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Annihilation: Book 06 - Demon's Sacrifice

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “Danielle it is.” Danielle disappeared and Al moved toward the five crystals. As Al passed in front of the crystals the first turned dark, as did the second and third, but the fourth crystal had a golden glow coming from inside. The fifth turned dark.

  “Tag, will you go second?”

  Tag shrugged and Danielle appeared on the bridge and Tag disappeared. The fourth ship gave off the golden glow as Al approached with Tag. The others turned dark.

  “Anglo, it’s your turn.”

  Anglo disappeared as Tag appeared on the bridge. Matt watched and the first four ships turned dark and he started to eliminate Anglo but the fifth ship glowed gold through its outer surface.

  “Sprig.” Sprig disappeared and all of the ships stayed dark.

  “Twig.” Again all of the ships stayed dark.

  “Cassandra.” The first ship glowed golden.

  “Tommy.” Once again the first ship turned gold.

  “Life, you’ve been very quiet during all of this.”

  “That’s because the second ship belongs to me.”

  Matt stared at the Gresh, “How do you know that?”

  “I have an affinity for ships. That one loves me.”

  Grena smiled, “He’s right. I can feel it, too.”

  “Then both of you go together and let’s see what happens.”

  The two disappeared and as they approached the second ship the golden glow broke through the surface and was almost blinding. The crystal began to change shape and Matt recognized the bow starting to form. “Looks like he knew what he was talking about.” Matt thought a moment and then turned to Sprig, “Where is Stem right now?”

  “He’s at one of the ship building facilities spending time with his mate. Why do you ask?”

  Matt punched his com, “Stem, I’m sending you some coordinates; please teleport to them immediately and please bring your mate with you.”

  A silver field appeared and Stem stepped out with Petal at his side. They were immediately teleported to Al as Life and Grena appeared. “Let me tell him, Matt?”

  “Go ahead.”

  They all heard Stem ask, “What’s going on?”

  “We’re trying to see if you will make a good meal for these rock creatures.”

  The whole room erupted into laughter. Sprig thought, ‘They never stop.”

  Matt laughed and managed to say, “No, thank goodness.”

  The third ship gave off a golden glow and started developing.

  Sprig and Twig were stunned silent with their laughter stopping abruptly.

  Stem asked Al, “Does that mean the ship wants to eat us?”

  Al was stunned, “No, Father. I never expected you to be one of the chosen.”

  “Chosen what?”

  “You and Petal will be one of the universe’s defenders. The third ship has chosen you to be its crew.”

  Stem was shocked silent.

  Stem and Petal reappeared on the Kosievs’ bridge and Twig and Sprig moved forward and embraced them in their branches. “My children, we are so proud of you.” Sprig then transferred all that had happened over the last two hours.

  Stem absorbed it instantly and then turned to Matt. “Well, it looks like Petal and I will be spending more time together.”

  Petal leaned over next to him, “I’m excited to get out of the ship building business and spend more time with you. I’ve missed being with you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Matt shook his head in amazement and said, “We need to find Anglo’s other crewmember, but in the mean time I want Tag and Danielle to go by their ship together as well as Cassandra and Tommy. Al, I think you can take all four of them on one trip.”

  The four disappeared and everyone watched the display as their respective ships exploded with golden light and began changing shape. Sprig thought, “Matt, what possessed you to bring Stem?”

  “I don’t know. I just felt that he should also be checked. Maybe the ship put the thought in my mind.”

  Anglo looked gloomy, “I have no idea who could possibly match up with me. I’m clueless.”

  “Well, I think we can possibly start searching. However, I want everyone back in the Map Room tomorrow at the same time as today. Please discuss what happened here today and we’ll decide what must be done next.”

  The red being was starting to get frustrated. He was looking at hundreds of universes every hour but none of them were the missing one. “We have not found it either.”

  “How many are searching?”


  “Even the Eldest?”

  “They are looking hardest of all. They have more fear than those that came later.”

  “Surly nothing exists that could be a real threat to us.”

  “Don’t even think that around them; their fear is real. I can feel it in them.”

  “I have looked at the records and the missing universe was harvested of all intelligent life just eight million years ago. That’s not enough time for them to evolve to a level dangerous to us.”

  “Perhaps the ones that moved it came into it from another universe.”

  The red being thought about that idea, “That is a possibility. Should we be afraid?”

  “If they are as frightened as I sense they are, I must give some weight to their experience. I am worried.”

  “Do you think we might have missed it in our rush to search quickly?”

  “We are going to keep looking until we find it.”

  “I will look carefully from this time forward. You have me worried now.”

  “That is probably a good thing.”

  “I’ll be hearing from my new tool shortly. Perhaps their search will bear fruit.”

  “I hope for your sake they do.”

  The second being felt his fear go up.”

  Chapter 8

  The group was back in the map room and Melanie came down with Angel Gardner and introduced her to the attendees. “Hello everyone, this is A.G.”

  Everyone admired their child and all of those with psychic abilities could feel the baby’s power. Melanie then handed Angel to her nurse and she took the baby to the nursery to care for her.

  Matt stood and said, “I know some of you that were chosen by a ship yesterday may have misgivings about what that means and the mission you are charged to fulfill. Unfortunately, there is no option about serving aboard them. The Realm will depend on us to protect it and all of you have sworn an oath to defend it with your lives. Does everyone understand this?”

  Tag leaned back, “Well, so much for retirement.”

  The attendees laughed as Danielle punched him in the ribs.

  “There is another issue that has to be resolved and this is something that I have given a lot of thought and feel quite strongly must be done immediately. Melanie and I are abdicating the Realm’s Throne.”

  The room burst out as everyone spoke at once, everyone except Danielle. She sat in her chair and nodded at Matt. He smiled at her and waited for the room to settle down. Finally, everyone sat back down and grew quiet. “Danielle, would you explain why this has to be done.”

  Danielle stood and looked around the room, “Matt and Melanie are going to be directly fighting the Red Demons. What do you think the Realm will do if they learn that their rulers are in the thick of battle against an enemy that puts all the others to shame especially if he is killed in the conflict? Matt has also been charged to find the other crews for the ships the Reg are building. He cannot rule the Realm and also perform the duties he is charged by the Reg to perform. He has no choice but to abdicate and work to build the fleet we must have to protect us. We should also remember that he is our only contact with the Reg.”

  Anglo looked at Danielle, “Then that also eliminates you and Tag from the throne as well.”

  Matt answered, “Yes, it does eliminate them. The new King and Queen of the Stars Realm will be Duke Sprig and Duchess Twig Gardner.”

  Sprig grew four feet before he cou
ld stop himself, “The Realm will never allow it. The Realm must be ruled by a Gardner; I’m not qualified”

  Matt looked at Sprig, “Sprig, you are a Gardner.”

  Sprig mumbled, “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

  Danielle stood, “Sprig, they will allow it because Matt was going to abdicate before he learned about the Reg ships. Am I right, Matt?”

  Matt smiled at Danielle, “You are incredible at seeing the truth. Yes, I was; everyone please sit down and let me explain why Sprig and Twig must accept the crown.”

  Twig thought, “What are you talking about “must accept”?”

  “The Realm now has more than twenty million members to rule. We are being asked to direct all of the member’s actions between the various members and quite frankly, we are failing to do the job we are entrusted to handle. It is my belief that if we don’t get a handle on ruling the Realm, then it will fall under its own weight. Humans do not have the mental capacity nor the speed to digest all of the issues coming before the crown and make timely decisions. Only two members of the Realm do have the necessary skills to do what needs to be done. The spiders appear to have it as well as the Algeans; however, the spiders are a new member and the Realm will not trust a race that was so violent such a short time ago. Sprig, tell me honestly that I am better equipped to handle the millions of members than you are and I’ll change my mind.”

  Sprig was struggling with what to do. He had seen the mass of problems stacking up in the support chambers and knew they were getting bigger by the moment. “A king is more than a problem solver, Matt.”

  “A good one is the best problem solver, Sprig. It is also important that their solutions reflect the values of the crown. You are the best candidate to rule the Realm, Sprig. With Twig helping you, the Realm will survive. Without you, I firmly believe it will fall.”

  Twig turned to Sprig and put her branches on his, “I don’t want this responsibility but you know he’s right. Look at the data on past civilizations.”

  “I already have, Dear; I see it; I just don’t like it.”

  “Then you have no choice. You have sworn to do all you can to protect the Realm. If you see it, you must accept.”

  Tag leaned forward, “Trust me, old friend, it gets easier after a few hundred years and you know my family is available anytime you need us.”

  Sprig looked up, “I wonder what Wes would say at this moment.”

  Cassandra laughed out loud, “He’d say, “What are you waiting for you overgrown pile of kudzu?”“

  Twig started shaking with laughter, “You’re probably right.” He straightened up, “How do we do this?”

  “We need to prepare; we’ll make the announcement next week. This meeting is adjourned until we handle this issue.” Everyone stood and went to congratulate Sprig.

  Destiny entered the meeting and General Durk was right behind him. “Your Majesty, one of the probes we left in our old universe arrived at Fleet Command and we have just downloaded what it recorded. The Demon’s new tool arrived in our old system an hour after we left.”

  Matt shook his head, “We cut that pretty close.”

  “Yes we did, Your Majesty, but that’s not the issue. The probe recorded the creatures giving instructions to all of its ships to go and scan universes looking for the green creatures.”

  “A lot of good it will do them, Destiny. You are here hidden behind the Reg’s screen.”

  “We are here but the Supreme Males you sent to another universe are not and they know about you and the Reg.”

  Matt was shocked, “You’re right. I completely forgot about them. Destiny, we can’t bring them here; they’re too dangerous.”

  “I know; your only choice is to kill them before they reveal the existence of the Realm.”

  “If they’re found we would be wasting our time. Those Red Demons can make them give up what they know. I’m also concerned that if we go there, we might be followed back.” Matt thought a moment, “We’ve got to go talk with the Reg. Al have you been listening to this conversation?”

  Matt found himself on Al’s bridge, “Yes, We’re on our way.” Al teleported to the planet of the Reg and waited. After a minute, three Reg appeared on the bridge and one thought to Matt, “You want to know if you can take the gift we gave you?”

  “Should we even try?”

  “Yes, there would be a possibility that even if this universe was found by the Demons and destroyed they might still miss our existence. It is necessary for you to try and defend that knowledge.”

  “How do I move Al into the ship?”

  “He is not needed at this time, Brother.”

  “Will they be able to follow me back to our universe?”

  “Your gift does not leave any tracks to follow.”

  “Are its weapons available?”

  “Yes they are. This is an exercise in self-defense; it will not harm us.”

  “Where is it?”

  “Waiting for you at your home.”

  The three Reg disappeared, Al teleported back to Ross, and Matt teleported down to the Castle.

  “Melanie, I need you to take a short trip.”


  “We need to go to our Reg ship.”


  “Yes, now.”

  Melanie took Matt’s hand, “I said I’d follow you anywhere.”

  Matt pressed his bracelet and they appeared on the bridge of the Reg ship. They sat down in their chairs and the golden glow filled the room and then settled into a light blue luminance. “What are you thinking, Love.”

  “The Demon’s new tool arrived in the spider’s old universe ten days ago and found them missing. The leader of the Demon’s ships instructed all of his fleet to start scanning universes for the green creatures. I forgot that we sent that ship of males to another universe. If they find that ship, they’ll learn about the Realm and the existence of the Reg. We must prevent that happening.”

  Matt, they already know something’s amiss with our universe disappearing. If they find our universe, they find us. This is really about the Reg isn’t it?”

  “Yes. There is a chance that even if they find us they could still miss the Reg since they are not organic beings. If the Reg survive, even if we are destroyed, they may be able to end this menace sometime in the distant future. It’s worth the risk to try and protect them.”

  “Where are the Males?”

  “We’re jumping there momentarily; however, we need to power up our weapons and drives. Are you ready to link?”

  Melanie closed her eyes and felt the trillions of links between their chairs. She thought, “Now!”

  The small ship started thrumming and the sound quickly rose in frequency and the glow around the ship thickened as the sound went higher up the octave. Matt felt the connection with Melanie and felt his psychic power grow. He closed his eyes and felt the ships weapons come on line. He also felt as if he and Melanie was one person. “This is wonderful. We need to do this more often.”

  “You’re right. I just hate we have to do this.”

  “We can’t save them, Melanie. They are still bound by the compulsions and could infect Destiny and his family.”

  “I know; I just hate we can’t save them.”

  “Do you have them located?”

  “Yes, and they have been discovered by the new tool.”

  “Are we too late?”

  “I don’t know but they are dead either way. I’m taking us there now.”

  Matt warmed up his weapon console and watched what Melanie was seeing.

  “Maker, one of my Clan Warriors has found some of the green creatures. There is only one ship here but the occupants are still alive.”

  “Give me your location.” The Red being saw the coordinates on his display.

  “Where are you going?”

  “My new tool has found some of the old tool still alive. I am going to find out what they know.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What if your old tool discovered a way to break the compulsions? What do you think the Elders will do if they find out?”

  The Red Being thought about that scenario and said, “Either way, I need to handle this situation. I would rather make this trip than have one of them go.”


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