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A Country Music Christmas

Page 3

by Maggie Carpenter

"You don't know what I think," she quietly retorted, her voice slightly muffled by his body.

  "You'd be surprised."

  "Maybe you're right," she murmured, "but I really am sorry about everything. I hope you believe me."

  "Sure I believe you, but like I said, if you want us to start seein' each other I've gotta spank that cute backside of yours. It's just the way I am, but when it's over it's forgotten and we can move on."



  "I like it here, like this, with you, in front of the fire. Can I ask a favor?"

  "Sure, and that's one of the things I've learned in life. Most of the time if you ask, you get."

  "Are you saying if I'd asked you to listen to me sing when I first arrived you would have? Wait, don't answer that. I don't want to know."

  "What's the favor?"

  "Will you kiss me again?"

  "Hell, yeah, I'll kiss you again."

  He hadn't smiled when he'd said it. His voice had been low, and as he lowered his lips on to hers she felt a warm delicious flood between her legs. Her entire being was responding to him, and she realized she couldn't wait to feel his hot hand smack her butt again.

  "So," he said softly as he pulled back, "anything to say?"

  "More than I could possibly manage," she said breathlessly.

  "I'm not sure what that means."

  "It means yes, I accept your conditions, but I think I'm going to need to finish that coffee."

  "Why don't you take it into my den and email your folks. Let them know about the accident and that you're gonna stay here until the weather clears."

  "I will, but…"


  "This is weird."

  "Which part?"

  "It's Christmas Eve. I can hear the wind howling out there and it's only getting worse. I want to be with you, but my dad is home for the holidays and I should be at home."

  "That's too bad," he said with a frown. "I'm supposed to be with my family in Nashville, but that's not gonna happen either."

  "Oh, that's right, I forgot. How long is this storm supposed to last?"

  "They claim through tomorrow night, but do they ever really know?"

  "So your flight will be canceled?"

  "My flight was canceled. I decided to get out early. I was on my way to the airfield when I saw your car."

  "I stopped you from leaving? Oh, no, I'm so sorry."

  "Nope, you didn't, the weather got bad so fast I wouldn't have been able to fly off anyway, and I would've had a helluva time gettin' back here. I'm real glad I was on my way though. When I think about what could've happened if I hadn't driven by, dang, I can hardly stand it. You wanna tell me how you ended up in that ditch?"

  "It was my own stupid fault."

  "Usually is. Not you, I mean generally. Most accidents are because someone messed up."

  "I was trying to find my phone in my bag and I guess I hit some ice. My hands weren't on the wheel right so I wasn't able to get control back quick enough. It didn't help that I'd forgotten to put my car in four-wheel drive, and it happened so fast. Once I was in the ditch I couldn't get my door open, and when I started to crawl over to the passenger side the car made this awful creaking sound. I was sure it was about to topple down the cliff. I had no idea I was crunched into a tree trunk. I was afraid to move."

  "I thought I told you to drive carefully," he scolded. "That wasn't drivin' carefully."

  "No, I guess not."

  "I'm gonna have to give you a few extra swats for that."

  "Oh, my gosh."


  "You're really going to spank me," she whispered.

  "Yep, then I'm gonna hold you real tight."

  "My stomach's doing cartwheels."

  "You can always change your mind."

  "No, no, but, uh, like you said, I should email mom and dad."

  "Tell them you'll Skype them. Ask them what time they'll be waitin' to hear from you. With any luck they'll have internet too and at least you'll be able to talk to them."

  "That's a super idea, thanks, Liam."

  "I'm gonna fetch my luggage from the car while you're doin' that, and then, little lady, your backside has a date with my hand."

  "Did you have to say that?"

  "Yep. Go on, now. I'll see you back here shortly."

  "Good grief," she muttered under her breath as she slowly left his arms.

  As Liam watched her pick up her coffee and walk away, he reached for his mug and took a long swallow. She wasn't just gorgeous, she had a smokiness to her speaking voice that suggested she had great chops.

  Three months before, when he'd opened his front door and seen the beautiful girl step from her car, he'd immediately assumed she'd lied about being after a job, and was there because she was an aspiring singer. He'd asked her, straight out, if she wanted to audition. He wouldn't have minded if she'd said yes, and he would have given her five minutes, but to his dismay she had chosen the duplicitous route. He'd invited her in because he genuinely did need someone bright and personable to help out, but he'd also felt an immediate attraction. As the weeks had gone by that initial attraction had transformed into something much more, and when she'd stolen one of his T-shirts he'd known why; she wasn't the only one fantasizing.

  "Summer, Summer," he muttered as he rose to his feet and headed to the garage, "you've got some lesson's comin', and I've got a feelin' we're in for a real interestin' time."


  As Liam passed through the kitchen and headed into the garage, he realized his luggage should stay right where it was. He'd be leaving when the storm broke. He only needed his briefcase. Retrieving it from his car he carried it into his den and found Summer standing by the window watching the storm raging outside.

  "It's so bad," she remarked as he walked up beside her. "I don't think I've ever seen a storm like this."

  "We always say things like that about weather, but most of the time we have."

  "Yes, I suppose you're right."

  "I remember some amazin' storms when I'd come here as a kid. My aunt was obsessed with weather forecastin', and whenever a storm was predicted she'd use it as an excuse to run over to Wishes Bakery and buy all kinds of cakes. She claimed she was stockin' up. It always made me laugh."

  "I love that place. I wish we had some of their pies here."

  "I'm just glad it's still in business. Apple Valley wouldn't be the same without it. When this storm is over we'll go there for coffee."

  "That would be great."

  "I assume you sent the email to your parents."

  "I did, but I haven't heard from them yet. I hope they have internet."

  "I thought you were comin' back into the living room. You decided to stay in here and watch the snow?"

  "I feel all weird," she mumbled. "I mean, what was I supposed to do? Walk in there and say, okay, here I am, go ahead and spank me."

  "Sure, that'd be fine."

  "NO, that would be weird."

  "Have you changed your mind?"

  "It's not that I've changed my mind, it's that I'm….I don't know what I am," she sighed. "I don't know how to express it."

  "You're feelin' embarrassed and kinda strange about it, but that's natural."

  "I guess."

  "Summer, if you've changed your mind, no problem."

  She took a breath and stared back at the weather. She could feel their connection. He might break her heart but it was worth a roll of the dice. She'd kick herself if she didn't at least give him a shot. Then she realized she was kidding herself. There was no choice. Her feelings for him were too strong. She couldn't walk away even if she wanted to.

  "I think," she said softly, turning away from the window and staring at him, "I need another kiss."

  "If I kiss you, the next thing I'll do is take you over to that couch and put you over my knee."

  "Good grief."

  "Do you want me to kiss you?"


  "You sure?


  Summer had never been so sure of anything in her life. It wasn't that she didn't want him to spank her, she did, desperately. He'd been right when he'd suggested she was embarrassed and felt strange, but it was so much more than that. She didn't have butterflies fluttering in her stomach, she had gymnasts doing tumbling routines, her heart was racing, and she was breathless at just the thought of it. He was slowly leaning in to kiss her, and closing her eyes she felt his mouth softly press against hers. His lips were gliding, the tip of his tongue was teasing, and as his kiss became more ardent she was sure her legs would give way.

  "You ready for your spankin'?" he whispered, moving his mouth to her ear. "You want it real bad, don't you, sugar?"

  "I do," she murmured, "I don't know why, but I do."

  Moving his arm around her waist he guided her to the couch, and as he sat down, she stretched out over his lap.

  "How long will this last?" she mewled, looking at him over her shoulder.

  "That'll depend on you."


  "You'll find out," he said, smoothing his hand over her full, round backside. "Are you ready?"

  "I guess."

  "Try again. Are you ready?"


  He knew his smacks wouldn't have much of an impact over the thick velvet of the sweat pants, but not wanting to immediately pull them down, and knowing any protests would be contrived, he lifted his hand and began to spank. As he smacked from cheek to cheek she stayed still, letting out an ouch or an ow every now and then, and he could feel her relaxing.

  His hand had been hot and stinging over her jeans, and the sharpness of the quick spanking had shocked her, but this was a walk in the park. She could barely feel anything over the thick velvet. It was almost disappointing. Letting out a sigh she realized it wasn't almost disappointing, it was disappointing, but just as the thought floated through her head she felt his fingers slide under the elastic waistband.

  "What are you doing?"

  "What do you think I'm doin'?" he drawled as he slowly began to slide her pants past her hips.


  "Sugar, it's time to get these outta the way."

  "You didn't say anything about making me naked!"

  "You want me to stop?"

  He'd only moved them a few inches, but he paused, waiting for her answer.

  "I, uh…"

  "It's a yes or no question."

  "I, uh…"

  "You said that already. I'm not gonna sit here all day. Yes or no?"

  "Oh, God…yes."

  Her voice had been a squeak, but it had been clear, and he made quick work of moving the sweat pants down to the tops of her thighs, but as he did he discovered she was wearing no panties.

  "Aren't you a naughty girl? No underwear!"

  "Are you complaining?" she shot back.

  His hand blasted down with a hot smack.


  "You really wanna be sassy right now?"

  "That hurt!"

  "Yep, and it's gonna hurt again," he declared landing another.


  "You go ahead and cuss if you want, it's not gonna change how I'm gonna spank you, except to maybe add a few more slaps for good measure. Swearin' like a trooper doesn't look good on you, sugar."

  Before she could respond, with lightning speed his hand began slapping her backside. She wriggled and squirmed as she yelled her protests, and when she began kicking out Liam calmly moved one of his legs over the backs of her knees.

  "Summer," he said patiently as he paused his hot hand.

  "What?" she panted. "Damn, my ass is stinging."

  "And why do you think that is?"

  "Because you've been spanking me! What kind of a question is that?"

  "Hmm, let me rephrase. Why have I been spankin' you?"

  He heard the sharp intake of breath. Her brain had just clicked in.

  "Because I lied to you."

  "Keep goin'."

  "Because I lied to you and kept lying to you," she said resignedly. "Because for three months I wasn't straight with you."

  "You think your butt is hot enough for what you did?"

  It was a question he often asked. While he determined the discipline, the female over his lap knew the extent of her guilt and shame. The honesty of her answer was telling, and somehow he always knew if she lied.

  "Yes," she said softly, "for that, but not for the accident. I was an idiot. I knew the road was slippery and I should've put my car into four-wheel drive, and I should never have been fooling with my bag. I smashed up my car and I hate myself for it."

  "Ten real hard smacks for that, Summer, on each side, but not on your red ass," he declared, pushing her pants down to her knees. "They're goin' right here, right where you sit."

  She whimpered, but not from the prospect of his warning, but because she knew her pussy was now open to his eye and she yearned to feel his touch. She longed to open her legs and squirm against his exploring fingers, and as his hand began moving back and forth where her thighs met her bottom, she couldn't stop the long, aching moan from escaping her lips.


  Though his stern voice had snapped her from her salacious thoughts, his hand was resting tantalizingly close to her sex, and she opened her legs hoping it would tempt him.

  "Don't make me ask you again," he scolded, ignoring her invitation.

  "Yes, I'm ready," she sighed, not surprised her subtle attempt at seduction had been unsuccessful.

  The first slap landed, and she bit her lower lip ready for the next, but he made her wait, then delivered the second on the same spot. Again he paused, then inflicted the third, once more on top of the first two, and so it continued. By the time the ten hard swats had been delivered her skin was on fire.

  "Those were for not puttin' your car in four-wheel drive when you absolutely knew you should. Now the other side will be for messin' with your bag when you should have been concentrating on your drivin'."

  "Ooh, yes, Sir."

  Liam raised his eyebrows. She had called him Sir. It had slipped from her lips as naturally as a breath. He had an instinct for recognizing a submissive soul and he'd been right about her. As he slowly administered the last ten stinging slaps he did so with an optimistic and happy heart. Though it was early days, he knew he was putting her in touch with her true nature.

  "All right, young lady, is your butt hot? Have you been appropriately punished for the accident?"

  "I can't believe how much that hurt," she whimpered, "how much it's burning."

  "Is that a yes or a no?" he asked firmly. "Tell me quickly. Don't think about it."

  "Yes, it is. It is. I'll never be so stupid again. I swear."

  "Take a deep breath and let it out. I'm gonna rub you for a minute."

  She sucked in the air, slowly exhaled, and surrendered to his soothing palm.

  "How're you feelin', sugar?"

  "It's weird," she said softly, "but I feel better. I do. I feel…different."

  "Sit up, curl into my lap."

  His invitation washed over her like a warm blanket, and not caring that her sweat pants were still around her knees, she squirmed her way into his waiting arms.

  "There you go," he purred, "punished and forgiven."

  "Please, Liam, will you make love to me? Please say yes."


  Summer blinked open her eyes. The room was in semi-darkness, the only light coming from the soft amber glow of the fire. She couldn't remember ever having slept so deeply, and rolling over to snuggle against her wondrous new love she was dismayed to find the bed empty. Sitting up and stretching she let out a long yawn, then glancing across at the windows she saw the drapes had been drawn. The track suit and socks were lying across the end of the bed, so she slipped from the sheets and pulled them on, then looking around she spied a partially open door leading into Liam's bathroom. Padding across the thick carpet she walked inside and found herself staring at
Carrera marble, a huge shower stall and a large jacuzzi tub. It was another reminder that Liam Taylor was a very wealthy guy; she felt a sudden shudder of insecurity.

  Pushing it aside she found a comb, ran it through her hair, then splashed her face, then leaving the bedroom suite she made her way down the stairs. Though she could still hear the blizzard raging outside, it was overshadowed by the soulful voice of one of Liam's famous artists, Suzann DeMure, a girl Liam had found in an underground club in New Orleans. It was her latest album, out only three weeks and already platinum. Summer felt a pang of envy. Why hadn't she been discovered? Why wouldn't Liam at least listen to her? It was so unfair!

  "Don't be stupid," she muttered. "You're here. What's happening is great. Just focus on that."

  Clinging to her resolve she made her way to his den, determined to greet him with a big hug and warm smile. She could hear him as she approached the door, but as she walked in she stopped short. Liam was standing over his briefcase holding her phone.

  "What the hell?" she demanded, filled with a sudden sharp shard of anger.

  "Excuse me?" he asked, frowning across at her.

  "My phone!"

  "What about it?"

  "Why do you have it?" she asked brusquely, striding across the room. "Are you—"

  "Am I what," he interrupted, "scrollin' through your emails and messages? Is that what you're askin' me?"

  Though irritation was flashing in his eyes his voice was low and chillingly calm.

  "Why else would you have it?"

  Wordlessly he dropped it back in his briefcase, clicked the locks shut, then moving towards her he grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back.

  "Liam? What the fuck? What are you doing?"

  "You listen to me real good, sugar," he said solemnly, "I would no more snoop through your phone than I would walk out into that blizzard naked and go joggin'."

  "I, uh…"

  "Hush up! You left it here, and I'd put it in my case to take to the airfield. I was gonna give it to the manager there and make sure you got it back and—"

  "I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said hastily, silently cursing herself for jumping to such an ugly conclusion.

  "I told you to hush up," he scolded, "don't interrupt me again."


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