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A Witch's Destiny

Page 2

by E. J. Bennett

  His warm breath ghosted across her face. Divina shut her eyes in anticipation.

  She stifled a surprised gasp as his soft lips captured hers again, more fiercely. His tongue hungrily explored her mouth, causing her body to flush with heat. The heat seemed to travel through her veins, warming her.

  She moaned softly when the dark haired guy slid inside her.

  Her bedroom was full of shadows and the sweaty smell of summer sex. He was taking control; he ran his lips down her neck gently tugging at her skin with his teeth. Then he ran his tongue over her bare breast. Divina was enjoying the shots of spasms. Just as she felt a rush of euphoric bliss envelop her, making her heart sing with pure joy, he drew away. She instantly missed the lovely heat curling within her.

  He stopped for a few seconds, both of them panting. Divina dug her nails into his back and drew him back down to her. She wanted him, in that moment she needed him.

  Then he began thrusting into her with a surge of passion she hadn’t expected. Then just as spontaneous as he proved to be he turned her back onto her belly and slid between her butt cheeks while pressing his hand hard against her back.

  Their bodies fit together as if they were made for just this. He gently rocked his body hitting her core. Perspiration dripped down her breasts. Impulsively, he turned her over again. This time she wrapped her legs around his waist while he pushed himself deep into her. Divina was enjoying the ecstasy so she arched her back. He moved in and out of her faster and faster.

  Divina’s body rippled with pleasure as he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. Then something happened while they continued to have sex. Divina felt her body leaving the bed and float into the air, elevating slowly, they were both levitating a few meters above the bed.

  The guy who she now recognized as the dark haired handsome guy from the Party-Melissa’s property wasn’t alarmed. Instead he continued and seconds later, Divina was caught in the ecstasy of an orgasm.

  Then she felt herself falling and a voice from her subconscious called “Wake up!”

  “Wake up sweetie” she thought she heard a familiar voice. What had happened? She looked around in a daze. The hospital, yeah, she was in the hospital. Her heavy eyes began forming the familiar figure. Mom?

  “Mom! How did you . . .” she tried speaking but she felt a surge of pain from the rear of her skull.

  “Shuush . . . you need to get some rest and some real food” Amy Vice spoke with her ever-tender voice.

  “How is Pa? How is he?” Divina inquired.

  “His condition has been stable for the past four hours, I need to get you home”

  “Not now, I need to see him” Then the flash of what happened when she walked into the hospital room the last time came back haunting her. She couldn’t remember the exact words or the sentences as they were arranged but the words Lycan God-mother didn’t get mixed up with the memory of the super-sex she had with Melissa’s property. Why had she dreamed of him? Why was it so vivid? It felt real.

  Oh God, this isn’t happening she thought to herself. It was not possible that she was living the Count Dracula lifestyle, what was all this? Lycan God-mother! Crazy sex dreams.

  “Divina, Divina,” her mother called her back to her senses.

  “Do you want to see him now?” Divina felt a spark of panic responding to the imminent fear which accompanied the momentary memory flash she had just received.

  “No, I have a headache,”

  Amy was startled by her sudden change in attitude, she knew Divina too well not to distinguish between a terrified daughter of hers and a sick daughter.

  They got into Amy’s car which was superior specie than that of Pa’s.

  “I will get someone to pick up Pa’s car. you’re in no condition to drive,” Amy said as she started the engine. Divina had forgotten about her Pa’s car still parked in the hospital car park.

  The drive back home was slow and silent. When they got to the gate, it hit Divina in the head again much worse than any headache. The party! Melissa! The sitting room.

  Alcohol! She was a dead girl walking. Silently in her mind she prayed, her first prayer in some months now.

  Oh God, if you still there, let Mum overlook the mess in the sitting room. Definitely, no-one could ever ignore the horrible sight of alcohol bottles, papers, and cups littered around.

  Her Mom got in first and when Divina didn’t hear the regular yells from inside, she believed all was well. When she got in, what she saw made her heart skip. The sitting room was sparkling clean! Oh! Melissa you are a darling.

  Amy got some groceries and prepared something to eat. Divina ate her brunch before having a refreshing shower. She took some aspirin and in minutes she was soundly asleep. Amy made sure her daughter was fast asleep before she picked up her cell to make the call.

  “Yeah, it’s me Amy” her voice had a certain measure of trepidation in it. The receiver on the other hand sounded calm and collected.

  “He is here!”

  “Who? What? Calm down Amy”

  “I can’t, I won’t. Someone gave your father the bite of the curse,”

  “You don’t mean it! Are you sure it’s a bite or has the old man just got mental issues in his old age?”

  “Am not a kid, I know one when I see it,”

  “That has to be the work of a Lycan” she was on the verge of hysterics.

  “I trusted you, you said you were going to stop this,” she added with a lump in her voice. If she had known then she would never of allowed Divina to enter Macy’s Woods. City was the safest place for her.

  “Calm down Amy, we will work this out together,” the male said calmly.

  “There is no we, without my daughter-” The receiver interrupted Amy’s incoherent words.

  “Our daughter is safe but now would be the time to do the right thing,”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean Amy, she has more than enough powers to protect you, me and herself, her clan I think you should . . .”

  “Never! I can’t allow that now,” how could he even suggest such a thing.

  “Then you have to hold it together till I get to the root of this,”

  “What are you suggesting Aiden? I should expose our daughter to danger because of your incompetence”

  “Just keep it together please”

  Aiden and Amy had been separated for five years, and one of the reasons was now raising its ugly head. They had to do it and stay in touch for the love they both shared for their only child but this wasn’t going well. Who was the Lycan in the town? She hanged up the call and decided to go back to the hospital.

  She couldn’t get over the thought of what Aiden wanted her to do. She couldn’t. Never, she knew what would happen and so did he. So why would he risk it. They had faced many hard times. All without their daughter ever being brought into any of it, she was young and didn’t deserve such a fate.

  Before Amy left she checked in on her daughter. Poor girl was tossing and turning, mumbling in her sleep.

  Seeing her grandpa so erratic, like that must have done more damage than Amy had first thought.

  She would fix it, for her daughter. With or without Aiden’s help.

  DIVINA JERKED AWAKE suddenly. It seemed as if her hands were numb from being tied up for countless number of hours. She raised her head up just for her to meet the eyes of one of her captors. She didn’t know how she knew she had been kidnapped. She just knew.

  They looked human with deadly white skin that held a grey tint. They had a necklace around their neck which held a pendent. Call it instinct, Divina knew they weren’t ornamental but for something she couldn’t just say at the time. The one staring at her had a sinister smile and winked at her. Her response was lifeless- she stared back coldly.

  “I need a drink of water,” she mustered energy to say while she lay back down.

  Ten minutes passed away, without any reply. She got back up and yelled with strength she must have thought she didn�
�t have. She heard her own shock in her voice at the power behind her words.

  “Are you deaf or don’t you speak English? I need a drink of water!”

  The guy who had been staring at her for a while gave her a casual look and broke into that horrible smile again.

  “Am not your servant human,” he said harshly then spat into the ground.

  “Drink that, am sure you’ll be filled” he said while the horrible smile remained glued to his face. Divina couldn’t say anything any further, what did they want from her? If they were going to kill her, they could have done it long before she became conscious.

  Another figure who was one of her captors too woke up.

  A sharp scar ran from the end of his left eye to his lips, he had been woken up by the sound of their exchange and asked if it was time for him to take watch. But the rude baleful guy replied negative. He got up, said that he needed to pee and went off into some nearby bush.

  Due to the fact that she was pretending to be unafraid and unable to sleep, Divina got back up and decided to engage her captor in some small talk. The sinister fellow did not look too bright so what she had to do was press for information and also throw some chaos into what seemed to be a group of two unidentified men.

  “So . . . uhm, are you going to kill me? Rape or what?”

  She received another stern gaze. His greedy eyes and hungry self couldn’t be hidden. They were just waiting for the right person and that’s all. It quickly became clear that they were working for someone else. She watched her captor shift from one leg to the other uncomfortably. The look on his face told her he didn’t know what was to become of her. Yet that didn’t stop her from pressing him further.

  “What is it? If you guys are killers, just get on with it,”

  The other guy who had travelled into the bush returned in an instant. Divina thought she saw him move fast like a gust of wind through the air, just a blur. Maybe they had drugged her. It wasn’t possible. No one could move like that. Divina pinched her arm. It hurt and she winced. It was real. She couldn’t deny it anymore. What she was experiencing was no dream. Panic set in rendering her breathless for a moment. Her brain screamed at her to man up and fight. The fear she felt melted away and anger took its place. She wasn’t weak, Divina told herself.

  “Wow! That’s cool man” She exclaimed. She was ready to get them talking and she didn’t care about the consequences. She needed an advantage to get out of the situation. How had she got there in the first place? Trees and bushes that is all she could see. The last thing she could remember was taking some pain killers and lying down.

  A dead silence fell for a good few minutes. She was not comfortable with it and decided to eliminate it.

  “Hey! Hey! Which one of you got the horrible tooth?”

  As usual the silence prevailed.

  “Okay, I get, you guys are not just some crack addicts, you also dumb too.”

  That was it. One of her captors walked up to her and exposed the set of his long canine teeth like a vampire. Divina was terrified to the bones. Were they real vamps, to her they only existed in movies and novels. Maybe he just had bad dental hygiene that would explain the foul stench of his breath.

  “Back off Seth!” A female voice from behind warned. Divina had no idea when the owner of the voice had arrived. The voice was familiar and it took her a few seconds to put a face to the sound. But it couldn’t be. The whole situation was just something she couldn’t really understand. The guy who she now knew as Seth had to walk back, and then she received the shock of her life.

  “Mother!” she screamed.

  Everything began to blur and she felt as if she was floating. Then blackness enveloped her.

  When the blackness began to fade, a new scene was in front of her. She smiled and ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

  Divina watched as he moved towards her. Her teeth gently dug into her bottom lip and secretly marveled at how she could easily accept the fact that he was just all she needed. The acceleration of her heart had nothing to do with fear but what her body really wanted-desired. The figure took her into his arms and kissed her. It was that perfect feeling she longed for. The kiss was filled with heated passion, it sent surges of electricity through her body. He was there, he was what she wanted. They devoured each other while they held desperately clung to one another, they couldn’t break the kiss apart. It was like their lives hanged on it. He explored all of her with his tender hands. Spasms of sensations trailed down her body leaving a path of tingling flesh.

  The stars shone bright that night she stared at them taking in their beauty. That was all she could do, to prevent herself from falling asleep beside him as they lay on the bare grass, was stare up at them in awe. Then he made another move. He knew what she wanted and gave it to her. Her nipples tingled with that phantom feeling of his lips encircling them. Almost simultaneously, she could feel a slight throbbing between her legs. She nuzzled him closer, close enough just to give enough access. She held him tighter. A nasty naughty thought found its way to her head. Then she mimicked a walking person with her fingers and strolled down towards his now flaccid rod. Cradling it in her hand and stroking its length, it jumped into life in her hand. Then she could feel it, a turgid heat of his shaft coupled with her rapidly liquefying feminine core. His hands gently caressing her hair. Almost automatically he grunted in a resigned manner and rolled on top of her. While her legs automatically spread apart, very eager to receive him. He bit his lips seductively. Her gaze dropped to the scars which were on his chest. The figure stopped while she caressed them.

  “When peace returns to my clan and yours we will be together,” There was something about his voice, something very familiar about it.

  “It has been like this for centuries, would it ever end?” Divina found herself talking.

  “I love you, that’s all that matters”

  Chapter 3

  It was 8:42 p.m. by her count she had been sleeping for more than five hours. She could not point out a simple reason why she had slept for so long. On her cell, she could see twelve missed calls. Most of them were from Melissa and her Mom and the last name on her call log surprised her, it was her Dad. She walked out of her room and down the stairs into the Kitchen. Amy had left her a note. Her dinner was in the microwave. She sat by the dining table all alone, pondering on the last horrible twenty-four hours of her life. If all these were true, the dreams which were just too real, her grandfather yelling about a Lycan god-mother then there was another part of her life. She needed to make some findings. Quickly she walked to her room to get her laptop. She typed the word “Lycan” on the Google search bar. She clicked on the first result which was a Wikipedia page.


  Type: Humanoid. In Dungeons& Dragons, a lycanthrope is a humanoid shape shifter based on various legends of lycanthropes, werecats, and other such beings. In addition to the werewolf, in Dungeons & Dragons, were tigers, were boars, were bears and other shape shifting creatures similar to werewolves and related beings are considered lycanthropes, although in the real world, “lycanthrope” refers to a wolf-human combination exclusively.

  She further read about lycanthropes assuming the human form/humanoid hybrid, in addition to their animal form. During her research, she clicked on a link which took her to a page talking about vampires.

  Apart from the fact that they were considered as completely fictional or folk characters, somehow she stumbled on the fact that vampires were spectacular when it came to sex.

  Flashes of those thrilling nights in her dream clouded her head. Feeling lonely in the boring night she thought of really learning about these: lycans and vampires. She had seen some movies about them but this was more than that. For the first time in her life, she felt like there was a part of her she couldn’t access. Something was missing. She heard the humming of her mother’s car outside.

  “Hello, pumpkin” Amy shouted across the sitting room, seconds after she Divina heard the front door op
en and shut.

  Divina gave her a surprised look, Amy had her hands free on. Divina was sure that she was listening to loud rock music. She had inherited her love for rock from a former rock star-her mom! She hated it when her mother called her pumpkin she had outgrown that. After all she was twenty-one and enjoying collage life. Amy placed the grocery bag on the dining table.

  “Mom, we need to talk,”

  “What is it dear? That sounds serious,” Amy raised her eyebrow at the desperate tone to Divina’s voice.

  Divina sighed silently before she spoke.

  “Am I a Lycan?” It sounded outrageous when she said it out loud. Why did she feel there was more to her? Perhaps all the stress had caused the strange yet wonderful dreams.

  Amy’s eyes almost popped out from their socket, she couldn’t hide from the bombshell her daughter had just dropped. Quickly, she had to change her demeanor so as not to raise any suspicion.

  “Lycan, what’s a Lycan?”

  “A Lycan, vampire? Werewolf?”

  Amy smiled lightly. “You’ve been watching too many movies and reading horrible books right?”

  “Not at all Mom,”

  “Okay, since when did you start to believe those fictional stories? Nothing like that exist,”

  “It’s just that . . .”

  “Never mind Mom,”

  Amy’s suspicious ears had been raised. She could smell not only a rat, but the stench of a corpse.

  “Are you experiencing anything strange?”

  “Yes, No, I don’t know” Divina answered confusedly.

  “Have you experienced anything weird? Tell me,” Amy’s voice had a little touch of seriousness in it. There was a lycan in town definitely it would have at least one clan of vampire’s after him. where there were lycan’s vampires were never far.

  “Been having this weird dream, I keep seeing the same person with me,” Divina managed to say.

  “Just with you, did you hear the word Lycan from your dream?”

  “No, not that. It’s just that we have this out-of-this earth sex and . . .” quickly she halted mid sentence and her hand shot to her mouth.


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