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Heroes of Darkness: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Omnibus Collection

Page 15

by Wolfe Locke

  STR = 15 - > 18

  WIT = 6 > 7

  END = 19 >21

  AGI = 10 > 12


  ** You seem to have lost the Smite ability.





  Body of the Depths

  Grim Chimera Transformation

  Bonded – Lachesis

  Partial Bond – Nemesis

  Absorbed Power – God of the Hearth

  Absorbed Power – Goddess of Healing

  Absorbed Power – God of Winter


  *Thrice Blessed Axes, Sovereign Medallion *


  Book: The Book of Keys

  Torn Page

  I can’t help any of that. I can’t even help myself. John did the only thing he could do. He kept heading downward. Into the infinite abyss of this damn dungeon and whatever horrors lay ahead.

  Though the grey film around his eyes had reverted back to normal, John did not even bother holding up his thrice blessed axes for light. He did not think to check for a way out. He just kept his pace, his footfalls a steady companion in the narrow stairwell.

  Why shouldn’t I just die down here? The thought was a constant companion. When John had first found himself trapped, he had felt determined, since then his resolve had lessened.

  After all that he had been through, he was not so sure of himself anymore. He felt the weight of everything that he had won so far. The enchantment on his axes. The Ring of Durability. The Paladin’s shield that he now wore on his back.

  Together they did not come anywhere close to outweighing the burden that had fallen on his mind.

  But what could he do? He couldn’t just stop there on the stairs, curl up, and wait to die. No, he couldn’t allow himself to give up so easily. John promised himself he’d keep pushing on. Even if he died in the process. Getting out of here was not the chief thing driving John anymore. It was the thought of making it through so that he could walk up to whoever the true owner of the dungeon was and spit in their face. Whether it be Aeon or one of these other “gods”.

  What have I become down here that the only motivation I feel that keeps me going is spite?

  But spite was as good a reason as any. If it got him through, then John would take spite any day.

  After a long slog of trudging downstairs, John saw light coming into view at the bottom. Let’s get this fresh new hell over with.


  Lachesis – You have other motivations, at least you used to. I can see it in your thoughts. The sun on your face is something I know you have missed.

  Nemesis – Anger. Resentment. Bitterness. These are as good a motivation as any, though I wonder how you’ll react when you find the truth that lays below.

  I’ll just have to find out. John took up his thrice blessed axes, feeling the familiar weight and grip in his hands. These were the only items of his own that he now had here, not counting the clothes on his back. The weapons had been with him since before the dungeon. They had been changed just like he had been, but at their core they remained the same.

  These weapons had gotten him out of some very tough situations in the past. But right now, the most important thing about them was the fact that they were a reminder. A reminder that this dungeon was not all that he knew. A reminder that he had had a life before this.


  *Mocking laughter* Was it really a life worth returning to? What did you do, John? One thankless job after another? Kill this. Kill that. Fetch this. Fetch that. Endless quests followed by nights of drinking and whores. A monstrous waste of time. Don’t you agree?

  John gritted his teeth and ignored the voice as he reached the bottom of the stairs and looked at the room that he now found himself in. Torches lined each of the surrounding walls. Counting the one that he came from, the room was in the shape of a cube. Four walls with four doors. Three, if you did not count the one that he had just come from.

  John waited, fully expecting some type of monster or ghastly ghoul to come rushing at him from one of the other doors. But nothing came. Eventually, he grew tired of waiting. If something was going to come at him, he would meet it head on, and on his own terms.

  He walked across the stone floor, toward the door directly across from him. He yanked it open and saw… a stone room with three doors. John looked back into the room he had come from to make sure that his mind had not finally broken.

  No. Exactly the same. John closed the door before him and retreated into the first room. He saw the stairs were gone. Where they had been was another stone door. John walked over and opened it, peered inside, and saw the same thing. He repeated the process for the last door. All the rooms branching off were the same.

  Might as well make a commitment or I’ll never get out of here.

  John left the last door and returned to the one opposite of where the staircase had been.. He opened it and went inside. In front of him were three other doors. He once again took the time to check each one, but once again they were all the same. Each door led to a cube shaped room with four doors.

  “What sort of game is this, you old bastards!” John screamed in frustration to the empty room. If any of the gods that dwelled with him, or below heard it, they chose not to answer.

  John didn’t know what to do, or how to get through the labyrinth. As far as he knew, there wasn’t one. But no. There had always been an answer before. But if he entered the rooms in a certain sequence, then he would be here forever. There was no way to know which room was which, or which way was right. So instead, John started picking random rooms and going through the doors.

  Left. Center. Left. Right. Right. Center.

  John raced through the rooms with reckless abandon. Each one was the same. It felt like each time he passed through a door; he was right back where he started. At one point, John went to recheck all four doors of the room he found himself in, thinking that maybe he had never left that first one after all.

  John continued. Staying in this one room would not help him any. So, once again, he began to plow through rooms, hoping for some kind of variance.

  Only his reflexes saved him from the axe that came swinging toward his face.

  John rolled backward into the room he had just come from, the blade missing him by barely an inch. Completing his roll, John sprung to his feet and drew his axes.

  Finally, some progress.

  But the thought was driven out of his mind when he saw his enemy. It was John. It was him. Another him.

  Chapter 32: Face Thyself

  * * *

  For a moment, the real John stood there with a look of utter shock on his face. But then his other self was coming at him again and his mind took over. He parried each blow that came at him from his double, his mind racing the entire time.

  What is this? What’s going on? Why does he look like me?

  Eventually, his own thoughts became too much of a distraction. The other John was able to score a glancing blow with the butt of his axe. John grunted and pressed on. I have to be more careful.

  “Whatever you are, you are not me.” John screamed as he launched himself at his double, finally going on the offensive. This thing might not have been him, but it sure fought like it. John slashed and parried, trying to find some kind of opening. Then it came. The other John swung an axe and overextended himself. Taking the opportunity, John rammed his own thrice blessed axes into his shadow self’s exposed side.

  There was a sickening squelch as the thrice blessed axes bit deep. John yanked it out and was rewarded by the geyser of blood that flowed. This version of John was not fortified with the bond essences of the “gods”, but even if it had been, there was no surviving a wound like that. It was a grim reminder that John himself was one wrong move away from ending up just like the doppelgänger.

  But for now, he had won. He had gotten the better of his opponent.

  Still, seein
g his own lifeless face staring up at him was not something that John ever expected to see. In life, John liked to think that he was a indomitable presence. That he walked into a room and drew stares of respect or even fear. But the man that lay dead before him commanded nothing at all.

  There was no use dwelling on it. He had handled the situation well for having been attacked by himself. But then again, what he had been through in the dungeon so far had desensitized him in a way. At this point, he was not sure if he could be surprised.

  John waited in that room with his dead self. Surely, he had passed the test. I’ve found and defeated myself. That had to be the trick right? But no, it was not over yet. All of the doors still led to the same identical rooms.

  With a sigh, John continued. This time, he went about it a bit more cautiously. So, twenty rooms later, when he came across himself again, he was not surprised.

  Just like the last one, this John did not talk, he simply attacked. Though this one differed somewhat from the last John. The doppelgänger’s skin was tinged green and vines continued to extend out away from the doppelgänger. More than once John had to cut them away with his thrice blessed axes to avoid getting tripped up. Who better than a version of myself to take out my frustrations on.

  The John’s lunged at each other, axes swinging through the air. Sparks flew as the weapons collided, one set regular, the other enchanted. The men’s axes locked together before them and they each struggled to get leverage. Finally, John simply head butted the other him.

  The doppelgänger didn’t even flinch.

  What the hell?

  The other John saw his confusion and smiled. Then, he glanced to his hand. There, John saw a ring.

  “Oh, you’ve got to be joking.” John exclaimed. “I haven’t had that forever.”

  The other John finally broke off, and the two began to circle each other. Blood streamed from the other John’s nose. It had been broken, but evidently, he did not feel it.

  If this guy has a Ring of Durability too, then this is going to be tough fought battle.

  No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the other John attacked. The two struggled back and forth. John managed to score some hits on the other him, but they were mostly flesh wounds. Easily shrugged off by the other John’s ring.

  John himself took some damage as well. The only difference was that he had already taken a very good amount on the last floor. I do not know how long the doppelgänger can keep up this fight. I really don’t want to go blow to blow.

  So John came up with a plan. John quickly feigned an injury. He allowed the other John to land a minor blow on him and then acted as if it had heavily injured him.

  The other John took the bait, eager to end his prey. The doppelgänger rushed in, swinging an axe.

  John twisted his back, and the other John’s axe careened off of the Paladin’s shield John still wore on his back. Then, John pushed himself backward with all of his strength, smashing the shield into the other man. He staggered backward, flailing, and that was all the opening John needed.

  On nimble feet, he followed the staggering man and brought his axe down on his head. No ring was going to stop a blow like that, but just to be sure, John did it again, and again, until he was sure that his other self wasn’t getting back up.

  John stood over yet another dead version of himself. It’s still not over, is it? What is it with this floor? There was not a single sign of progress. No sign of progress. For a moment, John thought maybe he should try to loot the dead version of himself, but as soon as the thought crossed his mind, the body quickly dissolved into green goop and was reabsorbed into the dungeon

  Of course, that would happen. In their place, a clear orb was dropped and was quickly absorbed by John. With a sigh, John walked through the nearest door and into the next room.

  This time, John was met immediately with a new challenge. As soon as the door closed behind him, the two doors on both sides of him opened and two more versions of John stepped out. One walked on spider like legs and had multiple eyes, while the other blurred like a mirage of twisting shadows.

  “Can’t beat me one on one, so you decide to try upping the numbers. Let’s see if it works for you.” John challenged

  John dodged left to meet one of the other Johns head on, the Shadow John. It waited, its own axes ready to block his attack, but at the last moment, John pivoted and flung one of his axes overhand toward the spider version of him that had been running toward John’s exposed back.

  The spider like doppelgänger was not expecting the weapon to be thrown. The thrice blessed axe tore deep into his face. He crumbled to the ground and did not move.

  Quickly, John sidestepped out of the way of avoid the counterattack of the Shadow John. He’d lost control of a axe. Use what I have, right? John reached back and took the shield from his back and put his arm through the straps.

  The body of Spider John didn’t disappear. Maybe I can loot that one. John’s heart almost soared, but then it dropped again. The axes that Shadow John wielded glowed with a dark smoke, directly the opposite of the enchantment that had been bestowed upon John’s own axes.

  Shadow John charged in and swung down. John caught the blades on his shield, but there was a screeching sound as the metal of the shield buckled under the blow.

  John did his best to defend himself. The shield bent out of shape under the force of the blows. .

  Time to take a chance. John waited until his double brought both axes down, then he thrust the shield forward and up toward the double’s face. It met with a crunch, and the doppelgänger was dazed.

  Shields aren’t always for defense. Sometimes, they’re good for bashing. John took advantage of his double’s stupor and ended him quickly.

  The shield in John’s hand was dented and buckled to hell, but it might still hold. He strapped it back on his back, and retrieved his other weapon. Time to move forward.

  John did not meet the next double until almost an hour later. He had begun to think that there would be no next one, and then he was finally there.

  He stood in the center of one of the rooms, smoking axes in hand. On his finger he wore a ring, and on his back was a shield.

  Unlike the others, this double did not attack John immediately. Instead, it stood in the center of the room, smiling.

  “What are you supposed to be?” asked John. “My ultimate challenge? I’ll take you down like the rest.”

  The double did not react, but in the next instant, John watched as he split and split again. In the blink of an eye, one had become three. Splitter John, Axe John, and Shield John. Without hesitation, the Shield and Axe Johns attacked.

  On an instinctive level, John suspected that his trick with throwing his weapon wouldn’t work a second time. Instead, he stood firm with his axes at the ready as the two attacked. Splitter John remained standing in the center of the room.

  Shield John reached him first, but John sidestepped the swing of the doppelgänger’s axes and then kicked the Smoking John in the chest as he came in for an attack. That double went sprawling away, leaving John to engage the other.

  Axes clashed in the air, with each man trying to find an opening. Finally, the Shield John recovered and came at him again. In response, he spun, putting the shield back on his back, allowing the metal to absorb some damage he couldn’t block.

  Shield John swung down with both axes. John ducked underneath, but the double could not stop his own momentum. His axes plunged into the chest of the double behind John and stuck fast. Taking the opportunity, John stood up and brought his axe down on the remaining double.

  With both doubles defeated, John turned his attention to the one that had spawned them, but Splitter John did not stay alone for long. Three more Johns sprouted from his frame, each with a separate magical item of enchantment.

  A newly emerged Smoke John the first to charge. John did not even think to put his back to him. He knew the shield would soon be completely unusable. So instead of using it
, John took a chance and threw a thrice blessed axe at Smoke John

  The double expected this and batted the thrown axe away with his own. However, he did not expect John to throw his other axe as well, and the blade bit deep into his chest. Now, John faced down two more of his doubles. With both of his axes gone, John drew his shield from his back and held it before him.

  The remaining doubles circled John, one brandished a shield while the other carried axes as the last stood in the center of the room, watching. The two Johns charged him together.

  John launched a kick at Shield John, but the doppelgänger was able to block the blow while Axe John attacked. John twisted just in time to catch a glancing blow on his shield, but it left his back exposed.

  Seeing the opportunity, Shield John brought his sword down, forcing John to duck and roll away. He had to abandon the shield but was able to recover one of his blessed axes.

  He got back up on his feet just in time to launch a savage attack against Shield John, an attack the doppelgänger was ready for. Shield John easily blocked the attack while Axe John jumped forward, both axes swinging through the air.

  John backpedaled, desperately parrying each blow until he felt solid wood behind him. The door. That’ll have to do. He had learned before that the doors opened both ways, John found himself back into the previous room.

  Axe John swung a weapon downwards in the doorway, but John dodged and used a free hand to slam the door shut on the doppelgänger’s arm and cut the arm clean off with a swing of his thrice blessed axe.

  Still, Axe John did not scream. John tried to grab the fallen doppelgänger’s axe but as soon as his fingers brushed the handle, it collapsed and was reabsorbed by the dungeon. Of course. John shook his head and opened the door. Axe John was bleeding out on the ground, but before he could finish him, Shield John charged at him in an attempt to do a bashing attack.


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