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The Teflon Queen PT 3

Page 5

by Silk White

  Detective Washington ran up to the first worker he saw. “Hey, I need you to call the cops immediately and clear this place out! Do it now!” he barked as he ran and did his best to blend in with the rest of the customers. Detective Washington had no clue what his next move was, but he knew he couldn’t let anything happen to the little girl.

  The store worker brushed Detective Washington off as some crazy man who was high on some good stuff and continued with what he was doing as if nothing ever happened.

  Frank stood outside the supermarket and placed a fresh clip in the base of his 9mm. He also removed his back up P90 from the small of his back and then entered a few supermarkets. He was sick and tired of all the roadblocks that presented itself during this mission. Playtime was now officially over.

  “Baby?” he called out. Seconds later Kate’s voice cracked through his ear piece.

  “Yes baby?”


  “Headed your way. I’m hit.”

  “Where?” Frank asked with his voice full of concern.

  “Two to the chest, but I’m okay and I’m certain that I hit that Teflon bitch!” her voice barked through Frank’s ear piece.

  “Copy; I’m in a supermarket. It’s the only supermarket on the strip so you can’t miss it,” Frank said as he continued with the mission at hand. His wife was wounded, but still the mission had to go on. Frank walked cautiously through the supermarket as his eyes scanned from left to right. It was the beginning of the month so the place was packed with customers from all different races.

  Frank strolled through the supermarket until a worker stood in front of him.

  “Excuse me sir but I’m going to have to ask you to leave this store.”

  Frank swung his arm so quick that the man didn’t even see him swing. The butt of his gun shattered the man’s nose and sent him crashing down to the floor in agony.

  Angela stepped foot in the supermarket and immediately she didn’t like the situation. There were too many innocent people walking around. She quickly jogged throughout the store looking for Ashley.

  Two minutes later Kate entered the supermarket with a mean scowl on her face. “Baby I’m in the supermarket. You still in here?”

  “Yeah still searching for the girl. She’s in here somewhere.”

  Kate quickly walked over to a man in a suit that looked like the manager. She grabbed him by his shirt and lunged forward landing a vicious head butt to the man’s face that broke his nose. “Do you have keys to this store?” she asked as she jammed the gun into his stomach.

  The manager nodded his head quickly as blood poured from his nose like a waterfall. Kate yanked the manager forcefully leading him over to the front door. “Lock this door now!” she demanded. Without thinking twice the man did as he was told. Once he was done Kate snatched the keys from his hands and fired a bullet in his stomach killing him on the spot.

  Frank looked up and two men were approaching him wearing fatigues from head to toe. He figured the two men had served in the service. Without thinking twice Frank put a bullet in both men’s head and kept it moving like it was nothing. The loud gun shots sent the entire store in a panic. People ran, pushed, and shoved one another in an attempt to get out of the supermarket but it was no use because everyone was trapped inside.

  Angela heard the gun shots ring out throughout the supermarket and knew she would have to move fast if she planned to save Ashley. She moved cautiously throughout the store as blood trickled down from her fingers. The hole in her shoulder hurt like hell, but at the moment she had to ignore the pain. All the chaos and people running around screaming made it hard for Angela to focus on who was who. Her eyes were looking for anyone or anything that looked suspicious and out of place.

  * * *

  Detective Washington eased down an aisle taking caution steps. He didn’t know what to expect from the killers, nor did he know how many of them were in the supermarket. “Hold up!” he whispered to Ashley as he spotted the Japanese woman that he had shot the other day walk pass the aisle he was in with a big gun in her hand. “Wait right here and don’t move. I’ll be right back,” Detective Washington told her as he went after the Japanese woman.

  Detective Washington stepped out the aisle and witnessed the Japanese woman shoot an innocent man in the face out of frustration. He quickly crept up on her from behind. “Drop it now!” he barked.

  Frank stood a few aisles over when he heard Detective Washington’s voice crackle in his ear piece informing him that his wife was in trouble. “I’m on my way,” he said through his ear piece.

  Kate stood in place still holding on to her machine gun.

  “I said drop it!” Detective Washington repeated again moving in closer. Finally the Japanese woman did as she was told.

  He moved in and forcefully grabbed Kate’s arm and jerked it back in an attempt to handcuff her. In a quick motion Kate spun in the same direction using Detective Washington’s momentum against him. In a blink of an eye Kate landed a hard blow to the detective’s throat and then followed up with a swift kick between his legs. Detective Washington winced in pain as the blow between his legs dropped him down to his knees. He tried to aim his gun at the woman and pull the trigger, but he was quickly disarmed.

  Kate grabbed the detective’s wrist and bent it backwards until he released the gun. She caught the gun in mid-air before it hit the floor and pressed the barrel of the gun against the detective’s forehead. Just as she went to pull the trigger a bullet exploded in her hand causing her to drop the gun she was holding. When Kate looked up, a bullet struck her right between her eyes killing her on the spot.

  Detective Washington watched as the Japanese woman’s body dropped down to floor. He then looked up and saw Angela headed down the aisle where he had left Ashley. Detective Washington hopped back up to his feet and snatched his backup weapon from its holster. He was about to go after Angela when Frank sprang from an aisle and opened fire on him.

  Detective Washington quickly took off down the nearest aisle, not wanting to be on the receiving end of a stray bullet.

  Frank was about to go after the cop when he spotted his wife laying in a pool of her own blood with a small hole between her eyes. “Nooooo,” he whispered and then knelt down next to his dead wife. “Noooo baby,” he sobbed as a single tear dropped from his eye. The pained look on Frank’s face quickly turned into rage. He hurriedly grabbed Kate’s MTAR machine gun and opened fired on anything moving. He walked from aisle to aisle killing any and everything moving. Seeing his wife lying dead on the floor caused Frank to snap. At the moment all he saw was red. Frank swept his arms from side to side killing anything moving. He let the empty clip drop from the base of his gun and quickly inserted a brand new clip and picked up right where he left off at.

  Detective Washington stood in an aisle with dead bodies lying all around his feet. “Shit!” he cursed as his brain worked a hundred miles a second trying to come up with an escape plan. The longer he stood thinking, the faster his heart began to beat. Detective Washington quickly laid down on the floor and pulled several dead bodies over top of him. It was a sick plan, but at the moment he felt like this was his only option.

  When Detective Washington saw Frank’s boots come into plain sight, he quickly closed his eyes and played dead.

  Frank walked through the supermarket in search for any sign of life with murder in his eyes and a big gun in his hand. Frank stopped short when he thought he saw movement coming from a pile of dead bodies. He started to inch his way over towards the pile of dead bodies, until the sound of broken glass erupted throughout the store from the police breaking down the front door. He then quickly made a dash for the back exit and never looked back.

  * * *

  Angela quickly crept up on a middle aged black man while he was putting a few bags in his trunk and stuck her gun into his ribs. “I need to borrow your car!” she growled. Without a word the man handed over his keys and stepped away from the car.

�Thank you,” Angela said as her and Ashley hopped in the car and pulled off recklessly out into traffic. After narrowly escaping out the back door of the supermarket Angela was just happy that Ashley was still alive and now back in her custody. Now all she had to do was keep her alive and find out why everyone wanted this little girl dead.

  Chapter 11


  Scarface stepped foot out the county jail and inhaled the fresh air deeply. It had been three and a half weeks since he had seen the streets and to be honest he wasn’t sure that this day would ever come. His mother had to put up her house as well as a few other properties that he had in her name to get him out. When the cops pulled him over they found two handguns in the glove compartment along with a tied up Mya in the trunk area of the truck. While Scarface was locked up he found out that Mya had told the police everything, from how he had shot and killed her boyfriend Tyrone, to how he assaulted and kidnapped her. She even went as far as telling the police that if they hadn’t pulled his vehicle over, she wouldn’t still be alive right now. The more the story unfolded the more it pissed Scarface off. It was him who begged Mya to leave him alone and even paid her a few dollars twice a week to stay away from him and Shekia. Not to mention while he was locked up he had to deal with the fact that he had just lost his sister Vicky, and the woman he loved was involved in a bad car accident. That alone would be enough to drive anybody crazy.

  Scarface walked to the vehicle that awaited him curbside and hopped in the passenger seat. In the driver seat sat his most trusted friend, Black.

  “Welcome home,” Black said with a smile as he quickly pulled away from the jail.

  “Feels good to be home,” Scarface said honestly as he grabbed the bottle of peach Ciroc that rested by his feet and filled up a Styrofoam cup with half Ciroc and the other half orange juice. “What I miss?”

  “Shit been all fucked up since you been gone,” Black said shaking his head with a disgusted look on his face. “Ever since you got knocked, the cops been snooping around at an all-time high. They are arresting everything moving.”

  “Any word on that nigga Bone?” Scarface asked with fire dancing in his eyes. The entire time he was in jail he regretted involving his sister Vicky in his street beef.

  “Word on the streets is that Bone and his team is out here in Miami for the weekend celebrating,” Black told him.

  “He’s here in Miami right now?” Scarface asked with a raised voice.

  Black nodded his head. “I got all our peoples trying to find out where they going to be tonight.”

  “I should of never sent Vicky out to New York in the first place.” Scarface took a deep gulp from his cup. “What’s the word on Mya?”

  “Word is she is in protective custody, but a few niggaz been saying that they saw her here and there,” Black said filling him in. “But I don’t know how true that is, cause I heard she was seen at the liquor store the other day.”

  “How’s Shekia?” Scarface asked. What really bothered him the most while he was locked up was that his woman was laid up in the hospital and it wasn’t anything that he could do about it.

  An awkward silence fell upon them before Black finally spoke. “Shekia moved out the crib and word is she staying with some new nigga.”

  “Some new nigga!?” Scarface echoed with his face crumbled up. “I know she ain’t get a new man already. I’ve only been gone for three and a half weeks.”

  Black didn’t reply. Instead he just kept his eyes on the road. He hated to have to be the one to break the news to his friend, but he had to tell him. “She probably thought that you were never coming home,” he shrugged.

  “You got an address on where she staying?”

  Black nodded his head.

  “Detour! Take me straight there,” Scarface demanded. “The nerve of this bitch, to go find another man while I’m in jail” he thought as he watched the streets pass by in a blur.

  Twenty minutes later Black parked in front of a nice looking town house. Before he could even turn the car off, Scarface was already out the car and heading towards the front door.


  Seconds later a white man dressed in slacks and a dress shirt with a pair of nerdy glasses on answered the door. “May I help you?” he asked politely.

  “Yeah Shekia, is she here?”

  “Yes but she’s still recovering and I don’t think she wants any visitors today, so maybe you should...”

  “Fuck all that!” Scarface huffed cutting the white man off as he forced his way in the front door disregarding the man’s wishes. The white man was about to try to physically throw the intruder out, but the cannon that Black shoved in his face made him have a change of heart.

  “Don’t make me clap fire out that ass!” Black warned as he forcefully shoved the white man through the house and down onto the couch.

  Scarface walked all throughout the house until he reached the bedroom and saw Shekia sitting on the bed with her leg in a cast sitting propped up on a few pillows. “Fuck is up?” he asked barging into the bedroom.

  “What are you doing here and where is Matt,” Shekia asked sitting up.

  “Fuck Matt!” Scarface snapped. “Fuck is you doing here and why ain’t you home?”

  “The last time I saw you, you kicked me out remember?” Shekia said refreshing his memory.

  “Okay so we have a misunderstanding and you go get a new man, a new crib, and don’t tell nobody. Then on top of that you don’t even check on a nigga while he in jail?”

  “First of all, we didn’t have a misunderstanding,” she said making air quotes with her fingers. “We had a nasty fight and you said some things that I don’t think I can forgive.”

  “Come on baby you know I didn’t mean that shit,” Scarface lied. The truth was in the heat of the argument, he did in fact mean everything he said, but later he realized that he was dead wrong. He wanted to make it right, but when he tried he was too late.

  “You meant it,” Shekia continued. “Besides ain’t you still involved with your ex Mya,” she said with a hint of jealousy in her tone. “I mean that’s the word on the streets.”

  “Listen baby the only woman I want is you. In one night my sister got murdered, my woman got in an accident, and I got locked up, and now I’m facing murder charges.”

  “Oh my God,” Shekia said covering her mouth in shock. “What happened to Vicky?”

  “Bone murdered her,” he answered with his head down.

  “What!?” Shekia asked looking at Scarface like he was insane. “I told you to let that stupid beef between you and Bone go and now because of you Vicky is dead!”

  “I can’t just let another man get away with putting his hands on you!” Scarface snapped. “Fuck that!”

  “Was it worth it!?” Shekia asked. Scarface’s silence was all the answer that she needed. “Come here,” she said holding her arms open for a hug. Scarface slid in between her arms and hugged her tightly as if this was the last time that he would ever hug a woman.

  “Who the fuck is that white nigga in the living room?”

  Shekia chuckled. “Why? You jealous?”

  “Don’t play with me,” Scarface warned.

  “Calm down. He’s just my home health nurse,” she told him with a smile and then kissed him. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” Scarface replied as a light knock at the door grabbed his attention. He turned around and saw Black standing in the door.

  “Gimme one second,” he said excusing himself from Shekia.

  “I just got word that this clown Bone is downtown at some new club that opened not too far away from here,” Black told him. “What you wanna do? It’s your call?”

  Scarface paused for a brief second and then said, “we in there!”

  “Umm where’s Matt?” Shekia asked.

  Black flashed a smirk and then said, “he sleep.”

  All Shekia could do was shake her head.

  “I have to go take ca
re of something real quick baby. When Matt wakes up tell him to help you pack all your shit and go back home.”


  “Ain’t no but’s! Just do it!” Scarface said and then was out the door.

  For the entire ride, Scarface was silent. For what he had planned, no talking would be necessary. For the last three and a half weeks, he had visualized what he would do to the man who murdered his sister when he finally ran into him and the outcome wasn’t pretty.

  “How much longer until we get there?” Scarface asked.

  “About fifteen minutes,” Black answered.

  “A’ight step on it,” Scarface said as he checked the clip on the .45 that rested on his lap. Seventeen minutes later Black pulled into club’s parking lot and placed the gear in park. “What’s the word?”

  Scarface sat there for a second. A million thoughts ran through his mind all at once. Scenario after scenario played in his mind and all of them ended badly. “Take me back to the crib.”

  “Huh?” Black asked. He knew he must of heard Scarface wrong.

  “Take me back to the house,” Scarface repeated. After giving it some thought he realized that God had given him a second chance at life and the odds of him running up in the club and coming out alive or with his freedom were slim to none. “We’ll catch him next time.” He knew Black probably wouldn’t understand but as long as it made sense in his mind that’s all that mattered.

  Black pulled out of the parking lot and did as he was told. He didn’t understand why they weren’t getting their hands dirty tonight, but he knew his position and played it well. “What’s the plan?”

  “I haven’t thought of one yet,” Scarface said honestly. “But just know that I’ll never let that clown get away with what he did to my sister.”


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