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The Great Reformer

Page 56

by Austen Ivereigh

  Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and

  motto of, as bishop

  Mugica honored by

  murder of Angelelli and

  Muslims and

  new ecclesial movements and

  nicknames of

  nomenclature explained

  Old Gas Meter stadium and

  ordination of, as bishop

  ordination of, as priest

  outdoor Masses of 1998 as archbishop

  papacy of (see Francis, Pope)

  papal conclave of 2005 and

  papal conclave of 2013 and, (see also Francis, Pope)

  Paul VI and

  periculum oral defense at end of studies

  periphery and

  Peronism and

  personal credo

  personality of, and tenacity and sensitivity

  pilgrimage to Ignatius’s birthplace

  pilgrimage to Holy Land

  Pironio and

  Poirier profile of

  poor and, option for

  as possible successor to John Paul II

  prayer and

  prayers to Santa Teresita and

  press and

  as procurator in 1987

  as provincial of Argentina

  Puebla and

  as Quarracino’s auxiliary bishop

  “reconciled diversity” and relations with other Christians and faiths

  as rector at Colegio Máximo

  reforms of, three great

  removed from teaching at Máximo in 1990

  resentment provoked by success as provincial and rector

  retirement preparations of

  return to Buenos Aires from Germany

  rigoristi and

  Rome and, as cardinal

  same-sex marriage bill and

  San Cayetano shrine and

  San Miguel declaration and

  San Miguel poor and, as rector

  Santo Domingo declaration and

  “seeing” and

  slum barrios and solidarity of poor

  slum priests hunger strike of 1996 and

  slum priest vicariate created by

  social media and

  Social Pastoral Day and

  social questions and, as young man

  speeches, address to province of 1974

  speeches, as provincial

  speeches, conclave of 2013

  speeches, on evangelization of culture

  speeches, on Jesuit martyrs

  speeches, on mediators vs. intermediaries

  speeches, on role of bishop

  speeches, Santa Fe, on natives and Jesuits

  speeches, Te Deum, on civil society

  speeches, Te Deum, on new civic culture

  speeches, USAL inaugural lecture, on new anthropology of politics

  spiritual discernment learned by

  Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius and

  St. Gallen group and

  students’ recollections of

  successors as provincial and rector and

  teaches at Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción

  teaches at Colegio del Salvador

  teaches at La Inmaculada

  teaches at Máximo and Salvador

  teaches in Chile, as Jesuit junior

  testimony of 2010 on desaparecidos

  theology of the people and

  unemployment opposed by

  universal Church reform and

  USAL handover of 1975 and

  Vatican II and

  Vatileaks scandal and

  as vicar general of archdiocese under Quarracino

  as vice-rector and professor of pastoral theology at Máximo

  visits Cuba with John Paul II

  vocation of, tells parents

  vocation experience at St. Joseph of Flores

  white rose sign from Saint Theresa, and

  work habits of

  World Youth Day in Buenos Aires and

  writings of

  writings of, Betting on Latin America prologue

  writings of, Dialogues Between John Paul II and Fidel Castro

  writings of, homilies and addresses

  writings of, Meditaciones Para Religiosos

  writings of, Mente Abierta, Corazón Creyente

  writings of, Milia’s memoir prologue

  writings of, Reflexiones en Esperanza

  writings of, Reflexiones Espirituales

  writing style

  Yorio and Jalics allegations vs.

  Yorio’s reform of Jesuit formation and

  Bergoglio, María Elena “Malena” (sister)

  Bergoglio’s letters on Chile and

  Bergoglio’s ordination and

  election of Francis and

  Bergoglio, Mario (father)

  death of

  Bergoglio’s desire to be priest and

  migration from Italy

  Salesian church and

  Bergoglio, Marta (sister)

  Bergoglio, Oscar (brother)

  Bergoglio, Regina Sívori (mother)

  death of

  Bergoglio’s desire to be priest and

  Bergoglio’s illness with pleurisy and

  Bergoglio’s ordination and

  health problems of

  Bergoglio, Rosa Margarita Vasallo di (grandmother)

  Bergoglio’s desire to be priest and

  Bergoglio’s ordination and

  death of

  influence on Bergoglio

  Berlin Wall, fall of

  Bernardini, Adriano

  Bernardone, Francesco di. See Francis, Saint, of Assisi

  Bertone, Cardinal Tarcisio

  Betrothed, The (Manzoni)

  Betta de Berti, Ana María

  Bianchi, Enzo

  Bible. See also specific Gospels and biblical figures

  “Big Heart Open to God, A” (Spadaro interview with Francis)

  birth control

  Bloy, León

  Boletín de Espiritualidad


  Bolt, Robert

  Bonafini, Hebe de

  Bonamín, Bishop Victorio

  Borges, Jorge Luis

  Borgo Santo Spirito (Jesuit headquarters, Rome)

  Boston Globe

  Bourbon Reforms

  Braden, Spruille

  Bradley, Tomás


  Francis visits

  Jesuits and Guaraní in

  Brezovec, Edgardo

  Britain (United Kingdom)

  Falklands War and

  sex abuse and

  Brochero, Father José Gabriel

  Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky)

  Bruno, Father Cayetano


  Buenos Aires Herald

  Burkina Faso

  Busti, Roberto da

  C8. See Council of eight cardinal archbishops

  Cabrera, Pastor Omar

  Cafiero, Juan Pablo

  Caggiano, Archbishop

  Cairo population conference (1994)

  Calabresi, Archbishop Ubaldo

  Calisi, Matteo

  Calle Rondeau Jesuit community

  Calvez, Jean-Yves


  Camargo, Father Jorge

  “Cambalache” (tango)

  Campbell-Johnston, Father Michael

  Canal 21 (diocesan TV Channel)

  Cangas, Enrique

  Canon Law Code (1917)

  Cantalamessa, Raniero

  Cantarutti, Father


  Carabajo, Néstor

  Caraman, Philip

  Carbone, Alberto

  cardiognosis (ability to read hearts)


  Caritas in Veritate (Benedict XVI encyclical, 2007)

  Carlos III, King of Spain

  Carmelite nuns

  Carranza, Father Carlos

  Carrara, Father Gustavo

  Carril, Hugo del

  Carriquiry, Guzmán

  Carter, Jimmy

  cartoneros (rubbish collectors)

  Casa del Niño, constructed to feed poor

  Casalotto, Father

  Casaretto, Bishop Jorge

  Caselli, Esteban “Cacho”

  casserole revolt (cacerolazo)

  Castrillón Hoyos, Cardinal Darío

  Castro, Fidel

  Catalina, Sister

  Cathedral of Buenos Aires

  Holocaust commemorations in

  John Paul II visits

  Catholic Action

  Bergoglio as member of

  montoneros and

  Perón and

  Catholic Church. See also collegiality; Vatican; Vatican Council, First; Vatican Council, Second; and specific commissions; conferences; individuals; institutions; offices; orders; and organizations

  Anglicans and

  Argentina and

  balance between local and universal

  as battlefield hospital

  Bergoglio’s model of

  corruption and


  divisions in


  evangelicals and

  restoration of, xiv-xv

  Jewish relations and

  Latin-American, as new “source”

  “people’s” vs. “institutional”

  price of obedience to

  sex abuse scandal and

  state and


  Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

  Catholic University (Buenos Aires, UCA)

  Catholic University (Córdoba)

  Catholic Worker Circles


  Cavallo, Domingo

  CCEE. See Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE)

  CDF. See Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

  CEEC. See Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches

  CELAM. See Latin-American bishops confederation


  CELS. See Center for Social and Legal Studies

  Center for Social and Legal Studies (CELS)

  Center for Social Research and Action (CIAS)

  Central America

  Central Baptist Church of Buenos Aires

  Cervantes, Miguel de

  Cervera, Fernando

  Chamical air force base

  Chaput, Archbishop Charles

  charismatic Catholics

  Charismatic Renewal


  Chesterton, G.K.

  child labor

  Child Rights International Network (CRIN)


  coup of 1973

  Chinese rites controversy

  Chirri, Giovanna

  Christian Democratic parties, European

  Christian Democratic Party of Argentina

  Christian Democratic Union

  Church and Dictatorship (Mignone)


  Civilà Cattolica (Jesuit journal)

  civil society (public life)

  civil unions

  Claretian Publications

  Clarín (newspaper)

  CLAR. See Latin-American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious Men and Women

  Clement XIV



  Coccopalmerio, Cardinal Francesco

  Cogorno, Lt. Col. Oscar Lorenzo

  Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción

  Bergoglio teaches literature at

  Colegio del Salvador

  Bergoglio at, on return from Germany

  Colegio Máximo

  Bergoglio as provincial and

  Bergoglio as rector at

  Bergoglio as vice-rector and professor at

  Bergoglio forced to leave

  Bergoglio sells observatory

  Bergoglio studies at, and Jesuit formation

  Bergoglio teaches pastoral theology at

  CIAS’s rivalry vs.

  dirty war and

  evangelization of culture conference at

  farm at

  Kolvenbach and

  liberationists and

  pastoral mission to barrios dismantled

  Stromata symposia at

  College of Bishops


  Collins, Marie

  Colonna, Anna

  Columbus, Christopher

  common good

  Communion and Liberation movement

  Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC)

  Communion of Renewed Evangelicals and Catholics (CRECES)

  communio (unity), extraordinary consistory on (2001)

  communists and communism. See also Marxists

  conclave of 2005

  conclave of 2013

  black vs. white smoke and

  Condor Treaty

  Conference of Argentine Religious

  Congar, Yves

  Congregation for Consecrated Life

  Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)

  Instruction of 1984

  Instruction of 1986

  Marxist vs. popular liberation theology and

  Congregation for the Laity

  Congregation of Bishops (Rome)

  Conjurados, Los (Borges)

  Conquest of the Desert

  conservatives. See also rigoristi

  consistory of cardinals

  Benedict XVI resignation and

  extraordinary, on unity (2001)

  Francis and

  John Paul II and

  Constitutions (St. Ignatius)


  contrast concept

  Contrast (Der Gegensatz, Guardini)

  convertibility law

  Cooke, John William

  Copello, Archbishop of Argentina

  Córdoba riots (cordobazo, 1969)


  Corpus Christi demonstrations (1955)

  Corriere della Sera


  Vatican scandal and

  Costa, Nino

  Council for Laity

  Council for the Economy

  Council for the Family

  council of eight cardinal archbishops (C8)

  Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE)

  Council of Trent

  CRECES. See Communion of Renewed Evangelicals and Catholics

  Crespo, Oscar

  CRIN. See Child Rights International Network

  crisis of 2001–3

  Cristianismo y Revolución (journal)

  Criterio (Catholic weekly)

  “Criterios de Acción Apostólica” (Bergoglio)

  Cruz Policarpo, Cardinal José da


  Cuentos Originales (La Inmaculada student anthology)

  cultura del descarte (throwaway culture)

  culture of encounter

  culture wars. See also specific issues

  Curia (Rome). See also Vatican

  Benedict XVI’s reform attempts and

  centralism and

  death of John Paul II and

  dysfunction of, and need for reform

  Francis’s reforms and

  Vatican II reforms resisted by


  convertibility of

  devaluation of 2002

  Cushley, Archbishop Leo

  DAIA. See Delegation of Argentine-Israeli Associations

  Damasco, Col. Vicente

  Damonte, Amalia

  Danneels, Cardinal Godfried

  Danza de la Muerte

  D’Arezzo, Alberto

  D’Arienzo, Juan

  Deal, Dr.

  death squads

  debt crises

  Debussy, Miguel Mom

  Declaration of Principles (Bergoglio)

  Decree Four (GC32)

  De la Edad Feliz (“Of Happy Times,” Milia)

  de la Rúa, Fernando
  Delegation of Argentine-Israeli Associations (DAIA)


  Bergoglio on

  John Paul II and

  De Niro, Robert

  Denzinger, Heinrich

  dependency theory

  Depression, Great

  descartables (throwaway people)

  De Trinitate (Augustine)

  Dezza, Paolo

  Diálogo Argentino (Argentine Dialogue, 2002)

  Diálogos entre Juan Pablo II y Fidel Castro (Bergoglio)

  “Día Que Me Quieras, El” (tango)

  DiNardo, Cardinal Daniel

  Di Paola, Father Pepe

  dirty war

  amnesties and

  disappeared (desaparecidos)

  babies taken from

  mass graves uncovered

  relatives’ vigils at Casa Rosada

  trials under Kirchners and

  Divine Mercy sisters

  Divine Office

  Divine Milieu, The (Teilhard de Chardin)


  Communion for people remarried after

  Dolan, Cardinal Timothy

  Dolce Vita, La (film)

  Domínguez, Jorge

  Dominican order

  Dominus Iesus (Ratzinger)

  Donohue, William

  Donoso, Father José

  Dorrego, Manuel

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Dourrón, Father


  threats to Padre Pepe and

  Duhalde, Eduardo

  early Church

  faithful people and

  “mystery of the moon” and

  option for poor and

  universal and local Church balance and

  economic imperialism of money

  economic crisis





  economic policy

  Kirchner and

  Menem and



  Editorial Difusión

  Egan, Cardinal Edward


  El Cid (epic poem)

  elections. See Argentine elections


  El Salvador

  Eminence (West)

  Enchiridion (Denzinger)

  End of the Modern World, The (Guardini)


  Entre Ríos

  Epelman, Claudio

  Eritrean migrants

  Ernst & Young

  ERP. See Popular Revolutionary Army

  Errázuriz Ossa, Cardinal Francisco

  Escribano, Father Luis

  Escrivá, Saint Josemaría, tomb of

  ESMA. See Navy Mechanics School

  Estrella, Father Alfredo

  ETA (Spanish militant group)

  Eucharist (Communion)

  divorced and remarried people and

  non-Catholic Christians and


  evangelical Christians

  Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel,” Francis)

  Evangelii Nuntiandi (Paul VI)


  Bergoglio’s speech on

  Francis revives

  synod of 2012 and

  Vatican dysfunction as impediment to

  evangelization of culture

  examen (review of graces and sins)

  Fabbri, Father Eduardo

  FABC. See Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences


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