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The Prince's Forbidden Bride (The Princess Brides Book 2)

Page 12

by Rebecca Winters

  “I’m with you forever. It’s all that matters.”

  It was all that mattered.

  Fausta had been right about Enrico wanting to show her how much he loved and believed in her. Donetta had been reading way too much into the earlier conversation with her husband. She loved him more than life itself. “Is your mother all right?” She kissed his hard jaw.

  “No,” he said honestly. “She can’t let it go that I didn’t marry Valentina, but in time she’ll come around. You’re wonderful to her. Please don’t let her upset you too much. The day will come when she’ll learn to love you.”

  “I want to believe that, too. Now tell me what else is wrong.”

  She heard his sharp intake of breath. “The truth is, she’s afraid I’m going to be assassinated.”

  Donetta’s fingers tightened in his hair. “You can’t blame her for that. I think deep down that the wives and children of any sovereign harbor that same fear. If you want to know the truth, my sisters and I have always lived under that same worry where our father is concerned.”

  “But you can handle it.”

  Enrico was wrong. The thought of losing him to a sniper’s bullet or the slash of a dagger terrified her.

  He held her tighter. “The problem is, she’s demanding I stop taking on the corrupt elements with so much force. Of course that’s something I won’t do.”

  “Doesn’t she realize you’re carrying out the same policies as your father?”

  “Yes and no. In the last year I’ve been more aggressive than he ever was. These death threats prove I’m getting more results with every arrest. The progress we’re making is vital for our country’s welfare. My goal is to rid Vallefiore of this menace.

  “Since college Giovanni has been helping me develop a massive internal structure of intelligence operatives. In time we’re going to win this war. We can’t back down now.”

  Donetta rose up on one elbow. “That’s the reason she didn’t allow the coronation to happen. Once you become king, with all the power, you’ll be their target more than ever, and she’s terrified of losing you.”

  “Trust my brilliant wife to figure it out, but we have the needed kind of security in place to ensure that you and I will reign for a long time, God willing.”

  They were in God’s hands. She knew that.


  “I ADMIRE YOU for your fearlessness and determination, Enrico. I promise I’ll do everything I can to help.”

  “You already do that just being here in my arms.”

  The time for talk was over. With one kiss he swept her away. They gave in to their desire, which continued to grow with every passing minute, taking them far into the night. Donetta fell asleep nestled against him.

  They slept in and enjoyed breakfast in the apartment. After both of them dressed in casual clothes, they left for the wing of the palace that housed the government. His staff resembled a small city of men and women officials.

  When they saw Enrico, they all stood and clapped. Chief among them was Giovanni. His arms were folded. He wore a broad smile on his good-looking face.

  Her husband put his arm around her waist. “Thank you for welcoming us this morning. Let me introduce you to my bride, Princess Donetta Rossiano of Domodossola. She will be working with all of us from here on out on a daily basis.

  “You are to offer Her Highness the same help and courtesy you offer me. There will be times when I’ll be away on other business, but she will be here. Any matters that would come to me will now come to her. Let me make it clear that she’ll speak with the same authority as I do.”

  Donetta marveled how quickly he was changing the dynamics of a system of male succession that had been in place for centuries. Already Enrico was preparing the staff for her to carry out the role he’d created for her.

  Everyone continued to pay attention, but deep down she knew they didn’t really believe he meant every word of that speech. But in time they’d find out and be in shock. Common sense told her they weren’t going to like it.

  He ushered her through massive, ornate floor-to-ceiling doors into his large, sumptuous office, where the king had worked until he’d become incapacitated. A framed picture of Enrico’s father hung on the wall.

  A stand placed in one corner held the flag of Vallefiore and the individual flags of each province. There was also a grouping of leather couches and chairs around an octagonal coffee table with a fabulous Moorish pot overflowing with flowers.

  Enrico pulled out his swivel armchair for her to be seated at his desk. He perched his hard-muscled body on a corner of the massive oak desk and buzzed one of the secretaries in the outer office. He asked that another matching chair, desk and lamp be brought in by the end of the day.

  With that accomplished, he flashed his devastating smile that sent her heartbeat skyrocketing. “Your Highness? Behold your kingdom. All that I have is yours.”

  Overcome by his generous heart, she felt her eyes prickle with salty tears. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  He often answered a question with another one. This question gave her pause. As she was growing up, she’d always wanted to be queen by right of succession. At least that was what she’d told herself. But in time she could see that it had been nothing more than a child’s pipe dream.

  For Enrico to walk in here today and install her as a fait accompli in front of his subjects who answered to a king and no one else was an entirely different proposition.

  For one thing, Enrico hadn’t been crowned king officially yet. If his mother continued to feel so negatively over his choice of wife, maybe it wouldn’t happen for several more years.

  Donetta wasn’t Enrico’s queen in the legal sense that he could set her on the throne beside him. No matter what he’d promised her, for the time being she was Princess Donetta, wife of the crown prince. But she’d promised to help him and she would do everything in her power because she adored him.

  “I’m ready to learn.”

  “I’m glad, because there’s no time to waste. The first thing to do is get on the computer and we’ll go over my daily routine. Later on, we’ll take a look at my weekly and monthly agenda.”

  Finally she could see the world he’d been immersed in since college. He carried a huge load.

  “In a minute I’ll show you the list of our legislators, the cabinet and staff overseeing the military, housing and education, with names, phone numbers and job descriptions. However, the names of your bodyguards and mine won’t be on any computer.”

  Of course not. Her father had security, but she couldn’t remember him ever having to deal with a personal death threat.

  “Another file will show you the entire floor plan and layout of the palace, plus the palace staff. We also run many businesses and some hospitals and organizations in the city and throughout the country. I’ll show you how to access that list as well.”

  Donetta knew she’d be looking at it a lot until she had everything memorized.

  “Giovanni is the head of security and that includes the country’s police and fire departments. He also runs our Sanfratellano Horse Federation and will familiarize you with everything when you’re ready. My sisters oversee many charities and will be available to you. Soon I’ll discuss our treaties and immigration policies with you.”

  By midafternoon Donetta’s head was too full of new information to learn any more and Enrico knew it. “We’ve done enough for today, bellissima. Let’s eat lunch in our apartment, and then I have a surprise for you.”

  “You do too much for me.”

  “I’ll never be able to do enough.”

  As they started to leave, Giovanni knocked before coming in. “Excuse me, Donetta. Can I talk to your husband for a minute?”

  “You can,” Donetta said with a smile. “I’ll see you at the apartment,
Enrico. Shall I call down to the kitchen?”

  He nodded. “All you have to do is pick up the phone and give the order.”

  She walked down the hallway lined with glassed-in offices. Many curious eyes followed her progress. Not all looked that friendly and she understood why, but maybe she was letting her paranoia take over again. Donetta couldn’t afford for that to happen.

  * * *

  Giovanni closed the door so no one could see or hear them. “When you introduced Donetta to everyone this morning, the part about her having the same power as you didn’t go over well with anyone, especially you know who.”

  Enrico nodded. “Leopold. The man can’t be trusted, but father appointed him to the cabinet and he’s a good friend of Mamma’s.”

  “Not to mention a titled member of the aristocracy. I saw him get on the phone immediately.”

  “That’s no surprise, but the only way to make this change was to deal with it head on.”

  “You certainly did that,” his cousin murmured. “I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  He clasped Giovanni’s shoulder. “No one ever had a better friend.”

  “How’s it going with Donetta?”

  “I didn’t know I could be this happy. This afternoon I’m giving her my wedding present.”

  “Does she know?”

  “Not yet. How’s the woman situation with you? Are you still seeing Celesta?”

  “No. That’s over.”

  “You sound like the old me. One of these days it’ll be your turn, cousin.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.”

  On his way out of the office he talked to several associates and then hurried to his apartment. He found Donetta on the phone with her sister. A minute later their lunch arrived and he carried the tray to the dining room table so they could eat.

  She followed him and he helped her to sit. They were both hungry. “How are your parents?”

  “Amazingly well. The news of Lanza’s pregnancy seems to have given them a new lease on life.”

  “Don’t you think that seeing you happy has made a difference, too?”

  “Of course. They like you very much already.”

  “That’s nice to hear.” The baked cod with green beans and potatoes hit the spot. “Just think how thrilled they’ll be when we can tell them the news that we’re expecting our own baby.”

  She finished her coffee. “That’s my greatest wish.”

  “And mine. In the meantime, let’s take a short drive to the other end of the property. Everything is open to the public except the tennis courts and swimming pool.”

  * * *

  Enrico had told her he had a surprise for her. Donetta had seen the map that showed the twelve-square-mile Montedoro estate. She was excited as they left the palace in his Jaguar. He drove them along a road behind the palace.

  “The estate gardens are breathtaking.”

  “Mamma oversees their care and design. Every day she pushes Papà for a walk along the paths. She’s an amazing gardener.”

  “I’d love to learn from her.”

  Soon she saw a cluster of buildings in the distance, among them a state-of-the-art stable that could probably house a dozen horses. She turned her head to look at him. “Enrico?”

  “I see you’ve already guessed my surprise,” he teased.

  When he parked in front, she was out of the car in a flash. He caught up to her and took her inside to the fourth stall. Her eyes clapped on a gorgeous dark chocolate brown mare.

  “My precious wife, meet Mahbouba. It means beloved in Arabic.”

  “I can’t tell you what this means to me,” she whispered and threw her arms around him. “Ever since you told me about the Sanfratellano horses, I’ve dreamed of owning one. In fact when I came for your concorso, I’d planned to arrange to buy one. But everything changed after our campout. I knew I couldn’t trust myself to be with you any longer. She’s really mine?”

  “All yours.”

  Donetta approached her horse, talking softly to her while she rubbed her head and neck. The mare seemed to like the attention while Donetta inspected her legs and hooves. “You’re beautiful, Mahbouba.” She looked over at Enrico. “Can we go riding?”

  “Let’s go bareback. She’s been broken in. I asked the trainer to get her ready for us. After I help you mount, we’ll walk back to the end of the stable to get my stallion Quatan.”

  “Every day with you is a miracle.”

  She pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips before he helped her on and handed her the reins. The mare pranced in place while Donetta let her get used to her weight. “Come on,” she said in soothing tones. “Let’s go for a ride.”

  Enrico started walking. Donetta directed the mare to follow him. It had been over a month since she’d ridden, and now she felt euphoric. When they reached his stallion’s stall, both horses neighed. Enrico moved inside and mounted his steed with his usual masculine dexterity.

  “That new black stallion is a prize. He’s gorgeous.”

  “I didn’t think I could replace Rajah, but Quatan is exceptional.” He made a clicking sound and headed out of the stable to the field. Donetta was close behind, taking care not to startle the mare until she got used to her.

  All the while they walked, she talked to her and patted her neck. “You’re a real beauty. Did you know I saw your brothers and sisters running across the plain? I hope you don’t miss them too much.”

  Enrico must have heard her. His smile lit up her universe. “Keep that up and you’ll have her eating out of your hand before the day is out.”

  They walked for a good half hour and then returned to the stable. When they came to Mahbouba’s stall, Donetta slid off to give her water and feed her. Then she reached for the currycomb hanging on a hook to brush her down. Enrico stalled his horse and came back to watch her.

  Donetta turned to him. “She’s as good as gold.”

  “So you think you’ll keep her?”

  She laughed. “This morning you presented your kingdom to me. Now you’ve presented me with this beautiful animal. You make me too happy.” Her voice caught.

  “We’ll go riding every day, either morning or evening, and get you a saddle you can break in.”

  After giving her mare more love, they left the stable and got back in his car. As he drove them to the palace, she finally had an idea for a wedding present she could give him. Right away she would secretly find out the name of the artist who’d done Rajah’s picture in oils. If he or she were available, Donetta would commission a painting of Quatan and have it hung on the wall of their bedroom.

  But she wanted to do something for him right now. When they arrived and hurried to the apartment, she turned to him. “I’m going to cook our dinner tonight.”

  “I’m already salivating.”

  “Will it be all right if I call the kitchen for the ingredients I need?”

  “Go ahead while I check my messages.”

  A half hour later they’d both showered and gotten comfortable in their robes while she cooked up a storm. Donetta ordered some red wine to go with their meal.

  “I’ll feed you.” She stood next to him and gave him a heaping forkful of fried bruschetta.

  He munched on it before reaching for her. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  She chuckled. “I hope you’ll like my escalope de veau with rice just as much.”

  Enrico devoured their meal in no time. “Promise me you’ll cook our dinner every night.”

  They clinked their glasses of wine. “I plan to do whatever you want to keep you satisfied.”

  When they’d finished, he turned on the radio to some music and took her out on the patio off the dining room to dance with her. Their dance soon moved to the bedroom just as his cell phone rang.

  “We’re not ho
me,” he said aloud.

  “You need to pick up,” she urged.

  “I’m still on my honeymoon, esposa mia.”

  “But it might be important.”

  “You’re right, but I resent the intrusion.” He reached for his phone before looking at her in surprise. “It’s Lia.”

  Donetta got in bed and listened, but she only heard half of the conversation. Before long he turned to her with an almost forbidding expression.

  “She’s been with mother for the last two hours. Mamma’s informant told her about my speech this morning. She’s not only livid, but she called an emergency meeting of the most influential members of my cabinet.”

  Donetta got out of bed. “Why would she do such a thing?”

  “She’s asked them to gather the entire legislature in the next twenty-four hours for an emergency meeting. She’s demanding they call for a vote that will bar you legally from having anything to do with my work as crown prince.”

  “Oh, no—” A shiver racked Donetta’s body. “You warned me she would fight it, but to talk to your ministers behind your back...”

  “Mamma has gone too far. I’m stymied by her behavior. It simply isn’t like her to make this so ugly. Something’s going on I don’t know about. I’ve got to talk to Giovanni and find out what he knows.”

  “Wait, Enrico. You and I need to talk first. Before you do anything, I think you should go to your mother tonight and work things out with her even if it takes all night. This situation on top of her disappointment over Valentina has been too much for her.”

  Lines marred his handsome features. “I’m too upset to talk to her right now.”

  “But she’s more upset than you and we know why. She’s frightened for your life and is threatened by my presence. I’m sure she believes I’m influencing you to do things you would never do if you hadn’t met me.”

  He shook his dark head. “She has no right to be this cruel to you.”

  “I agree. You warned me she would be difficult, but I didn’t want to believe you. I don’t understand it when she loves you so much. I’m positive she doesn’t believe I’m worthy of you. Let’s face it. She’s not ready for a daughter-in-law like me. I’m a horsey person who loves to camp out. I arrived on your doorstep and upset her world in one day.


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