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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 33

by Audra Hart

  “Not at all. I want to go back too. But you have started something here which you really need to finish.” Morna purrs as she entwines her fingers tightly in his hair.

  “With pleasure my love.” He growls as he pushes her legs apart and buries his tongue in her wet, hot center. Morna moans as he circles her clitoris with his tongue and nibbles none too gently. She pulls his head even closer to her center of heated desire.

  “Oh baby, I am not going to last long this time. I am so sensitized, so aroused, soooo, I don’t know, words fail me.” Morna moans.

  Luca pulls back and looks into her eyes, “Do you need to wait? Is that why you were so set on seeing to my pleasure alone this time?”

  Morna giggles happily. “No Love, how many times do I have to tell you? I just like to do it!” She slowly disentangles her fingers from his hair and cups his face. “I love you, do you know that?”

  “I have come to suspect that might be the case,” Luca smirks as he moves up her body, planting kisses and hot licks as he goes. He smiles happily when Morna moans as he buries himself deeply into her body. They quickly find that perfect rhythm that is so common to well matched lovers. Before long they achieve their mutual orgasms. They lie there holding each other for a long time. Relishing the peace and contentment they find in each other’s arms.

  Morna rouses when she feels a small hand on her arm. “Ma, Ma?” The voice calls.

  Morna turns to Luca and says, “Our babies need us.”

  Luca kisses her and says, “I know. I heard Kevin too. He sounds frightened.

  Morna opens her eyes, she looks around and realizes that she is awake in the Healer’s Hall. She looks over at her mate and he is stirring too. She opens her mouth to speak to Kevin, but her throat is dry and she can barely speak. Kyle helps her sit up and Kevin gives her a drink of water. “Boys, is everything alright?”

  “How are you Mom?” Kevin asks before he quickly glances over to check on Luca.

  “We are much better. What’s wrong?” Morna asks.

  “Aunt Val is suicidal. She keeps coming out of stasis, trying to run away. Rinda and Breena are holding her in a binding spell, but she’s powerful Mom. If you are well enough we need you to come talk to her.” Kevin says calmly.

  Morna and Luca sit up at the same time. Kyle rushes to Luca. “Dad, you okay?”

  “Yes Son, I just need some blood and maybe a drink of water.” Luca rasps out hoarsely.

  Mordir comes in and smiles, “Good! I was hoping you two were ready to come out of it today. Your bodies are mostly healed...”

  Valla hands Morna a cup of water and cup of blood, and then turns does the same with Luca. Luca takes a deep drink and says, “How are the children?”

  “Aideen is still in stasis. Robert has gone home. We were waiting to take Aideen out of stasis until the two of you woke up.”

  Morna chuckles and says, “Well Love, I’ll take Val and you can take Aideen.”

  Mordir smiles and says, “I think you better take a moment to get your strength back. “Besides, you both should take care of Val first, she is most urgent. Aideen will remain peaceful until we bring her out of stasis. Val on the other hand is like her sister and will not stay in stasis.”

  Luca chuckles and says wryly, “Big surprise there.” He suddenly sobers and adds; “Actually I am surprised that Aideen is staying in stasis. She’s stubborn too, and probably just as strong as her mother.”

  “True, but Agnar and Aiden have stayed with her. She is calm.” Kyle says proudly. “Aiden is amazing with her.”

  Morna drains her blood and stands up and holds her hand out to her mate. He stands and takes her hand. Mordir smiles and leads the way. When they enter Val’s room they are shocked to find her struggling against a binding spell. Rinda is singing a relaxation spell that seems to have no effect whatsoever on Valgullveig, however, as soon as she sees Morna she calms down and whispers, “You really are alive? Nyx didn’t kill you both?”

  Morna walks over and strokes Val’s face, “I fine Val. Didn’t they tell you that?” The beautiful blond witch can only nod wordlessly.

  “She’s hardheaded Morna!” Valliant complains. “I’ve been telling her you are fine for two days.”

  Luca comes forward and does a healers read on his sister in law and says, “Val you are not well enough yet to be fighting against a binding spell like this. You should still be in stasis recovering.”

  Val starts sobbing and says, “You are really alive! I thought Nyx killed you and they were lying to me about it to get me to heal.”

  Breena smiles and says, “We wouldn’t do that. Deception always comes back to bite you on the ass.”

  Morna looks at Rinda and Breena and says, “You can drop the binding spell.” Val sits up slowly and reaches out for Morna. The two sisters hold each other in silence for several minutes. When Val pulls back she reaches for Luca, he embraces her too. “Luca, thank you so much! Both of you, all of you! I deserved to die, but you didn’t let me.”

  “Of course you didn’t deserve to die Valgullveig,” Luca says staunchly. “No one ever deserved what they had done to you.” Morna is moved to tears by the sincerity and compassion in her mate’s face and voice.

  “Stay here with us, Val. We are family, let us behave that way and look out for each other, as you and I did in the Neophasic dimension before Nyx recaptured you. Stay. Stay with me,” Morna says softly.

  Val is silent and Morna fears she will reject the offer out of guilt. In that moment she truly fears for her sister’s wellbeing.

  “Aunt Val, stay.” Everyone in the room turns at the quiet request from Kylor. He had entered the room without anyone being aware of his presence. “Stay Valgullveig, let us all stand together in triumph over Nyx. Don’t let her have victory over you. Not in this. Not ever again.”

  “Why?” Val croaks. “Why Kylor, do you of all people want me to stick around? I stole your childhood from you. It’s because of me that you grew up without your parents.”

  Kylor nods. “That might be one way of looking at it. But the truth is, I would not have grown up at all if it were not for you. You sent Bellona to secret me out of the glen. You faked my death so that Nyx wouldn’t look for me.” Kylor shakes his head. “No, my dear Grandmother whisked me out of the glen that night, but you saved my life. Just as you saved the lives of so many over the centuries. Centuries of being tortured and controlled by a being so powerful that she can actually make puppets of strong Immortals such as yourself. Any harm you caused you did not do willingly.”


  “No buts,” Morna says sternly. “We all want you to stay. We need to keep you safe here with us, sister. We need to build our family into such a strong united front that no one can ever take advantage of any of us ever again the way Nyx took advantage of you. This isn’t over. You realize that right?”

  Val laughs bitterly. “Little sister, I probably realize that this isn’t over far better than anyone. Nyx will not give up. She’s off licking her wounds now. I can still feel a tenuous connection to her. I can feel how badly she was wounded. It will take her a very long while to recover her strength so that she can after me… after you and your children. But don’t doubt for a second that she will be back. She will come after us all. She’s a ravenous beast who feasts on fear, mayhem and chaos.”

  Kylor nods and sits on the bed beside Valgullveig and takes her hand into his own. “We know, Aunt. We know there will be a final battle on Assylian plain. We have several experts trying to decipher the numerous prophesies on the confrontation. But one thing is already clear, united we win. If we don’t stand together against Nyx and her dominions… well, millions will die.”

  Val looks panicked for a moment, but she quickly schools her face and whispers; “What if she seizes control of me again?”

  Luca shakes his head no. “I don’t believe that will happen. I have spent a great deal of time poring over those ancient documents that foretell the Great Confrontation and I am convin
ced that you, Valgullveig of Vanaheim, are one the necessary components to defeat the Primordial and her dark army. I honestly believe that we are doomed to failure if you slink off into oblivion.”

  Silence reigns in the room for several long minutes. Finally Val nods. “I am not sure I believe that I am key to destroying Nyx. I have already proven repeatedly that I am no match for her.” When Morna opens her mouth to object, Val smiles and raises her hand for silence. “However, I do believe you when you say I may play a role in defeating her. Maybe… just maybe if I stick around, with my family,” Val gives everyone in the room a tremulous smile. “Maybe then I can contribute in some meaningful way and perhaps find some small measure of redemption.”

  Morna lets out an immense sigh of relief. “Thank heavens that is resolved!” She looks over at Luca and says; “Are you ready to meet your newest son?”

  Luca smiles back and nods.

  “What?” Val and Kylor demand in unison.

  Morna stands up and fluid gushes from between her legs. “Your little brother has apparently decided to show his big sisters that don’t really know everything. He’s ready to be born… NOW!”


  Thank you for reading Wicked Rage of the Moon. If you enjoyed this book I hope that you will post a review on and share your recommendation with friends on social media such as Facebook, google + and Twitter. Indie authors benefit greatly from reviews and word of mouth through these outlets.

  As you can probably guess Morna and Luca’s love story has basically been told but the adventures in the Universe of Airendell are far from over. Watch for Demise of the Moon which should be out either in late December or January of 2015.

  In this epic love story Kylor will find his destiny… as will others. The much prophesied confrontation between good and evil will be made manifest… Will good ultimately triumph? You will have to read the book to find out. As always with tales from this fabled universe of Airendell there will be lots of fast paced action. Morna and Luca’s chapter may have closed but the adventures are far from over. Demise of the Moon will tell of a love story that will warm your heart and steam up your windows because ever tale of romance that from my pen is deeply erotic, touching and filled with danger, excitement and intrigue. I hope you join me as the adventures from the universe of Airendell continue.

  In the meantime, be on the lookout for tales from the Airendell Chronicler and the Beast Realms. The Beast Realm Chronicles will be a series of books, novellas and serials that will exist within the same universe of magical beings and the battle of good over evil. Many of the characters in these two series will overlap. Don’t be too surprised when you recognize some of your favorites when then pop in and out each other’s story lines because the denizens of my magical realms are all interrelated.


  Audra Hart,

  Author of the Airendell and Beast Realm Chronicles.

  Mara’s Homecoming – Episode I of the Beast Realm Chronicles is available exclusively through and on KINDLE UNLIMITED at

  Cameron’s Rescue – Episode II of the Beast Realm Chronicles is also available at &




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