuckled too. “And I think he’d be right.”

  Discussion Questions

  1. Ellie is determined to convince Lloyd to sell his special carvings despite his clear objections. While Ellie’s intentions are good, she is not taking into consideration what Lloyd truly wants. Think of a time when you may have had misguided intentions for a loved one. Share this with the group.

  2. At the beginning of the story, Lloyd sees Ellie only as Seth’s little sister. His feelings for her change throughout the story. What do you think causes this transformation?

  3. Lloyd feels Ellie betrayed him when she showed the carved dove to Gene Rider. Were you ever betrayed by a close friend or loved one? How did you come to grips with that betrayal? Were you able to forgive that person and move on? If so, where did you find the strength to forgive? Share this with the group.

  4. Ellie truly regrets going behind Lloyd’s back and showing the carving to Gene Rider. Did you ever lie to someone or do something behind their back and then have to ask for forgiveness? Did that person forgive you? Why or why not? What Bible verses would help with this?

  5. Which character can you identify with the most? Which character seemed to carry the most emotional stake in the story? Was it Ellie, Lloyd, Margaret, or someone else?

  6. Rebecca is determined to help Lloyd and Ellie work out their differences. Have you ever found yourself as the peacemaker due to a family, social, or work situation? If so, how did you handle the conflict? Did it turn out the way you’d hoped? Share this with the group.

  7. Lloyd’s father calls the carvings prideful at the beginning of the story. He changes his opinion, however, near the end of the story and agrees to allow Lloyd to sell the birds after Lloyd explains that God has called him to use the carvings to help the Lapp family. Think about a time in your life when you were certain of God’s will. Share this with the group.

  8. What did you know about the Amish before reading this book? What did you learn?


  As always, I’m thankful for my loving family. Special thanks to my special Amish friends who patiently answer my endless stream of questions. You’re a blessing in my life.

  To my agent, Natasha Kern—You are my own personal superhero! I can’t thank you enough for your guidance, advice, and friendship. I’m thankful that our paths have crossed and our partnership will continue long into the future. You are a tremendous blessing in my life.

  Thank you to my amazing editor, Becky Monds, for your friendship and guidance. Thank you also to editor Jean Bloom, who always helps polish my stories and connect the dots between my books. You’re a blessing! I’m grateful to each and every person at HarperCollins Christian Publishing who helped make this book a reality.

  Thank you most of all to God—for giving me the inspiration and the words to glorify you. I’m grateful and humbled you’ve chosen this path for me.

  About the Author

  Amy Clipston is the award-winning and bestselling author of the Amish Heirloom series and the Kauffman Amish Bakery series. She has sold more than one million books. Her novels have hit multiple bestseller lists including CBD, CBA, and ECPA. Amy holds a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband, mom, two sons, and three spoiled rotten cats.

  Visit her online at

  Facebook: AmyClipstonBooks

  Twitter: @AmyClipston

  Instagram: amy_clipston




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