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1000 Years of Annoying the French

Page 60

by Stephen Clarke

  at Agincourt (i)

  forbids chevauchées (i)

  in Shakespeare’s play (i)n, (ii)

  Henry VI King of England (i)

  Henry VII King of England

  and Calais (i), (ii), (iii)

  and North America (i)

  Henry VIII King of England

  and Calais (i), (ii)

  and François I (i)

  and Marie de Guise (i), (ii)

  and Mary Queen of Scots (i)

  Herleva, mother of William I (i)

  Hernu, Charles, and Rainbow Warrior (i)

  Highlanders, first WWI troops to disembark (i)

  Hitchcock, Alfred, influence on French cinema (i)

  Hitler, Adolf (i)

  Chamberlain and (i), (ii)

  French attitude to (i)

  invades Poland (i)

  Ho Chi Minh, defeats French (i)


  Charles II and (i), (ii), (iii)

  French invasion (i), (ii), (iii)

  Holyroodhouse, Mary Queen of Scots at (i)

  Hone, William, on Halifax Gibbet (i)

  ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’ (i)

  Hope and Company, and Louisiana Purchase (i)

  horse-racing, at Champs de Mars (i)

  Hugo, Victor

  Hernani (i)

  on being human (i)

  on Louis-Philippe (i), (ii), (iii)

  on Shakespeare (i)

  on Waterloo (i)


  and Newfoundland (i)

  and South Carolina (i)

  St Bartholomew’s Massacre (i)

  Hundred Years War (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  Husson, Armand, on croissants (i)

  Icelandic Sagas, on North America (i)

  ‘Ich dien’ (i)

  Illinois, La Salle and (i)

  Impressionist painters, French (i)

  India, France and (i)

  Indochina, Ho Chi Minh defeats French (i)

  industrial revolution, France (i)

  informers, during Occupation (i) Instructions for British Servicemen in France (ii)

  intellectuals, during WWII (i)

  Invalides, Les

  Napoleon’s tomb at (i)

  revolutionary attack on (i)

  invasion barges, Napoleon and (i)

  invasions of Britain, failed (i)

  Iraq war, France and (i)

  Ireland, Louis XIV’s invasion (i)

  Irish brigade, Louis XV’s (i)

  Iroquois people

  and Cartier (i)

  and Illinois (i)

  Isabelle of Angoulême (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Isabelle Queen of Richard II (i)

  Israel, and Suez (i)


  Armée des Alpes invasion (i)

  Napoleon III and (i)

  Nelson in (i)

  James I King of England (i), (ii)

  and Duke of Buckingham (i), (ii)

  James II King of England and Duke of Marlborough (i)

  and Solebay (i)

  deposed (i)

  Louis XIV and (i)

  James III, proposed by Louis XIV as King of England (i)

  James V King of Scotland (i)

  James VI King of Scotland see James I

  Jefferson, Thomas, and Louisiana Purchase (i)

  Jermyn, Henry, and Charles II (i)

  Jerrold, Douglas William, on French (i)

  Jewish deportees, Channel Islands (i)

  Jews, blamed for Black Death (i)

  Joan of Arc (i)

  canonization (i)

  French criticism of (i)

  French desire to condemn for heresy (i)

  on English (i)

  posthumous retrial (i)

  John King of Bohemia, at Crécy (i), (ii)

  John King of England (i), (ii)

  Johnson, Lyndon, and de Gaulle (i)

  Johnson, Samuel, on French (i)

  Josephine, see Beauharnais

  Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris (i), (ii), (iii)

  Joyce, James, in Paris (i)

  Jumonville, French officer

  ‘murder’ during Washington’s ambush (i)

  raid on Fort Necessity (i), (ii)

  Keppel, Alice, great-grandmother of Camilla Parker-Bowles, Edward VII and (i)n

  Kerlerec, Louis Billouart, chevalier de, and New Orleans (i)

  kidnapping, Norman/Angevin (i), (ii)

  Kieffer, Philippe, French leader at D–Day (i)

  Kipfels, Austrian croissants (i)

  Kitchener, Lord

  and maisons de tolérance (i)

  on soldiers’ conduct towards women (i) La Belle, La Salle’s ship (ii)

  La Flamengrie, non-battle of (i)

  La Roche-aux-Moines, Battle of (i)

  La Rochelle, siege of (i)

  La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier de, and Mississippi River (i), (ii)

  shot in Texas (i)

  Lacoste, Pierre, account of Rainbow Warrior bombing (i)

  Lafayette, Marie-Joseph du Motier, and American revolution (i), (ii)

  Laliman, Léo, and phylloxera (i)

  Lally, Thomas Arthur, Comte de, and Pondicherry (i)

  Lamb War, The Sun and (i)

  Lamballe, Marie-Louise, princesse de (i)

  lampreys, surfeit of (i)

  Lansdowne, Lord, and Entente Cordiale (i)

  Laquiante, designs guillotine (i)

  Latour, Charles de, Governor of Acadie (i)

  Latour, Claude de (i)

  Lauraguais, Count, on fashionable English (i)

  Law de Lauriston, Jean, in India (i)

  Law, John, and Mississippi Bubble (i), (ii)

  Lawrence, Charles, Governor of Nova Scotia (i)

  deports Acadiens (i)

  le Maître, Jean, and Joan of Arc (i)

  Le Fevre, Jean, chronicler (i)

  League of Nations (i)

  Leclerc, General Philippe (i)

  and Paris liberation (i)

  Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, King of Belgium (i), (ii)

  Lesquer, Jean-Claude, planner of Rainbow Warrior attack (i)

  Lincoln, Battle of (i)

  Lincoln, Major General Benjamin, receives British surrender at Yorktown (i)

  Lindell, Mary, Resistance heroine (i)

  Livingston, Robert R., and Louisiana Purchase (i)

  Lloyd George, David, and Treaty of Versailles (i)

  Loisau, Nathalie, on `Freedom fries’ (i)

  Lombardi, Vera Bate, Chanel and (i)

  longbowmen, English (i), (ii)

  at Agincourt (i)

  at Crécy (i), (ii)

  longbowmen, Welsh (i)

  Longsword see William Longsword

  Longuépée, Florent, objects to Eurostar arriving at Waterloo (i)

  Louis, Prince Imperial, see Napoleon Eugène

  Louis I of England (i)

  Louis IV King of the Franks (i)

  Louis VII King of the Franks (i), (ii), (iii)

  Louis IX King of France (i)

  Louis XII King of France, and Henry VIII’s sister (i)

  Louis XIII King of France

  and Acadie (i)

  and Charles I (i)

  Louis XIV King of France

  and Austria (i)

  and Canada (i)

  and Charles II (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  and Champagne (i)

  and Ireland (i)

  and ‘James III’ (i)

  and John Law (i)

  and Louisiane (i)

  and William III (i), (ii)

  attempts invasion of England (i)

  bladder of (i)

  daily routine of (i)

  failures (i)

  Louis XV King of France

  and execution of Lally (i)

  buys Corsica (i)

  on English (i)

  Pacific colonies and Bougainville (i), (ii)

  Louis XVI King of France (i)

  and parliament

  escape attempt (i)

  executed (i)

  Louis XVIII King of France (i)

  Louis-Philippe, King of France (i), (ii)

  and Napoleon III (i)

  escapes from France (i)

  in England (i), (ii)

  Louisiana Purchase (i), (ii)


  Acadians at (i), (ii)

  ceded to Spain (i), (ii)

  French and (i), (ii), (iii)

  Napoleon and (i), (ii), (iii)

  true vastness of (i), (ii)

  Louison, Antoine, and guillotine (i)

  Louvre, le

  becomes art museum (i)n

  Charles II at (i)

  Lovat, Simon Fraser (i)th Lord, on guillotine (ii)

  love-hate relationship xiii

  Lowe, Sir Hudson, governor of St Helena (i)

  Luxembourg, Jean de (i)

  Maastricht, Marlborough at (i)

  Mackintosh, Violet, inventor of Quality Street (i)

  Macmillan, Harold, and de Gaulle (i)

  mad-cow disease (i)

  Madagascar, British invasion (i)

  Madras, Lally and (i), (ii), (iii)

  Maginot, André (i)

  Maginot Line (i)

  Magna Carta (i), (ii)

  Margaret Thatcher and (i)

  Mahon, see mayonnaise, Menorca

  Maillol, André, sculptor, and Nazis (i)

  maisons de tolérance

  Kitchener and (i)

  Napoleon and (i), (ii), (iii)

  Malleson, G.B., on Lally (i), (ii), (iii)

  Malouines, Les see Falklands

  Malvinas, Las see Falklands

  Mantes, William the Conqueror and (i)

  Margaret, Saint, ‘visits’ Joan of Arc (i)

  Marguerite de France (i)

  Marie d’Avignon, prophecy (i), (ii)


  escape attempt (i)

  executed (i)

  ‘Let them eat cake’ (i)

  Marie-Louise of Austria second wife of Napoleon (i), (ii)

  Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of (i)

  Marne, Taxis de la (i)

  ‘Marseillaise, La’ (i)

  Marshall, General George C., and de Gaulle (i)

  Martinique (i)

  Mary of Modena, wife of James II (i)

  Mary I (Tudor) Queen of England (i)

  and Calais (i)

  Mary II Queen of England (i)

  Mary Queen of Holland, Charles II’s sister (i), (ii)

  Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart) (i)

  and Catherine de’ Medici (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  and Elizabeth I (i), (ii), (iii)

  and golf (i), (ii)

  execution (i)

  gives birth to James (i)

  husbands (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  speaks and writes French (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Mathieu, Albert, proposed Channel tunnel (i)

  Mathilde, Countess of Anjou (i)

  Mathilde of Boulogne (i)

  Mathilde of Flanders, William of Normandy and (i)

  Mauny, Sir Walter, at Calais (i)

  Mauriac, François, and underground publishing (i)

  Maurois, André, Les silences du Colonel Bramble (i), (ii)

  on profiteers (i)

  mayonnaise, invention (i)

  Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Medici, Catherine de’

  and Mary Queen of Scots (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii)

  and St Bartholomew’s Massacre (i)

  Menorca, Mahon garrison, French attack (i)

  mercenaries, Edward III’s (i)

  Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, on English (i)

  Merret, Christopher, true inventor of Champagne (i), (ii)

  Mers-el-Kebir, French fleet sunk by British (i)

  metric system, French Revolution and (i)

  Metternich, Klemens Wenzel, Prince von, at Congress of Vienna (i)

  Mexico, Gulf of, La Salle and (i)

  Michael, Saint, ‘visits’ Joan of Arc (i)

  Micmac people (i)

  insulted by French (i)

  persecuted by British (i)

  Miller, Henry, writer, in Paris (i)

  Mirabeau, Honoré–Gabriel Riqueti Comte de (i)

  Mississippi Bubble (i)

  Mississippi River

  La Salle and (i)

  east side, ceded to Britain (i)

  west side, ceded to Spain (i)

  see also Louisiane

  Mitterrand, François

  and Rainbow Warrior (i), (ii)

  and Margaret Thatcher (i)

  and Vichy (i)

  Monckton, Colonel Robert, and Acadiens (i)

  Monde, Le and Margaret Thatcher (i)

  Monmouth, Duke of, Marlborough and (i)

  Monroe, James, and Louisiana Purchase (i)

  Montbron, Fougeret de, on English (i)

  Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de

  and Quebec (i)

  attack on Fort William Henry (i)

  Montgolfière balloon, paper covering (i)

  Montgomery, Gabriel de Lorges, Count of, kills Henri II (i)

  Montpellier University, and phylloxera (i)


  Cartier and (i)

  surrendered (i)

  Moore, Marcel, anti-Nazi artist (i)

  Môquet, Guy, Resistance hero (i)

  Moray, James Stewart Earl of (i), (ii)

  Morocco, Marlborough at (i); see also Casablanca

  Morris, Desmond, on V-sign (i)

  Mortimer, Roger, lover of Queen Isabelle (i)

  Moulin, Jean, Resistance hero (i)

  Moulin Rouge, Edward VII and (i)

  Munich Conference (i)

  Mururoa, Greenpeace and (i)

  Muselier, Admiral Emile, liberates Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (i)

  Nanterre university, starting point of May 1968 riots (i)

  Nantes, Edict of, revoked by Louis XIV (i)

  Naples, Nelson in (i)

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  and England (i), (ii)

  and Josephine Beauharnais (i), (ii), (iii)

  body, real whereabouts of (i)

  changes wives (i)

  early career (i), (ii)

  military career

  defence of Tuileries (i)

  invades Italy (i)

  expedition to Egypt (i), (ii), (iii)

  fails to conquer Russia (i)

  fails to invade Britain (i)

  loses against Russians and Prussians (i)

  Waterloo (i)

  Nelson exposes as cuckold (i)

  on French (i)

  penis, size and final whereabouts of (i)

  political career

  coup d’état du 18 brumaire (i)

  becomes Emperor of France (i)

  reforms (i)

  and French America (i), (ii), (iii)

  abdicates to Elba (i)

  returns from Elba (i)

  abdicates again (i)

  dies at St Helena (i)

  Invalides tomb (i)

  Napoleon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph, aka Louis (Prince Imperial) aka Napoleon IV (i), (ii)

  Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte) (i)

  and Edward VII (i)

  death in England of (i)

  Napoleon IV see Napoleon Eugène

  Nasser, Colonel Gamal Abdel, and Suez (i)

  Natchez people, settlers and (i)


  de Gaulle and (i)

  France and (i)

  Nelson, Horatio (i)

  and Emma Hamilton (i)

  Battle of Aboukir Bay (i)

  Battle of Trafalgar (i)

  blockades Corsica (i)

  on French (i)

  new variant, see CJD

  New Forest

  William of Normandy and (i)

  William Rufus and (i)

  New Orleans (i), (ii)

/>   Kerlerec and (i)

  Spanish and (i)

  New York, French attacks on (i), (ii)


  Basque fishermen’s secret (i)

  Huguenots and (i)

  Newton, Isaac, Voltaire on (i)

  Ney, Marshal Michel, and Waterloo (i), (ii)

  Nimeguen, Marlborough at (i)


  colonized by Vikings (i)

  conquered by England (i)

  Edward III’s chevauchée (i), (ii)

  1944 landings (i)


  fighting methods (i)

  not French (i), (ii)

  Nouvelle-France (Canada) (i)

  Nouvelle-Orléans see New Orleans

  Nova Scotia (Acadie) (i), (ii), (iii)

  O’Hara, Brigadier General Charles, and Yorktown surrender (i)

  Obama, Barack

  considered as Anglo-Saxon (i)n

  French and (i)

  Odo Bishop of Bayeux (i)

  and Bayeux Tapestry (i), (ii)

  Ohio River, French forts, Washington and (i)

  Olympics 2012, French and English bids (i)

  Order of the Garter (i)

  Orient, French flagship, explodes (i)


  Joan of Arc at (i)

  Witch of, see Joan of Arc Orléans Philippe d’, regent for Louis XV

  and John Law (i)

  Voltaire and (i)

  Orsini, Felice, tries to kill Napoleon III (i)

  Orwell, George, in Paris (i)

  Otero, La Belle, cabaret star, Edward VII and (i), (ii)

  Pages, Bastian, valet of Mary Queen of Scots (i)

  Paine, Thomas, Rights of Man (i)


  American troops in (i)

  Bismarck’s siege (i)

  Edward VII and (i)

  Exposition universelle 1878 (i)

  in 1914 (i)

  Jockey Club (i)

  liberation in 1944 (i)

  occupation by Nazis (i), (ii)

  occupation in 1814 (i)

  student riots in 1968 (i)

  Treaty of 1763 (i), (ii), (iii)

  Parker-Bowles, Camilla, Edward VII and (i)n

  Patton, George S.

  and Paris liberation (i)

  on French (i)

  Payen, Anselme, on bread (i)

  Pearl, Cora, English call girl (i)

  Peel, Sir Robert, and Louis-Philippe (i)

  Pelletier, Nicolas-Jacques, first person guillotined in France (i)

  penis, see Napoleon

  Pepys, Samuel (i)n

  Pereira, Fernando, photographer killed on Rainbow Warrior (i)

  Pétain, Marshal (i), (ii)

  Philip II King of Spain

  and Henri II (i)

  proposed invasion (i)

  Philipon, Charles, caricaturist (i)

  Philippa, wife of Edward III (i), (ii), (iii)

  Philippe I King of the Franks (i)

  Philippe II Auguste King of France (i), (ii)

  wars with (i), (ii)

  Philippe VI King of France (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  phylloxera epidemic, and French vines (i)

  Piaf, Édith (i)

  and Nazis (i)

  Pitt, William, Prime Minister (i), (ii)


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