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Heroes of Darkness: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Omnibus Collection

Page 82

by Wolfe Locke

  “You!! Monster? How did you escape. You unleashed these monsters on us!” Shouted a loud accusation from atop one of the makeshift battlements that was an overturned cart. Seraph looked to see the guild leader of the Inquisition of the Blind Eye staring at him. Immediately a cage appeared around Seraph and a smirk crossed the guild leader’s face as the men under his command encircled Seraph, a look of murderous intent in all of their eyes.

  Perfect, thought Seraph as he noticed it was getting harder to breathe and his skin began to sag, I was unsure I’d be able to handle this loose end before this body is finished.

  With a laugh, Seraph reached out and tore the bindings apart.

  This would not end in the same way it had last time. His was not the body of a teenage man on the cusp of adulthood. This was his original body or close to it. The body that showed a jagged scar above his abdomen, a red gash near a kidney from a failed attack of an assassin, near fatal wounds that had healed but the body had not forgotten. The torn stubs where his wings had been, this was familiar.

  He was unleashed.

  Seraph smiled at the realization that he didn’t need to worry about the impact of his actions, the dead had no such worries, and no need to keep enemies alive. He tilted his head back and laughed, a deep and dark maniacal laugh of the damned as the Black Emblem responded with warm agreement.

  His smile froze and turned into a grin as Seraph finally noticed the group of men that had surrounded him and that he held gripped in his hand a blade that had left a trail of blood across his chest. He had barely noticed it or the blows from the others that had rained down upon him, leaving him with minor nicks and cuts everywhere. Pathetic, Seraph thought, compared to what’s coming, they are inconsequential.

  An inconvenience and nothing more.

  That these men had tried to kill him when he was still human and just a boy at that? For that offense, there would only be death.

  He waved both hands in a grand gesture as he bowed at the guildmembers before him in a mock gesture of civility, making sure they saw as he dipped how the wounds on his body had already closed up and the bleeding stopped, no new scarification, no signs of harm, completely healed as if their efforts and expenditure of power amounted to nothing.

  The surviving members of the guild instantly knew despair. The being that stood before them was not the man they had initially tried to kill and subdue, he was not even the man they had just tried to kill. He had become something else, something beyond them. Everything about him reeked of raw power, the air crackling with his dark energy and the ground beneath him froze in black ice as dark shadows moved in the places where he walked.

  Like riding a bicycle, Seraph thought as he counted his enemies. His only regret was that so few remained after their fighting with the Infernals. It’s still a good number, he thought, this would allow him plenty of opportunity to stretch his legs and work out some of the rust he had accumulated while in his lesser body. Legendary and Epic classes all of them. I’ll give away their Emblem’s as boons when this is over.

  This is what they had feared, the return of the Black Seraph. A short-lived return, Seraph thought. Or just a threat to their power. I shouldn’t be surprised. Power always fills a void.

  Seraph turned and muttered "One," as he pointed at the man who had mocked him before his imprisonment in Perdition, the man furthest away from him and closest to one of the portals. Seraph did not want any of them to escape and called out a spell he knew, "Locust Swarm" as dark energy was expelled from his body towards the elf. A spider dropped from the man’s nose followed by another and then another and another. Frantically the man slapped at his face to get the spiders off as pressure built up beneath his eyes and flesh crawled and squired as things moved beneath his skin.

  He opened his mouth to scream and no sound came out as beetles, and cockroaches and centipedes fell to the ground from his open mouth. When his eyes popped from the pressure of the worms spilling out, he found some measure of release in insanity before dying.

  "Two," Seraph murmured, already looking at his next target not waiting to see the results of his spell. Seraph chose and pointed his finger at an man with a small scar over the eye moving towards him with a shout and upraised blade.

  Seraph called out "Finger of Death." From his pointed index finger chaotic and red malevolent energy shot out at the elf hitting him in the center of the chest. When it hit the red energy erased the man’s chest wall and spread throughout the bloodstream looking for additional points of release ultimately resulting in the man effectively exploding as the body was unable to hold the energy injected into it.

  A blade cut across Seraph’s face cutting into his nose and destroying one of his eyes. The only man Seraph thought might be able to hurt him was Paul and he wasn’t surprised when he turned to see the man had come against him. Good, this will do well. Seraph responded to the next blow with a savage backhand that knocked the man across the plaza.

  Seraph smiled as he turned to face his next foe, a novice of the sword arts breathing heavy with fear and burdened by his responsibilities, the other men under his command. Not Barnabus, but close to it. As another sword came in for quick strike Seraph was ready, even as the remaining men closed in against him.

  Though the sword cut into the flesh of his hand, it did not slice through, much to the swordsman’s surprise, a surprised doubled when Seraph caught the man’s sword on the second attack. "Three," said Seraph looking past the swordsman at Barnabus in the distance. "Chain Imprisonment, Desert Coffin". A combination spell. Seraph wanted Barnabus to die, but not before he watched his men die. And for himself he cast "Hellish Return." As a Halo of Fire circled around his head.

  From the ground burst glowing red and black chains, fire spreading along the chains as it enveloped Barnabus’ body as he tried to tear them off of him, and everywhere they touched his skin scalded and burnt as if the chains themselves were made from molten hellfire. Dust began to circle around him pooling first at his feet as he struggled. The heat from the chains turning the dropping sand into something like obsidian glass. Barnabus cried out for help. Knowing that if his men did not save him he would die as he either suffocated or burned to death.

  Seraph seeing his handiwork smiled in delight as he noticed the man’s despair.

  "Get him! We have to help them!" Shouted one of the leaders towards the remaining men of the offending guild. Seraph turned his gaze towards them shaking his finger back and forth as he discretely tried to make sure all the Infernals were being handled or destroyed.

  Above head, the summoned Halo of Fire responded to a cut in the flesh below his left shoulder as the Halo traveled through Seraph and up into the sword that was cutting into him, racing up the arm and enveloped the swordsman in a pillar of flame that burned the body to its core leaving only ashes and charred bone.

  The other men upon seeing the fire consume their comrade backed away, all four now in front of Seraph thinking to come against him as one. From the corner of his eye, Seraph saw Paul begin to stir and silently cheered for the man. As for the rest, their faces contorted in fear, beads of sweat rolling down their faces from the heat of the flames and their own exertion while their hands trembled from the cold that rolled off of Seraph and their own adrenaline fading.

  Seraph stood before them smiling and unharmed as he stood before them with eyes that shone with cold anger and red malice. "Five, Six, Seven, Eight." he said as he began to run forward with his impossible speed. Instantly their line broke when one of their number attempted to flee, assuming he just needed to run faster than the rest.

  Seraph may have been many things, but of those things, coward had never been one of them. He hated cowards. "You," he said as he ran past the 3 cowering men to pursue their deserting teammate. As he quickly closed the distance, Seraph cast Razor Tip on his fingertips, their already metallic nature being sharpened to a killing end. As much as he loved the Dragon Claw, Seraph desired something that would make a better spectacle.
/>   Seraph moved in for the attack as the man dropped to his knees and begged for mercy. and mercy was granted as those claws of his disemboweled the man at the waist, killing him almost instantly as he bled out from the massive trauma and blood loss.

  "Three," he mused. Three elves remained and he cursed his luck that he was rapidly running out of men to slaughter. Seraph shrugged. With only three remaining he would have to be creative. At his heart he was an artist and as an artist he needed inspiration. With the man at his feet, the one who lay dying with his legs mere feet away from a severed torso, Seraph found that inspiration.

  Seraph bent over and tore a femur from the severed legs. This will do nicely. He thought as he nodded in thanks to the now dead man as the assembled crowd looked on in complete horror. He looked down at the femur in his hands and willed it into the shape of a spear and looked for his next target.

  Looking back towards the three cowering men, he was briefly surprised to find that he could only see two. One that was crawling on hands and knees trying to keep a low profile, the other curling himself in a ball as he clutched his hands with his knees, his mind basically broken from fear of dying and dying horribly. As for the last man, Seraph was unsure of where he went. For that he had a solution.

  He dropped the spear of bone and thrust his palm into the ground "Summon Hellhound" A pentagram appeared in purple and red light and from within it arose a rotting hell-hound, its flesh decaying down to the bone. Seraph mentally projected the image of the unseen elf to the Hellhound and it took off in a dead sprint directly towards the imprisoned guild leader. Ah, number six is trying to free his leader. Makes sense, they must think they can banish me again, Seraph thought as he picked the Spear of Bone back up.

  He looked back toward the remaining two men and hurled the spear at the one who was still trying to crawl away and as the spear tore through the man’s back and impaled him into the floor Seraph silently hoped the man was still alive after seeing the force of the blow caused the man’s body to contort in odd angles.

  Seraph's thoughts were interrupted with a scream as his summoned Hellhound found its target, the scream coming from where he had imprisoned Barnabus. The Hellhound projected a question for further orders as it held the man in its jaws near the shoulder.

  Seraph projected an answer back. Feed. He could only assume it did, as the screams began anew.

  As he walked back to the remaining two men, Seraph saw that the ground below them was starting to collapse and give way. Can't have that, Seraph reasoned as he summoned an arctic storm into his fingertips and willed it to spread out, freezing the collapsing floor in place, last thing he wanted was anyone to try and escape or manage to get away.

  As he turned and walked towards the last two elves. Seraph found himself in front of the one impaled into the ground by the spear he had thrown. The base of the spear covered in frost and slightly frozen. The man strained to turn towards him, the motion causing the blood to rapidly spill from him and with the effort he cursed Seraph for a monster.

  "I’m a monster am I?" Seraph said, bending over and whispering into the man’s ear. "Then what does that make you?” he asked with a sneer as he placed his hands on the man. "Polymorph - Wall of Flesh." The man started to scream but was quickly cut off as his mouth warped and turned into something else altogether, his body shifting into a pile of soundless screaming flesh.

  Seraph looked at his work and frowned. "No, never mind, that's not going to do it for me." He touched the abomination with Necrotic Touch and the flesh fell in on itself as it rapidly decayed and turned to dust at the touch. "That was seven."

  Seraph turned to the last man still rocking himself back and forth whispering, "He can't see me, he can't see me, he can't see me." Seraph rolled his eyes in annoyance, he had nothing for this but didn't feel he could just outright break his neck. He pointed "Alright eight, Summon Undead - Living Sacrifice." The man’s bones burst through his skin killing him and the skeleton stood before Seraph.

  "Master," it acknowledged.

  With a smile, Seraph noticed that the emblem of the Legendary Hero began to glow as footsteps approached him from behind, and rather than turn to face him, Seraph turned to the crowd instead, announcing himself. Elsewhere unnoticed by the still living the emblem of the Legendary Hero began to glow..

  “I am Seraph, the Demon Prince of Tyranny and the Master of…” The words were cut off as Paul’s sword jammed itself into Seraph’s head, and for a moment, Seraph thought he saw tears in the man’s eyes.

  It will work out better this way, Seraph thought as his body faded, collapsing into the dungeon, as he along with the Dungeon Seed was absorbed. They will need heroes to lead them.

  Chapter 54: The End

  Notification: Global Announcement

  A new Demon Prince has been assigned over the first floor of the dungeon, Hometown, and over the surface the new domain of the World Dungeon. The Demon Prince’s name is Tyranny, be warned.

  The crown on his head felt heavy, the iron edges sitting uncomfortably on top of the horns on his head. The sensation was one that would take him some time to get used to. It was a crown that marked him as a Demon Prince and the master of the 1st floor of the dungeon and the Black Emblem he wore around his neck that marked him as the overseer of the tutorial dungeon for the incoming humans. I'd been one of them once, he thought absentmindedly as he watched teams of nervous men and women starting to form up through the scrying pool as his thoughts began to wander.

  I've failed, but humanity has never been closer to surviving, but I will not be the one to lead them and maybe that is for the best, Seraph thought to himself darkly. But I will be able to guide them and give them the best chance I can. That will have to be enough.

  Seraph walked over to the window of the office space and looked out onto the dungeon city of Hometown. He had opted for a few changes, preferring something more functional than the traditional palaces and throne rooms of the other Demon Princes. A Demon Prince? Hard to think of myself as one, but is it really that different than when I was the Black Seraph?

  From deep within him the remaining essence of the spirit of the World Dungeon stirred. Though much of Amarath's consciousness had faded, Seraph was sure that the otherworldly being was in no real danger of dying after the ordeal they had gone through. Just healing, though there was still very little Seraph actually knew about the enigmatic spirit, though I imagine over the coming millennia I'll have the opportunity to learn plenty.

  As if sensing his thoughts the dungeon spirit Amarath partially awakened as it projected its thoughts directly into his mind. "These musings of yours are dark and full of regret, Seraph. Are you not satisfied with your decision?" Amarath asked as its thoughts were projected directly into Seraph's mind.

  But Seraph said nothing. Instead, he looked back out the window, watching as people mingled in the market below. This is my city now, and these are my people. I've always wanted them to survive and it looks like they'll get that chance, even if it cost me everything.

  "Maybe not everything," said the dungeon spirit cryptically. "You still have your life. You have power beyond what most will ever achieve and a degree of immortality."

  Seraph sighed as he spotted his father walking with his true self below, both getting outfitted for new gear. "Maybe not everything, but some things are harder than others to lose once you've known them. But I won't begrudge the decision, I hope the boy will be able to enjoy the life I wasn't able to. Creatures like us don't get to be happy. I've known that for a long time. It’s why I always tried to go alone. But if you are asking if I'm content with my decision, then yes, I can be content with this."

  The dungeon spirit said nothing as it faded back into unconsciousness within Seraph as Amarath let time tend to its wounds. His attention undivided, Seraph turned and looked back, watching as Paul walked with Luca, the father and son showing easy smiles and ease to their demeanor. The two of them could be happy here, and I can find a measure of peace in that,
Seraph thought with faint stirrings of jealousy he almost felt ashamed to have, but in his heart, he knew it wasn't his place to have. He was a man out of time, a ghost to fade away into obscurity and be left behind in the shadows to tend to his duties.

  "You ready, Seraph?" Sadie's voice called out from the Hall. "The next iteration is going through the tutorial soon and you still need to make those upgrades to Hometown, I've explained to you at least a hundred times already how important an arena is for their training."

  Seraph smiled as she walked in, an honest grin on his face despite the tongue lashing. She meant well, Seraph knew that, but he still wasn't sure. "Sadie, I keep trying to tell you, these people aren't elves. Most of them don't have martial training. If we add in the arena too early, I'm positive casualties will spike and people will get skittish. It's better to start out small with something like a training field filled with easy to kill minions."

  She shrugged, having said her piece as she walked over and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him affectionately. "That was an amazing thing you did, you know? All that power and you gave it up, and look at you now. A Demon Prince lording over the city."

  "In the end, this was all I could do. The tides of time are not so easily moved," Seraph admitted with a hint of weariness. "I can't join them this time on the frontlines, I can't prevent what's coming, but I can prepare them."

  "Yes, you can," Sadie responded forcefully, a tone of understanding to her voice. "You've already lived a lifetime, look at what you've done already. The dungeon has spread to cover miles and miles on the surface. Wild magic has returned to your world and those who would have never known a system will have the chance. Even the most basic of problems we were looking at, how to house everyone is handled, and most notable of all, you prevented the invasion from the ruined future. Someone else will have to be the hero."


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