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A Country Music Christmas

Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I will. This is ridiculous. We're the only people here for pity's sake."

  As she disappeared through the curtains, Keith pulled up a chair and sat down at Summer's side.

  "Okay, kitten, you wanna tell me why you were headin' home in the middle of the mornin' yesterday? Was it because the storm was comin' and you wanted to get home?"

  "Not exactly," she said with a heavy sigh. "The thing is…"

  "It's just you and me now. What's goin' on?"

  "It's embarrassing," she murmured, dropping her eyes. "You'll be disappointed in me."

  "I doubt that," Keith said softly, taking her hand, "and you're gonna feel a whole lot better if you tell me. You know that, and I'm sure it's not as bad as you think."

  "The thing is…I never did tell Liam why I knocked on his door."

  "Why not? Did you get scared?"

  "Yeah, I totally froze."

  "What'd you tell him?"

  "That I was looking for a job. He even asked me if I was there because I wanted to audition and I lied. I said no. I chickened out, dad. I choked. When I got to his door and he opened it I couldn't do it."

  "Hey, it's okay, you're only human."

  "When I said I was looking for work I never expected him to hire me, but he did, so then I started singing around the house so he could hear my voice, but that didn't work. Not at all. Are you mad?"

  "No, of course not. I just feel bad that you were afraid to tell me."

  "I felt stupid. I still feel stupid."

  "Hey, you may be many things, kitten, but stupid isn't one of them. How does this relate to you leavin' early?"

  "He heard me talking on the phone with Sandy, and he found out I'd lied to him. We kind of had it out, and, uh…"

  "You left."

  "Yeah. I left, but there's more."

  "I'm listenin'."

  "He fired me."

  "He what? Because of that?"

  "No, no! Not because of that. He fired me because he said he wanted to go out with me, and he doesn't date people who work for him."

  "Ah, well that's good. It is good, isn't it?"

  "Totally. Dad, I'm crazy about him," she said in a hushed whisper, leaning forward and staring at him. "I mean, like, really. That's what I meant in my email. I don't care that he's a big time record guy, or that he has a big house and tons of money. It's great and everything, but it's him I care about, not all that other stuff. Dad, he's…he's…oh, my gosh, he's just the best, and it wouldn't matter if he was a vet, or a trucker, or a rancher, it wouldn't matter one bit, and you know what?"

  "I'm almost afraid to ask."

  "I knew it when he opened the door that first day. I swear. I think that's why I was too scared to sing for him, because I took one look at him and I got this really weird feeling in my stomach. That's when I froze."

  "It can happen like that," he mumbled, thinking back to the first time he'd seen her mother. "Does he feel the same?"

  "I think so, I mean, yeah. It seems like he does."

  "He'd better treat you right," Keith said suddenly needing to hug her. "If he doesn't he'll have a big problem on his hands. Damn. I guess my little girl's all grown up. I can't believe it."

  "I'll always be your little girl, dad. That's never going to change."

  "I know baby," he said softly, trying to fight the sudden surge of emotion rippling through his heart and heating up his throat. "I know."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Liam hadn't meant to listen. He wasn't that kind of guy. He respected the privacy of others, and when he was about to walk through the curtain and realized Keith was having a father-daughter talk he'd turned to leave, but something made him stop.

  He knew at any moment Janet could return and catch him. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. He knew he might be heard walking away, but none of those things mattered. What mattered was that he was listening to something of great significance.

  Liam Taylor was a very important person. He had won Grammy's, his artists had won Grammy's, and he was responsible for selling millions of records and managed some of the biggest names in the country and western music scene. He wielded power and influence, and was worth a great deal of money, but from the moment he had stepped through the door into a life of riches and fame, he had found himself doubting the sincerity of others, both new friends and the women who graced his bed.

  The uncertainty was always there, like an unseen shadow lurking just behind him, and it didn't help that there had been times when he'd uncovered hidden agendas. As he'd listened to Summer's heartfelt confession, Liam hadn't just felt a sudden sense of freedom and a huge wave of relief, he'd felt his guard dropping away.

  Moving silently from the curtain and out into the corridor, he leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths. His heart had never felt so full. He wanted to race back to Summer's bed and hug her and kiss her and tell her how amazing she was. He couldn't of course, but one day he would share with her what he'd just heard.

  Glancing up and down the hallway, he suddenly thought how bizarre it was that he was feeling such joy while completely alone and in such an incongruous place, yet he knew it was a moment he'd never forget. Running his fingers through his hair he decided that the saying, God works in mysterious ways, was never more appropriate. He'd only returned to Summer's bedside because he'd discovered he was missing a glove. He'd stuffed them into his pockets and assumed he'd dropped it next to Summer's bed.


  Straightening up he saw Janet walking swiftly towards him.

  "Yeah, I'm missin' a glove," he blurted out, then realized how bizarre it had sounded. "I stuffed them into my pockets but now I've only got one."

  "I think I saw it, and I finally got the paperwork done. We can get Summer home."

  "That's great."

  Trying to gather his wits, he followed her in and found Summer climbing into a wheelchair. It was hospital policy that the patient be wheeled outside. She looked as happy and relieved as he felt. The unburdening of her soul had done wonders.

  "Hi there," she said smiling up at him. "Did you have a ton of messages?"

  "So many I didn't listen to any of them, and I lost a glove."

  "Oh, I have it. Dad found it on the floor. Losing a glove is so annoying."

  "It can be," he nodded, but not this time.


  Arriving back at the Brown home, Summer and Liam immediately retired to their respective bedrooms and stood under long hot showers. Liam had packed a pair of decent slacks, a sweater, underwear, socks, and a pair of loafers, and though his clothes were crumpled they were comfortable and clean. Meeting up with Summer in the kitchen they enjoyed a hearty breakfast, then both retired to catch up on some much needed sleep.

  Liam was the first to surface but it wasn't until early afternoon, and he joined Janet and Keith in the kitchen to putter around and help prepare the Christmas dinner. The Browns were expecting guests and the dining room table had been set for ten.

  "I hope it won't be too terrible for you," Janet said with a worried frown. "You'll be pestered I'm sure. Everyone will want to know all about the stars you manage. I'm sure you'll be deluged with questions."

  "It's fine, really. I'm very happy to be here."

  And he was.

  When he'd been sitting on the road holding the half-conscious Summer in his arms it had been terrifying. He'd been exhausted, and he'd had no idea how he'd be able to carry her into town to seek help. Now Summer was safe, and being in the home of her warm, caring family was a precious gift. He had no reservations about meeting new people and answering their questions. It was only natural they'd be curious, and he was more than happy to listen to them and talk about whatever they wished.

  Summer appeared when the guests began arriving, and Liam immediately noticed she looked brighter. Her eyes had held their sparkle, and dressed in black pants and a red Christmas sweater with Rudolph emblazoned on the front, he thought she looked absolutely adorable.

  As the dinner began he couldn't remember a time when he'd felt so close to a woman. Having Summer beside him seemed like the most natural thing in the world. He wanted to lean in and kiss her, put his arm around her, and hold her hand. It was an intimacy that was unfamiliar to him, but it was one he joyfully embraced. To his surprise the guests' fascination of him and his life lasted only a few minutes before the conversation turned to the news of the day; the horrific storm and ensuing avalanche.

  "It's a miracle Summer and Liam made it out," Janet remarked, "an absolute miracle. I just don't know how they managed it, skiing all the way down that hill to the main road in the dark. It must have been such a frightening ordeal."

  "We had an angel on our shoulder," Liam said gratefully, "and you're right about miracles. It was a miracle how that deputy showed up the way he did, in fact, as I think about it, I have to say the entire day was miraculous."

  He felt Summer's knee press against his, and looking at him she broke into a smile. He smiled back at her, but a moment later he felt her hand tickling his inner thigh. He glanced around the table. Nobody seemed to notice. They were now discussing the snowplows and how they had been clearing the roads even though it was Christmas day.

  Suddenly her fingers crawled upwards and pressed against his cock. Tantalizing sparks surged through his loins. Gritting his teeth he reached for his champagne and took a drink, trying to think of a way to make her stop without it being obvious. Unfortunately nothing came to mind, and as she continued her torment he could not stop his member becoming as stiff as a board. If they'd been in a restaurant he would have pulled her from her chair, marched her out to the parking lot, and spanked her lustily in the back seat of his car, but they weren't. They were seated around a dining room table with her family and friends. He was helpless; it was not a position he cared for.

  The meal had started with a bowl of basil-tomato soup. When everyone had finished, Janet walked around the table and picked up the empty bowls while Keith disappeared into the kitchen. When she reached past Summer's shoulder and reached for the dish, Summer's fingers remained where they were. Mortified, Liam held his breath, and as Janet walked away Liam thought about spilling his drink over his lap. It seemed like the only option. It would cause a scene, but at least it would get Summer's hand away from his crotch. He was about to reach for his water glass when Keith suddenly appeared carrying a huge platter with the impressive turkey, and Janet began bringing in the side dishes, and Liam was loathe to interrupt the important bird-carving moment.

  "Thank you all for comin' today," Keith announced, holding up a dangerous-looking knife. "It's wonderful to be surrounded by old friends, and new ones as well," he declared smiling across at Liam. "Every year my beautiful wife worries that the bird won't be cooked enough. Of course it's always perfect and I'm sure this year will be no exception, but before I start slicin' I'm gonna share some news. Janet, will you stand here next to me for a minute?"

  "Keith? What's this all about?" she asked, looking puzzled as she rose from her chair.

  "You'll find out in a minute," he grinned, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her against him. "As you all know I've just spent the last three years goin' back and forth to Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany. It's been tough, but I'm happy to announce that my globe-trottin' is over. I'm gonna be workin' at the base thirty minutes from Apple Valley. Honey, your hubby is home."

  Janet stared at him, her eyes wide, but only for a second before she threw her arms around his neck and buried her head in his shoulder.

  The entire table broke into loud chatter, raising their glasses and offering their congratulations. Seizing the opportunity Liam grabbed Summer's wrist and pulled it from his turgid member, but laughing out loud she jumped from her chair and hurried around the table to hug her father. Happy for the family, and relieved Summer was no longer torturing him, Liam joined in the celebration, but when she sat back down she immediately dropped her hand back where it had been. He immediately leaned his head down close to hers.

  "I'm gonna be wallopin' your backside the first chance I get," he whispered. "If your hand isn't on the table in three seconds you won't sit for a week."

  A pink blush instantly spread across her face, and she quickly did as he said.

  "Wise," he muttered, "but the first part of my promise still stands."

  Her butterflies were fluttering, but as she took a long deep breath his imminent departure suddenly zoomed to the forefront of her mind. Would they find any time to themselves before he left? When would he be back? It was so unfair. They'd just found each other and were already being separated. As the meal continued it was all she could think about, and though she enjoyed the delicious food, knowing he would be leaving the following day continued to hover over her head like a dark shadow.

  "Are you all right?" Liam asked as the meal began to wind down. "You've gone real quiet. Are you feelin' tired again?"

  "I am, but that's not why I'm like this," she murmured, lifting her sad eyes to meet his.

  "What is it?"

  "I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm upset that you're leaving. It doesn't seem right."

  "I wish there were two of me," he said as a frown creased his brow. "I wish I could stay but my family's been waitin'. Still, it'll only be for a week or so. I'll be back after New Years."

  "After New Years? Of course," she said with a heavy sigh. "I should have realized. You're probably going to some big shindig."

  "Yep, and it's a mandatory appearance. Every year the company has a party. It's a big deal, and bein' the boss I've gotta be there."

  "I understand, but you'll be back after that, right?"

  "My life is pretty crazy sometimes, but comin' back here to see you is gonna be on the top of my list," he promised, "and there's my house. God only knows how many tons of snow are sittin' on top of it right now" then pausing he added, "If you're not busy maybe you could help me."

  "Sure. I have nothing on my plate! I did have a job but I just got fired. Can you believe someone would fire me on Christmas Eve? Talk about a Scrooge!"

  "Who'd do a thing like that?" he grinned. "I can only assume you must've been a very bad girl."

  "Actually," she quipped, raising her eyebrows, "I believe it was because I was a very good girl."

  "Ha, touché," he chuckled. "How would you feel about me hirin' you back for a couple of weeks."

  "Maybe, if I get a raise."

  "Oh, yeah? How much of a raise?"

  "Double, no, triple."

  "Who are you?" Liam laughed. "I think I should have you negotiatin' my contracts."

  "Of course I'll help you, but I don't want to be paid. It'd be too weird. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

  The thought of working with him on his house had brightened her up, but just a few minutes later, out of the blue, she started to feel oddly weak, and letting out a long yawn she rested her head on his shoulder.

  "Are you fadin', sugar?"

  "I think I am," she said wearily. "I feel heavy."

  "Summer?" her mother called from across the table. "What's wrong, honey?"

  "I just got tired all of a sudden."

  "You need to get back to bed," Keith declared. "Doctor's orders, remember? Lots of rest."

  "I hate to leave but I think you're right. Thanks for a great meal, mom. It was one of the best ever."

  "It was one of the best ever because you were here in one piece," Janet replied with a grateful smile. "You go and get some rest."

  "I'll see you up the stairs," Liam said rising from his chair.

  "Thanks, Liam," Janet said gratefully. "I'll be up to check on you soon, Summer."

  As Summer said her goodbyes and headed off, Keith leaned back in his chair and considered the new man in his daughter's life. Liam was young to be so successful, especially self-made, yet he handled himself with grace and confidence. Images of Summer playing in the back yard on her tricycle flashed through his brain. Where had the years gone?

hey seem right together," Janet softly remarked. "I like him."

  "Yep, I do too. I don't know what this means for her singin' though."

  "Great things, surely. Why would you question that?"

  "I don't think he's heard her sing yet, and I'm not sure he's a guy who'd mix business with his personal life."

  "Oh, I hadn't thought about that."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Upstairs in Summer's bedroom, after a long hug and warm kiss, Summer had stretched out on her bed, and sitting next to her Liam suddenly found himself in conflict. He needed to get back to Nashville, but he was torn. He didn't want to leave her. They'd just connected, and her earlier comment was swimming around his head. I'm upset that you're leaving. It doesn't seem right. He was feeling the same way. Could he take her with him? Not really, she was still recovering.



  "You look worried."

  "I gotta tell you, sugar, I don't wanna take off. Like you said, it doesn't feel right."

  "Do you have to? Can you put it off?"

  "I'd disappoint my family, and I've gotta be there to make sure the party goes off without a hitch. I have people doin' the organizin', but there are always last minute things that come up and I'm a micro-manager."

  "Then, you have to go," she sighed. "It's a bummer though."

  "What's that music?"

  "Sounds like Harry's starting to play. You should hear him. He's so good. I mean, really good."

  "And you're lookin' like you're about to pass out."

  "I think I am."

  "You get some sleep, and you'd better believe I'm gonna be spankin' your butt as soon as you're better. Hand under the table tormentin' me like that. Shame on you."

  "Uh-huh," she winked. "It was fun though."

  "For you, maybe. You will be spanked, and soundly, you bad girl. Now get some rest."

  He kissed her softly, then ambling from the room and closing the door behind him, he headed down the stairs. Harry's music became clearer, and reaching the living room he stopped outside the door. It took less than thirty-seconds for him to realize Harry was something special. Very special.


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