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Heroes of Darkness: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Omnibus Collection

Page 22

by Wolfe Locke

  The first thing that he noticed was that in his short absence, fewer humans could be seen crowding the reception platform. What had happened to them, Luca could only guess. That's not entirely true, though. If my own experience here is any indicator, nothing good happened to them.

  The second thing Luca noticed was the location of the arrival platform itself. The platform was situated towards the southern outskirts of the centralized plaza, which had side streets that led away into the city, and towards the outskirts of the city. From Luca's current vantage point at the midway point of the slope, Luca could see more of the street he had been turned away from as elves walked about with ease, but of Garen, there was no sight. That's a problem I’ll save for another day.

  The plaza was separated from the platform and the side streets that fed into it by the glossed and heavily red cobblestone tile that decorated the plaza grounds. Within the inner square of the plaza, Luca could see a ring of seven large gates in the form of a heptagram. Each gate was a stone half-circle that extended high into the sky. Each of the stone archways could easily accommodate large groups of people and property passing through. Judging by all the elves and humans moving through the gates with carts, that's exactly what the gates are used for.

  A thin blue film covered each of the gateways. As Luca looked, gazing directly at the gate nearest to him, he could vaguely see through the film a glimpse into another world beyond the one he was in. What else is this place capable of?

  He couldn't help but be amazed as he watched a sauntering barbaric-looking man that towered over the rest of the adventurers he saw. The barbarian carried an oversized sword that looked to easily weigh a hundred pounds and casually, without any effort, walked straight through the gate alongside his two robed and less impressive companions. Casting grim glances at each other, they pressed into the portal and disappeared with a soft popping noise. The transportation was not completely instantaneous, though it was quick. Luca saw the trio appear vaguely through the film and begin their adventure. With that, he decided it was time for him as well to get on with things and stop sightseeing.

  As he reached the top of the arrival platform, Luca saw that the remaining humans who had not been herded were huddled together in the shadows, shaking with fear. Is that because of me? Luca looked around and saw that up ahead, a small group of heavily armored demi-humans was walking straight towards him. Nevermind, I’m guessing it’s because of them.

  Every person in the group had their eyes set on Luca, narrowed and furrowed brows that were hyper-focused directly on him, completely ignoring the rest of the humans who were there. That’s probably not good. The group was comprised of two female elves with long flowing red hair who wore light leather armor colored in a military fashion, with undershirts of blue like the color of the forest in the heart of the first spring rain.

  Alongside the pair of elves marched a paunchy-looking dwarf with a burly beard that seemed to cover a childlike face. While his physique was not as impressive as the two females, his armor more than made up for it. He wore spiked ebony plate mail that covered his entire body except for his head and carried with him a glowing two-handed warhammer. Each step the dwarf took seemed to send out short bursts of seismic shakes that traveled a few feet.

  Next to the dwarf was a bookish-looking man who wore a tweed suit in stark contrast to his companions. The book he carried in his hands revealed his profession. An obvious accountant. What is a guy like that even doing here?

  The last companion surprised Luca the most, keeping up a clear rearguard that suggested he was the most powerful among the group. Luca saw an older-looking man with an ivy-league type hairstyle that was more salt than pepper. The man’s body seemed to emanate with power as red lines of crimson energy flashed from within his veins. But most notable were the twin horns curving downwards from around the man’s temples. He’s a demon then? Or something like that. That makes him the first I’ve seen.

  Before the group reached the platform, Luca heard the sounds of quick footsteps and panicked people running away in fear, their desperate cries of misery only interrupted by their equally despairing pleas for mercy. But surprising Luca the most was that these people all ran towards the incoming group as if fleeing from something else. Luca saw the cause of the disturbance with a quick glance behind him, expecting to see some manner of enemy or monster.

  It was Garen, and seeing Luca’s gaze fall upon him, he smiled and sped up, widening his steps. Luca was surprised that something about Garen's voice raised his sense of tension and flooded his body with awareness as if his body knew on some instinctive level that the elf was an enemy.

  "Hold still, Luca. I’m not here for you, at least not in a sense you might be thinking. Those five are the actual welcoming committee. The one with the books will look after the new arrivals and make sure these people are comfortable enough. I wouldn’t ask questions about it until you’re ready,” Garen explained, the elf’s voice twisted with derision as he pronounced the word "people." What's this guy’s deal anyway?"

  "So what? Do they work for you? Why are you following me, anyway? I did as you asked?" commented Luca in confusion, unsure of what was happening, uncertain of why Garen had followed him.

  "No, they don’t. They answer to a different master. We all have our bosses. I’m not theirs," replied Garen, his voice heavy with anger and hostility, speaking low to not be overheard. "I’ve got a special place in my heart full of hate towards them. Those two you see over there aren't really elves. No matter how much they want to be. They were originally human and chose to masquerade as members of my people, and the World Dungeon accepted it. Same with the dwarf and the demon-kin. Pretenders, all of them, and one day I’ll make sure they suffer for it."

  "So, like me? I was human, I think I still am, just you know, with an upgrade," asked Luca, thinking of the wings he had grown that covered his back. Wings that even now fluttered in response to the breeze against his skin. I wonder if I’ll be able to fly with these?

  The elf leader shook his head in disagreement, responding with a real laugh, "Not even close, kid. You're the real deal. Whatever you are, whatever you’ve become, its anything but human. It's not a costume, not some cosmetic selection to wear. Call it intuition, but it's in my interest to help you out."

  Garen gave Luca a quick glance over as if mulling over whether to interfere or not. "Listen to me like your life depends on it. Whatever happened to you before. Don't talk about it. No one here is your friend, and everyone is going to want that power you have once it blooms. If anyone asks where you got those wings, just tell them it was part of a costume you were wearing when you came into the World Dungeon. No more and no less. Leave it like that, and don't pad in any details. Anyways, I'm out, kid, I said my piece, good luck to you."

  "Why should I trust you?" asked Luca, thinking of the way the elf had attacked him when they first met and then threatened him after. "Were not exactly friends. I don’t know you."

  Garen sighed, irritated. "You don’t know them either, kid, but use your brain and use your eyes. Don’t trust a single human here in Hometown that looks like they’re not having a rough time. Think of this, what's in it for me? What's in it for them? I’m maxed level. I can’t gain anything from you."

  With that warning, Garen walked away, leaving Luca even more confused than he had been before. It was an odd sensation receiving friendly advice from the elf, considering the undercurrents of hostility he had felt radiating off of him earlier. Man, why do things need to be complicated? What would you do, Dad? I’ve got enemies all around me and not a single friend to be had.

  With that thought lingering in his mind, the group approached, their hands raised up by their sides in a sign of peace. They were intentionally showing they had no weapons drawn and had no hostility towards him. I guess I’ll need to play this one by ear.

  From the back of the group, the demonic-looking man spoke up, yelling as he called out to Luca, cupping his hands together to make sure his voic
e carried. "We’re here to talk, so nothing crazy ok?"

  "Hey stranger, I see you’re new here. I'm Dominic, I’m what you might call a devil-man," Dominic explained as he reached out with his taloned hands to shake Luca’s hand as he closed the space between them. Luca tried to ignore the feeling of revulsion he felt holding the cold and lifeless hand in his own. It must be a racial thing. Since this guy isn’t human anymore either. "I'm the leader of the Guild Chaos and welcome to Hometown. I hope we can work together in conquering this dungeon."

  Following Dominic, the two elves introduced themselves next, each waving and smiling at Luca, seeming to want to make sure he felt relaxed in their presence. "I'm Layla, and this is my sister Keira. We're known as the Gemini Twins. We run the Legends Guild with our cousin, the fat dwarf over there. His name is Kevin. Kevin, don't be rude. Say hello."

  The grumpy and surly-looking dwarf gave Luca a head nod and mumbled a quick, "Hi. Welcome." Luca internally smiled, relaxing, and congratulated himself inwardly for guessing correctly the dwarf was young. Maybe even his own age; something about that made him feel a lot better and more comfortable in general with the group.

  The elf Keira spoke up. "We’re doing the daily round-up of new arrivals, and you’ve managed to make a bit of a stir around here. We'd like to talk to you personally about joining one of our guilds. We share a common area and are basically one guild family with two branches. We'd like you to head back with us to talk where it's safer down in the Human Quarter. We couldn't help but see Garen had been bothering you. We can help with him too. He’s one of our big problems too and part of the reason we travel in groups. He can’t take on all of us, and with our protection, he’ll leave you alone too."

  The thought of avoiding the aggressive elf or at least having protection from him was enticing, but Luca was hesitant. He had listened to enough stranger danger talks that his parents had given him when they were still alive to know better than to accept gifts from a stranger. Still, by the way, they held themselves and the interest they showed in him, Luca guessed he didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

  Luca's gut was screaming at him that this meeting to talk wasn't optional. He decided to not fight it and just go along with the four of them. A hungry rumble sounded from his stomach, and the two elves looked at each other in embarrassment while the remaining members of the group laughed. It was Kevin who spoke up, "When we get back, we have food, you know? Going hungry around here sucks, you know?"

  Honestly, a meal is enticement enough. "Sure. Let's go," Luca responded in resignation, slumping his shoulders as his wings snapped, folding up against the flat of his back and causing the elf twins to jump. "Oh, that's how I do that. Sorry, new to this."

  Chapter 10: The Human Quarter

  The Gemini twins led the way, and the dwarf Kevin followed directly behind them without saying another word. Luca wasn’t sure where his spot was until Dominic dipped his hand, ushering him into formation. "My responsibility is to keep up the rear guard. You can walk in front of me."

  He did as he was instructed to do and followed directly behind the three co-leaders of the Legends Guild. Luca watched as the bookish-looking man split off from the group, heading straight towards the arrival portal and stepping through it.

  Where does the gateway lead? Back to the surface, I guess. I had thought it was a one-way trip. That seems odd. What's he even doing? Luca thought to himself, suspicious of the man’s actions. "What about him? Shouldn’t we wait for him to be finished or to come back?" Luca asked as he turned to look over his shoulder and ask Dominic.

  Dominic reached forward and grabbed Luca on the shoulder with his alien-like hands and pulled him close, whispering the answer. "It is said there is no such thing as a dumb question, and I’m usually prone to believe it, but there are questions with dangerous answers. Leave this one be and stay in your lane. For all our sakes. Let’s just say he’s off to go look for prospects on the surface."

  Luca discreetly nodded and thought to himself, That seems more like a warning than a threat. I’ll go with that bit of advice for now, before responding. "I understand, thanks for clearing that up, Dominic." That seemed to be the correct answer as the devil-man released his grip on Luca’s shoulder, letting him go.

  The five of them walked away from the arrival platform, heading in the opposite direction that Luca had tried to go earlier when following the female elf he saw. Heading down a different sloped path that led to a poorly paved road. The road leading clearly away from the highrises and stone buildings towards the more mundane and rough-looking. I’m heading to the wrong part of town, I’m guessing, Luca mused to himself as he mentally prepared to enter what he assumed would be a ghetto.

  One of the twins, Keira, looked behind to make sure that Luca was keeping up and must have seen the disapproving and disappointed look on his face. She spoke up, her tone filled with anger towards him. "None of these are ours. Our destination is a two-story compound our guilds share with each other. It’s in the southern quarter, but still within the walls of the Hometown, so it is not as bad as it could be."

  Layla turned around and joined her sister in the explanation, almost as if in apology. "We’ve only been able to seize one of the minor guildhalls so far, so the perks are limited. It’s part of our expansion plan to work our way into one of the four prime guild halls near the dungeon portals. You wouldn't know where they were unless somebody pointed it out to you. Those belong to the elves. At least for now."

  Kevin interjected, trying to be helpful and pointed a gloved hand. "If you look over at those four Greek-styled-looking pillars, you might be able to see a sort of downward-looking staircase. Those lead to the Halls of Justice. But as my cousins said, those belong to the elves. If you value your life, stay away from them."

  "He means they delight in taking any opportunity to kill us," Dominic interjected from behind, his voice low and deep, commanding all of their attention. "Understand, young Luca, even as strong as the four of us are, it is beyond our ability currently to take over any of the prime guilds. The elves have no interest in giving them up, and such an endeavor will be paid for in lives and blood. When the time comes, make no mistake, we will take one. The prime guild halls offer unique advantages that help make this hellish life in the dungeon a little more bearable."

  Bearable? Just how bad are things down here? Luca thought as he made mental comparisons of the sprawling city life he had seen to the imagined medieval hovel he guessed they were heading towards. "What kind of perks? Is it really worth it?” asked Luca, his stomach uneasy at the thought of fighting like that, while also strangely thrilled at the prospect of it.

  "Not really sure to be honest," replied Dominic. "I’ve been here since the beginning, and it was never revealed in a notification. I do know, though, that the Halls of Justice are just that. They help to keep law and order within Hometown. You’ll see what I mean, I’m sure. If that’s any indicator, the rest will have similar uses. It’s not just enough to survive. We all want to thrive."

  "I think that’s all of us," Luca muttered under his breath. A question lingered in his mind, something that had been nagging at the back of his thoughts. "Just how long have you guys been here?"

  Kevin, the dwarf, tilted his head sideways, thinking of the answer, trying to gauge the time accurately. "Not really sure, man. It’s been months, at least, maybe a year. Time moves a little differently here, but not always.

  The last couple of prospects we picked up couldn’t agree on how long it had been since emergence day, but both agreed it had been months. It’s not impossible to go back to the surface if that’s what you’re wondering, but…" His voice trailed off.

  "But why would you want to," Layla finished. "Up there from what I hear has turned into literal Hell on Earth. Hometown has its issues, but at least the monsters only attack us when we're on a dive."

  With all the talking, Luca didn’t notice that they seemed to have changed their route a bit as they took a b-line back towards
a city block more civilized than the one they had been heading towards. "Get tight, everyone. Let's get out into the middle of the street. Try to not get mobbed. We’re passing through their territory. Luca, I know you’re new, but don’t do anything stupid here. Don’t do anything except follow us unless Dominic or I tell you to," commanded Keira with a stern voice that demanded complete obedience.

  The group of five collapsed in on each other, making sure to push Luca into the middle as Dominic brought up the rear. The devil-man’s head was constantly on a swivel. I imagine if we didn’t look so nervous, we might seem to be pretty intimidating, Luca thought as he noticed the concerned glances that were thrown their way. In front of them, the scores and scores of demi-humans that cluttered the streets moved out of the way as the humans begged for help, and the elves glared in open hostility as they passed.

  Luca knew then that the relationship between the two races or at least between the guild leaders and the elves was worse than he guessed when the elven shop keepers who were advertising their wares began to shout out progressively higher price points, and individually tailored promotional deals aimed at anyone who wasn’t originally human. Every single elf keenly watching the group with eyes that showed more than just hostility but also greed and opportunism.

  The sensation of so many eyes watching his every movement was new to Luca. I don’t like this at all. This is absolutely crazy. He shuddered at the thought as his thoughts mixed with a dread forbidding sensation, as if somebody had walked over his grave, a wave of unease spreading through his body. Luca tried to figure out what was causing the feeling and looked around.


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