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House Party: A Hotwife Novel

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  “You’re a regular Sherlock figuring that one out,” she said. “I almost thought I’d see you coming up to see if you could join in on the fun. I guess you were too distracted with Jennifer down in the kitchen.”

  “You can say that again,” I said. “Getting ready for a party has never been so fun before.”

  Emma’s attention on my cock picked up speed. Her breasts pressed against my back in rapid succession as her breathing picked up. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and then looked out to the pool. To where a first rate pushing game had started up with Jennifer and Alyssa laughing as their bodies pressed together while their husband tried to maintain balance down below long enough to be declared the winner.

  Seeing Jennifer and Alyssa pressed together like that would’ve been enough to get me going any day of the week, but now that I knew Emma might have been getting naughty with Alyssa upstairs while they were trying on suits I found my mind flooded with all sorts of delicious possibilities. Flashes of Emma and Alyssa pressed together, their breasts mashing against one another as they explored one another’s mouths filled my mind. Drove me to distraction.

  A distraction that I didn’t need. Those thoughts coupled with Emma’s attention on my cock was soon going to be enough to push me over the edge. An edge I didn’t want to go over. So I reluctantly but firmly reached down and grabbed her hand. Pulled it away.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked with a playful tone to her voice that told me she knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

  “You know what’s wrong,” I said. “It’s bad enough that I nearly blew my load against Jennifer earlier.”

  “Tell me all about it,” she whispered, her lips inches from my ear. I shivered. She was very good at sneaking up on me like that.

  I shrugged. “Not sure there’s much to tell. She came in and offered to help me out prepping stuff, but I think we both knew that’s not what was really going on.”


  I felt something down near my ass. Something moving back and forth rhythmically. At first I thought she might be going for my cock the roundabout way, trying to pull a fast one on me, but after a few moments that motion continued but she hadn’t made any move forward towards my cock. With a start I realized she wasn’t trying to feel me up. She was back there feeling herself up with her body mashed against mine.

  She only had one arm wrapped around me. I could imagine what the other one was doing. I knew how much it turned her on when I talked about getting with other women. I just didn’t think it would turn her on to the point that she’d be that direct about pleasuring herself when there were other people so close to us!

  Sure they were distracted with their game, no clear winner yet, but still. My wife was playing a dangerous game of her own!

  “So what happened while she was helping you out? Something tells me you got up to a lot more than carving some carrots.”

  “Well let’s just say there was a little bit of bumping and grinding going on at the counter. I was a little reluctant to do anything at first. Her husband was right there in the living room watching the game, but I knew he could see in there. Only I know he had to see us getting real up close and personal, but he didn’t say anything.”

  A pause in the steady motion behind me.

  “Do you think maybe they’re into the same thing we are, just in reverse?”

  “Like he’s interested in watching Jennifer with another guy? I suppose it’s possible. Possible and very interesting. It would certainly explain a few things.”

  “Like him not flying into a jealous rage when he saw you grinding against his wife in our kitchen?”

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Given what happened with Alyssa this has the makings of a very sexy night,” Emma said.

  “You never did tell me what happened with Alyssa.”

  “Oh the usual. Pillow fights. Trying on swimsuits. Making out with her on your bed while I’m pretty sure Owen was spying on us from out in the hallway, though I never actually caught him directly.”

  My cock twitched again. The whole conversation about sharing had started, oddly enough, at a suggestion from Emma that she would be interested watching me with someone else. From there things had progressed, but I’d never felt the mixture of jealousy and arousal that she described when she was talking about watching me with another woman.

  Not until now. Something about the idea of her getting with Alyssa, something we’d talked about but I never thought she’d actually have a chance of bedding the resident goodie-two-shoes of our friends group, while Owen was watching certainly turned my crank. And Emma could tell.

  “So that does something for you, huh?” she asked with a low laugh. “About time you started getting off on this whole sharing thing as much as I did.”

  “Who said I wanted to share you?” I asked with a playful wink over my shoulder before I turned my attention back to the battle between Jennifer and Alyssa that was involving a great deal of skin to skin contact. Something that I’m sure wasn’t lost on the men holding them up, assuming they weren’t already distracted by having an insanely hot woman who wasn’t their wife wrapping her legs around their head while they were nearly drowned in the pool.

  “You know you’re going to,” she said, though there was a hint of hesitation to her voice.

  I knew what she was thinking. When we talked about this arrangement it was with the understanding that she could watch me with other girls, but I’d always maintained that I didn’t know how comfortable I’d be with the idea of her with someone else. We’d talked about her getting with other women after I managed to pull that out in one of our fuck sessions where we talked our fantasies out, but I’d still been reluctant to give her the go ahead and she’d always maintained that she was all about watching me with other girls and didn’t need any reciprocation.

  Now, though, I was pretty sure I was getting really fucking turned on thinking of her with Alyssa. Even thinking of Owen watching. Maybe it was the sexually charged atmosphere of the evening, but I found myself wanting to watch.

  I sighed. She got me. She probably knew she had me on this score from the moment we started talking about these dirty little fantasies that were supposed to be beyond the pale for a happily married couple.

  Well who said you couldn’t be happily married and bring in the occasional guest star?

  “I guess you’re right. Whatever fun you want to have tonight, I’m going to be more than happy to let you have it. As long as I get to watch,” I said.

  “I knew you’d see things my way,” Emma purred.

  I stared intently at the show going on out there. Owen was such a lucky bastard for getting to have Jennifer on his shoulders like that. His hands were running up and down her thighs and I’m sure he was doing it under the pretense of keeping her balanced on his shoulders, but I’m sure he also didn’t mind getting a feel of her while he was at it. As much as he didn’t mind getting a glimpse of my wife while she was being naughty with his wife a little earlier.

  Not that I could be upset with him for either one. Not really. Jennifer wasn’t mine even if I hoped to stake a temporary claim, and he was watching his wife as much as he was watching my wife. My only regret there was that I didn’t get to enjoy the show right along with him.

  Ethan seemed to be doing the same thing with Alyssa. His hands were moving up and down her legs. Almost up to her ass. If anything he seemed to be enjoying the show Owen was putting on more, though. They were all laughing and splashing around, sure, but from my vantage point outside the pool I could see that he was staring at the spot where Owen was feeling his wife up. Licking his lips occasionally when he didn’t think anyone was looking.

  Maybe there was something going on there that I hadn’t realized. If so then I welcomed it if it allowed me to get a crack at the luscious Jennifer.

  “Quite the show, isn’t it?” Emma asked.

  “Enjoying looking at Alyssa? Wishing you were still up in the bedroom
with her?”

  That subtle bumping against my backside started again. Emma’s breathing started to pick up. I smiled. She was hidden behind me and she was going at it again, only this time from the way her arm tightened she was close to the edge. I knew it would only take a little bit of a push to get her to completely lose it. I knew how quickly this particular fantasy could get her off considering the number of times I’d used it when we were fucking.

  I suppose most guys would get jealous knowing their wife was imagining it was someone else, a woman no less, going down on them. I just thought it was fucking hot. Even hotter if there was the possibility that the fantasy might become reality!

  “You’d like to be the one down there between Alyssa’s legs, wouldn’t you baby? Did you get to taste her pussy?”

  “No,” Emma gasped. Oh yeah. She was close. So fucking close.

  “I promise I’m going to get you that chance before the night is over,” I said.

  That did it. Emma buried her face against my shoulder and she was screaming into it. I kept a careful eye on our friends out in the pool to make sure they weren’t noticing the show going on right under their noses, but of course none of them turned to look. The sound of their screaming and splashing around in the pool was probably too much for them to hear my wife’s muffled moans.

  I could hear it though. It was a sexy fucking symphony as she came from a simple combination of my words and her hand. Fuck was it hot when she came against me! I fucking loved it!

  I tried my best to look like I was just your average dude standing behind a grill working on some steaks and oh by the way my wife was right behind me coming harder than I’d felt her come in a good long time. Not that anyone over at the pool was paying attention in the first place. No, all their attention was on the sexy fun times they were having in the pool.

  Emma’s breathing returned to normal and I risked a glance over my shoulder, hoping the motion wouldn’t call attention to what just went down.

  “Did you have fun?” I asked.

  “You know it baby,” she replied.

  “So I take it we’re taking this all the way tonight?”

  “You know it baby! Now you just have to figure out a way to make it happen!”

  I grinned. “Don’t you worry about that. I have the perfect idea for breaking the ice and getting things going.”

  “Oh yeah? And are you going to let me in on what this grand idea is?”


  A playful slap on my back. A beat as though she was waiting for something. Well she could wait.

  “You really aren’t going to tell me?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say it’s something so mind bogglingly simple that it’s going to blow your mind when you realize what I have planned.”

  “You’re seriously not telling me.”

  Uh-oh. We were getting into questions in the form of a statement territory. That meant she was getting irritated. Though I was sure the irritation stemmed in no small part from the arousal she was feeling and the frustration at not knowing exactly how I was going to make sure the party kept going.

  “I’m not telling you, but I do need your help.”

  “Why should I help you if you’re not even going to tell me what you have planned?”

  “Because otherwise you’re not going to have any fun tonight,” I said.

  “Damn you. What do you need me to do?”

  “It’s simple enough. Just make sure everyone is in the hot tub after dinner when the food’s had enough time to settle. I’ll take care of everything from there.”

  Emma sighed. “I suppose I should go get my own suit on in that case.”

  “You bet your sexy ass you do! Trust me, this is so simple that no one will realize what they’re getting into until it’s too late!”

  10: Emma

  I was so fucking nervous. More nervous than the first night Ryan and I got intimate with one another. More nervous than the wedding night. Sure we’d fucked before that night, but there was something about the buildup to that moment that really put the pressure on.

  And all of that was nothing compared to the combination of anticipation, jealousy, and queasiness I felt as I looked at everyone leaning back and enjoying themselves after dinner.

  Had it been long enough? What did Ryan have planned? What if everything went wrong and this was the last time we hung out with our friends like this? What if everything went right and it changed the dynamic of our group forever? No matter how it went there was no way this night wasn’t going to change things forever.

  Unless of course I chickened out at the last minute and didn’t pull everyone into the hot tub. That would put a damper on the evening pretty damn fast. Though something about the tension around the table told me that things might be happening whether or not I instigated.

  I had a very strong feeling that at this point it was a matter of whether or not I was willing to go along for the ride rather than whether or not I was going to start the ride in the first place.

  “So that was a pretty good dinner,” Ethan said.

  “Definitely. I ate way too much,” Alyssa said, leaning back. Though you wouldn’t know that she ate way too much from the way she looked in that bikini. Not even a hint of a paunch after eating. It was unfair that she could metabolize stuff that fast while I was stuck doing extra hours on the treadmill every time I let loose and enjoyed a meal like this.

  I opened my mouth. Closed it. We were poised on the moment of inevitability. I needed to do it. Needed to give Ryan the bump he needed. He glanced at me and smiled. I wonder if he thought I wasn’t going to go through with it?

  That irritated me and pushed me to go ahead and pull the trigger. He thought I wasn’t going to go through with it? Well I was going to show him!

  “So what would everyone think of getting into the hot tub to relax?”

  Everyone jumped on that pretty damn quick. It seemed that Ryan was right. Maybe it wouldn’t take much to push everyone over the edge into a night of drunken debauchery. Fuck I hoped we were getting ready for a night of drunken debauchery.

  I glanced over to Alyssa and felt a chill. She was staring right at me. Staring with the same sort of lust that had been on display earlier when we were alone together in the walk-in closet. Only now we were surrounded by people and she was still staring as though we were the only two people in the world.

  For that moment as her eyes caressed me we were the only two people in the world. Then someone bumped into me as they headed towards the hot tub and I was brought back to reality. Though I could at least hold out the hope that reality and fantasy were going to collide in a huge way very soon.

  I started thinking about some of the fun we’d potentially get up to later tonight if everything went to plan. The only problem was I still had no fucking idea what Ryan’s plan was! Talk about frustrating, but I trusted that he had something good up his sleeve.

  So I stood and made my way over to the hot tub with everyone else. It was a sea of gorgeous bodies stepping in, male and female alike, and my mouth watered staring at all our friends. I never would’ve figured something like this would happen when we first started hanging out with some other couples from the neighborhood, but now that it was happening I couldn’t wait to see where the night might lead!

  I stepped into the tub and moved over next to Ryan. Everyone was glancing around at everyone else, the tension was painfully obvious, but it was also obvious no one was willing to make the first move. No one was willing to give into the desires we were all feeling but none of us were willing to vocalize. I gave Ryan a significant look and he raised his eyebrows and grinned before turning to everyone else.

  “So now that we have all of you in the hot tub I was wondering what everyone would think about having a little bit of old school fun?”

  Old school fun. Now this was interesting. Where was he going with this? Everyone else leaned forward as well, hanging on his every word. It was obvious everyone else in the hot tub wanted
this to happen as much as I wanted it to happen.

  “What were you thinking about?” Jennifer asked.

  Of course she would be the one to ask. I felt that familiar mixture of arousal and jealousy that reared its head every time I thought of her with my husband. Her mouth hung open and her eyes ran down Ryan’s body, though of course most of it was well hidden under the water. Still, it seemed like she was staring with a laser focus straight at his cock. I imagined his cock sliding inside her. Blowing a load inside her.

  And from the way Ethan was staring at his wife staring at Ryan, from the way he licked his lips as he watched her watching my man, there was no doubt in my mind that he was into the same fantasy only in reverse. Not surprising. I’d heard it was a far more typical fantasy among men than with women for whatever reason.

  Not that I minded being saddled with the fantasy. Not when it had given Ryan nad me some of the most incredibly mind blowing sex of our lives!

  “I’m thinking seriously old school. Truth or dare,” Ryan said with a grin.

  Tension had been building all night. It felt like it was reaching a breaking point when we got into the hot tub. It felt like I could reach out and touch the electric currents running in between everyone. It felt like it was a night full of golden opportunities for some sanctioned extramarital fun.

  That tension broke as soon as Ryan mentioned truth or dare, though, and not in the way I was hoping it would break. No, instead of everyone descending into an impromptu orgy they all started laughing. I glanced at Ryan figuring he might be willing to give up at this point, but he just smiled and gave me a look that seemed to say “wait for it.”

  I turned back to our friends. And suddenly I saw what Ryan saw. Ethan and Jennifer exchanged a significant look even through the laughter. Jennifer bit her lip and Ethan seemed to be moving his arm under the water, though whether he was feeling up his wife or giving himself a bit of a treat was anyone’s guess. Alyssa and Owen didn’t look at each other, but Alyssa was staring at me and Owen was looking between the two of us.


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