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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

Page 22

by E J Darling

Tonight, was different. Tonight, was for them. Tonight, they bonded.

  Stars danced inside her mind as the orgasm ran through her body, hitting nerve after nerve, until it evaporated into his soft lapping. He clawed the bed when she came, ripping her coverings to shreds as he held his grip off her. He was beautiful, completely over indulged, and his once silver eyes were now black as night. It would seem over indulged was an understatement.

  “What do I need to do?” She whispered the words, not wanting to break the sanctity of the moment. “I’ll do whatever you need, just say the words.”

  “Nothing.” His tongue slid past his canines. They were longer, sharper. Never had she seen anything so incredible in her life.

  Eyes black against his dark skin. Teeth shining against them both. He was a sight she never wanted to be without.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “Yes.” He nuzzled into her thigh and she stiffened her body, unsure if she was ready for the pain. “But I’ll make you like it. I’ll make sure you want more of it, beg me for it.”

  Maeve shuddered, now more than ever, ready for his certain type of love. “Do it.”

  Teak crawled up her body, slowly, the muscles in his arms bunching under his weight. His thighs slid beneath hers, and with one hand, he lifted her up to sit on his lap. They sat nose to nose until he gripped her waist in a strong hold and lifted her. She came down hard and gasped as she threw her head back, exposing her neck to him without a single thought. Teeth raked her flesh as another shudder ran through her, leaving small bumps in its wake.

  His grip still tight around her, he slowly moved her hips back and forth until she found her rhythm. She’d never been on top before, not sure how it all went, but it came to her easily and she moved with the same motion he did. Their bodies were in sync with each other.

  The feel of him between her thighs, taking all of him, felt incredible. Filled to the brim, she didn’t know if she could take anymore, but he picked her up and slammed her down again and again until her body grew hot and his breath fanned her neck. He spoke in his native tongue, a beautifully ritualistic chant that her mind could just barely comprehend. It was an older dialect, ancient and forgotten, but not to him. He knew it well and spoke with sensuality in mind. Everything about him was sensual.

  Heat built inside her body until she thought she’d explode with passion. She bore down on him, gripped him from the inside, and he moaned into her as the slapping of their bodies filled the room. She was almost on the brink, ready to fall over the edge again and again. When it built, he slowed them down and prolonged her ecstasy until pleasure turned to pain.

  “Please,” she begged. “Let me. Take me. Claim me.”

  His arms wrapped around her, held her tight against him as he took over. “Don’t pull away.” His breath fanned her ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Pulling away wasn’t an option. She needed him, wanted him to claim her.

  His strokes came faster, harder, longer. He impaled her until finally that edge came back harder than ever before. He didn’t stop, and she clamped around him once more as her orgasm slammed into her body, and teeth into her throat. Hot blood seeped between their bodies as pain and pleasure melded together. Never had she felt anything like it. A full body experience from head to toe.

  She could feel him inside her, his soul, his pain, his love. Devotion in its purest form. The undying love he had for her became so overwhelming, tears flooded her eyes and she wept. He stilled and worked her clit with his thumb, drawing out every single wave as he drank from her.

  “Shh.” He soothed her softly, his fingers tracing her back. “It’s okay, Mahla. Shh.” The soothing sound in her ear calmed her as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I love you.”

  Oh, she knew. That love inside is what made her that way, brought on so many emotions. “I love you, Teak.”

  He laid her down on the bed softly, and his hands roamed her curves, finding a home on her waist. “Are you okay? Do you need anything of me?”

  She nodded, reaching for him. “Just you. Lay with me.”

  With a cool smile, his teeth tinged with blood, and his canines now their normal length, he lowered his body and laid beside her, pulling her against him. She curled in and ignored the sight of his stained mouth. It was better to drown in the love they shared than focus on the ritual aspect. Every feeling he had, every happy thought, was hers to share. She’d never have to wonder if he loved her truly, or if he was only grateful she saved his life. All doubts left her mind, body, and soul.

  She was truly happy. Truly loved. Completely bonded.


  Teak sat perched on the side of the bed, watching Maeve sleep. She didn’t do it gracefully. Her face wrinkled on her soft pillow; her lips plumped perfectly together, but she was peaceful like that when her mind was at rest. If he had all the time in the universe to sit there and watch her sleep, he would. As he tucked a wisp of golden soft hair behind her ear, he leaned down for a kiss. There was no chance of waking her when she slept so deeply, and if he couldn’t give her anything else, he could give her that. A deep and restful sleep.

  He could feel their bond tight in his chest now. It was immovable and permanent. She wouldn’t be sick if he stayed away too long, but he wouldn’t be long anyway. He’d be back before she woke, and they’d lay wrapped up together as the Light Star rose for its time in the sky.

  He’d lingered long enough, though. Wilsit was waiting for him, and he needed to get to the fights if there was ever a chance of getting off this planet. It wasn’t safe there anymore. Not for him, and not for Maevelin, if Vint’s warning was anything to go by.

  Kissing her once more, Teakin slowly slipped away out of the room and closed the door behind him with a light click.

  “I shouldn’t let you go, you know.” A feminine voice spoke behind him. “I should make a scene and force you back in there.”

  Teak scanned the hallway, finding it empty. Vint must have taken Yilo off guard duty. “You could try.” He teased, stepping toward Keeli. She stood leaned against her door frame, eyes red and swollen. Teak reached a hand up and wiped a fresh tear from her cheek. “Not what he seems, is he?”

  “No. He isn’t.”

  “None of us are. That doesn’t make him evil though.”

  “How could you of all people say that after what he did?” Her face was a vision of grief and her words packed a punch.

  “We do what we have to, Keeli. Everyone answers to someone. What you saw? What you think you understand about it? Is all lies. Zekekiel’s hand was forced. There were no choices for him in that moment. We both did what we had to do to keep Maevelin safe.” Teak pulled Keeli in for a hug and held her there a moment. What she needed now more than anything was compassion and touch. If Vint couldn’t do that for her yet, then he would. “Get some sleep, Keeli. Soon, this will be a million miles away, and we will all smile when that day comes.” He squeezed her tight before letting go. “And don’t worry about me.” He smiled and gave her a wink. “I’ll be back before she wakes up. Just like always.”

  Keeli smiled. “I believe you. Nothing could keep you away from her.”

  “Only death.”

  Once Keeli had closed her door, Teak strode down the hall and out of the home. The past week of traveling to Subterranea had made him an expert on the journey. Left here, right there, all of it a maze which led to the morbid place the Human’s called home. He didn’t hide there, didn’t try to block it out either. He wanted it fresh in his mind, always. It fueled his aggression and anger which he used later in the fighting pit as fuel. It was never easier coming through there, never less shocking than the last. The people were still hungry, thin, and dirty. The children looked the worst. He doubted their parents were taking care of them. How could they when they couldn’t even care for themselves?

  He wondered, though. How many of those seemingly Human children had traces of Tallek in them? How many females had their master’s illegitimate children living
in those slums, while their true born children lived a life of privilege and luxury in expensive homes and clean clothes? He always came at night, though, and never got the full force of the population living there. His only guess was the number could be in the hundreds if not thousands. That thought made him sick.

  Teak absorbed it all. He padded down the stairs, spun the metal lock, and was met with that same beat of intoxicating music he always was. Still, no matter how hurt and tired he was when he left this place, it still felt more like home than anywhere he’d been on the surface. Everywhere, that is, besides anywhere his Mahla was. She was home now, and he found his true solace there.

  This time, although he was late, Teak weaved a little slower through the dense crowd. He’d grabbed a shot of frix from the first open bar and slid his credits before shooting it back.

  “You celebrating something?” The female beside him asked. He sniffed her once and smelled a faint hint of arousal. It was enough to incite a growl of warning from him. “Only asking. Can’t help what I feel. No harm, no foul.”

  Teak stared at her a moment and decided the Vallient was no threat to him. The males were great fighters with a lethal horn protruding from their faces. But, the females were smaller and docile, with no horns anywhere. Both sexes were the same deep orange tone, but the females were far better to look at. “I bonded tonight. It’s a great cause for celebration.”

  She raised her glass. “Then, congratulations. She’s a lucky female.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” He tossed back his drink and slammed it down on the bar top. “Thank you for your words. I must go now.”

  The female inclined her head as Teak left the bar side. It was the usual type of crowd. Wealthy merchants, bar and dance club owners sampling and attempting to steal a rival club’s females. They always looked flattered but always said no. No one would dare lose their job down there, especially the Humans. If they had a job that paid, they kept it. It was that or starve, there wasn’t an option. Loyalty though, can never truly be bought.

  As he slid into a more densely populated area, Teak tucked his hood closer around him. You could never trust a soul anywhere, and he couldn’t forget that. For all he knew, the female back there was a bounty hunter with the price of his head on her mind. Though, the odds were small, they were never zero.

  He kept watch for anyone in uniform. Wilsit had given him a vague description of the one he’d overheard talking about a Turnish, but with no name, race, or identification, it was anyone’s guess who was looking for him. He needed to fight and leave, and do so with the least amount of attention possible.

  The glowing sign showing his destination finally came into view. The Pit was his home away from home, and he was ready to get back into it. The Ballek who worked the door was still as talkative as he’d ever been, and didn’t say one word to Teak as he patted him down. Once done, he shoved him away like he did every night and went on to the next. Teak grabbed one more frix at the bar in The Pit. He tossed it back and let the heat roll down his throat into his belly. He was ready for the night and hadn’t felt that good in far too long.

  After his drink, he made his way to the back, bumping into solid bodies on the narrow walkways. It was packed tonight, and it didn’t make him feel any better. The money would be good, but there were too many faces he didn’t recognize in the crowd. The alcoves were full, none with Tallek thankfully, and species of all kinds were plastered against the railing that overlooked the true pit. Teak kept his eyes on the crowd, looking for Wilsit. He found him in his usual alcove with his usual prostitute. The female probably filled her pockets with his credits alone. Good for her.

  Slowly, Teak made his way down and around the pit, making sure to scan the crowd. No one was watching him that he could see, and by the time he made it to the alcove, Wilsit had caught his eye. The male smiled and slapped the ass of the prostitute, sending her padding away to get dressed elsewhere.

  “Ssit!” Wilsit insisted, inclining his head to the red bench beside him.

  Teak scanned the fabric, remembering all the body fluids that could be deeply embedded in its fibers, and shook his head. “No, thank you. I think I’ll stand.”

  “Ssuit yoursself. I’m glad you could make it tonight. It’ss a full housse and there’ss good money down there if you can sstay on your feet.”

  Teak leaned against the rocky wall inside the alcove, and away from prying eyes. “I’ll stay on my feet. I feel good after not fighting last night.”

  “Good. You were looking a bit beat up in your lasst fight.” Wilsit leaned forward, giving Teak his full attention. “Don’t think you are sssome sslave here being forcced to fight for me. You are worth more alive and healthy than you are dead, and that’ss jusst a fact. I have other fighterss and a keen eye for betting. You have more to live for than thiss fighting pit, Kade. You jusst keep your head on your sshoulderss. You hear me?”

  “I hear you.” Teak was surprised at the male’s candor. He knew Wilsit wasn’t one for keeping thoughts to himself, but to find respect in a place like this was endearing, and it never got old hearing he was worth something, even if he didn’t believe it himself half the time. He would be worth something again one day. He’d be proud of himself again, too. One day.

  “The Ballek don’t keep sslavess. We are not barbaric like the other raccess. We may be forcced to live in the sshadowss, but we know the value of life.”

  “Thank you, Wilsit.”

  The male inclined his head and leaned back against the tufted bench, making himself comfortable. He’d stay there until it was Teak’s turn to fight, and then he’d find a spot overlooking the ring, just like every other night. The male didn’t waste his credits on unknown fighters, nor did he care to watch the brutality unless he must. It was business for him. There was no enjoyment watching aliens fight to the death.

  After ten minutes of listening to Wilsit talk over the crowd, Teak was ready to fight. The crowds were heckling and screaming all manner of unique and indescribable sounds as a fight came to an end. Teak slid down the wall and sat on the back of his legs in a squat, his hands over his face.

  He liked to center himself and think of Maeve before he went into that place which was nothing but darkness and death. Her thoughts made sure he came out of that blood stained pit the same way he went in. He inhaled deep, basking in her scent that still and forever would linger on his body. They were one now, and shared a scent completely unique to them and no one else. If they had children, they would scent of their parent’s bond, only bringing them closer together.

  He closed his eyes and saw her beautiful face. His mind’s eye could see her rounded belly; her long golden hair blowing slightly. She wore a long white dress, nearly see through as the light hit her from behind, showing shapely legs beneath. She took in the beauty around her. The water she loved had been replaced with lush green mountains, yet she still saw the beauty. They weren’t on Ascena Pura, but they were happy.

  It was all in his head.

  A tap on the shoulder pulled him back to the overbearingly loud cave, made louder by the stalactites overhead creating muffled echoes. Teak looked up to see Wilsit. “What is it?”

  “Lisssor approachess. I believe it’ss time to fight. Are you ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Good.” Wilsit held out a hand and Teak took it, standing to his full height. Which was a good half foot taller than the older male. “Let’ss make our payday.” He gave a solid slap on Teak’s back.

  Teak stepped forward toward the ladder that would lower him into the fighting pit, but Lissor came up on him quickly, pushing him back into the alcove. Bith was right on his heels and both males came at him. Teak immediately reacted, shoving the males off him. He’d never thought Lissor or Bith to be an enemy, but they were being unnaturally aggressive, and he didn’t know why. “What the fuck?”

  “You need to hide.” Lissor demanded.

  Wilsit stepped between them. “What iss going on?”

bsp; Bith answered him. “The Tallek are looking for him.”

  Teak pulled the hood over his face and slid deeper into the alcove. Even though he knew it didn’t hide him well. “What did they look like?”

  “They look like Tallek.” Lissor hissed and rolled his eyes. He looked more pissed off about the situation than Teak did, but he understood. There was a dynamic that worked on Ascena Pura. The Tallek left Subterranea alone while the Tallel and Ballek let them do whatever the hell they wanted on the surface. Having Tallek down there in an official capacity was a spit in the face.

  “Sshit.” Wilsit cursed and spun around.

  “But how the fuck did they find me he–” Teak paused. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back until it hit the rocky wall. He knew exactly how they found him. The council members must have recognized him at Vint’s home but didn’t say anything about it. They were sneaky assholes like that. He wouldn’t even put it past Vint to be the one that tipped them off. The only thing that kept him from jumping to that conclusion was the male’s word. Teak wanted to believe when he said he was safe from him, so he did.

  Nonetheless, he was fucked now. He was on the Tallek radar and there was nothing he could do. If he went home, he’d be arrested there anyway. Maeve would have to watch, but he would get to see her one more time. That thought had his heart aching. He’d never see her again would he?

  They’d probably kill him before he got a fair trial, and what would happen to her? He hoped their bonding wouldn’t be strong enough to kill her if he didn’t survive, but that solid feeling inside his chest told him what he knew to be true. They were linked, their souls locked together for eternity. He damned himself. He knew it wasn’t safe, knew his life was at risk, but he’d done it anyway because he was selfish. He didn’t deserve her. He knew that from the start. She was good and he was not, but damn did he love her more for it. For darkness there must be light, and she shone brightly.

  With any luck at all, they wouldn’t kill him right off. But he doubted slaves on this planet got anything close to justice, not that he deserved any. He’d killed those aliens on Hydron-5, then he’d spit on their corpses. They’d touched him. Hurt him. Defiled him. Then, he mercilessly ended them. It’d taken him so long to get back because he didn’t know if he could face Maevelin again after what he’d done. It was better if she didn’t know.


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