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Dark Haven Illusion (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Book 47)

Page 4

by I. T. Lucas

  “They can call the office, and we will get you.” Henry turned around, picked up a marker, and wrote the retreat’s main phone number on the whiteboard. “Those of you who didn’t read the instructions, please text this number to your families before surrendering your phones.”

  Several guys pulled out their phones and started texting. Once they were done, Henry distributed Ziploc bags and instructed everyone to turn the devices off, place them in the bags, and write their names on them.

  Peter and Leon’s phones were simple burners that Turner had supplied them with. Their clan-issue phones had been left in a locker at the train station, but communicating with home shouldn’t be a problem if the need arose. They could thrall their way into the office and call from there. And if Turner or Onegus needed to reach them, they could call the retreat with a made-up emergency, or put Kalugal on the line. The guy could compel people using his voice alone, without having to be face to face with them.

  Once the devices were collected, Henry put the box on the desk behind him and leaned against it. “Let’s talk about Safe Haven’s free-love culture.” He waited until the comments and murmurs subsided. “Inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness is a beautiful concept, and connecting with a variety of partners is enriching and invigorating. But only if it is done in a safe environment, where everyone’s health is safeguarded, and their participation is fully consensual.”

  Several men nodded their heads in approval, while some of the others seemed too embarrassed to lift their eyes and look at Henry. A spiritual retreat attracted all sorts of people, especially one that promoted free love.

  It made Leon wonder how many of the men were virgins who’d joined in the hopes of changing that.

  “Let’s address the consent first,” Henry said. “Because some men tend to be overly tenacious in their pursuit of women, in Safe Haven only the ladies are allowed to issue invitations. You can introduce yourselves, strike up a conversation, go for a walk, or do anything else to impress the ladies, but you have to wait for them to invite you to their rooms.”

  Leon approved. Henry had been polite in his description of male behavior when seducing women. The truth was that some, if not most guys, didn’t accept no as a no, and thought of it as a maybe.

  Still, he doubted that everyone in the cult followed those rules. It was a common theme for those in power to exempt themselves from rules they made and enforced on others.

  Henry continued, “That will prevent some of the potential misunderstandings, but not all. The second part of it is that a lady has the right to rescind her invitation at any time, and you have to obey her wishes.”

  One of the men lifted his hand. “Do the ladies know that they need to initiate?”

  “They are being given instructions as we speak. They are also told to be direct, and not to send misleading signals. A no is a no, and a yes is a yes. You should all remember that. Especially the no.”

  “It would be great if they actually did that,” the guy said.

  Many of the others nodded their agreement.

  “It’s a learning period for all of you,” Henry said. “And we are right here to guide you. Trust me. The system works. Any questions?”

  “What about protection?” a guy in the back asked.

  “That’s the other ingredient in Safe Haven’s safety protocol. Everyone gets checked for STDs, and the ladies also receive either a contraception shot or an implant.”

  “You could just give out condoms,” the guy sitting next to Peter suggested.

  “Condoms are freely available in the clinic, but since we cannot guarantee that everyone behaves responsibly, we screen everyone for sexually transmitted diseases first and ensure that no one can get pregnant.”

  “Seems too extreme for a two-week-long retreat,” Peter said.

  Henry lifted his hands. “That’s the only way we can protect everyone and at the same time encourage free love.”

  “What does free love mean exactly?” another guy asked. “Are we talking orgies?”

  Smirking, Peter cast Leon a sidelong glance that had ‘I told you so’ written all over it.

  Henry smiled indulgently. “In Safe Haven, anything goes as long as it is consensual and non-exclusive, meaning no sticking to one partner throughout your stay here while ignoring others. We want everyone to get a fair chance, and we also discourage people from forming attachments because those lead to feelings of possessiveness. Safe Haven strives to create a society where everyone contributes to the best of their ability, and in return, has all of their needs covered. Everything belongs to the community, and every member freely partakes in it. That includes sex and affection.”

  There were only a handful of disapproving murmurs, and most of the men seemed happy with the explanation.

  “What about love?” Leon asked.

  “Love should not be limited to one individual.” Henry pushed away from the desk and spread his arms. “Human beings have a tremendous capacity for love. You will discover that you can love a community of people who are committed to each other with an even greater passion and devotion than you would love a single significant other.”



  After the orientation, which was more bizarre and twisted than any of the lies Eleanor had told the new recruits in the government’s paranormal program, she and the other women were walked over to the medical wing of the central lodge to get the STD tests and contraceptives.

  Sitting in the waiting room, Eleanor did her best to chat with the others and pretend that she was excited to be there, while scanning the place for hidden cameras.

  After all the talk about consent and how the ladies had nothing to fear because they were the ones in charge of initiating sex, she’d expected to see surveillance cameras everywhere.

  How else would the rules be enforced? And how would Safe Haven cover its butt from potential lawsuits without having proof?

  As far as she could tell, though, there were none, but they could have been too well hidden or too small for her to see.

  When it was Eleanor’s turn in the nurse’s office, she took stock of the lineup of syringes. It occurred to her that instead of birth control, or in addition to it, they might contain miniature trackers.

  That’s how it had been done in the government paranormal program, only over there it was under the guise of immunizations. The women had also gotten what they’d thought were contraceptives, but that had been another lie. Director Simmons and Dr. Roberts had wanted people in the program to procreate and produce super babies who would inherit the paranormal abilities of both their parents.

  “Can you roll up your sleeve for me?” the nurse asked. “I need to take a blood sample for STD testing.”

  Eleanor wasn’t happy about it, but she nodded and did as the nurse had asked.

  They weren’t going to perform genetic sequencing on her blood sample, and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t find anything using current technology.

  When it was done, and the nurse reached for the other syringe, Eleanor folded her arms over her chest and treated the woman to one of her scarier expressions. “I’m already on birth control. I got a new shot just a month ago, and I don’t want more hormones in my system.”

  The nurse put the syringe aside. “In that case, I can give you an IUD. Do you know what that is?”

  “Of course. But why would I need it?”

  “Because if we could just take your word for it, we would have handed you a box of condoms and sent you on your way. The IUD we use here is the copper type, which doesn’t release any hormones, so it’s not going to interfere with any other contraceptive you might be on. After you get back home, you can ask your gynecologist to remove it if you wish. If you leave it in, though, it can protect you from pregnancy for up to twelve years.”

  Her immortal body was just going to push the device out, but Eleanor wasn’t keen on having the thing put in her in the first place.

  “What if I refuse?”
/>   “That’s entirely up to you. But since you wouldn’t be able to partake in the free-love culture we promote, what’s the point of staying?”

  The nurse hadn’t said that Eleanor would be forced to leave, but she had a feeling that was precisely what would happen if she kept refusing.

  “I’m not going to partake anyway. I was supposed to be here with my partner, but she got invited to the next session.”

  “No one will force you to do anything, but I can’t take the chance that you will change your mind. It’s my responsibility to ensure that all participants are protected against pregnancy.”

  “Will I get a refund? Because there was nothing in the brochure or on the website about STD tests and mandatory birth control.”

  Eleanor wasn’t about to bail, but she had to press the issue to see how serious they were about it.

  The nurse smiled. “Whoever decides to leave on the first day is given a full refund and a ride back to the train station. But are you sure that you want to give up on what is sure to be the best two weeks of your life? People tell us that this was the freest, most supportive environment that they’ve ever enjoyed. The experience has completely changed their outlooks on life.”

  The nurse was just as good at selling the retreat as the counselor who had spoken at the orientation. If Eleanor weren’t so jaded, she might have even bought all the crap they were selling.

  She could have also compelled the nurse to note that she’d given her the shot, but she didn’t want to risk it in case the place was monitored by extremely well-hidden cameras.

  Pretending that the nurse’s sales pitch had convinced her to stay, Eleanor let out a long-suffering sigh. “Fine. I’ll take the shot. Hopefully, I’m not going to grow a mustache with all the extra hormones.”

  The nurse laughed a little too loudly. “That’s not how they work. Nothing will happen to you with a little more progestin in your system. It just prevents ovulation.”

  Eleanor leaned closer, getting into the woman’s personal space. “I have to ask you something. I know that you guys promote free love and non-exclusivity, but why were my partner and I denied the option of participating together? I don’t remember putting down that we were monogamous. We could have hooked up with other participants. Is it because we are a same-sex couple?”

  The nurse’s eyes widened. “Of course that is not the reason. We don’t discriminate based on anything. All couples are discouraged from participating together. We’ve found that people can’t be really free when someone feels possessive of them, which is what happens with couples.”

  “So let me get this straight. No relationships are allowed, only hookups?”

  “We don’t use that term in Safe Haven. We call it connecting, and you will be encouraged to connect with as many people as you can. The more loving relationships you manage to establish, the better. We practice polyamory.”

  “What if I don’t find anyone who I want to connect with?”

  “No one is going to pressure you into participating before you are ready. You can take your time and get to know the other members first.”

  “So I’m not going to get kicked out if I refuse to hook up with anyone?”

  “Please don’t use that term. We find it offensive. But no, you are not going to get kicked out.” The nurse leaned forward and put a hand on Eleanor’s arm. “Don’t worry. We will help you get rid of society’s crippling inhibitions. In a few days, you will feel free as a bird and start truly enjoying yourself. Sampling the available goods will no longer scare you.”



  “You should grab a table before there are none left.” Wendy took a sandwich out of the toaster oven. “When everything is ready, I’ll bring it over.”

  Richard eyed the tray she’d loaded with coffees, pastries, and sandwiches. “It looks heavy. Let me carry it. You can bring the rest.”

  “Fine, take it. I hope Vlad gets here before everything gets cold.”

  Richard glanced at his watch. On Fridays, Vlad’s shift at the bakery ended at noon, and it was only a little over half-past twelve. “He should be here any minute.”

  “Stella is here.” Wendy waved at her future mother-in-law.

  Turning with the tray in his arms, Richard flashed his mate a big smile. “How is your day so far, love?”

  “Good.” She stretched on her toes and kissed his cheek. “I’m rushing so I can be done early and have plenty of time to get ready for our first real date. I’m so excited.”

  Richard was as well, but he was also a little apprehensive. It would be the first time he'd left the village since he’d arrived there, and for some reason, it made him nervous. Or maybe it wasn’t a case of agoraphobia but an allergic reaction to snobs.

  The thought of dining in one of the fanciest places in the country was intimidating. Would he even know which damn fork to use?

  For his first official date with Stella, Richard would have preferred a restaurant he could actually afford, but his boss had insisted on paying for dinner in the exclusive By Invitation Only. It was owned by a clan member, a guy named Gerard, who refused to live in the village. A snob catering to other snobs.

  After putting the tray on the table, Richard pulled a chair out for Stella. “I wish Kalugal hadn’t butted in and offered to pay for our date.”

  Gathering her long skirt, she sat down. “I don’t know why that bothers you. He said it was a bonus for a job well done.”

  “He already gave me a bonus.” Richard waved a hand over his new body. “Immortality.”

  “He did it as a favor to a friend, not as a bonus to an employee.”

  “Semantics.” Richard sat down. “He’s also loaning me a suit because the one I ordered online is not going to make it here on time.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Stella put a hand on his arm. “Don’t let unimportant details spoil the evening for us. We are going to have a great time.”

  He was sure they would, but he still didn’t like the idea of wearing a borrowed suit while dining among the rich and famous.

  He and Stella didn’t belong with that crowd.

  It wasn’t as if he could’ve refused, though. Kalugal had paid for not one but two of the insanely expensive memberships in the exclusive restaurant, and in exchange, Gerard had agreed to let him use the second membership to reward his men and his business associates as he saw fit.

  Apparently Kalugal considered Richard one of his men, which he had to admit was unexpected and flattering.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Vlad pulled out a chair and plopped down tiredly. “Traffic was bad.”

  “It always is on Fridays.” Wendy put the tray down and leaned to plant a kiss on Vlad’s lips. “Mmm. You taste of powdered sugar. What were you making?”

  Grinning, he pulled a paper bag out of his backpack. “Your favorite. They’re still hot.”

  Wendy’s eyes widened. “You made me beignets?”

  “What are beignets?” Richard asked.

  “Heaven in your mouth.” Wendy pulled out a square-looking donut covered in confectioners' sugar. “Try it.” She took out another one and handed it to Stella.

  “Thanks.” Stella chuckled. “You love these so much that you are probably going to serve them at your wedding.”

  Vlad lifted his hands. “I refuse to bake for my own party.”

  “I’m sure your best friend can arrange something.” Wendy brushed some of the sugar off. “I’ll talk with Jackson.”

  Vlad and Wendy had finally set a date, and the goddess had promised to officiate.

  Richard had had the crazy idea of proposing to Stella and having the goddess marry them at the same time, but that wouldn’t be fair to the young couple.

  Besides, he needed to buy her a ring first. Kalugal was paying him well, and he had spent very little of it, but he hadn’t been working for the guy long enough to save up a substantial amount of money. Perhaps he could ask for an advance?

  Nah, he wasn’t going to do that. In an
other couple of months, he would have enough for a decent ring. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but Stella wasn’t the type who cared about the diamond’s size. She cared more about the design, and that was also a problem. Richard had the artistic eye of a four-year-old.

  Come to think of it, Vlad hadn’t given one to Wendy either. Perhaps he wasn’t aware of the human tradition of engagement rings?

  He should have a talk with the kid, and not just about that.

  After the wedding, Vlad planned to pay Wendy’s father a visit, but in Richard’s opinion, that was a mistake. Vlad should do that sooner.

  Wendy was doing great.

  She was no longer the fragile and distraught girl she used to be, and she was strong enough to learn the truth about her mother. If the woman was still alive and the father knew where to find her, they should get it out of him before the wedding and bring Wendy’s mom over for the celebration.

  Now that Richard had transitioned and was free to leave the village, he could go with Vlad and make sure that the kid didn’t kill the bastard even if he deserved it.

  If the guy had murdered Wendy’s mother, the best punishment would be to thrall him to walk into a police station and confess his crime.

  Vlad didn’t need to have the jerk’s blood on his hands or his fangs.

  And as for Wendy handling the confirmation that her mother was dead, Richard believed that she was strong enough not to spiral into depression.

  The girl didn’t remember her mother, so even though it would be a hard pill to swallow, it wouldn’t be as devastating as Vlad feared.

  The problem would be keeping it from Stella. She would freak out and throw a tantrum the size of a category 5 hurricane.

  Watching her and Wendy chatting happily about wedding plans, and Vlad looking on with a contented smile on his face, no one could guess the dark secrets their little family was keeping.


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