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Speakeasy Page 14

by M. J. Wiliamz

  “Shall we go to the Beaver?” He broke through her thoughts.

  “Sure. Give me a minute.”

  She called her apartment. Maria answered.

  “Hi, Maria. Get the guys to bring you to the Beaver.”

  “Do I have to take orders from you now?”

  “I’m sorry. Maria, would you like to go to the Beaver with us?” Helen rolled her eyes on her end of the phone.

  “I’d like that. Thanks.”

  “Great. Have the guys bring you. We’ll see you there in a few.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Helen arrived with her men a good half hour before Maria and her contingent. Maria looked beautiful in a black dress with a black hat that came almost to her eyes. Helen’s breath caught at the sight of her. She was proud that this woman wanted her. She was thrilled Maria had chosen her over Moretti.

  “You look swell.” Helen kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you.” Maria sat next to her and took her hand.

  They listened to a few songs before Maria said, “Are you going to ask me to dance?”

  Helen laughed, more relaxed than she had been in weeks.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  “No, thanks,” Maria said, then laughed. “I’m teasing. I’d love to dance with you.”

  They danced some fast songs until the band slowed it down for them. Maria moved into Helen’s arms. They moved together as one.

  “This is just like old times, huh?” Maria said.

  “It’s nice,” Helen said.

  Maria moved against her.

  “So how slow are we taking things?”

  “That’s a very good question,” Helen whispered in her ear.

  The dance ended and they walked back to the table and sat down. Jimmy went to the bar to get drinks for them. He’d only just gotten back when the door burst open and gunshots filled the speakeasy.

  Helen fell on Maria and Jimmy fell on her. They lay like that for what seemed like hours, but was really a matter of minutes. The gunshots ended and the gang of men left as quickly as they’d come in.

  Slowly, patrons got up off the floor and dusted themselves off. Jimmy helped Helen and Maria to their feet. They looked around. Some of their men had been hit, but everyone else seemed fine.

  “Get these men to the hospital,” Helen cried.

  There was a flurry of activity as men were helped out of the bar and into cars. No one seemed seriously injured, but the bullets had done their damage.

  “How are we looking?” Helen asked Jimmy as she looked around.

  “Looks like the bar itself was shot up, but the only people hit were ours. I’d say those men knew exactly where to aim, boss. You’re lucky you’re alive.”


  Maria was shaking. Helen wrapped her coat around her.

  “You need to get us home. Then get to the bottom of the shooting. I want answers when I see you in the morning.”

  They drove home in silence, Jimmy driving Helen and Maria while the other cars followed. The men assigned to them would sleep at Helen’s apartment as well. Except Jimmy. He and his handpicked men would be looking into the shooting.

  Helen helped Maria inside and held her close as she cried.

  “You see what my life is like? You sure you want to be with me?”

  “I’m just sorry. I feel like I brought this on you.”

  “Did you see the shooters?” Helen asked. “Were they Moretti’s men?”

  Maria shook her head.

  “No, as in they weren’t his men?”

  “No. I mean I didn’t see them. I’m sorry.”

  “Hush, now. It’s okay. Jimmy’ll find out who it was and we’ll get even with them. For now, let’s get you to bed.”

  She led Maria to her room and left while she undressed for bed.

  “Where are you sleeping?” Maria asked when Helen came back in.

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to sleep in here. We barely have enough room for the men as it is. But don’t worry. I have no intention of doing anything but sleeping.”

  “Will you at least hold me?” Maria asked.

  “I could do that.” Helen slid into bed and wrapped her arms around Maria, pulling her close. She could feel the tension slowly draining out of her. Helen knew she probably wouldn’t sleep much, but hoped at least Maria would be able to get some rest.


  “What did you find out?” Helen asked Jimmy as soon as he arrived to pick her up the next morning.

  “They were definitely Moretti’s people,” Jimmy said. “Boss, we’ve got to do something about them.”

  “What do we know about Moretti? No one’s seen him open enough for a clear shot?”

  “Not yet, Helen. We’re still tailing him. He’s not a stupid man, though. He’s lost our tail several times so far.”

  “I expected nothing less. Still, I want us to stay on him as best we can.”

  “So what’s our next move?”

  “First thing I want to do is make sure there’s booze at the Beaver. I want that place open for business tonight.”

  “I’ll check the basement, but I’m fairly certain we just got a large shipment.”

  “Take some men over there and check to be sure. And clean it up. I want as little evidence of last night as possible. You got that?”

  “Got it.” He called some men to meet him there. “Are you going to be okay here?” he asked before he left.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve got these men.” She waved at the contingent she’d assigned to herself.

  “Don’t go anywhere without them,” he cautioned.

  “I’m the one who gives the orders, Jimmy. But don’t worry. I’m not making a move unless I’m covered.”

  “Good. We’ve lost too many people lately. You’re too valuable to add to that list.”

  “Thank you, Jimmy. Now go get some work done.”

  After Jimmy was gone, Helen set to work trying to figure out how best to lure Moretti away from his goons long enough to kill him. Her first thought was to use Maria, but she wasn’t about to risk her life. Moretti would have to be caught some other way.

  The thought of Maria made Helen miss her. It had been nice to hold her the night before, although the circumstances weren’t the greatest. Helen was so glad to have her back, but worried that she’d lose her again. She didn’t want to think about that depth of pain again. She’d had enough loss in her life. Still, she should make the most of their time together. She wanted to see her, to spend time with her.

  She called her apartment.

  “Hello?” Maria answered.

  “Hey, there. What are you doing?”

  “I just got out of the tub. What are you doing?”

  “Thinking about taking you to lunch.”

  “That would be great,” Maria said. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Great. Have the boys drive you to Bulger’s. We’ll have lunch.”

  “What time? It’ll take me some time to get ready.”

  “We’ll meet in an hour,” Helen said.

  She arrived at Bulger’s before Maria and sat at her usual table while her men took seats at the tables around her. She hated the lack of privacy, but it was a small price to pay to stay alive. She shuddered to think what could happen if she was ever caught alone by Moretti’s men.

  Maria walked in wearing a red dress with a black sash around her waist. Or the waist of her dress, rather. It hung closer to her hips. Helen again thought back to the time women wore clothes that accentuated, rather than downplayed their figures. Still, Maria looked beautiful. The charcoal around her eyes was a perfect accent to the brown pools Helen enjoyed so much.

  Helen stood and crossed the room to greet her. She took her hands and kissed her cheek.

  “You look swell,” she said.

  “Thanks, so do you.”

  “I’m not even wearing a jacket,” Helen protested.

  “You look great even in your shirtsleeves.”

Helen held Maria’s chair for her before sitting down again.

  “How has your day been?” Maria asked.

  “It’s been peachy.”


  “The guys are working to get the Beaver opened tonight. That’s about all that’s going on.” Helen contemplated telling her that she’d spent a good portion of the morning trying to come up with a way to hit Moretti, but opted against it.

  “Did you find out who was behind last night?”

  “We did.” Helen took a sip of wine.

  “Who was it?”

  “You know I don’t like talking about work.”

  “Who was it?” Maria asked again.

  “It was Moretti’s men.”

  “That bastard. Didn’t Jimmy say that was a direct attempt at you?”

  “That’s what he said.”

  “What are you going to do about Franco?”

  “What do you think I should do?” Helen asked.

  “Why are you asking me? Are you making fun of me?”

  “No, doll. I’m curious what you think I should do about the guy.”

  “I don’t know. But I’m surprised you let him bully you like he does.”

  “Ouch.” Helen laughed at Maria’s spunk.

  “Well, I don’t know how else to say it,” Maria said.

  “I don’t exactly let him bully me. He’s just pissed at me and making sure I know.”

  “By trying to kill you.”

  “I’ll admit, if he up and moved away I wouldn’t shed a tear.”

  “But that ain’t gonna happen.”

  “I know, doll. He’s got it good.”

  “He’s a made man in Capone’s gang. He’s got it real good.”

  “Not exactly the perfect conversation for a meal,” Helen said as their meals were delivered.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset you,” Maria said when the waiter left.

  “You didn’t. The guy just gets my goat. I need to get even with him.”

  “Are you gonna kill him?” Maria asked.

  Helen was shocked at Maria’s matter-of-fact question. She took a sip of wine and weighed her options.

  “What if I did? How would you feel?”

  Maria was silent for a moment.

  “I don’t know how else to say this,” she finally said.

  “Just say it.”

  “I’d dance on the bastard’s grave.”

  Helen choked.

  “Well, you told me to say what I was thinking,” Maria said.

  “I did.” Helen laughed. “I just thought you might tell me how much you’d miss him or something like that.”

  “Miss him? The guy’s a jerk. I regret the time I spent with him. I’m so sorry I chose him over you before.”

  “So am I.”

  “I’ll never make that mistake again.”

  “You won’t, huh?”

  “I promise.”

  “Well, hopefully we’ll get him taken care of and that won’t be an option.”

  “No joke? That would be great.”

  “Well, it’s not something I want you to worry your head over.”

  “I can tell you where he stays most of the time. He’s like you. He’s got apartments all over town, but I know his main lair. You could get him there.”

  Helen felt like it was Christmas, and she’d gotten her favorite toy.

  “You’d do that?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  Helen felt the last vestiges of her reservations melt away. Maria was serious about being her dame. She jumped out of her seat and moved across the table to kiss Maria. She kissed her with all the passion she’d been denying. When the kiss ended, she was breathing heavily.

  “Wow, that made me dizzy,” Maria whispered against her mouth.

  “Take us back to the apartment,” she ordered the men.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  When they returned to the apartment, Helen told the men to relax for a while before leading Maria into the bedroom.

  She pulled her into her arms as soon as the door closed behind them. She held her tightly, reveling in the feel of their bodies together.

  “I’ve missed you,” Helen whispered.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” Maria said.

  Helen kissed her cheek and neck, determined to go slowly and not rush this important moment. Maria shuddered in her arms when she kissed where her neck met her shoulder. Helen knew she was in for a wonderful afternoon.

  She cupped Maria’s face and traced her cheeks with her thumbs. Her skin was so soft and smooth. She dragged a thumb across her lips before lowering her mouth to taste her.

  When their lips met, Helen felt the earth tilt. She struggled to stay upright as the kiss intensified. Dizzy with need, she finally collapsed onto the bed, pulling Maria with her.

  They continued to kiss, their tongues dancing playfully over each other. Each pass of Maria’s tongue fanned the flame threatening to consume Helen. Soon Maria was whimpering as she pressed into her.

  Helen ran her hands over Maria’s body, frustrated by the barrier of clothing separating them. She fumbled with the sash Maria wore, finally untying it. She broke the kiss and lay breathing heavily under Maria.

  “We need to get out of these clothes,” she said.

  Maria sat up and pulled her dress over her head.

  “Is this better?” she asked.


  Helen struggled out of her own clothes while Maria removed her undergarments.

  Finally, they were both naked.

  “My God, you’re beautiful,” Helen said.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Maria said, running her hands over Helen’s chest.

  “I mean it,” Helen said. “You take my breath away. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  She rolled over so they lay side by side. She skimmed her hand over Maria’s body, lightly tracing the length of her. She felt her skin ripple at the touch. She brought a hand to rest on one of her breasts and teased it with more gentle touches before taking the nipple between her finger and thumb.

  Maria drew in her breath. Helen held her like that, barely applying any pressure, just enjoying the feel of the hard nub. She pinched harder and Maria cried out from the pleasure it created.

  Helen kissed her again, deeply and passionately as she gently twisted the nipple. She moved her hand to the other breast and did the same thing. She kissed down her neck and chest and put her mouth where her hand was.

  She licked at the nipple, long slow laps and short, deliberate strokes. She licked her areola and down to the base of her breast, pausing to suck on the tender skin.

  She ran her hand down Maria’s belly and slowly caressed first one inner thigh, then the other.

  “Please, Helen,” Maria said. “Please touch me.”

  Helen needed no further prodding. She let her hand find Maria’s center and was greeted with Maria’s hips arching into her. She rubbed light circles around her clit, urging her onward toward their goal. She placed her fingers on her clit and pressed into her until she needed more. She slipped her fingers deep inside Maria’s satin softness. She felt her close around her. Helen twisted her hand and pulled out slightly, then twisted again as she moved back inside.

  Maria spread her legs wider and Helen went deeper. She caressed the softness that met her fingers deep in the recesses of Maria. Each stroke had Maria moving against her faster, moving her hips around and around to guide Helen toward the spots that needed to be touched.

  Helen finally rubbed the special place that she knew would send Maria over the edge. She rubbed it gently, then harder, until she felt Maria clench around her as she catapulted her into the climax she so desperately craved.

  When she felt the spasms subside, she stroked the spot again and was rewarded by Maria seizing up before relaxing into yet another orgasm.

  Helen held Maria after, kissing her softly.

  “There’s something I should tell you,�
�� she said.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s fairly serious and I’m not really sure how to say it.”

  “You’re scaring me, Helen.”

  “Oh, no! It’s nothing bad. At least I don’t think it is.”

  “Tell me.”

  Helen rolled over so she was looking into Maria’s eyes.



  “I could see myself falling in love with you.”

  “You could, huh?”

  “I could.” She kissed her again.

  “I could like that,” Maria said when the kiss ended.


  Maria moved on top of Helen and kissed her. She kissed down her cheek to her chest and played with her nipples while she brought her knee up against her.

  Helen pressed into her leg and tangled her hands in Maria’s hair, holding her head in place while her sucking caused electrical currents to flow to the nerve center between her legs. She rubbed against Maria’s knee, coating it as her excitement grew.

  Maria let loose of the nipple in her mouth and kissed down Helen’s taut belly until she was kneeling between her legs. She dipped her head and licked along every inch of Helen, who squirmed at the feelings she was creating. Helen gasped as she felt Maria’s tongue inside her, lapping at her, touching her sensitive spots. She placed her hand on the back of Maria’s head as she found her sensitive clit and licked at it fervently.

  Helen felt myriad sensations washing over her as Maria ravished her. Her head grew light as she felt the heat balling up in her center. All her focus was on her clit and the pit in her stomach, both of which grew larger by the second. When she could take no more, she allowed herself to let go and felt the heat course through her veins as the powerful climax racked her body.

  “Baby, you need to stop,” she said, her clit tender after the orgasm.

  “Do I have to?” Maria asked.

  “Yes. I can’t take any more.”

  Maria kissed back up Helen’s body and curled into her. Helen held her tight against her as they drifted off in a sated sleep.

  Helen woke as Maria stirred and checked the clock on the bedside table. They’d been asleep for an hour.

  “I need to get back to the office, doll,” Helen said.


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