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Claudia's Surrender: The Case of the Reluctant Submissive

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by S. J. Lewis

  Claudia’s Surrender:

  The Case of the Reluctant Submissive

  by S J Lewis

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2006, All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.

  For information contact:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


  Cover Image Heat: Copyright © R.C. Hörsch

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  Chapter One

  “ guys will be okay here for the rest of the day?” Claudia asked. She took another look around the office as if trying to pick out which wall or part of the ceiling would fall once she had pulled out of the parking lot. She brushed back a stray lock of her straight, coppery hair. It was getting too long. It just brushed her shoulders now. She would have to schedule a visit to the hairdresser’s soon.

  “We’ll be fine, Chief, just fine!” Jerry reassured her. “And if anything happens, we’ve got your phone number.”

  “Amanda?” Claudia turned towards the shy little temp. Amanda was smart and a good worker, but no Marabel. She would have felt much more at ease if Marabel were still here.

  “I’m fine also, Miss Cole,” Amanda replied. “I know what to do.”

  “Well, then…” Claudia looked around the office again.

  Jerry laughed once. “Chief…go enjoy your vacation, if that’s what you’re calling it. You’ve been in here every morning this week so far, and we haven’t had to call you at home once yet. It’s slow here now. We’ll be fine, I swear!”

  “Okay, Jer.” Claudia had to laugh at herself. She was probably making poor Amanda nervous, and she didn’t live all that far away, so if they had to call her…oh, to Hell with it! This business might be her baby, after all, but she was acting like an overprotective mother. She started towards the door, opened it, and paused to look back one last time. “I’ll probably be in tomorrow morning too.” She had to grin at Jerry’s look of comic exasperation.

  It was sunny out today, and the steering wheel of her car was almost too hot to touch. She’d have to get that windshield screen out of the trunk and start using it again. As uncomfortable as her hands felt on the steering wheel, her round little bottom was even more uncomfortable. That horrendous spanking Sam had given her in the motel when she was struggling with him still smarted…and so did the other thing he had done to her that night. She shivered at the memory. It had been a wonderfully intense experience, but she wasn’t at all sure she would like anal sex as a regular thing. It hurt, both during and afterwards. Still, it was the most intense sexual experience she’d ever had…the ultimate in submission. Maybe the pain and discomfort was an integral part of that. She started the car and let it idle long enough for the air conditioning to kick in, then put it in gear and drove off.

  The roads were starting to clog up with lunchtime traffic, and it took her a little longer to get back to her apartment than usual. As she pulled into her parking space, she saw that Sam’s rental car wasn’t there. Where could he have gone off to? Well, it couldn’t be very interesting for him to just wait around for her in her apartment half the day. Maybe he’d left a note for her inside?

  The parking area was on the shady side of the building, so she didn’t bother with the windshield screen. As she unlocked the door to her apartment, she decided to take a long, hot bath before Sam came back. If she strung the bath out long enough, maybe he’d show up in time to scrub her back. She smiled at the thought. He would want to scrub more than her back.

  It was cool and dark inside. Sam kept setting the air conditioning just a little too low, and the feel of the chilled air took her back to that bungalow years ago. Was that why he did it? She shut the door, locked it behind her, and went to her bedroom. She was no more than a few steps into it when she heard a man’s voice behind her: “Don’t turn around and don’t move!”

  It was Sam’s voice. She knew it very well now, no matter how much he tried to disguise it, and she felt a wild thrill. He had been here after all, and this was the start of some game he’d dreamed up! Obediently, she froze in place. “What do you want?” she asked, trying to put a quaver into her voice.

  “And shut up, too.” Sam growled from behind her. A moment later, she had a brief glimpse of a black cloth just before he pulled it over her eyes and knotted it tightly behind her head as a blindfold. She couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation. Outside of this apartment, she was Claudia Cole, or Miss Cole, or Ms. Cole, or even “Chief”, a respected and competent businesswoman. Inside of it, with Sam, she could be just “Red”; lusty, horny, kinky, submissive Red.

  “Open your mouth,” Sam ordered. She obeyed, and felt him stuffing a wadded-up cloth between her parted lips. He secured it in place with what felt like a strip of more cloth. Then he began to undress her, roughly. Her thin summer blouse and flimsy brassiere were the first to go, unbuttoned, unfastened, and yanked violently off of her body. Then he pulled her hands behind her, holding her wrists together tightly with one strong hand. She hoped he wasn’t going to use ropes on her…she would have to go to the office again tomorrow morning, and the weather was getting too warm for the long sleeves needed to conceal the marks. She felt him wrapping something around her crossed wrists that felt like still more cloth, and she let herself relax that last little bit. She felt him tighten the bonds on her wrists and knot them snugly, she moaned faintly through her gag. He reached around to cup her breasts in his hard, strong hands. His breath was warm and moist on her neck and she leaned back against him, enjoying all of the sensations, feeling helplessly vulnerable and perfectly safe at the same time.

  “I’ve been thinking about this since I got up this morning, Red,” he murmured into her ear. He pinched her nipples lightly, making her squeak. “I think you’re gonna like it.” He kissed her bare shoulder once, fiercely, before returning to the job of stripping her naked, even to the point of removing any jewelry she might be wearing. Today, she had worn only earrings, and they were the last things he took. She was shivering, partly from the chilly air inside her apartment, but mainly in anticipation of whatever Sam had dreamed up for today. Whatever it was, she was sure it would be intense…and that he would leave her wanting even more.

  “This way,” he said, taking her by her arm. She let him guide her. It was getting easier with practice, and she could tell he was leading her towards her bed. What was he going to do?

  He made her lie face-down, and then gripped her ankles, spreading her legs and pulling her down towards the foot of the bed. His strength always surprised her. She was not a particularly small woman, but when he was like this he seemed to be able to move her around as if she were a doll. Now he was wrapping something around one of her ankles. She was fairly certain it was yet more cloth. It felt like it. She struggled a little for his benefit, and he gave her rump a hard swat, making her jerk and squeal. She remained still as he finished tying her ankles to the bed. She felt a little uneasy like this. She was still sore…exactly which hole was he planning to use? She couldn’t stop him now…not with her legs spread and secured like this…and she wasn’t entirely sure she would try to stop him even if she could. But still…she reached down as far as she could with her bound wrists and spread her hands to shield herself. Maybe he would get the message? Maybe he didn’t need the message. Maybe he wouldn’t care. She didn’t know. She would find out.

  She gave a start as his hand began
stroking her bare back, slowly and lightly. It made her shiver, and she moaned through her gag for him. She loved his touch. It was all she needed to be instantly wet and ready for him, and he knew it. She could picture him smiling right now as he heard her moan, feeling the heat building up in her skin. She felt him get onto the bed alongside of her, he then gripped her hair with one hand while he slid the other one under her, just below her breasts. What was he doing?

  “Up,” was all he said as he pulled on her hair and lifted up from underneath at the same time. It hurt! Well, a little, anyway. It wasn’t easy to do this with her legs bound as they were, and it was clear he expected her to do most of the work. His grip on her hair was for incentive, and his hand under her was just for a little bit of assistance. With that little bit of assistance she was just able to get up into a kneeling position. She huffed through her nose from the effort. He stood close in front of her on the bed, the rough material of his jeans rubbing against the tip of her nose. Did he want her mouth now? She was ready for that too. There was something wild and primitive in kneeling before a man, naked and bound, and taking him into her mouth. Sam had even introduced his own little twist to it the other night. As she had begun to suck on him, slowly, he had taken her head in his hands and held her that way tightly as he began to fuck her mouth with short, powerful thrusts of his hips. That had been wild, primitive and brutal…he kept thrusting a little bit too far, hitting the back of her throat, making her choke and gasp. But he never stopped, and his grip was so strong she could not move her head at all. When he had suddenly quickened his thrusts, she’d known he was going to come in her mouth any second. She had something very close to an orgasm right then, just from the realization.

  But what exactly did he want now? She leaned forward against him, nuzzling at his crotch, making little moaning noises to excite him. He liked her noisy…and he could make her very noisy when he wanted to. But…what did he want now? She knew what SHE wanted! She rubbed her face against him, whining with impatience.

  He moved away from her, still gripping her by her hair, and did something. It felt as if he’d put something on the bed just in front of her, because she could feel the mattress yield and heard a faint thump. What he did next came as a surprise. She felt him step to one side, and then his hand let go of her hair, cupped the back of her head, and shoved…hard! She toppled over with a yelp, turned her head, hit the mattress hard, and bounced once. The something he had put on the bed was soft but firm. It felt round, and it was positioned right under her hips now, raising her rump conveniently into the air. He tugged at whatever it was, adjusting it a bit. She heard him chuckle, and his hand gave her round left cheek a stinging slap. She yelped again and felt him get off of the bed. Now what? She didn’t think he was just going to leave her here for long. For the past several days, sex had been like a drug they shared: A powerfully addictive drug that sated their lusts for a little while only to stoke them up again, even higher. He didn’t need to do anything to ready her for what he might have in mind. She was as ready as she could possibly be, hot and slickly wet. She wriggled her hips for him to signal her state, and her growing impatience.

  She felt him climb back onto the bed, behind her. His hand ran between her legs once, and she heard him chuckle again. He leaned forward, his breath warm on her neck. “I think you’re gonna like this, Red,” he whispered into her ear. “I know I will.” He wiped his hand on her back. She felt her own wetness and her skin cooled briefly where he had touched. His hands gripped her body, just where her hips began to flare out from the narrowness of her waist. She felt him moving behind her, positioning himself. When she felt the tip of his cock begin to enter her, that first touch of his slow, protracted penetration hit her like an electric shock. She shuddered violently. She seemed to have been waiting for this for torturous hours, even though it had only been a few minutes.

  He took his time, enjoying the feel of her as he thrust himself all the way inside. He also enjoyed her moans and shivers while he did it. When he was all the way in, he leaned forward, letting his weight drive his cock in just a little bit deeper. Her body moved away as his moved forward until all of the slack in the bonds around her ankles was taken up. He leaned more heavily into her and was rewarded by a long, low groan. Her nostrils flared as her breath quickened. When he stayed as he was and didn’t move for a long moment, she began to writhe under him, whining with impatience. That was one of the things he loved about Red. She was smart, tough, competent and lovely and yet when he had her like this, completely at his mercy, so to speak, she became something else; a lusting female animal, hungry only to fuck and be fucked. The transformation awed him some times, the more so because it seemed that he had to do very little to put her in that condition. He’d wondered at first if it was just because she’d been celibate for over two years, ever since the bungalow…and the barn…but he’d seen some signs of that lusting female animal in her even back then. So…was it her response to him and his aggression? He hoped so. In the meantime, he had work to do. Still gripping her body, now warm and quivering under his hands, he slowly withdrew about halfway, and then slammed himself into her again, deep and hard!

  She felt the bonds on her ankles jerk minutely tighter with every one of his thrusts. He was pumping her hard, almost driving the breath out of her with each stroke. Her legs were stretched taut, straining. She was held firmly in place for him, as if everything below her waist was gripped in a vise, enabling him to stab even deeper and harder and the feeling was fast becoming overwhelming. She wanted to come desperately, and she knew that if he kept this up, she would, inevitably…and yet, just now, she never wanted this to end. She arched her back, lifting her head and shoulders up off of the bed briefly before letting herself fall heavily back down. Then she did it again. This was so intense that she had to do SOMETHING!

  Her breathing kept time with his thrusts, but it became more and more labored. There were certain little signs she would make when she couldn’t talk. He didn’t think she made most of them consciously, but they gave him some feedback as to how she was doing. Right now, her bound hands were clenched into fists with such strength that her knuckles were showing white, which meant that she was very close now and closing fast. But that repeated lifting and dropping of her upper body was something entirely new. It seemed like a sign of distress of some kind, but if she really WAS suffering in some way she would usually open her hands wide and wriggle her fingers, more or less furiously with the amount of distress. He set his jaw and began pumping her harder…harder…

  She took one long, noisy breath through her nose and tried to let it all out in a long, high shriek, but the gag blocked and muffled it so it seemed to go on for a long, long time. He kept thrusting, intent on his own release now, spurred on by the sight and sound and feel and smell of her as she came.

  Everything was a beautiful, warm, soft, fuzzy pink haze to her. There was no time, no gravity. She realized that he must have come himself when she felt him removing the gag, and she realized how short of breath she was when he pulled the packed cloth out of her mouth. She took a long, deep breath, and let it all out with a happy sigh. There was still a warm, soft, fuzzy pink haze in her, but time and gravity were slowly returning.

  The cloth knotted around her ankles was pulled so tight that Sam couldn’t undo the knots, but he was prepared. He fished his jeans up off the floor and rummaged in a pocket for his knife. It was a folding knife with a three-inch blade that came to a narrow and very sharp point. Opening it one-handed, he carefully sliced her ankles free. The strips of black cloth were a complete ruin, but he had more. That black bedsheet he’d bought today would provide a lot more strips before he had to get another one. As he let go of each slim ankle, her lovely long legs fell limply onto the bed. It might be a little while before she could safely walk, but she would be fine.

  He pulled the cylindrical cushion out from under her. It had taken him some time to find the thing, but it had been worth it, even if they never used it
again. Red rolled weakly over onto her back, still blindfolded, her wrists still bound behind her. He knew, somehow, that she was waiting for him to kiss her. He tossed the bolster aside and leaned over her for a kiss. Her mouth, her lips, were soft and yielding, but there was still a hint of her hunger in the kiss. He laid down beside her, propped up on one elbow, and he began to slowly stroke her body with his free hand, marveling at the warmth and softness of her skin. He liked to do that. She stirred under his hand, purred, and arched her back. It was another one of those little signs. He cupped a breast in his hand, squeezed slightly, and took her swelling nipple into his mouth. Her purr turned into a moan. Grinning, he kissed her again. There was a little more hunger in her kiss this time, and he laughed softly so that she could hear.

  “What?” she asked with a lazy smile. His hand still held her breast, and she slowly arched her back again, pushing against it.

  “I’ve created a monster,” he whispered into her ear, imitating the accent of a bad horror-movie mad scientist. She laughed a smug, self-satisfied laugh.

  “I thought YOU were the monster.” Her voice was a throaty purr. “I’m the poor, helpless…heroine? That doesn’t sound like the right word. But isn’t that what they called the beautiful girl that the monster was always trying to capture? Poor monster. Even when he did capture her, he never got to have any fun. Now YOU, on the other hand…”

  “Hush, Red.” He put his hand lightly over her mouth. Her breath, warm and moist, made his palm tingle. “I get your point.”

  “Mmmmm…” She smiled. “When did you think this one up? I can barely feel my legs, you beast.”

  “Really?” His free hand slid down to glide across her thighs. “I can feel them just fine, Red. They feel pretty good to me.”

  “Very funny,” she chuckled happily. “You’ll pay for that when I get loose.”


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