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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

Page 96

by Hawkins, Jessica

  No one is around to bother me. A lazy lull captures my mind, slowing normal processing down even more. I slouch deeper into my seat. Sleep is beginning to pull me under when Bear’s piercing bark breaks the silence. I crack open an eye to watch him take off toward the driveway. Whoever dares to show up here will either run off scared or figure shit out. I keep my ass planted in place.

  A moment later, Jace rounds the house with Bear nipping at his heels. A dry chuckle escapes me at the sight of a grown man trying to outrun a dog. My friend has been trying to get on his good side for years. Sutton is the only one to instantly win my hound over. No surprise there.

  Jace gives me the finger and a glare. “Real funny, asshole. How about you call off the killer?”

  I whistle and Bear darts toward me. “He’s harmless.”

  “To you.”

  “He just wants to play.”

  “By using my leg as a chew toy.”

  “Quit your bitching,” I mutter.

  He continues grumbling while plopping down in the other chair. “Not sure why your dog still hates me.”

  “You’re threatening. Take it as a compliment.”

  Jace rolls his eyes. “Not sure that’s a selling point.”

  “Don’t overthink it. Beer?” I kick open the cooler next to me.

  He reaches in and grabs one. “Thanks.”

  I lift my bottle to his. The bandage pulls tight around my injury and I wince.

  “How’s your arm?”

  “Attached.” But the hole in my black heart is bigger than ever. Sutton would heal all the broken parts. If only I let her. I take another swig instead.

  Jace laughs. “I see you’re in a talkative mood.”

  I flip my hat backwards. “Were you expecting social hour?”

  “Nah, learned my lesson. Just wanted to check on you.”

  I gesture down my torso. “Still breathing.”

  “Sure glad Sutton found you when she did. The doctor said you lost a shit ton of blood.”

  The mention of his sister has my body locking up tighter than a steel trap. I’m not prepared to have that discussion yet. Spilling my guts will require a lot more booze, or courage. I don’t have an abundance of either. Talking about the accident isn’t pleasant, but it’s better than him crushing my balls in a vice.

  I scratch my jaw. “Uh, yeah. Guess it was a close call.”

  Jace chugs the rest of his beer and opens another. Good to know he’s sticking around. “I see walking away relatively unscathed has lifted your spirits.”

  My frown deepens. “Had to be carted off in a damn ambulance.”

  “Could have been a hell of a lot worse.”

  “Shouldn’t have happened at all. I was being careless.” And distracted by a certain brunette beauty.

  He’s quiet for a moment, studying me too close. “What’s with the mean-mugging? Beside the obvious.”

  “It’s been a shit week.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  Grant me permission to be happy.

  But the asking price is steep. This could create a rift we won’t be able to repair.

  I squint up at the cloudless sky, imagining a blanket of stars. That vision sends me back to a different time. When a little girl with pigtails held the hand of a strange boy who randomly showed up at her house. No hesitation or fear. She’s had ahold of me since that moment.

  A lump of something fierce lodges in my gut. “Will any man be good enough for Sutton?”

  Jace’s head whips my way so fast I’m surprised it’s still attached. “Why the hell would you ask that?”

  I resume rocking in my chair. “Genuine curiosity.”

  “Is she fucking around with someone?” He’s on the edge of his seat, ready to fly off the damn handle.

  “Fucking relax, yeah? It’s a simple question.”

  He glares at me. “Nothing about my sister is easy.”

  I grunt out a loud breath. “You’re continuing to blow this out of proportion.”

  “You started it.”

  “What’s with the temper tantrum? Did your period arrive early?”

  “Don’t turn this shit on me when you’re the one with a sandy vagina.”

  I almost laugh. “You’re such a tool.”

  Jace scoffs and crosses his arms. “Takes one to know. As if you have a damn leg to stand on. You turn into a snarling beast if another man comes within a mile of Sutton.”

  I shrug. “Learned from the best.”

  “Pretty sure it’s the other way around.”

  I scrub over my mouth. He has a decent point. There aren’t many people I care about in this world, but Sutton tops that short list. I’d lose my fucking shit if anything happened to her. Maybe that’s a valid reason in my defense of all this madness.

  A choking sound has me looking his way. “Holy shit, brother. Are you smiling?”

  Am I? The slight lift in my lips lingers for another moment. “Huh, guess so.”

  Another strangled noise escapes him. “How strong are those pills you’re on?”

  “They pack a hefty punch. But I haven’t popped one in hours.”

  “Sure about that?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  Jace hitches a thumb at me. “You’re more loopy than a rollercoaster.”

  If that’s the case, he’ll think I’m insane regardless of what happens next. Might as well rip off the damn duct tape. I clutch my cold bottle in a tight fist. No more wussing out. “I’m in love with your sister.”

  His slack-jaw and bulging eyes are almost comical. “What the fuck did you just say?”

  “I love Sutton. Always have.”

  He goes utterly still. “You better be yanking my chain.”

  “I’d have to find it first.”

  Jace’s skin seems to glow with a reddish tint. “Not in the mood for your shit after that bomb. Are you fucking serious?”

  I lock my steady stare onto his. “Deadly.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Why the fuck are you telling me this?”

  “I’m finally ready to do something about it.” Our future relies heavily on his shoulders. I wonder if he can feel the crushing weight.

  His chuckle is hollow. “Does that include stabbing your best friend in the back?”

  My stomach lurches and I swallow a mouthful of bile. “I’d never do that to you.”

  “That’s fucking rich considering we’re having this conversation.”

  I hold up a palm. “Calm the hell down. Nothing has even happened yet.”

  His jaw tics. “Sounds to me like you have plans to change that.”

  It’s my turn to spit through clenched teeth. “I wouldn’t have said anything if that wasn’t the case.”

  He grinds a finger into the center of my chest. “You better be referring to more than just fucking her.”

  I smack his hand off me. “Don’t degrade her that way.”

  His entire body starts shaking. “Me? You’re the one talking about getting busy with Sutton.”

  I groan into my fist. “Will you knock it off? I wanna date her. Do things the right way. Take her out. Make her mine.”

  The sneer curling his lip says he doesn’t believe me. “How fucking sweet. You’re writing a fairy tale.”

  The raging bull inside of me snorts to life, pawing the ground and aiming to attack. “Stop being a dick.”

  Jace leaps to his feet. His meaty fists are twitching at the ready. “Wanna fucking go? You’re already taking shots at me. Might as well make it official.”

  If he was any other man, I’d already have his ass pinned to the lawn. “Sit the fuck down. We’re not fighting over this. You either approve or not.”

  “As if it actually makes a difference.”

  “It sure as shit does, especially to me.”

  To my surprise, Jace drops down into his chair. “So, what, you actually expect my consent or some shit?”

  “That’d be nice.”

  “I can’t fucking believe thi
s.” He rakes rigid fingers through his cropped hair. “How does Sutton feel about you? Have you even asked her?”

  I drain the rest of my beer. “She’s currently pissed as shit.”

  “Can’t say that I blame her. I’m not your biggest fan at the moment. Seems to be a common theme for you.”

  “Thanks for the moral support, asshole.”

  “Not sure what outcome you had in mind,” Jace mutters. “You two as a couple has never been on my radar.”

  I falter at his words. How can that be possible? His dad made it seem like I’ve been obvious as hell. “For real?”

  He shakes his head with a scowl. “You boning my little sister wasn’t something I thought to consider.”

  Another round of flames ignites in my veins. “Will you shut up with that? This is real for me.”

  “Well, excuse me. This is weird as fuck for me.”

  And this entire argument was going nowhere fast. I grip the armrest, taking a sick sort of comfort from the searing pain engulfing my injured limb. Any slim chance I had with Sutton dissolves in a putrid puddle of acid. What a fucking joke.

  Jace clears his throat. “So, uh, what’d you do to make her mad?”

  I blink off my pity-party. “I told her you needed to be okay with us being together.”

  He quirks a brow at me. “Figured you were feeding me bullshit with all that.”

  “Yes, this was all a fucked up ploy.” I hang my head, suddenly wrung out and beyond spent.

  “Already quitting? That’s not a good quality for any relationship.” He claps my shoulder.

  I shrug off his hold. “Giving me advice now?”

  “Thought you wanted the green light?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “That’s actually really honorable.”

  I glare at him. “Don’t sound so shocked. I’m not always an asshole.”

  Jace nods. “Sutton softens you up, that’s for damn sure.”

  Toxic thorns prickle the back of my neck. “You can ease off the compliments. I might get a damn complex.”

  He lifts a foot onto the weathered railing. “I’m trying to turn this shitshow around, okay?”

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  Jace’s steely-blue focus lasers in on me. “I’m not gonna lie, brother. This is creepy as fuck for me. I don’t like the idea of my sister shacking up. Thinking about it makes me want to hurl. But if anyone is going to be with her, it should be you. There’s no doubt you’ll worship every patch of land she walks on. Your sorry ass will treat her like the spoiled princess she already is. I’m positive you’re gonna do right by her.”

  My pulse ricochets faster than a ping-pong ball. I gape at him. “You mean that?”

  “That expression?” He gestures to my face. “It looks like someone shot your dog. I can’t be responsible for that type of misery.”

  “Don’t agree out of guilt.”

  “Trust me, I’m not. You’re a good man, Grady. One of the best I know.”

  Shit, my eyes are stinging. I cough over the annoying tickle in my throat. No way in hell am I crying. Not fucking happening. “Thanks, brother.”

  He crosses his arms and leans back. “So, when’s the wedding?”

  My lungs seize up just picturing my girl in white. I choke out a wheeze and spin my hat around, tugging the brim low. “A long way off, I’m sure. She doesn’t know how serious I am.”

  “Chickening out?”

  “Figured we would take shit slow, if anything happens at all.”

  “Thought this was a home run?”

  I pick at a hole in my jeans. “I’ve got some making up to do.”

  He stands and stretches with a yawn. “Better get after her or someone else will.”

  I punch him in the gut. “Fucker.”

  Jace points at me while descending the porch steps. “Glad I could turn that frown upside down.”

  “No take backs.”

  His brow furrows. “Huh?”

  I chuckle. “Never mind. Thanks for the blessing, man.”

  He tosses me a wave over his shoulder. “Don’t thank me yet. Sutton still has to agree.”

  “Hey,” I call out before he disappears from view.

  Jace stops and turns. “Yeah?”

  “Can I catch a lift?”

  “Where to?”

  I squint against the setting sun. “Your parents’ place.”

  He motions me over. “Hurry up and hop in.”



  Happy something #60: Listening to Sutton make magic out of simple words.

  My heart pounds a bit harder when the familiar mailbox comes into view. The headlights flash over that little red barn, a miniature replica of the one standing tall around back. I smooth a finger along the tattered seam of my cap just for something to do.

  Maybe this should have waited until morning. I could’ve called Sutton and asked her to meet me tomorrow. Showing up unannounced might be overstepping my bounds. But she used to love surprises. More road disappears behind us, the property edge that much closer. Too late for second-guessing now.

  Gravel crunches under the tires as Jace pulls over. The truck rolls to a stop before we reach the driveway. He slings his arm over the wheel and shoots me a grin. “We’re here.”

  “Sure are.” I glance out the window. Even in the near darkness, bright-white fences and sprawling acres of land speak to me. My greatest escape.

  “Feeling okay?”

  I offer a slow nod. “Thanks again, Ace.”

  He lifts his chin in my direction. “Don’t make me regret it.”

  “I won’t.” The words come out as a low growl.

  “Good.” He checks his reflection in the mirror. “I have a date of my own so get a move on.”

  I use that as an excuse to stall in my seat. “Anyone I know?”

  “Nah, she’s not from Silo. I swiped right. Maybe I’ll get lucky.”

  “Or catch a case of crabs.”

  Jace laughs. “That’s why I’m always prepared with extra protection. Wrap it up and stay clean. You can’t hate on the game unless it backfires.”

  A shudder courses through me. “Don’t need that shit anymore.”

  “So in love,” he coos.

  I flip him off. “Better than hooking up with a random stranger.”

  He gives me a pointed stare. “No one has an endless supply of convenient friends with benefits. Especially in a small town.”

  I don’t have a response for that. It’s been years since I relied on the empty embrace of a meaningless hookup. That shit gets old really fast. Trying to force myself to feel something good was a cheap knockoff. I lost interest after a few shoddy attempts. It was stupid searching for a slice of happiness with someone else, even for a quick release. But I never claimed to be logical.

  That all changes tonight.

  My sole source of peace is within reach, waiting right inside.

  He taps on the dashboard. “Need a shove?”

  I glance over at him. “Damn, you really are in a hurry.”

  “I’m shocked you aren’t.”

  I tap my temple. “There’s a lot to consider. I’m getting it all straight.”

  Jace makes a gagging noise. “Gross. I just remembered you want to see my sister naked.”

  “Not this again,” I groan.

  He smacks my chest. “Just fucking around. Go confess all your mushy feelings to her.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. “That’s not helping.”

  “Whatever. Go do something.” He makes a shooing motion. “Best of luck, man. Here’s to hoping you don’t crash and burn.”

  With that parting piece of positivity, I step out of the truck with a renewed sense of urgency brewing. Jace revs the engine and peels off like someone is chasing him. I fan the dust away from my face, adding a loud snort. Pretty sure he’s the one hounding tail. I stand there for a moment longer, until his taillights disappear around the bend. His words from earlier
still clang against my skull. This day has made a sharp turn for the better, and nightfall is about to put on the finishing touches.

  Speaking of getting busy, the need to find Sutton thrums through me. My boots pound across the pavement with a hasty stride. I plan to grovel and beg and do whatever it takes. If all goes well, she’ll accept my apology. We can ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. I stop dead in my tracks. These pills are really fucking with me. Either that or I’m officially losing my mind. The latter is more likely.

  Nothing is ever that easy. Wishful fucking believing.

  I try to collect my thoughts, but everything scatters with the cool evening breeze. There’s so much that needs saying. Where will I begin? Words have never been a strength for me. Sutton was more than willing to talk enough for both of us. Growing up, she would follow me around and rattle off whatever story popped into her beautiful mind. Chores were never boring with her nearby. I let my lips lift with the hint of a grin. Listening to that lyrical voice will never get old.

  But this is the start of us, a new beginning with a fresh outlook. Damn, I sound all whimsical and shit. Maybe Sutton is making me soft. Does she want me to be? Not sure that’s possible for me. A slight twitch below the belt offers a solid reminder. I’m positive she’d prefer certain parts of me remaining hard. That’s a topic for a later date, or maybe an hour or two.

  I veer onto the brick path leading to their front door. The moon is wide awake, glowing like a beacon in a sea of black. Crickets serenade me while I hop up the porch stairs. I raise a fist and rap my knuckles on the heavy wood.

  Shuffling footsteps sound on the other side. The door creaks open and Sutton’s face appears. Any trace of makeup she was wearing earlier has been washed away. Her features are pure and clean and on display for me to see. Just the way I love her.

  She remains silent, using those baby blues to peel away the layers of my armor. I’m almost weak in the knees from one look. Her quiet stare bores into me. A thousand needles prickle along my scalp. Who’s going to break first? She gives me nothing, other than her soulful gaze. This girl always has a smile and warm welcome for me. But not tonight. I don’t deserve those yet.


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