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by Valentine, Marley

  I do the same and tell myself to add thanking Holly for the bath bomb smell to the list. “I could get used to that.”

  I throw out the comment just to see whether she takes the bait.

  “You could, could you?” Her eyes narrow. “What else could you get used to?”


  “What?” She tries to school her features but it’s pointless, I see right through her.

  “I could get used to you,” I say with a bit more clarity.



  “What exactly are you saying?”

  “We better get going so you can find out.”

  “That’s not fair,” she whines.

  “I know, but I promised you wining and dining.” I offer my hand and we stand together. “Now spin around and show me what you wore for me.”

  Her dress is black and white, fitted at the top, flaring out at her waist, and ending mid thigh. With her loose blonde curls, trailing down her back and her strappy heels. She looks like a sexy tinkerbell.

  When she finishes spinning, I catch her, and pull her to me. Her hooded lids, make me want to stay home and bury myself inside of her. “I’m going to kiss you now, but we’re not going to get carried away, because we have to go.”

  She tilts her head up, offering me her lips. I take them, and devour the quick fix that I need. Just like every other time, I get carried away, and she pushes us apart. “We have to go.”

  I growl and she giggles.

  She’s my beauty, and I want to be her Beast.

  * * *

  It takes us almost forty minutes with traffic to get to where we’re going. Strategically parking underground, I know she has no idea where we are. Her gaze flicks from wall to wall, looking for clues, but it’s fucking fort knox down here.

  “No hints?”

  “You’ve lasted this long, what’s the point in spoiling it now.”

  Helping her step out of the car, I tuck her arm in mine, and we walk toward the industrial looking elevator. It pings and I rub my hands together mischievously, amping up the anticipation.

  “I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble.”

  “Don’t.” I stop her, placing a finger on her lips. “I wanted to do something nice for you. Accept it.”

  “Yes, sir,” she murmurs against my finger.

  “Save that obedience for later,” I taunt. “I have plans.”

  The elevator stops, and I shift behind her. Pulling out the blindfold from my pocket, I put it over her eyes with no warning.

  Her fingers skate over the material. “Are we playing a fifty shades game?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie. I lift her dress up and smack her lace covered arse, just to add to her confusion. “Walk.”

  I cup the back of her neck and guide her to our designated area. Her heels click on the tiles, slow and steady, her balance a little off centre because of the blindfold.

  “Wait here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just give me a second and do as I say.”

  Pushing open the thick, steel doors, I secure them to their appropriate latches and scan the room; checking it’s all in place.

  Standing behind her, I untie the blindfold and let it fall.

  A client in Melbourne is venturing out into the restaurant business, and is opening one here in sydney. It’s been under renovation up until a week ago, and I managed to pull some strings to get it open for us, and us only.

  We’re standing in the middle of the brand new stainless steel kitchen, with ingredients I prepped earlier to finally be able to return the favour and cook for Sasha.

  “Are we the only ones in here?” she asks in awe.

  I wrap my arms protectively around her waist, and place my chin on her shoulder. “Just you and me, baby.”

  She twists in my arms, and peppers me with kisses of gratitude. I hoist her up in my arms and walk her to the shiny clean bench. Thanking me in all the ways that matter, Sasha rubs her centre up and down my covered erection.

  “Food or Fuck?”

  She glances at the bench scattered with different kinds of food and then back at me. “You’re cooking for me?”

  I nod, self consciously.

  “We can fuck later,” she answers.

  “Do you want to watch me cook? Or would you rather I show you the view from where we’ll be eating?”

  “There’s more?” The surprise on her face similar to that of a little kid.

  “Of course. We’re not going to eat in the kitchen.”

  She takes hold of my hand and unceremoniously jumps down. “Show me the view.”

  We walk to the other end of the kitchen, and the doors automatically swing open.

  “Holy shit,” she squeals the second the outlook comes into view. Having seen it before, I’m more than content to watch Sasha’s reaction.

  Her eyes widen as they take in the vast expanse before us. It’s floor to ceiling glass windows that look out onto the Sydney Harbour. The Harbour Bridge looks close enough that you could just step out on to it.

  “This is absolutely beautiful, Jay.”

  Lost in the sight of her against this breathtaking backdrop, it’s impossible not to agree. “So fucking beautiful.”

  * * *

  It takes just under an hour to perfect the seafood risotto, and keep an eye on dessert. I refused to let Sasha help, so she got creative in her revenge. Teasing me with little flashes of the underwear she so proudly purchased for today. My dick has been rock solid for an hour, and she’s going to know about it later.

  Ready to bring out my next surprise for the night, I switch all the burners off, and lead Sasha back to the dining area.

  “So, you’re not plating up dinner.”

  “Just trust me, will you?”

  “You’re so bossy, do you know that?”

  “Baby, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

  I walk a few steps ahead, and pull out the chair of the already set up table. Adjusting her dress she sits down, and lays the cloth napkin across her lap.

  Grabbing the wine from the ice bucket, I pour us both a glass before taking my own seat.

  She looks relaxed, and carefree, and I’m glad I convinced her to come out with me. She deserves to shine, to have someone dote on her, to know her worth and walk proudly with her on their arm.

  Her soft, gentle and unsure nature is the perfect match to my brazen, and determined one. She’s a giver and I’m a taker, but when I’m with her I want to give her all the things. I want her to take till her heart is full and her mind is content.

  The sound of doors swishing open, shifts our attention. The dressed up waiter walks towards us with our meals in hand. He meticulously places each plate in front of us, and then the cutlery.

  “This is so fancy,” she squeals.

  “You deserve fancy, Pretty Girl.”

  Her cheeks turn my favourite shade of pink, the main reason I still call her that after all these years.

  “Oh my God, Jay. You’ve been holding out on me.” She takes a few more spoonfuls and then washes it down with the wine. “I might never let you go, now that I know how well you can cook.”

  It’s her turn to drop the bait, make the next move on our new favourite game.

  “I’ve got a lot more than just cooking skills.”

  A bare foot slides up my thigh, and lands on my cock. “Oh, I know.”

  Taking hold of her foot, I lift it off me, and begin massaging. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  She looks at our empty plates. “Can we go now?”

  “I could take you, but you’ll regret it once you find out what I made you for dessert.”

  “What is it?”

  “It's a surprise.”

  “Go get it. You know dessert is my favourite meal.”

  Winking at her, I stand so I can head to the kitchen. “It's mine too.”

  It's stupid to be nervous about a dessert, but t
his is her absolute favourite, and I want it to be just perfect.

  It's become our thing, and I think it's the perfect time for me to lay it all out on the table.

  It's a small gesture, but it's significant.

  Walking out, I make sure to be slow and steady. The cake sits perfectly, centred on a bed of choc chips. If it tastes as good as it looks, she might just agree to keeping me.

  Confident the cake isn't going to fall as I walk, I raise my eyes hoping to catch a smiling Sasha, but instead I see the opposite.

  Her eyes are full of unshed tears, and I can't get to her quick enough. “What’s wrong?”

  She dabs the napkin under her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling. Avoiding my gaze she lowers her head, and her hands start chipping at her nail polish.

  All of a sudden it’s shy and insecure, fourteen year old Sasha, and I don’t know what I did to make it happen. I slide the cake onto the table.

  “Hey.” I tilt her chin up. “Talk to me.”

  “You made my favourite cake,” she sniffles.

  “I did, but that still doesn't explain why you're crying.”

  “God, Jay. I’m so scared,” she blurts out.

  “Of what?”

  “I like you,”she admits. “I really really really like you.”

  “That's a lot of really’s,” I tease, trying to lighten up her mood.

  “You're going to move back home soon enough and I don't even know what to do with that.”

  I hate that she's crying, but I'm so relieved that I'm not alone in all this. That we can finally have a decent conversation and work out how to move forward from here.

  “I want to do this with you, Pretty Girl. Let’s just figure it out one step at a time, okay?”

  I pull out her present from my pocket, only to be interrupted by her ringtone.

  “I'm sorry, it could be Dakota.”

  “Of course.”

  “Hello.” Her face drops immediately. “So you're at the hospital now. Are you sure she's okay?” The other person on the line, who I'm assuming is Jagger, unloads a bunch of information that doesn't seem to calm her down.

  “I'm coming. I'll be there as quick as I can.”

  Following her lead, I grab my keys and hurry us along to the car park.

  “I'm so sorry Jay, I know how much effort you went to for tonight.”

  “Don't you dare apologise for needing to be with Dakota,” I scold. “Which hospital is she at?”

  “The Royal Children’s Hospital.”

  I almost carry her to the car to get there quicker. Hastily buckling ourselves in, I speed out of the car park and get onto the highway in minutes.

  “Is she okay?” I manage to ask, now that we're well on our way.

  “They're pretty sure her appendix ruptured. They’re going to rush her into emergency surgery now...”

  “We’ll get there as soon we can. I promise.” I slide my hand into hers and try to offer her my strength, begging the universe to make sure Dakota is okay.

  Fifteen minutes later, I swerve into the drop off parking and pull up the handbrake.

  “What are you doing?” Sasha’s unwelcoming tone surprises me.

  “I'm coming in with you.”

  She looks from me to the hospital entrance and back. “You can't. Jagger’s in there.”

  Old and new anger starts to boil underneath the surface of my skin. “I don't give a fuck if Jesus himself is in there. I'm coming. For. You.”

  “Jay, please,” she begs. “Please just go home.”

  The words slice through me. The person who just cried about a fucking cake and me moving back to Melbourne nowhere to be found.

  “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “I'm sorry Jay. I really am, but I have to go.”

  The car door slams, and I pound on the steering wheel in frustration. From the corner of my eye I catch Sasha sobbing at the elevator doors, and I ache at her sadness.

  Fuck. I can't leave her like that.



  Thank fuck the elevator is empty. I stare at my reflection, wiping away my tears, trying to make myself look more like a mum, and less like a mess.

  Jay and I were having such a good night, and I just ruined it. I saw it the second the words left my mouth. The flinch. The hurt. The anger.

  So much anger.

  I didn’t know what else to do. If Jagger and Hendrix find out, it puts an expiration date on us. And I’m not ready for that.

  The doors open, and I walk out into a colourful waiting room. Pulling my phone out of my bag, I tap the screen, and call Jagger.

  “Hey, I’m right in front of the elevator, where are you?”

  “Stay there. I’ll come and get you.”

  I tear at my cuticles while I wait for Jagger to find me. He texted on the way here, saying she was in surgery, and not to worry because they caught it just in time. I google the symptoms of appendicitis, and wonder if I should’ve noticed it earlier.

  The sound of footsteps and hushed voices get closer urging me to look up. My body freezes at the sight of not only Jagger and Emerson, but Hendrix and Taylah.

  Their eyes widen in surprise and I can’t work out why, until I look down and remember what I’m wearing.

  My date.


  Hurt is replaced by panic, as the four of them get closer. “She’s okay right? You said she’s safe and in surgery.”

  “She’s fine now that they’re taking it out.”

  Expecting to feel relieved, my body does the complete opposite, and all the emotions from this evening overflow and come out in a garbled sob.

  “Hey. Hey, what’s up?” Jagger pulls me in for a hug. “She’s going to be fine.”

  “I know,” I cry into his chest. “But I saw the four of you, and immediately thought the worst.”

  “I should’ve warned you, but they came over for dinner tonight, and you know there’s no way he’s not coming to the hospital if she's here.”

  Nodding, I peek a glance at Hendrix and Taylah. They’re wrapped up in each other, without a care in the world and a tsunami of jealousy runs through me.

  Why can’t I have that?

  Focusing on my breathing, I try to taper down my level of anxiety. I hear the elevator ping, and feel Jagger stiffen beneath me.

  I know it’s him before I see him.

  “Is that who I fucking think it is?” Refusing to answer I pull away from him and turn to face Jay.

  His expression is unreadable, but I can feel it all in my chest, as if his hurt is my own. I step towards him, hoping to intercept whatever it is that's about to go down.

  Irrespective of how angry he is, I can see his eyes soften when they land on mine. He cradles my face. “Is Dakota okay?”

  At my simple nod, he bends down, and kisses me. And I let him.

  If someone could die and be reborn in one single moment, this would be it. Where you feel your heart fly and fall in the same breath. Giving you life, and killing you slowly.

  He’s not kissing me as if it’s the last time, he’s kissing me because it is the last time.

  Jagger’s curiosity is an angry bellow behind us that rattles me to my very core. I hear shuffling and shouting, and I know I can’t stay in this fairytale for one second longer.

  I push at his chest, just as Jagger and Hendrix flank us. Jagger is staring at Jay and Hendrix is staring at me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Jagger spits out.

  Jay clenches his jaw, but answers anyway. “Sasha and I were together tonight when you called. I wanted to make sure Dakota was okay.”

  “Don’t you fucking say my daughter’s name.”

  Jagger’s eyes pierce mine, with a look of disgust that I may never be able to recover from. “You said you wouldn’t see him.”

  I open my mouth to speak but there are no words. How I thought this would ever go any other way is beyond me.

  Jay looks at me. His eyes begging, and pl

  Say something. Defend me. Choose me.

  “Jagger,” I call out, trying to cut off his incessant ramblings. He doesn’t listen. Louder, I shout. “Jagger.”

  In a swift movement, Jay grabs Jagger by the shirt. “She’s trying to fucking speak to you. Shut the fuck up and listen.”

  He lets him go, only to have Hendrix anticipate Jagger’s next move and quickly stand in between them.

  I step up to Jagger, weak and tired. “Can we not do this now?”

  “How could you?” His voice is shaky, his hurt just another one to add to the pile. “This piece of shit? Really?”

  “Don’t speak about him like that.” All eyes snap to mine as I defend him. “You don’t know anything about him.”

  “He’s got you fucking fooled. You’re the one who doesn’t know him.” He sneers at Jay, before continuing his tirade. “Jay was the one who hooked me up with George.”

  Jay says Jagger’s name like a warning, but Jagger ignores him.

  “He vouched for me.” His words bring back my most painful memories. “Didn’t hate me enough to say no to that, did you, Jay?”

  “It wasn’t like that,” he defends.

  “So, what was it like?” he goads.

  “You came to me, don’t act like I fucking sniffed you out.”

  Overwhelmed by the extent of their secrets, and how they all lead to that fateful day. My breaths become short and ragged just thinking about it. How after all this time that Jay is so twisted and embedded in the events of my life without me really knowing.

  “That shit nearly killed my daughter. I lost whole chunks of my life for those pieces of shit.”

  Jagger seems lost in his own world, drowning in his own demons as he attacks Jay for anything he can pinpoint on him.

  Ignoring Jagger, Jay walks up to me and grabs my hand. “Please talk to me.”

  I shake out of his grip, the new revelations making everything I thought I knew a hazy blur.

  “Don't do this, Sasha,” he pleads. “We were so close to coming out the other side of this shit.”

  “I can't just forget what's been said tonight.”

  “Why not? It doesn't change anything.”


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