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Page 21

by Sidney Wood

  Ulie turned her face upward, exposing her tender neck to his mouth, and savoring each delicious kiss and nibble. Every touch sent tingles through her body and moisture to her groin. She craved his touch everywhere, on all her sensitive areas.

  “Come,” he whispered. Noah stood and lowered Ulie carefully to her feet. He took her hand, leading her to the bathroom where he turned on the shower. Looking her in the eyes, he pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his broad, muscled chest and flat stomach.

  Ulie’s mouth watered as she took in Noah’s body. His tanned skin beckoned to her, urging her to taste. Ulie stepped forward eagerly, kissing the rounded planes of his pectorals and sinking lower to lick and kiss his chiseled abs.

  Noah grasped her shirt by the hem and lifted it, coaxing Ulie to stand and raise her arms. Pulling it off, he dropped it at their feet, eyes fixed on her ample breasts, pushed up by her bra. He bent forward, kissing her cleavage as his hands cupped each breast from below. Snaking a hand behind her, he unclasped the bra. Ulie let it fall to the floor as his lips found one of her taut nipples and teased it. She moaned.

  Noah unbuttoned her pants and pushed them to the floor. Ulie stepped out, one leg at a time, placing a steadying hand on Noah’s shoulder. When both of her feet were safely on the floor, he leaned in, cupping her round buttocks in both hands. He kissed her hips and her stomach. Glancing up at Ulie’s face, he placed his mouth over her panties and pressed his hot lips and tongue against her mound. She gasped.

  Eyes still locked on hers, Noah stood. He unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them lower until Ulie stepped forward, nudging his hands aside. She descended to her knees, pulling his pants down and holding them as he freed one leg and then the other. Still on her knees, she took his boxer briefs by the waistband and pulled them down to his ankles. His member bounced free of the restricting fabric, engorged and growing before her eyes. She bit her lip, recalling what it could do to her.

  Noah’s hands softly touched her shoulders, guiding her back to her feet. “Come” He stepped into the shower, holding the curtain aside for her.

  “You…changed it.” Ulie said. She slid inside his arms, pressing her body to his as warm water cascaded over them from both sides.

  “I added another shower head when I knew you were coming.” Noah maneuvered the shower head behind her so that it centered on her back and not her head. He had forgotten how small she was. Lathering a loofa, and turning her away from him, Noah began caressing Ulie’s body, starting at her neck and working his way south. He paid particular attention to her breasts, bottom, and groin, using his hands on those areas instead of the rough mesh scrubber. Soapy and slippery, he rubbed her breasts from behind, squeezing her nipples as Ulie leaned back and writhed against him. He kissed her as his fingers played her body like an instrument. Washing lower, he slid his hands from hips to rear, caressing her slick, pert cheeks with both hands. He growled, voicing immense pleasure at their fleshy resilience. Ulie giggled, giving her butt a bounce that Noah seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Kissing her neck, he slid the fingers of one hand down her stomach and between her legs. Ulie’s knees wobbled as his fingers touched her opening and teased it apart. One finger tested her, sinking timidly into her fold as she pressed her hips back into Noah’s hard body. Her hand found his and plunged his finger deeper, her mouth wide open and gasping as water splashed their bodies relentlessly.

  Noah turned her around, shielding her back from the hard wall with his meaty arm. He guided one of her knees to his hip and pinned it there, closing the distance between them by stepping forward. Ulie stared into his eyes as droplets pelted her face, studding her eyelashes with shiny orbs of clear liquid. Her plump lips parted, and she panted hotly.

  Noah stared at her, hunger in his eyes.

  Ulie took his thick member in her hand, still amazed at the girth he possessed, and pressed the tip against the center of her flower. Dewy and soft, her petals gave, allowing his shaft to penetrate. Slowly, gently, and oh so tightly, Ulie felt the length of Noah’s member sliding in to fill her up. The sensation made her moan. When he sunk as deep as she thought he could go, she grasped his butt cheeks and pulled him to her with all her might. Again, and again, she took him in and pulled him deeper. His breath felt hot on her cheek and neck as he kissed her, teasing her with his tongue as her entire body quivered. The sensations intensified, doubling and redoubling as he penetrated her and teased her, over and over. Ulie cried out, muscles contracting and releasing as she orgasmed. Noah held her against him as she rode a repeating wave of ecstasy.

  Wrapping his love in a soft towel, Noah carried her to the bed and set her down gently to rest against the headboard. He returned to the bathroom and re-emerged with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  Ulie played along. “Whatever you have planned, I’m game.”

  A second later, he said, “You can open them.”

  Did she detect a slight waver to his voice? Ulie opened her eyes, worried that something had gone wrong, but found Noah kneeling next to the bed with a small red box in his hand.

  “I let you go once, Ulie, and it was the worst mistake of my life. I promise that I’ll never let you go, or let you down, ever again. I will love you for the rest of my life, if you’ll let me. Marry me, Ulie. Be my wife.”

  A lump rose in Ulie’s throat and her heart tried to leap out of her chest. Noah’s words brought tears, flooding her eyes and spilling over her cheeks. Ulie extended her arms, eagerly nodding her head up and down as she laughed joyfully. “Yes! I want that more than anything! Yes!”

  Noah slid an engagement ring with a large solitaire diamond onto her finger. “This was my Grandmother’s ring,” he said. “My Grandfather was in love with her until the day he died. I promise to be that kind of husband to you.” Noah stood.

  Ulie admired the ring for a moment then swung her legs over the edge of the bed, facing Noah. Raising an eyebrow and wearing a coy smile, she untucked the corner of Noah’s towel, causing it to fall to the floor. “Oops.”

  Noah leaned forward, looming over her, and Ulie lay on her back. Winking, he lifted her legs and dropped to his knees, placing one leg over each shoulder and grasping her hips. He pushed her towel higher and lowered his head to her groin. Lifting her bottom off the bed, he plunged his tongue into her.

  “Oh, god!” Ulie said in a breathy whisper. She grasped at the covers.

  Noah’s tongue licked her up and down, teasing the erect bud above her opening. Ulie squirmed in his grasp, and he plunged inside again. Her hands grasped he sides of Noah’s head, pulling him upward. “I want you inside me,” she moaned, still writhing, her eyes tightly closed.

  Obediently, Noah stood, lowering her legs to his hips as he stepped into her, pressing his naked groin to hers. He removed her towel and tossed it aside. Tracing his tongue up her body, he paused to enjoy her bosoms and their plump cherries. With warm hands and muscled arms, he lifted her body to his mouth as he kissed his way up her neck, over her ear lobes, and across her cheek to finally settle on her lips. His engorged shaft pushed against her wet center as he kissed her deeply. Her knees fell open to invite him closer, to coax him inside. Their playful tongues slid silently over one another.

  “No one has ever kissed me like this,” Ulie said. “No one makes me feel this way.” Her voice was breathy and low.

  Noah placed a hand under her bottom and lifted her hips, meeting her opening with the swollen head of his member. Her mouth split open breathlessly as her flower opened to the inward pressure. “Yes,” she moaned.

  Noah closed his eyes, concentrating as he memorized the topography of her body. His hands caressed her torso from neck to groin while his shaft explored within. The sensation, the heat, and Ulie’s constant writhing made his control tenuous at best.

  “I need to confess something,” Noah said. He slowed but didn’t stop, still caressing and kissing her as he slid rhythmically in and out.

  “Really?” Ulie gi
ggled. “Now?”

  He stopped. “Yes. It’s embarrassing, but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea or have unrealistic expectations.” He stared into her eyes, searching.

  “Okay. You have me a little worried, but I’m ready. Go ahead.” Ulie’s returned his gaze soberly, waiting for the bad news.

  Noah swallowed. “The last time we were together I took a supplement to make me last longer. I had an incident once and I worried that I might not be able to, um…perform. I didn’t want to disappoint you, but now I’m worried you might think I’ll always be able to, you know… go again right after.” He waited for her reaction.

  She giggled again and pushed her hips up to meet him. “Ah…so you aren’t Superman after all.” Light danced in her eyes as she smiled and moved under him. She stopped. “Wait, are you on it now?”

  Noah shook his head. “No.” His voice was little more than a whisper as he pressed into her, filling her once again.

  Her mood shifted from mirth to desire and a moan escaped her lips. Between breaths, she whispered, “Well…you obviously…don’t need it.” Ulie kissed his chest and bucked her hips, urging him to continue.

  Noah resumed his efforts with vigor, emboldened by her acceptance. Thrusting into her, he leaned over her body, nipping at her breasts and nipples. Ulie whimpered and moaned at his every touch.

  “I want you to cum,” she said. The words were no more than a whisper, and Ulie’s body trembled as she began to orgasm for the second time.

  Noah let go, drinking in the visual and tactile stimulus he had been trying so hard to ignore. Everything about Ulie made his body roar with arousal. The rosy hue of her erotically charged skin, the shuddering trembles of her orgasmic muscle contractions, her erect nipples and fleshy breasts slick with sweat, and the slippery wet inferno between her thighs, all brought Noah to his knees, physically and emotionally. In one swift motion, Noah swept Ulie upward, pressing her tightly to him as he knelt on the bed. She straddled him upright, taking his face in her hands as he continued to move up and down, bouncing her upward with each thrust. Noah felt his climax point coming and refused to hold back any longer.

  Holding Ulie’s waist in his powerful hands, Noah thrust into her core.

  She moaned, sheathing him deeper within her body than he had ever been.

  Noah came in a great, silent thunderclap of shudder inducing sensation, its shockwaves piercing to the center his soul. His rigid staff throbbed powerfully inside her as she kissed his lips and rocked her hips slowly, milking him for every drop. Together they savored each delicious movement and involuntary twitch.

  Exhausted, the two lovers collapsed side by side on the bed. Ulie crawled closer, laying her head on Noah’s chest and admiring the ring on her finger. She was still shocked that he proposed. Only a few weeks ago, she believed he’d never be a part of her life again. “I almost chose to be with someone else,” she thought. “But I didn’t. I chose Noah, the man I want to be with for the rest of my life.” Ulie hugged him, vowing silently to never let him go.

  They lay together for a long time, Ulie’s head resting on Noah’s chest, one leg curled over his. He made her feel safe, warm, and loved. She knew there were things they still had to work out, like her schooling, the kids, and moving in together, but she wasn’t afraid. Life always had uncertainty; it was inevitable. With a mate… a soul mate, the uncertainty didn’t bother her. They would face it all together. Noah was hers, and she was his. He knew her as the individual she always wanted to be, and he loved her.

  Three words drifted off Ulie’s tongue as she fell asleep listening to Noah’s heart thumping powerfully and slowly next to hers.

  “I love you.”

  Noah’s gentle whisper slipped into her ear, bringing a sleepy smile to her content face. “I love you too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four (One week later)

  Amy wheeled her bags out of the baggage claim doors looking like a Hollywood A-lister. Long, fire-red tresses cascaded down her back and over a chic black jacket. Black pants hugged her curves, vanishing into knee high boots of soft Italian leather. Peering through designer sunglasses, she scanned the arrivals area for a familiar face. She had no idea what car she should be looking for, and her fingers were already getting cold in the chilly autumn air.

  Almost immediately, a single cab Chevy pickup swerved toward the curb and lurched to a stop. Amy’s eyebrows appeared above the rims of her glasses as she ogled the handsome stranger climbing out from behind the wheel. As he rounded the front of the truck, she recognized his smile from Facebook. He wore a faded Carhart jacket and a worn ball cap over jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Noah!” She let go of her bags and stepped off the curb to give him a one-armed hug.

  “Let me get those for you,” he said. With no effort, he plucked her bags off the curb and set them gingerly in the bed of his truck. He popped the door open. “Hop in and I’ll take you to Ulie. She’d be here, but my truck is a little small for all four of us.”

  “Four of us?” Amy asked. She climbed into the passenger seat and settled in while Noah closed the door. “Hmm, a gentleman,” she thought approvingly.

  Noah got behind the wheel and slammed his door shut. “Yeah, we have one more body to pick up on the way. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Amy frowned at the limited space in the pickup cab. She didn’t exactly dress for getting cozy. Still, she hated whiners. If the military taught her anything, it was how to be flexible. “No problem. The more the merrier.” She flashed a wry smile.

  Noah chuckled and pulled away from the curb.

  Amy stared out the windows at the late fall scenery as they drove. Most of the trees were bare. The first snow of winter could come any day, but usually didn’t arrive until mid-November. Ulie told her to pack for the weather, so she had a hat and gloves in her carryon.

  Like Ulie, Amy grew up in Alaska, although her remaining family had long-since moved away. She had a cousin down on the peninsula somewhere, but they weren’t close. She came to visit Ulie. Her best friend came as close to family as anyone in Amy’s life, so it still felt like a home coming.

  Near Eagle River, Noah eased the truck to the off ramp.

  Amy gave him a sideways glance.

  As if he could read her mind, Noah said, “The guy we’re picking up lives just up the hill. We’ll be back on the highway before you know it.” He wore an amused expression.

  Amy shrugged, already tired of sitting after the long series of flights from New York. “I’m good.”

  A few minutes later, they pulled into a spacious asphalt covered driveway lined with dwarf spruce trees. Just past the trees, on either side of the drive, sprawled a huge front lawn with manicured grass, still green despite the chill, and a decorative stone fountain. The house was an oversized chalet style home with enormous front windows overlooking the valley. It had a gigantic wrap-around deck on the upper level.

  “Jesus. Who lives here, the Governor?” Amy gawked at the impressive house, rolling down the window to get a better look.

  “A Navy Seal, actually.” He opened his door. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.” Noah hopped out of the truck, nudged the door shut, and sauntered up to the house. Instead of knocking, he simply walked in. The door closed behind him.

  “Huh,” Amy said. “I was not expecting that.”

  A few minutes later, Noah and another man walked out. Noah carried a large duffle bag, and the other man had a pack slung over one of his broad shoulders. The two men were obviously brothers. Noah stood slightly taller, but his brother outweighed him by twenty or thirty pounds of solid muscle. The guy’s pecks were giving the buttons on his shirt hell.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Amy whispered, already feeling overheated in her designer jacket. Noah had turned the heater up shortly after leaving the airport, anticipating she’d need the extra warmth. With the added body heat, the little cab would turn into a furnace. Amy slid to the middle of the seat, grumbling that she should have rented a car.

st before the men reached the truck, she shimmied out of her jacket and bundled it in her lap. No way could she have managed it once the men got in, at least, not without a lot of unwanted body contact.

  When the doors opened, Noah climbed behind the wheel, but his brother stayed fixed to the ground just outside the door. The muscle-bound guy’s face turned bright red as he stared open-mouthed at Amy.

  For her part, Amy held his gaze, unsure whether to be irritated or flattered.

  Noah leaned over the wheel. “Are you coming, Rob?”

  “I, um…” He didn’t finish the sentence. He just placed one of his large hands on the door and stepped into the truck. He quickly sat and slammed the door. The three of them were sandwiched together on the bench seat.

  Amy shot Noah’s brother a tight smile and thrust her hand in front of him. “Amy,” she said.

  He smiled and shook her hand. “Rob.” He nodded toward Noah. “Sorry, he didn’t tell me there would be a…” He clamped his mouth shut.

  “A human being?” Amy said dryly.

  Rob shrugged. “Well, a gorgeous human being.” His face transitioned from red to purple. “I thought you were Ulie when I came out of the house, and when I saw you up close, I... You took my breath away.” Proving the impossible, possible, his face turned an even darker shade of purple.

  Amy dropped her gaze. As much as she wanted to keep playing tough, his complement affected her, and she couldn’t deny she found him handsome. Even his awkwardness disarmed her. She felt her own cheeks turning red. Amy tried to think of something witty to say, but in the end she just smiled.

  When the truck finally rolled to a stop at Noah’s house, Amy saw Ulie standing out front in an old Metallica t-shirt and jeans, waving. Ulie laughed out loud when she saw the look on Amy’s face.

  From the cab of the truck, Amy grinned at her, still blushing.

  As the boys retrieved the bags from the truck, Ulie snagged Amy’s arm and dragged her into the house. Amy slugged her in the shoulder as soon as they got inside.


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