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A Country Music Christmas

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  "In a manner of speakin'. I need your advice."

  "Why do I think this is about the girl who's stolen your heart?"

  Her words hit him. Stolen your heart? Coincidence! It's a common phrase!


  "Sorry, Marie. Yeah, it's Summer. She has a channel on YouTube. I don't know what to do."

  "You've lost me."

  "If I watch it and she's mediocre—"

  "Got it," she said cutting him off. "If she's fabulous you'll be all over the place."


  "Liam, you're overthinking this. If she's great you'll figure it out."


  "You're being ridiculous."

  "Maybe, but you know how I feel about blurred lines. How the hell would I manage a woman I'm involved with?"

  "The way you'd manage any other artist."


  "Why are you so worried about this?"

  "I don't want anything to mess things up. I really lo-like this girl."

  "Oops. It almost slipped out."

  "Marie, would you please stick to the point?" he snapped, totally unnerved about what he'd almost said.

  "Fine. You are more than capable of handling a young woman who gets too big for her britches."

  He paused. She was right, but he still felt queasy.

  "Do me a favor. Go watch her and call me back."

  "You're kidding?"

  "Call me back and tell me if she's okay, good, or better than good. Oh, and one more thing. I don't know how many songs she's got up there but look for one called, One-Way Street."

  "Is this my brother I'm talking to? The self-made, self-assured, take-no prisoners guy that—"

  "Please, just do it."

  "Ah, there he is. Thank God. Okay. I'll call you right back."

  Ending the call he picked up the ring and studied the majestic ruby. The fire's light was bringing it to life, and again he found himself asking the question, was it meant to grace Summer's finger?

  "Maybe there'll be a sign," he murmured. "Maybe I'll have a flash, or maybe she'll say something, or…dammit, what the hell is wrong with me? Too much damn cognac, that's what's wrong with me."

  Putting it back in its box he closed the lid and returned it to the chest, but as he ambled back to his chair his phone rang. His heart skipped, and striding the last few steps he anxiously answered the call.

  "Liam, you need to watch it."

  "What does that mean?" he asked dropping back into his chair. "That doesn't tell me anything."

  "Let me put it like this. If you don't sign her and her band I'll have Eric draw up papers and I'll start my own management company. That's how good she is. No, that's how great she is."

  "Fuck. I knew it."

  "Liam, I don't swear, but she is eff'ing unbelievable."

  "Wait. She has a band?"

  "Not like a regular band. She has a pianist who's fantastic, and I assume that's her brother you mentioned, and a sax player that will knock your socks off, but she…holy smokes."

  "Why did I know this?" he muttered.

  "Because that's what you do, remember? You could walk into a bar and point to someone and say, that guy can sing. Just watch it! I'm going to bed."

  "NO, wait for me to call you back."

  "Jeez, Liam."



  Moving to his desk he picked up his seventeen-inch Powerbook, took it back to his chair, had another sip of Dutch courage, then opened it up and entered a search on YouTube for Summer Sings - A One-Way Street. Seconds later she appeared on his screen standing beside the piano in her parents' living room with Harry seated behind her. He began to play, a saxophone joined in then faded into the background, and a moment later, Summer's smoky, bluesy, uniquely toned voice lifted into the air.

  Life is a road we travel each day

  Why am I always losing my way?

  I miss the green light, I stop and I wait

  Where do I turn? Is it all up to fate?

  I have crashed a few times, no bruises to show

  Other times I have sat and let tears freely flow

  The aches leave, the cuts heal, but the scars remain

  And each time I see you I remember the pain.

  Cos you have the power to turn my tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.

  You're always ahead, how can we meet?

  Love is hopeless on a one-way street

  It burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Life sends me forward, I can't turn back

  I look over my shoulder, did I lose track?

  Miles, like time, zip by me so fast

  Will I leave you behind, lost in my past?

  You look but don't see me

  You listen but don't hear me

  There's no love lost cos no love has been found

  I'm invisible because you won't turn around.

  Living on hope, it can feel so empty

  Will you become just another memory?

  Should I exit now, before it's too late?

  Or should I keep dreaming, should I still wait?

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.

  You're always ahead, how can we meet?

  Love is hopeless on a one-way street

  And it burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Love is lonely on a one-way street.

  Love is sad on a one-way street

  Love is forsaken on a one-way street

  Still it burns in my chest with a white hot heat.

  Each time I see you I remember the pain.

  Cos you have the power to turn my tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  My tears into rain.

  You have the power to turn my tears into rain.

  The last line floated in the air like mist, and Liam realized he was holding his breath. The melody was haunting, the piano had Harry's unique combination of chords and changes, the saxophone had drawn him with its sensuality, but Summer's voice…it had a smokiness, a depth, a rare richness, her pitch was perfect, and her control was like that of a seasoned performer. But she had something else, something even more compelling. She had exposed her heart and oozed raw emotion.

  She hadn't written the song to audition for him, she had written it about him, about how she felt.

  A Song For Liam

  There was tightness in his chest, and closing his eyes he sucked in the air, then finally picking up his phone he called his sister.

  "So? Was I right?"

  "She's insanely good. She's like, I don't know, I'd say Adele meets Taylor Swift but I don't know if that's even possible. She's one-hundred percent absolutely her, if you know what I mean."

  "The whole thing works, Liam, and who was playing the sax?"

  "I have no idea."

  "She gave me chills. Summer's a star. It's only a matter of time before someone see's her and—"

  "I know. It'll be like Justin Bieber. Marie, what do I do?"

  "Just be who you are! Jeez, Liam, grow a pair! I'm going to bed. Love you, and congrats!"

  She was gone. He stared at his phone. Did his sister just say grow a pair?

  "Holy shit. She's right!" he exclaimed. "What the hell?"

  Returning to his computer he watched the video again. The song was a hit, of that he had no doubt, and Summer was going to be a huge star. All he needed to do now was tell her, but A Song For Liam; when had she written it? Did that even matter?

  "Dammit," he grunted. "Jump in. Just jump in, but I don't wanna call her and say, hey, Summer, I'm gonna sign you. No, it has to be…what? Different! But how? Shit."

  Rising to his feet he walked over to his window and stared at the rain. He missed her. He missed her like crazy. Then it hit him. He knew exactly when to tell her, and he knew exactly how. Feeling as if he was living some kind of surreal lucid dream, he marched back to his phone, snatched it up, and called her. She answ
ered immediately.

  "Liam? Hey."

  "Did I wake you? You sound sleepy."

  "I'm just laying here in the dark missing you."

  "I'm missin' you too, sugar. How's your butt?"


  "Answer the question."

  "A bit tender."

  "Hmmm. Just a bit? Sounds like it needs more attention."

  "Oh well, such is life. It'll just have to wait until you decide to get back here."

  "I have a better idea. What would you say about you and Harry jumpin' on my jet and joinin' me for New Year's?"

  "Say that to me again," she said breathlessly, bolting upright.

  "You heard me."

  "Holy crap. Do you mean it? Seriously?"

  "Yeah, of course I mean it."

  "Oh! My! God! Liam!"

  "Is that a yes?"

  "What do you think? Oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

  "When you tell your parents in the mornin', tell your dad, Liam says you're welcome."

  "I don't understand."

  "You don't have to. He will."

  "Liam, thank you! I can't believe it, and I can't wait to see you."

  "Back at ya, darlin'. Be sure to pack enough for a few days. Harrry can leave, but you've gotta stick around."

  "You won't get any arguments from me."

  "You'll know what'll happen if I do! I'm gonna go now. I've gotta crazy few days ahead, but I'll call you tomorrow."

  "Okay. Wow. Thanks again. Goodnight, Liam."

  Ending the call Summer closed her eyes and hugged herself.

  "Please, Dear God, keep the weather nice. What am I saying? I'm going no matter what."


  December 31st

  Sitting in the sumptuous Gulf Stream G550, Summer's heart was thumping against her chest. She was living a fairytale, though her racing pulse wasn't due just to excitement; she was nervous. Would she measure up? The party would be filled with glamorous people. Was her dress pretty enough? Elegant enough? Sexy enough? She was just a small town girl. What did she know about sipping champagne from crystal glasses and making chit-chat with celebrities?

  Only moments before, when she and Harry had walked into the plane, they'd found a gold envelope sitting on the first two seats, one with Harry's name and the other with hers. Harry had been waiting for Summer to open hers first, but she was just sitting in the seat staring at it.

  "What are you waitin' for?" he asked, his patience running out. "Aren't you dyin' of curiosity? It's bulky. It has to be more than a note."

  Her head snapped up and she looked back at him.

  "I was thinking about, uh, stuff."

  "How can you stand to wait? Screw it, I'm openin' mine."

  "You didn't have to put it off for me."

  "I felt like I did."

  "Sometimes you can be very sweet, Harry. Okay, let's open them together."

  The flap was closed down with black wax, the letters LT plain to see. Breaking the seal she pulled out a card and discovered it was an invitation to the party, but the envelope also contained a gold pendant on a chain. It was the number sixteen, and the six was encrusted with sparkling stones.

  "Whoa. I guess we're official," Harry said staring at it, "but I think I'll feel a bit weird wearin' a necklace."

  "I suspect it's a badge of honor," Summer remarked staring at the glossy, glistening jewelry wondering if she was looking at real diamonds or rhinestones.

  "You think?"

  "I do. Look, there's a note. Keep this with you. L&K, Liam."

  "I have one too, but it doesn't say L&K," Harry laughed. "I'm gonna check out the rest of this plane."

  "Go ahead. I just want to sit here for a minute."

  As Harry walked away to explore, Summer stared around the luxurious but narrow cabin. The prospect of flying in the aircraft wasn't the same as getting naked with Liam while safely on the ground. Turning around she saw Harry enjoying his exploration with loud ooh's and aah's, and exclaiming the word cool every few seconds. Though she usually found his exuberance annoying, his uninhibited delight made her smile. Moving her gaze out the window she couldn't believe she was actually there. The previous few days had been a whirlwind of activity and the time had sailed past.

  It had started the morning she'd announced the exciting news. Her mother had declared she was taking both her and Harry into Lawnsdale to buy them outfits for the big event.

  "We can cruise the after-Christmas sales," she'd exclaimed. "Did Liam say if it was formal? You need to find out. Will Harry need a tux?

  Liam assured Summer that Harry didn't need a tux, but something snappy wouldn't be amiss. The shopping had lasted all day, and by the time they'd arrived home Summer had been worn out. She'd eaten dinner, carefully put away her new clothes, and after a brief conversation with Liam, she'd worked on her new song until fatigue had set in and she'd slipped into bed.

  The next two days had been all about Liam's house. The men from the county had arrived, along with snowplows and Liam's contractor, Ted Duncan, the man who had renovated the home. Listening to the endless conversations and standing in the cold as the workers carried out their various tasks had been wearying, but it had cleared the way for Keith and Summer to enter the home the following morning.

  Wearing hard hats, joined by Ted Duncan, two men from the county, two more from the city, and Harry, who had begged his father to let him come along, they'd ventured inside, and while the floors were strewn with pictures and objects that had fallen from their shelves or off the wall, the side of the house that had been spared the avalanche's full impact appeared to have suffered little damage. Entering her favorite room, Liam's den, Summer had been overjoyed to see it was still intact. Quietly separating from the group she'd walked to the locked door at the end of the hall, and opening it up, holding her powerful flashlight, she'd stepped carefully down the stairs. To her great relief his studio appeared to be undamaged, but her father's voice had pulled her away, and when she approached the dining room a moment later the drama had unfolded.

  Boulders had smashed through the upstairs back wall into the master bedroom, crashing through the floor into the kitchen and dining room below. As Summer had stared at the debris, then looked up at the huge hole in the ceiling into the room where she and Liam had been sleeping, a chill had shuddered through her body. But for the warning she'd received, it was doubtful they would have survived.

  Without walking around to the back of the home it was impossible to know the state of the adjoining upstairs rooms, but a crew was already on their way do to just that. When the inspection was finally completed the house had been deemed unsafe, and Ted Duncan had called Liam with the news. It had been a long and detailed conversation, at the end of which Ted had handed Summer his phone.

  "Liam. It's unbelievable."

  "Yeah, so I gathered. Ted's gonna be sendin' pictures, but I've been thinkin' about what to do since I got back and I've decided to rebuild. Ted's gonna do what he can to protect it from the elements, then he'll let me know when we can get started," then pausing he added, "Summer, you know you saved us both."

  "An angel did," she'd murmured, "but it's still freaky to see it. I wish you were here."

  "We'll be together real soon, sugar."

  "I know, and I can't wait."

  The only glitch to the day was Harry's disappearance. He had wandered off into the adjacent forest through which Liam and Summer had made their escape. Keith was about to send out a search party when he finally came trudging back. Though she thought Harry was much tougher than her parents gave him credit for, even Summer had been worried.

  The following day she was caught up getting ready for the trip, and the next morning she'd suddenly found herself in the car with her parents being driven to the airfield. It had seemed like no time had passed since Liam had called her with his amazing invitation. Where had the days gone?

  "Hey, Summer!"

  She'd been deep in thought, and startled by Harry's
shout she jumped, then turning around and saw him pushing the button that opened and closed the panel that separated the compartments.

  "Check it out. Cool, huh?"

  She felt herself blush. It was the partition Liam had closed to give them privacy when he'd spanked her then made love to her just before he'd left.

  "Harry, please, you'll break something."

  "Not to worry," Frank said, appearing in the cabin and moving towards them, "but you do need to buckle up. We'll be taking off shortly. I just wanted to know if you needed anything before we do."

  "Which is the best place to sit?" Summer asked.

  "It doesn't really matter, but if you're in front of the wing you'll naturally have a better view. Once we level out you can help yourself to whatever you want in the galley, but when you sit back down please make sure to belt up."

  "Can I see inside the cockpit?"

  Harry's request had been earnest, and breaking into a smile Frank tilted his head to one side.

  "I'll tell you what, once we've landed I'll check with Mr. Taylor and see what he says about it for the return trip. Ah, here's Stewart Masters. He's my co-pilot. Stewart, this is Summer and Harry Brown."

  "Hi, good to meet you," the new face said with a wide smile. "I'll see you in there, Frank."

  "I thought it was just you?" Summer remarked. "Liam didn't say anything about a second pilot."

  "It takes two," he replied. "We hire the co-pilot locally."

  "Um…I'm a bit nervous," Summer said softly. "I know I shouldn't be, but I am."

  "That's only natural. It feels a whole lot different than a big commercial jet. Most people get used to it fairly quickly, and this is a fast flight. It's good for your first time. I was a commercial pilot for a while, and I much prefer flying a plane like this."

  "You do?"

  "I do. Okay, I'm going up front now. Make sure your seat belts are buckled. I'll let you know when it's okay to get up and move around."

  She watched him walk away and disappear into the cockpit, then looked over at Harry.


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