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Siren's Surrender

Page 15

by Devyn Quinn

  Gwen put one hand to her temple, fighting a little wave of dizziness. She couldn’t tell whether it was from her recent psi-fight or because Whittaker was standing so damn close.

  “Telepathic showdown,” she said, forcing a weak smile. “We won. We just need to make sure we get Chiara’s soul-stone.”

  Pulling herself back up to her full height, Addison squared her shoulders. “And I’ll take care of that right now.” A little unsteady on her feet, she wobbled toward the unconscious Chiara. Her fingers curled around the Mer’s deadened stone. Addison snapped it off her neck with a decisive gesture. “She won’t give you any more trouble now.” She handed the stone over to one of the astonished doctors.

  Unable to pull her gaze away from her younger sister, Gwen inhaled a breath. Although she had believed she would be able to beat Chiara, she was wrong. Had Addison not stepped in, Chiara might have come out the winner. She realized then she’d been mistaken about Addison’s abilities. Of the three of them, the youngest Lonike girl might prove to be the most formidable.

  Head still swimming with dizziness, Gwen let her hand drop. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ve had enough for today. Is there somewhere I can lie down a while?”

  Blake Whittaker stepped up. “Of course. If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.”

  Chapter 12

  An agent greeted the group as they left the lab, guiding them toward the familiar black sedans. Tessa and Kenneth would continue on with Dr. Novak, who wanted to get started animating Tessa’s sketches of the sea-gate as soon as possible. Addison had remained behind with Dr. Yadira to answer additional questions about Mers’ soul-stones.

  That left Blake and Gwen alone. Within minutes they were speeding through the compound toward the living facilities. A few minutes later they arrived at the entrance of a small gated community.

  The guard manning the gate buzzed them through. The agent behind the wheel navigated the car onto a small cul-de-sac. A series of small duplexes sat amid beautifully manicured lawns. The area was well lit and highly secure.

  Gwen leaned forward, peering out the window. “It looks normal.” A note of surprise colored her tone.

  Blake laughed. “Not quite what you were expecting?”

  He sensed her uncertainty. She shook her head. “I’m not sure what I was expecting,” she admitted. “I imagined something like barracks, you know or—” She paused midsentence.

  Sensing her hesitation, Blake gave her a little prod. Part of his job was to keep her talking, earn her trust and confidence. “What?”

  She waved a hand. “Nothing, really.”

  With her face half in shadow, Blake couldn’t discern her exact expression, but her tone suggested she was surprised to see they’d be living like ordinary human beings. “Come on. You were about to say something else.” He leaned back against the leather seat. “Spit it out.”

  Gwen nervously folded her hands in her lap. “Well, to tell you the truth I expected something more like cages or cells,” she admitted quietly. “I had this terrible vision you guys were going to stick us someplace like a prison, you know. Lock us up and throw away the keys.”

  Blake leaned close, lowering his voice. “That’s only for the ones we’re going to dissect.”

  Gwen glanced at him. “I—I, oh . . . I hope not.”

  He burst out laughing. “I’m teasing.”

  At least he hoped he was.

  She pinned him under a glare. “You’re such a dog.” She punched him on the shoulder. “You should be beaten, and liberally.”

  “Hey, take it easy there.” Blake reached up, rubbing the spot she’d touched and feigning a hurt look. “You do know assaulting a federal agent is against the law.” He couldn’t help but enjoy the contact. It was good to see her loosen up.

  Gwen leaned back, studying him from under a sweep of long thick lashes. A slight smile toyed at her lips. “So arrest me, then, wise guy.”

  Blake reached for the handle on the door, uncomfortable with the idea that, in a way, they already had. Shifting in his seat, he stepped out of the car. The agent behind the wheel jumped out, hurrying to open Gwen’s side.

  “Your luggage has already been taken to your apartment,” the driver informed them. He handed over a set of key cards. “You are assigned to number three,” he informed Gwen. The next card went to Whittaker. “And you, Agent Whittaker, are number four.”

  Whittaker accepted his key card, tucking it in the breast pocket of his shirt.

  Gwen raised a surprised brow. “So you’re going to be stuck here with us?”

  Whittaker nodded. It had all been prearranged down to the last detail. He knew exactly what he was supposed to be doing, and why. He didn’t like it, but like any good soldier, he’d do the job and do it right.

  “Pretty much. I’m the agent acting as your liaison officer with the doctors who will be performing the testing on you and your sisters.”

  Gwen took a slight step back in alarm. “Testing?”

  Whittaker hurried to placate her. “Routine stuff,” he assured her. “They would like to do a complete physical, as well as do some testing on your paranormal abilities.”

  She frowned. “Sounds very invasive.”

  “You won’t be forced to do anything you are uncomfortable with,” he said, then added, “I’ll be with you every step of the way. If you feel pressured, just let me know and I will put an immediate stop to the matter. My job is to make sure you feel secure while at this facility.”

  The driver set his jaw and said nothing. Of course he knew the truth.

  What Blake had just told her was a total lie, but somehow he forced himself to spit it out. As it stood, the agency’s scientists had three other living specimens on which to perform the more invasive—and painful—testing. As for what would happen to Gwen and her sisters, he wasn’t sure. Though he’d been given a higher level of clearance, there were still limitations to the information he could access. He hoped the restrictions would ease in time. For now, he’d have to live with the fact that he didn’t know what lay ahead for the Lonike girls.

  Refusing to think about it, he pushed all negative thoughts out of his mind. He could keep brooding about the matter when he was supposed to be psyching himself up for seduction. Truth be told, at the moment he wasn’t in the mood. Despite his attraction to Gwen Lonike, he wouldn’t mind going to bed alone. In fact, he looked forward to it.

  I can play the game later, he told himself. It wasn’t like they weren’t going to be here tomorrow. The way things were going, it looked like he was going to be spending a lot of his tomorrows in this place.

  He dismissed the driver.

  The agent nodded, returned to his car, and sped off. Red taillights disappeared.

  Gwen slowly rubbed her palms up and down her arms. “Thank you for telling me that.” She offered a weak smile. “I can’t tell you how terrified I’ve been of this entire thing.” She shook her head. “It’s like I’m caught in some sort of bizarre nightmare, and if I could only wake up, things would be all right again.”

  Blake’s eyes followed the motion of her hands. His flagging interest perked back up. Well, maybe he could put a little effort into getting closer.

  “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head. “Just nervous.”

  “Why don’t we go inside and get settled in?” Blake took her arm, an easy natural move. It was an act that could be interpreted as innocent, yet would allow him to gauge her willingness for physical contact.

  Gwen immediately leaned closer, her body almost brushing his. They fell into matching steps.

  Blake led her up a short flight of steps. An unlocked main entrance led into a small brightly lit foyer. There was a door to the left and one to the right.

  Gwen glanced around. “Wonder where they’re hiding the cameras.”

  Blake followed her line of vision. “Actually, there are no cameras inside the private residences. No listening devices either. Once you go th
rough that door, you have total privacy.”

  She arched one well-defined brow. “That is a surprise. I’d imagined our every move would be tracked.”

  Blake gave her an amused smile. “We really don’t need to know when you eat or go to the bathroom, or if you sleep bare-assed naked.” What he didn’t add was that he was the eyes and ears of the facility. Everything he saw and heard would be meticulously recorded in the daily reports he’d have to send up the ladder.

  He had a feeling he’d be jotting down a lot of boring details, a whole lot of effort for nothing. Gwen and her family had lived and functioned in the human world for a long time without detection. For all intents and purposes, these Mer had passed as peaceful, law-abiding humans all their lives.

  Gwen slid her card into the reader. “Well, here goes nothing.” She stepped under the threshold.

  Blake followed her in.

  She snapped on a light and peered around. “It’s bigger than I thought it would be,” she murmured.

  “Nicer, too,” he added, giving the place a quick visual sweep.

  The single suitcase agents had packed for her sat inside the door. At the time, Gwen was still confined to the hospital, semicoherent and very much a danger to herself and those around her.

  All the locals knew was that there had been a terrible accident on Little Mer Island. The incident had been declared a propane-tank leak, which had done extensive damage to the main house. Lucky was reported as a casualty. Gwen, too, was reported as being severely injured.

  All in all, the heavy hand of the A51 agency had managed to draw a cloak around the unpleasant event.

  Yeah, there would be whispers. But those would die down in time. Lucky’s body had already been examined by the coroner and released to his survivors for a very quiet closed-casket funeral. There really wasn’t much left to examine. The old man had literally been blasted to bits, hence the use of a convenient propane tank. Given the extensive renovations the place had undergone it wasn’t only plausible, it was possible.

  Forcing his thoughts back to the present, Blake cleared his throat. “What do you think?”

  Still clearly ill at ease, Gwen forced a smile. “It’ll do.”

  Together, they explored the small apartment. The size was perfect for one, maybe two people. It was decorated in neutral shades of beige and white, a little blank but otherwise cozy. There were the usual amenities of bedroom and bathroom. The kitchenette was a bit on the small side, outfitted with miniature versions of normal appliances such as the fridge and stove. Cabinet space was limited, but hardly a problem for one person.

  Gwen spread her hands out. “God, if circumstances were different this would be a great place.”

  Blake shrugged. “They do try and make agents living on the compound comfortable.”

  She offered a brief smile. “I suppose I might as well enjoy seeing where those tax dollars are spent.”

  “Our budget’s actually been trimmed quite a bit.”

  She looked surprised. “Really? Couldn’t tell it from what I’m looking at.” She cocked a brow at the widescreen television. “I hope that thing’s got cable.”

  “Satellite, actually. What you don’t have is Internet or a phone.” He shrugged again. “Sorry. Your access with the outside world does have to be limited for now. As far as everyone knows, you have been moved to a trauma facility for treatment of your wounds incurred during the accident.”

  Gwen nodded. She’d been given all the details. “I hate being out of touch with Brenda,” she commented.

  “I’m sure she can handle things just fine.”

  Gwen frowned. “It’s not a good time for me to be away. The height of the summer season is when we do the bulk of our business. You just don’t know how tough it is. Clerks and maids quit at the drop of a hat because the wages aren’t the greatest. And we’re in a tight economy. People aren’t traveling like they used to.”

  Hers was the typical list of every small business owner. Too much money going out, not enough coming in.

  Blake shook his head and lifted his arms in a shrug. “I think you don’t give your assistant manager enough credit,” he finally said. “Seems to me she’s capable of handling things while you’re away.”

  Gwen dropped onto the couch. “That’s what’s so frustrating. I don’t know how long I’ll be away.”

  Blake sat down beside her. “Please be assured that we’re doing everything in our power to locate the rest of the Mer who came back through the sea-gate with your sister and her husband. Since I doubt very much they would know where to find you, we’re beginning to believe Jake Massey must be alive. If he is, how is he getting around undetected? His passport, credit cards, phone records all show no activity since the day he vanished.”

  Gwen bit her lower lip as if trying to decide to speak or not. “There was a rumor going around that Jake was involved in some shady business before Kenneth bought into Recoveries, Inc. He had a partner, Niklos something or other, who was a little on the crooked side.”

  Blake tried to remain nonchalant. “The name of his former partner is Niklos Sarantos. I also believe they were based in Crete, which is very near the diving site where Ishaldi was found. We’ve gotten a few leads that he and Sarantos were involved in some artifact smuggling.”

  She nodded. “Yeah. That’s what I thought your visit might have been about. It was my understanding that Jake used Kenneth’s money to buy Sarantos out when he offered Ken a partnership.”

  Blake thought a moment. “That’s definitely something to look into. It’s possible Massey made his way back to Crete and hooked up with his old contacts. If that’s so, I’m pretty sure we can catch up with him.” He spoke slowly so that his words would have weight. Offer hope.

  Gwen laced her fingers together, then unlaced them. Nervous energy practically snapped and crackled all around her. “That would be great if you could find him and those other bitches who are making our lives hell.”

  Blake reached out and caught one of her nervous hands, offering a reassuring squeeze. He had to admire her relative calm. Had their situations been reversed he doubted he would’ve handled the matter with as much grace. It almost pained him that his role in her life would be one of deceit. He wanted to get to know her better, not only as a mermaid, but as a woman. “We will do the best we can.” He subtly tightened his hold. “I promise.”

  Gwen glanced down, but didn’t withdraw her hand from his. “Thank you.”

  Blake decided to test the boundaries. “There is one good thing out of this whole mess.”

  She glanced up, surprise written across her face. “Oh?”

  He cocked his head to one side, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Maybe I still have a shot at taking you out sometime.”

  She nearly lost her composure but maintained her cool. “I didn’t get to say so when you asked me out the first time, but the answer is yes.” A small laugh escaped her. “Though I didn’t quite picture this scenario.”

  Blake tightened his hold. “Truth be told, I was actually hoping to get to know you better.” He leaned in a little closer, taking up more of her personal space.

  Gwen held her place. She let the silence linger between them for a moment. “How much better?”

  Blake simply leaned forward. “This much better.” His mouth brushed hers.

  Gwen’s body immediately quivered, telegraphing her excitement. Pressing closer, she parted her lips and allowed his tongue to seek her own.

  She was interested. Definitely interested. The signals she was putting out were perfectly loud and clear.

  Blake took advantage, wrapping one hand in her hair and pulling her closer. It was the longest, most delicious locking of lips he’d ever shared with a woman. Only the necessity for air pulled them apart.

  “Holy shit,” he said, forgetting the words he’d mentally rehearsed for such a moment. “That was . . .”

  A small smile crossed Gwen’s moist lips. “Terrific.” She quickly covered her mouth with a han
d, but the blush rising to her cheeks said everything he needed to know.

  He’d really turned her on.

  Oh, heavens!

  Blake Whittaker’s kiss was the best she’d ever had, hands down. Beneath his touch her skin had raised into goose bumps. The desire to feel his mouth exploring every inch of her naked skin suddenly flashed through her mind.

  Too much, too fast, she warned herself.

  Her life had taken a complete one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn and nothing was normal, not her own actions or reactions. Blake Whittaker was an attractive man. It would be easy to get tangled up with him because she was feeling lonely, desperate, and confused.

  Sliding away, she put a safe bit of distance between their eager bodies. Stay within touching distance and she was sure to burst into flame the next time he made contact with her.

  His fine brow wrinkled at her move. “That’s not the usual reaction I get after terrific.”

  Gwen forced herself to take a deep breath. The extra oxygen helped clear her fuzzy brain and slow the intense beat of her heart. “I’m just being careful,” she confessed, then hurried to add, “Don’t get me wrong. I’m attracted—”

  “But?” Despite his coolness, his blue-gray gaze simmered.

  “You’re a federal agent and I’m the Mer you have in custody.” She chuckled. “Isn’t there some rule about fraternizing with the aliens?”

  Blake turned to face her, drawing one leg up on the sofa to make himself more comfortable. His move gave her another whiff of that sexy aftershave he wore, one that evoked the image of high snowcapped mountains and crisp cool air. The scent enticed. “Actually, I’m not sure. I don’t think it’s addressed in the agent’s handbook they gave me,” he teased.

  Gwen captured his gaze again. “I’ve heard about instances where guards and captives get involved, you know, forming an attachment because they’re confined together.”

  His hand reached for hers. “And you think that’s what this is? I’m taking advantage of you because you can’t walk away?”


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