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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 12

by Audra Hart

  Luca smoothly lifts her out of the tub in one quick motion. He kneels behind her and nuzzles into her wet buttocks as he roughly caresses her yielding flesh with his strong hands. “Baby, you ass is anything but fat. It is perfect! It is soft, yet firm, yielding yet resilient. It is perfectly shaped. It is one of the most beautiful parts of your body.”

  He moves around to kneel in front of her and takes her hands into his, meets her eyes, and continues; “Along with your powerful, long legs that you wrap around me with such enthusiasm. Your full, luscious breasts. Your shapely, strong arms that hold me with such love. Your powerful, hardworking hands that love me with such skill and grace. Your lovely face and gorgeous eyes. Morna I have been guided, enticed, encouraged, reassured, and empowered by those eyes for seven hundred and fifty-two years.” He gently rubs his face along her distended belly and moans in joy.

  “Morna, your lovely belly, whether soft and yielding as it was in Oklahoma or swollen and full of life like it is right now.” He gently releases her hands and strokes the patch of sparse strawberry blonde hair between her legs, before he gently pulls the outer lips of her labia back. “And this, crown jewel of womanhood. Baby do you realize that you have smelled and tasted exactly the same here in every single incarnation? The smell is so rich and musky, much like your blood. Your taste is so luscious and sweet.”

  Luca groans and buries his face between her legs just as a massive orgasm rocks her body. Her body had been vibrating with desire and sexual excitement as he spoke and now that he is touching her there, she can bear it no more. She roughly grasps handfuls of his hair to steady herself as the waves of pleasure and sexual release tear violently through her body. She screams his name as his tongue darts out to tease her engorged flesh. She roughly pulls his head closer as he laps at her juices with enthusiasm.

  He stands just in time to catch her in his arms when she faints dead away. He quickly carries her into the bedroom and lies her on the soft blankets and pile of pillows he had left on the floor in their bedroom. He conducted a healer’s reading and knows that she is fine, but he still is considering summoning Mordir or Gullveig when her eyes flutter open. Her eyes are still glassy looking and she smiles with intense satisfaction. She reaches up and caresses his face. “I knew it! I knew you could do that to me without even touching me! I knew it! Luca, my love, my heart, I had no idea that you see me that way. Am I truly all those things to you, beloved?”

  “All that and so much more,” He affirms earnestly. “Are you alright? I was terrified for you when you fainted. Do you feel ill?”

  “No baby. I do not feel ill. I feel strong, invincible, and oh so satisfied. I have never felt more loved or healthier.” Morna assures him. Suddenly she sits up and says, “But I am very thirsty!”

  “For a coke or something or for blood?” Luca asks as he rises to his feet.

  “Blood.” Morna chuckles when he disappears. He is back in seconds with a tall, clear glass full of blood. “Please tell me you didn’t go to the kitchen like this?”

  Luca throws his head back and laughs. “Of course not. Our daughters might have seen me. I put a store of blood in the mini refrigerator that I had installed in the study. He helps her to sit up and watches as she quickly drinks the life sustaining blood. He sets the glass aside when she is finished and captures her mouth for a deep kiss. Finally he releases her lips and smiles because she is breathing hard and struggling to straddle his body. Luca stops her from straddling him and says, “Morna, my love, Rodrigo was right. I do burn hotly to kiss you each time you drink blood. But not as hotly as I do when I kiss you and your own precious blood still lingers in my mouth. I am truly a beast because I find my deepest sexual satisfaction when I taste your exquisite blood and plunder your body like the beast that I am.”

  “If that makes you a beast, then I too am a beast. I burn for you to do those things with me,” Morna admits breathlessly.

  The lovers are still kneeling, facing each other and she takes his right hand and guides it between her legs. He moans when he feels the heat and the wetness there. “Do you see what just talking about you doing that does to me?” He expertly teases her clitoris for a few moments and then slides two fingers deeply into her wet eager pussy. She smiles wickedly and wraps her arms around his shoulders and kisses him deeply. She smoothly rocks her hips to meet each movement of his fingers.

  “Oh damn, I am ready to come again,” she mumbles against his lips. He laughs happily as he works his fingers in and out her more forcefully and feels intense satisfaction when her muscles contract around his fingers. She happily rides out her orgasm on his fingers and smiles when he looks deeply into her eyes, then kisses her. He pulls his fingers out and uses that hand to trace along her body, upwards towards her face as his tongue plunders her mouth. They moan deeply together and he gently strokes her lips with his slick digits. She sniffs the fingers delicately and locks eyes with her mate as she licks them seductively.

  He moans in intense satisfaction as he watches her taste her own juices on his fingers. “You are so sexual Morna. So earthy and raw when you are like this.” He whispers into her right ear and trails his mouth down her throat to her shoulder. He hesitates over the fleshy area above her collar bone.

  “Bite me and drink,” she begs. When he stiffens and starts to pull back, Morna chuckles and says, “Doctor’s orders.”

  “He didn’t say to drink. Morna, I won’t weaken you anymore.” Luca says harshly, struggling mightily for control over himself.

  “You won’t. I know you love. You won’t drink enough to cause me harm, but you deserve a good taste. And you know it will excite both of us beyond anything else. The more excited I get the more antibodies I produce and the stronger I get.” Luca growls deep in his chest knowing his mate is using logic and their shared animalistic passion to get her way. He hesitates and she says, “Do it love!”

  Luca hisses and snarls, and then takes a deep breath and gently nips her skin. Morna moans softly and says, “Break the skin and drink!” He complies and Morna sharply gasps as the venom burns intensely, but she moans with pleasure as she feels his lips on her inflamed flesh and feels him drinking gently. She turns her head and gently kisses his head as she caresses his back lovingly. She slowly moves her hands up to cradle his head as he drinks from her shoulder. Morna moves to position herself over his manhood and glides effortlessly down onto his swollen shaft. Luca moans and lifts his mouth from her shoulder. He looks into her eyes. They are glassy appearing and full of love, trust and feral satisfaction. He strokes her face with his right hand as she moves up and down his erection. She sniffs his fingers again and brings her hand up to draw the two fingers that he had pleasured her with into her mouth. She sucks on them gently for a few seconds and then he seeks her mouth with his lips and kisses her deeply.

  Luca firmly grasps her hips and drives her forcefully up and down on his hard cock. He finally pulls his mouth away and watches her face as he drives her to the brink of ecstasy. She leans in and licks his lips again, and pulls back looking disappointed. He realizes she was searching for traces of her own blood.

  “I will get you a taste,” he whispers. He moves his mouth back to her shoulder, he is surprised that the wound has already closed. He pulls back, to speak but she pushes his head back and says, “Bite again.” This time he readily complies and drinks gently. He gets a good taste in his mouth and moves back to her lips. She moans happily as he kisses her deeply. Finally he pulls back and looks at her face.

  “My blood tastes different than the blood I get from the blood bank. Is that because of your venom?” she asks breathlessly as he continues to drive her onto his shaft.

  “No, baby. Your blood is different.” He touches the wound with his finger and gets a generous smear of blood and brings it to her mouth. She sucks it greedily off of his finger and he says, “See? Your blood is sweeter, richer. It tastes even better than I have imagined for all of these centuries as your scent tortured me. It is all I can do to stop
drinking.” He confesses as he strokes her face lovingly.

  Morna clutches his body to hers with her strong arms and whispers, “I have held off my orgasm as long as I can.” With that she tenses as overwhelming waves of ecstasy pound through her relentlessly. Her pleasure is increased tenfold when she realizes that he has achieved his release too.

  The lovers cling to each other breathlessly as they continue to lovingly caress each other. Luca kisses her throat and gently strokes her breasts. He slowly brings his hand up and touches where he bit her not once, but twice. He is pleased that it is healed and even he can’t detect a scar, but guilt wracks his soul because he knows it must still burn. “I am sorry I hurt you, my love.” He whispers.

  “Darling, I don’t know how or why, but your venom doesn’t burn like it has before. It is not much different than when you nip me and don’t break the skin. It burned like fire when you made the first bite, but it only lasted for seconds.” Morna tells him honestly. Luca watches her eyes for several seconds and realizes that she is sharing the full truth with him. He kisses her softly, lingeringly.

  When his son kicks them both with so much force that Morna gasps and then giggles. Luca finally pulls away and says, “Mordir is here to check on you. Go bathe, dress, whatever makes you most comfortable. I will put the bedroom back in order.”

  Morna laughs heartily at that. “I guess we aren’t such raging beasts after all. Moving the furniture was totally unnecessary.” Morna laughs again and rises effortless. I am sweaty, I should shower, and I could really use a coke. Do you happen to have any of those in your little refrigerator?”

  “I do. I will get you one.” Luca says with a laugh.

  “No… You are on furniture detail. I can get my own coke.” She kisses him soundly and walks toward the study.

  Luca whistles softly and says, “I love that ‘fat’ ass.”

  Morna chuckles and says, “Even though I waddle like a duck?”

  “Good Lord, Morna, you look like you are eight months pregnant. Madigan is huge! Of course you waddle a little. And it is beautiful,” Luca says happily.

  Morna turns and says, “And you my love are bia… Er, you are… oh thank you!”

  Morna giggles and Luca laughs and rushes to take her into his arms. “Thank you for that.” He whispers in her ear. Morna kisses him gently and smiles before she walks on to the study. She quickly locates where he had the refrigerator installed. She gets a coke out and pops the top and drinks half of it down in two drinks. She stretches her back and rubs her hand up her belly to cup her aching breast. She is amazed at how hard, full and heavy it is in her hand.

  She sits down in Luca’s chair at the desk and looks at his papers there. He had been researching hematology today in medical journals. She sets the coke down on a coaster and picks up one of the journals and starts reading. She leans back in the chair and quickly becomes engrossed in the article. She absentmindedly rubs an aching breast as she scans the article. She jumps when Luca speaks to her from the doorway.

  “Morna! What are you doing?” Luca asks with a chortle.

  Morna blushes bright red, and says, “Well, I was reading this article about antibody production in human blood. And my breasts ache. They are so heavy and so hard. I think I will make enough milk to feed five babies.”

  Luca turns the chair around and kneels before her. He takes the journal out of her hands. He kisses her gently and cups her breasts. “Hmmm, they are heavier and firmer. You don’t think he is going to come before the twenty-ninth do you?”

  “No. Nora is confident that he won’t come until then.” Morna says as she places her hands over his and very firmly squeezes her tender breasts. “Oh that is nice!”

  “Really? You squeezed them pretty hard.” Luca says doubtfully.

  “I can’t explain it Luca. I love it when you touch me gently, I really do. But there are times when only a strong hand will do. I have always loved it when you knead them roughly, pull and pinch hard on the nipples. The pain blends with the pleasure and makes me feel like I am soaring.” Morna says shyly, feeling a little embarrassed to admit her enjoyment of such rough handling.

  Luca kisses her again and begins to knead her breasts in earnest. She moans in deep pleasure when he harshly takes her right nipple into his mouth and sucks hard, as he continues to knead the other one with vigor. “Suck the other one,” She whispers urgently and moans in pleasure when he complies.

  After a couple of minutes of this he lifts her out of the chair and lies her in the floor. “Fuck, baby! The scent of your arousal is driving me crazy.” He raises her legs and bends them at the knees and parts them before burying his face between her legs. He reaches up and continues to knead her breasts. He rolls the large, hard nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He is quickly rewarded when she comes with violent shudders and low moans. She clutches his head as she rides the waves of pleasure. He kisses the swollen lips of her sex and raises up to gently kiss her mouth as he gently strokes her left breast. “I hope that doesn’t make them hurt more,” he frets.

  “No way! That was wonderful. You are wonderful, thank you.” She kisses him again and becomes excited by the presence of her scent on his face. She clutches at his face and licks her own scent off of his face. “Damn, it takes so little to start me up again.”

  “I know love, and normally, I would be very grateful for that. But right now you need to shower and dress so that I can bring Mordir to check on you. He helps her to her feet and asks, “Do you want the rest of your coke?” She nods and he hands it to her and she downs it.

  She smiles and says, “I want another please.” He chuckles and gets a second coke from the refrigerator and smirks as she quickly drinks it down. He scoops her up and carries her to the bathroom.

  He starts the shower and goes to finish straightening the bedroom. He comes back into the bathroom and she says, “Love, you need to wash too. My smell is all over you.”

  “I know baby, I was planning on joining you.” He opens the shower door and joins her. He starts kissing her and pins her against the shower stall and starts kneading her breasts again. He reaches down and gently finds her clitoris and stimulates it for a few moments.

  “I’m ready baby, I don’t need that today.” Morna laughs happily.

  Luca laughs too as he turns her around and raises her hands above her head and pins them against the wall of the shower and slowly buries his thick, hard cock into her hot, eager body. “Yes, you are ready. So hot. So wet.” He moans happily and begins to drive in and out of her with increasing speed. He quickly brings her to a climax with deep, hard thrusts and joins her.

  She is panting hard as she says, “I love you,” over and over.

  He turns the water off and kisses her neck gently before he lets her turn around. “Morna, I love you too. More than I have words to ever express.”

  Morna cups his face and says, “I know Luca, I know. You show me that in everything that you do. No woman has ever been loved better.”

  “I can say the same thing, baby,” he assures her as he picks her up and carries her out of the shower stall. He gently sets her on her feet and begins to dry her body with a soft bath sheet. “Luca, I really like it when you are so forceful like that.”

  He kisses her mouth hard before growling, “I know.” Morna giggles happily and he carries her into their bedroom and sets her gently by the bed. He quickly goes back to the bathroom and dries off before going into the closet and quickly dressing.

  He brings Morna a fresh set of clothes and offers to help her dress. “No need love. Please go greet Mordir. I will be along in a minute.” When he starts to protest, she adds, “Darling, I very much want to check on the children.”

  “They are fine Morna. You can hear that as well as I can.” Luca says quietly.

  “I know, but I want them to see that I am fine as well.” Morna says softly.

  Luca nods his assent and goes to greet Mordir. Once he is outside of their suite he contacts Collingwood tel
epathically and asks him to drop the spell so that he can hear Morna as she gets dressed. Collingwood quickly complies and asks how she is doing. “She is great! That is one amazing, powerful woman that I am married to.”

  Luca chuckles when he enters the family room. All of the older kids, including Sammy, are playing Monopoly. Luca stiffens a little when he realizes that Nora is very intently drawing in her sketch pad as she lies on the floor in front of the fireplace. He can’t help but wonder if she is drawing from her imagination or from another vision. He asks his children where they got the game and they all say in unison, “Ingrid.” Luca laughs because the woman absolutely thinks of everything.

  Aideen looks up and says, “Is Mom still sleeping?”

  Kyle smirks at his oldest sister as though to say, “You gotta be kiddin!”

  Luca laughs when he sees that, and wonders how effective the buffer spells really are, or if their son is just very, very perceptive and worldlier than he should be at this age. “No, she just showered and is coming to join us soon.” Luca walks over and shakes hands with Mordir and leads him into the library.

  “Is the Lady Morna recuperated?” are the first words out of the healer’s mouth after he is seated comfortably.

  “She will be here soon and you can judge for yourself. I see you brought your medical bag. Are you planning to take a blood sample?” Luca asks.

  “Yes, I want to make sure she has sufficiently recharged her blood with antibodies. I also want to make sure that she isn’t dehydrated. Has she been consuming enough fluid?”

  “I think so. I suspect that she will be hungry when she joins us.” Luca informs the healer.

  Mordir blushes and clears his throat, and quietly asks, “Lord Lucian, did you follow my advice?”

  Morna laughs from the doorway. “He did indeed! I may not be much of a healer, but I too realized that was what I needed.” Morna smirks playfully at her mate. “However, hearing it from such an esteemed healer as yourself certainly validated my position.” Morna smiles at the healer.


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