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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

Page 18

by E J Darling

  “Would you like to get breakfast with me?”

  “Sure!” She squealed and spun out the door. She was always that happy and he suspected she hadn’t been subject to her master’s specific brand of love yet. If he was even capable of such things.

  Together, they strode down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. “So, Keeli. Have you had the pleasure of doing your duty yet?”

  She cleared her throat before answering. “No, but I hear you doing yours every night, and if I’m not mistaken, the mornings as well.”

  Teak couldn’t help but laugh, a deep belly laugh. Something he desperately needed at the moment. “Where did that Keeli come from? I might keep this version around.”

  Keeli laughed with him but covered her mouth to hide it.

  “Don’t.” He pulled her hand away, instantly sobered. “Don’t cover up your happiness. At the end of the day it’s all you have that’s worth keeping hold of. Allow yourself it and no one can take it away.”

  The young, beautiful half Tallek nodded her head again but didn’t smile. A female like her could have done so much in her life if she’d only been able, and Teak doubted if she’d be afforded much of anything under Vint’s roof as well. He didn’t know much about her, if anything, but he knew she deserved happiness at the very least.

  The only thing he would be able to hope for is that she got what she required in that home, and that every day she found a little bit more happiness. When the time came for Vint, and he was no longer able to control himself, she’d need all that happiness inside her. She was too sweet for Vint, too innocent.

  Eventually, they found their way to the kitchen, and grabbed breakfast. Keeli had wanted to sit by the water to eat, as if she didn’t get enough of the sight already. Teak was almost tired of the damn water and the false paradise that surrounded him, but he led her to the spot under Maeve’s balcony anyway. He’d be able to watch as she worked and look out to the bay. She liked her job, and always did it happily, but he’d suspect it was more about the knowledge for her and less about the requirement of doing it.

  The pair sat beneath the purple foliage of a strikingly tall tree, and watched as the ships came and went with their goods. The soft hum coming from the engines seeped its way into Teak’s mind, and he’d welcomed it as he laid back on the plush green flora covering the hidden roots below. He truly missed the sound of machinery.

  “Do you love her?” Keeli’s voice pulled him back from the emptiness of his mind.

  He realized then he’d been staring up at the balcony above, trying to selfishly sneak the tiniest glimpse of Maeve.

  “Of course not. Why?”

  “Just seeing if you’d lie to me.”

  Teak furrowed his brow and tossed a bit of his food at her. “Then it’s none of your business.”

  Keeli returned the food in kind, hitting him in the face with the greasy cooked meat. “I have no business of my own, so I must insert myself into someone else’s for entertainment. It’s been a week and all I’ve done is casually lay around my bedroom and do nothing I’m supposed to be doing aside from eating. Not that I’m complaining of course, it’s nice to have a break from all the bullshit. But, I also have to admit, Zekekiel Vint is–”

  “Holy shit.” Teak cursed, interrupting her. “You have the hots for Vint.”

  “Shut up, you idiot! Someone will hear you!”

  “And?” Teak looked around the empty beach and the lack of people hovering around that side of the home. “That’s why you’re here, Keeli. I’m actually happy you found something in Vint that appeals to you. In fact, maybe it will help me sleep at night.”

  “You sleep fine.” Keeli pretended to hit Teak but missed him completely. “And yes, you could say I find several things about Zekekiel attractive, but I will not be discussing them with you.” The female hid another smile, but instantly dropped her hand. “Tell me the truth so I can imagine it. How do you feel about our dearest Maevelin?” Keeli laid down next to him, resting her head on her crossed hands, and closed her eyes.

  “You’ll have your own business soon enough, Keeli.” Teak sighed, ignoring the question. “Then, you won’t have to imagine anything.”

  “I doubt I’ll ever have that.” She gestured her chin to the balcony. “What you two have is special. I see it you know. You can lie and change the subject all you want, but I see the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. It’s only been a short time, but I see it for what it is.”

  “What is it then?”

  Keeli whacked him across the chest, making contact that time. “Love, you idiot!” She smiled as she closed her eyes again.

  “I’ve never been good at it I guess.” And he wasn’t. Didn’t know the first thing about love, only lust. He had that in droves but nothing else to offer the one he wanted most in his miserable life.

  “In my experience, no one ever is.”

  He didn’t want to know her experience. The story would be hard to hear, and he didn’t need to get attached to someone else that would keep him there in that place. Keeli was good to her core, even after the dark life he presumed her to have, and he’d only soil that in her like he’d do to Maeve soon. The female deserved a friend, but he’d let Maeve do that part. All he’d do is disappoint her.

  “Fine,” he finally said. “Maybe I do care for her too much.”

  “Just say the word. It won’t kill you.”

  Teak looked to the balcony again. It just might. “I do.”

  “Say it.”

  His breath caught in his lungs the moment Maeve stepped out onto the balcony. The light star made her loose hair shimmer, and he could see her focused attention on the pad in her hand from where he laid. She placed herself on the wide railing and crossed her legs as she feverishly worked away. What he wouldn’t give for a gust of wind to blow up that dress. He’d been deep between her legs for a week and knew every little detail about her most precious areas, but it was never enough for him. If he could get away with keeping her in bed all day every day, he would do it in a heartbeat.

  Glancing up from the pad, her eyes scanned the scene around her. He’d never been given the pleasure of seeing her that way, when she thought no one was watching. Those stunning eyes lit up and a soft smile parted her lips. When she took it all in again, she’d found him almost instantly, and that beautiful creature smiled deeper. Damn. If he couldn’t recognize that for what it was then he was more the idiot Keeli said he was. “I love her.” He finally admitted. “Damn it, I love her.”

  “Good.” Keeli sighed. “If we don’t have that, then we have nothing.”

  He heard the sadness in her voice when she repeated his earlier words. She believed herself to have nothing then. Zekekiel was a fool if he didn’t allow himself that female. She truly was a rare breed.

  “You look like hell by the way.”

  “I feel like hell.” His body was weak, heavy. And honestly, he didn’t know how long he was going to be able to abuse his body in the pits before he would ultimately succumb to the same fate as the ones he’d killed with his own hands. It wasn’t a way to live, but he had to do it. There was no other way for him to earn credits as a slave on Ascena Pura, and there was no getting off this planet any time soon. Not without her.

  He kept his eyes on Maevelin and gave her a smile to match her own happiness, even if he didn’t feel he deserved it. What would happen when she found out he’d killed species in those pits every night? That it wasn’t just fighting and earning credits? They weren’t evil, nor were they prisoners. They were species like him in almost every way, just trying to get by in the galaxy one way or another. It didn’t matter to him if they had females they loved at home waiting for them. So did he, and he fought every night to make it back to her.

  Maevelin disappeared beyond his sight for a moment and reappeared. She did it four more times before he got the sensation something was wrong. The last time, her smile died, and it was replaced with pain or possibly something else just as terrible. It
was hard to tell from that distance. She placed the pad down on the railing and took a shaky breath, wiping away a tear. Something was definitely wrong. Then, she snatched up the pad and disappeared beyond his sight for a long time… too long.


  “Yes?” she answered softly, obviously enjoying her time in the shade and completely unaware of Maeve.

  A low growl rumbled in his chest as he watched the empty balcony. Something was wrong. “I need to go.”

  “What’s wrong?” Keeli shot up when his voice changed to something darker. “Teak what happened?”

  “Probably nothing. Stay out here. I’ll be back when I can.”

  “Are you sure? Let me come. Is it Maeve?”

  He growled again, but that time directing it at the female. He didn’t mean to terrify her, but she needed to do what he asked since she wouldn’t understand any other way. “Stay here!”

  Keeli cowered into herself and softly nodded her head. “Okay.”


  Teak took off towards the home faster than he’d ever run. Once to the front, he jumped over a luxury transport and took the stairs of the front entrance two at a time. If he was overreacting to Maeve’s mannerisms then so be it, but if he wasn’t, he didn’t want to be a second longer than he had to be.

  He threw the large front door open and stopped it from hitting the wall behind it. He focused on Maeve. Her scent, heartbeat, anything to track her down. There. His eyes flew to the staircase and ran in her direction, cutting her off at the bottom.

  “What’s wrong, Mahla?” Her face was red and wet from crying, and her lungs drew in air too quickly for his liking. She still held the pad in her hand, and he glanced at it as she pushed him aside, but he deciphered a small amount that quickly. The Human Problem is what the alien language translated to. It was sent in Tallekian. “What is that?” He asked, grabbing her arm to stop her.

  Maeve swung around and her face broke him even more. “This?” Maeve swung the pad at his face. “This is fucking disgusting is what it is. The Human Problem. That’s what they’re calling us. Me. I doubt very seriously this was supposed to come through to me. It wasn’t classified beyond what I am allowed, so whoever sent this is either an idiot, or is too flagrant for their own good.”

  “Let me see it.” He doubted he needed to, though. He didn’t need much information after what he’d seen with his own eyes over the week. He knew there was a Human problem, but he doubted it was the same government washed version that had his Mahla hurt that badly.

  Maeve dumped the pad in Teak’s hand and the moment he took it, he saw who it was supposed to be sent to. Zekekiel Vint from Nathenian Kilper himself. When he looked up, she was gone.

  “Maeve!” He ran after her. “Stop! Don’t do anything you’ll regret. Please come back to me. I will help you, but please come back upstairs with me.” He wasn’t beyond begging. He had to get through to her before she did something without thought. Teak reached her again before she got to the hallway that led to Vint’s office and she spun on him.

  “Did you know about this?”

  “What? How would I know anything about this? I’m a slave here, same as you.” It was only a half lie. He had no idea what was going on beyond what he’d seen with his eyes, and he was hurt she would suspect him of something like that.

  “You slither around all night doing who the hell knows what. I know you better than you think I do, Teakin. I’m not stupid.” She crept closer, her face now red from crying and anger. “I may keep my mouth shut, watch things play out before I lay down my hand, but don’t think me a fool!”

  “I would never think that of you.” Teak went to his knees, pleading with her. He could slightly feel her emotions panging his heart and would do anything to calm her down. “Come back upstairs with me. We can figure this out together after you’ve calmed. Let me calm you, please.”

  Ripping her hands from his, Maeve’s face only turned more enraged. “I will not sit by and allow my people to be treated like animals, to be sold at whatever auction will have us. I won’t.”

  She spun again and ran down the short hallway to the double doors he knew stood between them and their fate. Teak was already to his feet and nearly to her when she threw the doors open, but something stopped her in her tracks. When he got there, he saw what halted her.

  “They’re a blight on our planet, Vint.”

  Vint’s eyes rose and widened. He alone in his office. Roth stood beside him; his hands clasped behind his back. Both their eyes widened as they gawked at Maeve. Two other males stood leaning against the far wall, both in robes. Teak recognized them both from The Pit and swallowed down the enraged growl that threatened to break through. It wasn’t the time to pick a fight. A male in luxurious robes sitting in the chair opposite them, turned their way. Nathenian’s eyes looked dark and twisted.

  Teak realized then, they’d just bombarded an important and most likely highly classified meeting. And it was too late to take it back, to run away and pretend it didn’t happen.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Nathenian hissed.

  Vint rose from his seat, seeming to process what was happening. “I assure you, I have no idea, sir. Maevelin this better be life or death.”

  Nathenian rose. “I don’t give a fuck if it is life or death. No slave enters a master’s chamber without permission!”

  Teak wrapped his arm around Maeve’s middle and pulled her petrified body behind him. The look in the council member’s eyes rose the hairs on the back of his neck and his protective instincts took hold. His eyes darted between the current threat, and everyone else in the room. The only pair that weren’t screaming at his senses were Vint’s. His looked worried, maybe even panicked. Not good. Teak stood taller, stiffening his back. He realized then that he would be alone in defending Maeve and he’d be damned if he allowed anyone in this room to intimidate him or her.

  “Kade. What is going on?” Vint tried to sound calm, but his clenched jaw and the way his eyes darted to the back of Nathenian’s head gave him away.

  He didn’t have an answer, obviously, and doubted his words would come out as words if he could speak right now. A deep growl rose and two of the council members hissed back at him. He could take them if he had to fight them off, but in the end he’d be dead, and his body destroyed because he was a slave and the head of the council would deem him a threat. There was no way out of this that he could see, just like there’d been no way out of the mess on Hydron-5. If it came to it, if it came to them or Maeve, he’d lay his body out to protect her.

  “Maeve?” Vint searched behind him for his tiny female, but Teak blocked his view.

  “I want her punished, Vint.” Nathenian spat. The other’s nodded their deceitful heads and Teak watched the blood drain from Roth’s face. The male was in over his head and in any other circumstance, Teak would find it amusing. But there was no amusement right now. Danger. That voice inside him growled. Danger. Danger. Teak growled again as the two council members stepped forward, doing anything to keep them away from the precious female behind him.

  Maeve’s body shook and it only made his senses rise higher. Whatever weakness he’d felt before was now gone, replaced with only the basic instincts.

  Keep his female alive.

  Vint rounded his desk. His eyes locked on Teak’s until he stood between him and the head of his council. “Hand her over, Kade.” His voice cracked and something in his eyes had Teak searching deeper. The male’s nose flared, but he didn’t look anywhere other than Teak. He desperately searched the male’s bright yellow eyes, to find something in them that warred. He did find it unfortunately, and it didn’t make him feel any better.

  Too many things were happening at once. Teak couldn’t move and allow them Maeve. He’d die first before he let that happen. They were slaves and had offended the highest ranking official on the planet which he believed to be corrupt as well, the situation making those beliefs a reality. Were Zeke and Roth in on it? Were t
hey just as corrupt as he knew the others were?

  His instincts were telling him there was something more inside the male that now demanded Teak give over the only thing in the world he loved. He shook his head. “I will not, sir.”

  “Hand her over, slave, so she can be properly handled!” Nathenian demanded. Vint’s eyes darted that direction but immediately came back to search Teak’s. “Do not stand for this in your home, Zekekiel. I would have killed the Human the moment she stepped foot inside my chambers and wouldn’t have batted an eye.”

  Something twisted in Vint’s face, but he said nothing to defend Maevelin. Teak doubted he could even if he wanted to. The male in his office was even more powerful than Zeke was, and right now, he was demanding blood.

  “Someone must be punished.” Vint managed to keep his voice low and emotions in check as a Tallek would. “There is no other option.”

  “Teak let me by, please.” Maeve cried softly. “It will be over quickly. Move and wait for me upstairs.”

  “I’ll do it. I’ll take the punishment.”

  Maeve gasped behind him. “No!”

  “I pushed her into the door. Roth saw it. Didn’t you?”

  Everyone tore their eyes off Teak and toward Roth. If there was one thing the male could do it was prevent Maeve from torture. He cleared his throat and nodded his head. “Yes, I saw it. She tumbled through the door.”

  “She tried to stop me but look at our size difference.” All their eyes came back to Teak and he locked his back on Vint, trying to convey everything he needed to silently. “She grabbed me, and I accidently pushed her away too hard. She hit the door and it opened. This is my fault. Punish me in her stead.”

  Maeve attempted to push by him, but he held her back. “Zekekiel, please n–”

  “Done.” The master said, ignoring Maeve’s final plea. “Kade will be punished.”

  Teak relaxed and sucked in a breath. “I take it with honor, sir.” It wasn’t the time to be anything other than respectful. He’d heal faster than Maeve could. and by the time he went to bed tonight, whatever damage Vint did to him would be nearly healed.


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