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Axxios and Braxxus

Page 6

by Alana Khan

She grabs the clippers she bought last week on Antar 7 and turns them on. Using the gizmo on the pale hairs on her arm, she shows him how it works. “I’m going to shave your hair almost to your skull, B. You’re so handsome it will bring out the color in your baby blues. You ready?”

  “Whatever Angel wants, as long as my head stays on my body.”

  Petra gives me a questioning stare. “What say you, Angel?” Lots of emphasis on that last word.

  “I think you’d look better, Braxx. Those empty patches…” I shake my head and my nose wrinkles.

  He nods at Petra and she immediately gets to work.

  “I should get back to the bridge,” Axxios says.

  “You don’t want to wait for the big unveiling?” Petra asks, never taking her eyes off her work.

  “I asked Petra to come early so when she’s done you could help Braxxus with a shower,” I inform him.

  “I’ll come back later. I just hate to leave Tyree alone at the helm for too long. I’ll bring lunch and help you then, gem,” Axxios says, then leaves.

  I guess this style isn’t rocket science, because Petra’s done in a few minutes.

  “Oooh, you look terrific, B. Don’t worry, if you hate it, it will grow out.” She hands him a mirror and he nods approvingly and smiles at Petra.

  “Thank you, Petra.”

  “See? Your head stayed on your shoulders. What do you think, Angel?” she asks.

  I nod. “So much better than before.”

  “Walk me out,” Petra commands as she gathers her things.

  When we’re outside the medbay doors she leans close and asks, “Soooo, is it A? Or B? Or A and B?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been wondering for weeks if there was trouble in paradise with you and A. Now B is calling you Angel and A looks like he’s suffering from constipation. Just wondering…”

  “Not A. Not B. Not A and B. None of the above, Petra,” my tone is petulant. “We all swiped left.”

  “B calls you Angel and looks at you like you hung the moon. He didn’t swipe left. Just sayin’.”

  “He woke up from his coma less than twenty-four hours ago.”

  “Yeah, but all those sponge baths…” She winks at me.

  “Shadow’s probably in the ludus, waiting to watch your ass as you climb that rope. Thanks for cutting Braxx’s hair,” I say pointedly.

  “They’re both so handsome, Brie. Figure out who can make you happy.”

  “Neither,” I whisper to her retreating back.


  I walk in to find Braxxus running his hand over his head.

  “This feels fantastic. Come touch it,” he sounds five years old. “Come on!”

  He’s so excited. By the look on his face, I thought he didn’t like his haircut. I touch his head quickly with one finger, like I’d touch a snake.

  “No, like this.” He grabs my hand and forces it to stroke his hair. It feels really neat, like spiky velvet.


  “I’m itching like crazy. Too bad Axx couldn’t get me into the shower.” He leans forward and scratches his neck.

  “There are grab bars and a shower stool. If I could help get you there, think you could handle it on your own?”

  “Yes. A shower would feel great.” He smiles at me with a warm, happy gaze. A lesser male would be making references to the sponge baths I gave him. Hell, even Petra took a cheap shot at that. But Braxxus is not a lesser male.

  I retrieve a towel from the attached bathroom and hand it to him. “I’m told us Earth women would be considered prudish on other planets, but I’d appreciate it if you would wrap this around your waist before we get you out of bed.

  “You’re not prudish, Angel, you’re perfect.”


  Standing, then being helped into the shower was much harder than I thought it would be. I put more of my weight on Brie than I’d wanted to, but between leaning on her shoulder, and the rolling lab chair she brought in, we got the job done.

  I’d been so happy to be alive, to be reunited with my twin, to be getting to know my angel, that I’d pushed away thoughts of what happened to me on Aeon II—and prior to that.

  I don’t want to dwell on the negative. As the silver, I’ve been the buffer for Axx’s taciturn personality most of my life. I don’t need to share what I suffered at the Glee’non’s hands. My role has always been to be the happy one who lightens the mood. I don’t complain. My struggles need to look easy. But as I sit on this little shower stool, being pelted with warm water, the torture of those dark days comes racing back.

  We’d had no intel that the enemy had stealth technology—they struck out of nowhere. We were outnumbered as well as taken by surprise. Their marksmen hit with precision and struck our fuel supply; over half the ship was destroyed in one laser burst. We were dead in space, no engine or thruster power. It was child’s play for them to board us, kill most of my males, and take me prisoner.

  The Galaxy Standards of War Act dictates how to treat prisoners. Officers are to be kept alive if possible for humanitarian reasons. I was kept alive, but not for any lofty motives. I was kept alive to torture.

  My enemies brought me back to their planet and threw me in a small cell with a few of my officers. After I tried to stage a revolt, they put us all through unspeakable physical abuse. They broke my spirit as well as my bones. One by one my men succumbed to the torture.

  Every evening after the Glee’non medic came to my cell to patch me up so they could torment me the next day, I would focus my thoughts on two things: my gem and my angel. Even though I couldn’t feel Axx through our twinlink, I never believed he was dead. I hung on for long days that turned into months.

  Thoughts of Axxios kept me going. He and I are two halves of one soul. Mythrian twins aren’t extremely close to their mother or fathers. The way we’re built, we’re bonded only with each other until we find our bondmate. Then instead of a dyad, we’re a triad.

  I endured day after day of persecution, but at some point, their medic said he couldn’t keep repairing me anymore, and they lost interest in torturing me. They sold me to slavers who transported me to Aeon II for sale. I’m certain my failing health was a huge disappointment to them. They weren’t going to make much money off of me. I’ll have to ask Axx how much they bought me for. Perhaps the slavers gave me away to avoid the cost of incinerating my body.

  I imagine the blue doctor’s scans revealed the damage the enemy inflicted on my body. I hope he didn’t share it with my gem. Axx spent so much of his life protecting me. What he’s unaware of is I’ve done my fair share of protecting him in ways he’ll never know. I don’t want him to worry about me. It would break his heart to know how much I suffered. I’ll keep up my simple, happy front. It’s one way I can make his life easier.

  The water turns cold, which pulls me out of my depressing thoughts. I’m alive now. I’m eating nutritious food, and soon I’ll be back to my old self, only better. I’ve found my bondmate.

  I’ve spent my entire life living up to the expectations of others. My fathers wanted us to go into the military, it was what the sons of highborn Governors did to prepare for politics later on.

  But that wasn’t what I wanted. In fact, it’s hard to know what you want when you’re never allowed to want it. But after a year of torture, I’ve had plenty of time to dream of possible futures. And the one that kept me alive was the fantasy of reuniting with my gem, of finding a bondmate who looked just like Brianna, and of having children. If I’m lucky enough to do that, I’ll never try to mold them into something they aren’t. I’ll let them find their own way.

  I’ve found my own path. And that path involves the beautiful female who’s only a few fiertos away outside my door.


  “Braxx? You okay?” He’s been in there long enough for the water to have turned cold. I’m starting to worry. I call again, wait a few seconds, and when he doesn’t answer, I barge in. “You okay?”
  I’ve caught him buck naked, one arm out of the shower, reaching for a towel. We both freeze—completely paralyzed. I have no idea where his eyes are focused because mine are captured by his beautiful silver skin shimmering with beads of water.

  Although I’m trying desperately not to be a complete degenerate, I can’t control my eyes from their slow slide down his body. He’s tilted away from me, so I can’t see his sexy bits. What I can see, from the hollows of his haunch to his narrow waist to his wide shoulders makes me weak in the knees.

  “Sorry! So sorry! I pictured you comatose on the shower floor. My bad.” I finally slam my lids shut and exit stage right.

  Holy shit. Braxx’s body is beautiful. Then my brain bitch-slaps me with pictures of the two of them together: Axx’s thickly-muscled startling gold skin, and Braxx’s thinner frame in silver. Both sets of turquoise eyes staring at me with heated desire.

  “Stop it, Brie,” I whisper to myself. “Stop it right now, that’s enough!” I’ve got to get a handle on myself—or better yet, a leash. I want to run down the hall to my room so I don’t have to face him. He had to have seen me perving on him. But he barely made it to the bathroom, he’ll need my help getting back to bed.

  Anyway, it’s too late to run, I hear the door to the restroom opening.

  “Hey, Angel, want to help me back in bed?” This is the first time I’ve heard this rough, sexy timbre to his voice. When I finally get the nerve to turn and look at him he seems different, He’s not looking at me playfully right now, not like when he ordered me to touch his velvety crew cut. No, he’s looking at me like I’m a juicy steak and he’s exceedingly hungry. His gaze is hot enough to melt metal.

  I hurry over, slide next to him, and help him back to bed. My right arm encircles his slim, damp waist, his hand rests on my shoulder. He’s trying not to put his weight on me, but with every step, he leans on me a little more. When I get him to the bed, he’s panting and spent, but he’s still spearing me with a look that says he wants only one thing—and that thing is me.

  Situating him on the bed with one foot on the floor, I have access to his back to reapply the plas-film. I make sure he’s well covered down below before I make quick work of the process.

  “Lie with me, Angel.” He pats the bed next to him as he lies gingerly on his back. “Talk with me. Tell me everything that makes you you.” He pats the bed again, never taking his eyes off me.

  “I’ve told you everything that’s interesting.” I shrug. “There’s not much more to tell.”

  “I want to know the names of your childhood friends and the exact color of your sky on a sunny day. I want you to hum some of your favorite songs, and tell me the plot of your favorite stories. When you trust me, I want to know what made you cry in the beforetimes—before Axx and me. And some day, perhaps you’ll explain why your muscles tighten when I tell you how beautiful you are.”

  With his turquoise gaze still penetrating mine, it’s getting harder to believe he doesn’t mean those words. My stomach does a happy little flip-flop and then clenches in fear. Is this really happening?

  His silver hand is still patting the bed invitingly. How nice would it be to take him up on his offer and lie in bed all day swapping stories and getting to know him? Instead, for some unknown reason I say, “I need a shower.”

  “Perfect,” he smiles broadly. “You shower, I’ll nap. When you come back could you bring lunch? Enough for three?”

  I’m not sure he hears my, “Certainly,” as I power through the medbay doors. I’m certain he doesn’t hear my mumbled, “Shit,” when I’m halfway down the hallway. Oh boy, lunch with silver and gold. Awkward.

  Chapter Eight


  Just as I suspected, lunch with the two of them was uncomfortable. I’m certain if Braxx wasn’t around that Axxios would have nothing to do with me. But Braxx seems intent on throwing us together, like right now. Braxx asked me to help them move into their new room. It’s in the abandoned wing and is almost twice the size of my cabin.

  We didn’t even know this hallway existed when we overthrew our slave masters two months ago. When we discovered it, we pieced together that this ship had been stolen by the criminals who kidnapped us. By the looks of it, they killed everyone on board, left everything as is, and never again opened the doors to this area of the ship.

  We’ve had a couple work days where everyone pitched in and cleaned it up, but no one wanted to move here despite the larger digs. It felt too creepy. We threw out the junk and kept anything we thought would be useful. Grace found an instrument that sounds like the music of the Gods. I found a few pieces of art I’ve put on my walls. My little twelve by twelve cabin isn’t nearly as sterile as it used to be.

  Axx asked Steele to help him move two beds into this room. The three of us made the beds while Braxx, now clothed only in a loincloth, sat on a comfy upholstered chair. I think it’s the only soft chair on the entire ship, everything else is metal and hard plastic. Steele left, and now the three of us are alone in the room. There’s been another awkward silence. That seems to be the theme of the day.

  “Do you have to go back to the bridge to relieve Tyree?” Braxx asks his brother.

  “There’s a contract waiting to be signed. We’re not sure which direction to head until that happens. We’re just sitting still in space; Tyree’s more than capable of handling that. I’ve got the night off.” His eyes slide to mine then scamper away. I think the unspoken message is that I can vamoose.

  I rise to leave, but before I can say goodbye Braxxus announces, “Perfect. Brie told me she’d teach me how to perform a massage, but I couldn’t figure out how she could show me what to do since touching my back would only bring pain. Why don’t you use Axx as a model and show me what to do, Angel?”

  I picture that painting, “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, wanting to clutch my hands to my cheeks and let out a long moan just like in the picture. But the only screaming I do is inside my head. “I’m tired,” I hedge, “I think I’ll go to sleep.”

  “You never go to sleep this early. You’ll just be bored in your room. How am I going to learn how to give you a massage if I can’t watch you do it?”

  “Really, Braxx,” I work my way toward the door, “I could use some alone—”

  “Gem, give her a break. She’s been your servant for days without a breather,” Axxios interrupts.

  Great. For the first time since the overthrow, Axx and I want the same thing. He wants me out of this room as much as I want to leave.

  “I know there’s something going on between you two,” Braxx accuses, a deep furrow between his brows. “Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Nothing’s going on!” Axx and I protest in unison.

  “Good,” Braxx says with finality. “Stay half an hoara, Angel. Show me how to do a massage. Touch him and I’ll see how to do it.”

  Crap. Damn. Many expletives float through my head in alphabetical order ending in shit and then circling back to crap again. How do I weasel out of this when Axx and I both said we have no motive or desire to be rid of each other?

  “Axx, lay on the bed on your stomach. Wait, before you do that, pull my chair closer. Then Brie can do you.”

  ‘Do you?’ Does he have any idea what he’s saying? Before my brain fully processes the situation, my body responds like Pavlov’s dog. Sexual desire starts to spiral deep in the pit of my stomach, maybe lower.

  Crap, these guys can smell female arousal. At least I know Axxios can. I picture worms writhing in a rotting carcass—a picture from some old horror movie—anything to put a lid on my rising libido.

  “Braxx. Seriously, not a good idea,” Axxios says, a warning tone in his deep voice.

  Braxx’s jaw is set as he gets up and weakly pushes his chair near the bed for a ringside seat to a show that promises to be more entertaining than Ali vs. Foreman.

  Axx hurries to his side, and pulls the chair closer, then looks at me pleadingly, obviously out of good

  “This won’t work at all, I’m afraid,” I announce in a stern voice, then raise my hands in surrender. “I need a massage table and oil.”

  “I had Maddie send over some oil.” Braxx points to the top of his dresser. “You didn’t need a special table for me.” Braxx’s retort was so fast if I didn’t know better I’d think it was rehearsed. “We could pull the beds apart, or Axx could lie in the middle and you could...straddle him.”

  This male has a mean streak! He has to know he’s torturing us, but he’s got an innocent look on his face. I picture the twins as kids. I’m thinking Braxxus might have gotten the two out of a lot of trouble with the angelic look he’s giving me now.

  Okay, there’s no way out of this. My thought is to power through this and get it over with in record time. Axx is wearing one of the ubiquitous blue jumpsuits they all seem to wear. At least that’s better than the skimpy loincloth he wore when we were slaves.


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