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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

Page 101

by Hawkins, Jessica

  The front door opens, revealing Sutton with a beaming smile aimed at me. Her dark hair glitters under the fluorescent lamp. Damn, she’s beautiful. “Thought I heard you pull up. What’re you doing out here?”

  I straighten off my bike. “Just thinking.”

  She shuffles forward and leans against the railing. “About?”

  “Being here.” I wipe off my clammy palms and release a long breath.

  Sutton’s sigh can be heard from across the yard. “Gray, give me a hug.”

  My feet are moving before she’s done talking. I’ll never refuse her. Five quick strides and she’s tucked in my arms. I press my face into her hair, feasting on coconut and strawberries. “Missed you, Sutt.”

  “I missed you so much.” She clutches the front of my shirt in a tight fist, bringing the fabric to her nose. “How do you always smell delicious?”

  “You’re biased, but I approve.”

  “Nope.” She takes another long whiff. “Any red-blooded woman with a pulse would agree.”

  I kiss her forehead. “There’s only one I want to impress.”

  “Mission accomplished.” Hooded baby blues peek up at me. “Tell me what has you hovering on the stoop.”

  I haul her tighter against me. “Just worried things are too good.”

  Sutton rests her chin on my sternum, forcing me to stare. “Do you doubt me?”

  I almost flinch. “Never.”

  “Do you doubt my parents?”

  That takes more thought. In the end, I give her another harsh jerk of my head.

  “So, what’s the issue?”

  “That bad shit is ingrained soul deep, Sutt.”

  She places a palm on top of my pounding heart. “Believe in us, and them. They accepted you long ago. You’re already a member of our family.”

  The door behind Sutton swings wide. Jace pokes his head out, finding us twisted tighter than a pretzel. A gagging sound erupts from his throat. “Quit with the PDA. I’m gonna puke.”

  Sutton huffs. “Oh, please. Like you’re one to talk.”

  Jace wags a sloppy finger between us. “Very different circumstances.”

  “Don’t be a dick,” I mutter.

  He grunts. “Don’t make me regret my decision.”

  Uncertainty returns with a roar. I grind my molars until the taste of chalk hits me. “Such a fucker.”

  “Mom and dad are wondering what’s up. Stop cuddling and get your asses inside.” He doesn’t bother shutting the door after his retreat, assuming we’ll follow.

  Pressure collects at the base of my neck. Jace is providing an adequate reminder of why I’ve been hesitating. His crude welcome is how I predict the rest of our evening will go. But I’m done shying away from my happiness.

  Sutton tugs me toward the house. “Ready?”

  I stare down at our clasped hands. “More than ever.”

  The smell of peppered fried chicken offers a warm reception as we step into the foyer. My stomach growls at the aroma of a favorite meal, close second to Alice’s lasagna. There’s a rejuvenated pep in my gait while I lock eyes on the kitchen. Sutton’s bubbling laughter pops me out of the food trance.

  “Glad you agreed?”

  I duck to whisper in her ear. “Thanks for planning this.”

  She slants her upper body into me. “I’d like to take credit, but my parents did the heavy lifting.”

  A twinge pulls taut in my stomach. I shouldn’t be surprised in the least. Barry and Alice have always done their best to include me. This is further proof I shouldn’t need. They’ll never neglect me, unlike the rest of this town. A cold bucket of shame dumps over me. I’ve been an ass for ignoring their previous invitations.

  Alice notices us entering the room. Her light eyes get glassy as she checks me over. She opens her arms wide, motioning me in. “I’m well aware that you’re not a hugger, but humor me? It’s a special occasion.”

  Is it? Not like I’d argue with her. I shuffle forward and allow her to wrap me up. She only reaches the top of my chest, similar to Sutton. A solid ten seconds pass before Alice pulls away with a trembling smile. She wipes at her wet cheeks. “I’m very happy you’re here, Grady. We’ve missed you at our table.”

  “Thank you for having me.” I tuck my chin.

  She pats my jaw. “You’re always welcome in our home. I hope you never forget that.”

  I appreciate that she doesn’t guilt me for separating myself. It’s been four years since I ate a meal with the Olsen’s. Not because they didn’t offer. They did, almost incessantly. But nothing was the same. I couldn’t be surrounded by them with a frozen heart. That would have thrown me over the edge.

  Alice turns to the stove. “Take a seat. Dinner is almost ready.”

  “Do you need help at all?”

  She waves me off. “None of that. Take a load off and relax.”


  Alice tsks. “Yes, shoo. You can cook next round.”

  I lift my palms and ease backwards. “You’ve got a deal.”

  “Want a beer?” Sutton moves to the fridge.

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  She pops off the cap and passes me a frosty bottle. I swallow a couple swigs, the chilled liquid soothing my parched throat. It takes effort to hold in a groan. Something about a cold brew always hits the spot. Sutton sidles up and bumps me with her hip.

  “Where should we sit?”

  “You decide.”

  She chooses a chair against the wall, tapping the one beside her. “C’mere.”

  I edge around the table and settle onto the wood seat. Sutton reaches for me, threading her fingers into mine. This is all new. But to be fair, my place in this family has changed. It’s kicking off with a fresh outlook. That’s something I need. I lost my sense of belonging for too long. I didn’t fit with them anymore. Not without Sutton’s smile across from me. Now we sit side by side, our palms clasped tight. I Iift her hand to my lips and dust each knuckle with a kiss. She’s brought me back.

  Animated chatter steals my focus. Barry and Jace round the corner with two stacks of grilled corn cobs. Another gurgle rises from my stomach, earning a laugh from the older man.

  “Well, that’s a compliment to the chef. Great to see you, Grady.”

  “Likewise, sir.”

  He shakes his head, but doesn’t comment on the title I can’t quite drop. It’s a tough habit to break. This man deserves respect. I want to give that to him by all means possible.

  Barry wraps an arm around my shoulders, adding a clap to my back for good measure. He glances from Sutton to me, a smile brightening his expression. He nods at our joined hands. “About damn time you kids figured things out.”

  I gape at him and begin sputtering some excuse.

  He lifts a finger. “Don’t hold back on my account. I already gave my permission, not that you need it.”

  My heart threatens to overflow at the kind gesture. I smirk at Sutton and she beams at me in return. “That means a lot to me, and us. Thank you.”

  He grips my shoulder again. “Whatever makes my children happy. That’s a parent’s dream.”

  The knob of pressure lodged in my chest loosens with a long exhale. I really needed to hear that. Jace doesn’t share in his father’s enthusiasm, but he doesn’t shovel out more digs at us. I’m calling that a win. A quick succession of beeps interrupts us and I’m saved from further inquisitions. Great timing.

  Alice sets down a bowl of potato salad and a massive platter of chicken. Damn, we’re eating good tonight. We serve ourselves and don’t waste time before digging in. A steady flow of conversation goes around between bites. I’ve returned into the fold without a hitch.

  “How’s work, Grady?” Alice grins at me with the question.

  I finish chewing and wash the food down with a sip of beer. “Picking up with the peak of summer. I already have another restoration lined up after the Drefter project.”

  “Oh, I’m happy to hear that. It’s about time people
take notice of your skill sets. Sure is difficult to find honest and dependable contractors.”

  Barry hums in agreement. “You’ve definitely come a long way from pounding crooked nails into the horse stalls.”

  I choke on an inhale at his praise. Those are great memories. “Had to learn somehow. Thank you, sir.”

  He chuckles. “You know better. I let it slide the first time. One of these days you’ll call me by name.” His gaze slides to Sutton beside me. “Or something more personal and far less formal.”

  A ball of warmth spreads through my chest. Is this topic really coming into the light?

  “You’ve found a true calling,” Alice interrupts. “Not everyone has the patience to learn a trade.”

  Barry is bobbing his head along with her words. “Don’t I know it. There’s no one willing to stick around for odd jobs. I was spoiled with these two.” He points a fork between Jace and me. “Precise craftsmanship and dedication to the business is a dying breed.”

  “You can still count on us, pops. Whatever you need. Right, Bowen?” My friend nods at me.

  Glad he’s not holding a grudge and the layer of ice is thawing. I find myself offering a wide smile. “Absolutely. I enjoy the mechanical work. There isn’t much of that with my contracts. I consider it an honor to work around the farm. Just let us know.”

  Barry raises his brow. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “I sure hope so,” Jace replies. “Gets me out from behind my desk for a while.”

  “That’s what you get for going the corporate route,” I joke.

  He grunts. “Yeah, yeah. The ladies love my suits.”

  “Not this girl.” Sutton wrinkles her nose.

  Jace glares at her. “You don’t count as my target audience.”

  “You’re the only one who does for me,” I whisper against her temple.

  Her cheeks flush a beautiful shade of pink. She bites her bottom lip and sighs.

  “And there goes my appetite,” Jace mutters.

  Alice swats his arm. “Be nice. You’re just jealous.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Sure, let’s call it that.”

  Barry wipes at his mouth with a napkin and looks my way. “Heard from your mother lately?”

  The air in my lungs turns sour. The answer is no. She’s been gone whenever I’ve tried to visit recently. I drop off a load of groceries and leave without pause. It’s hard to remember when I stopped concerning myself with her whereabouts over a decade ago. She’ll go on benders for weeks on end without a care except pumping the poison into her veins. I had to sever ties to save my own sanity. Doing the bare minimum is about all I can handle these days. That doesn’t keep the guilt at bay.

  My silence must tell him everything he wanted to know. “Well, I hope she checks in soon. But enough of that.” He pushes his empty plate away.

  “Dessert?” It’s no shock the question comes from Sutton.

  Alice rubs her hands together. “I have all the ingredients for s’mores. Who’s up for a bonfire?”

  A chorus of agreement erupts from all of us. I feel right at home.



  Happy something #66: Reading ghost stories in the dark, under a blanket with a flashlight.

  I allow my eyes to slide shut for a moment while a cool breeze kicks up. A heavy sigh follows close behind. The oppressive heat is finally wilting with the waking moon. This summer has already reached record highs and we’re only halfway in. That muggy humidity brings the temperature to unbearable limits. Having a slight chill tickle my skin is a pleasing reprieve. Without that break, sitting around a bonfire would border on torture.

  A fresh burst of bright orange and yellow flames crackle to life in front of me. Utter contentment hangs in the air, just beyond my reach. I avoid the glowering shadow looming on the edge of my vision. Easier thinking than doing. That pain in the ass doubles his efforts at stabbing holes into my bliss.

  My parents hit the hay thirty minutes ago, leaving me alone with Grady and Jace. All was well until my boyfriend tugged me onto his lap. My brother has been shooting daggers at us ever since. That doesn’t stop me from perching proud on Grady’s thigh. Jace needs to get over it.

  My brother releases another obnoxious groan. I toss my hands up, more than done with his hissy fit. “What’s your deal? I thought us being together was fine with you?”

  “What gives you the idea that I'm not? Did I say something to offend you?” He shoots me a smirk.

  “You don’t have to talk. That surly expression is plenty.”

  He yanks the brim of his hat lower. “Excuse me for caring. I’ve been protective since you were born, Sutt. Cut me some damn slack.”

  “For real, man?” Grady’s voice is pure grit behind me.

  Jace folds his arms. “It’s still weird as hell.”

  “Well, this is happening. Get used to it.” I paste on a toothy smile.

  My brother scrubs over his face. “I’m doing my best, thanks for asking.”

  “Try harder, Ace.” Grady slouches lower and tucks me further into his hold. He’s definitely making a statement with that move. My brother would be blind to not notice.

  “Let’s move on,” Jace mutters.

  I snuggle against Grady’s chest. “Great plan.” And by that I mean find somewhere more private for at least an hour. Maybe half of one would do. My man is a wizard, between the sheets at least. The telepathic message I’m sending him isn’t computing. We remain seated, facing the firing squad.

  Grady clears his throat. “How was your most recent right-swipe?”

  Some of the tension melts from Jace’s posture. “Meh, she was decent.”

  “Will you see her again?”

  “Doubt it.”

  “She didn’t hit the spot?”

  Jace chuckles. “That wasn’t the issue.”

  “Ah, shit.” Grady snorts.

  He shrugs. “Good for a one and done. Nothing more.”

  My attention has been bouncing between them. My brother’s last comment stops me short. I wrinkle my nose. “You’re so rude.”

  “Don’t hate the player, Sutt. I’m just a pawn in the game.”

  I roll my eyes. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  He nudges my foot. “Not all of us are fortunate enough to find that special someone, especially so young.”

  “I’m twenty-two.” The urge to stick out my tongue is strong. I keep it reeled in for maturity’s sake.

  Jace cocks a brow at me. “And been doodling hearts with Grady’s name since you were seven.”

  My face feels hotter than the July sun at noon. Dammit. “You’re such an ass,” I grumble.

  Grady strokes a finger down my fiery cheek. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. I’ve loved you just as long, plus another day.”

  “Not possible.”

  He taps his temple. “You’re always up here.”

  Jace whistles, effectively ruining our moment. “Fuck, that’s so sweet my teeth hurt. Didn’t peg you as a romantic soul, Bowen.”

  “Find the right girl and anything is possible,” he returns with a glare.

  My brother flicks his gaze my way. “I’m too busy keeping tabs on your ass to ever settle down.”

  Grady tightens his grip around my waist. “Not your problem anymore, Ace. I got her.”

  Jace seems to size him up for a moment, which is effing hilarious. A bright grin splits his face a moment later. “That you do.”

  My brother’s moods are giving me whiplash. I rest a palm on my forehead. Maybe his floozy app will ding and he’ll leave. A girl can hope. Grady nips at my ear and growls, “All good, Sutt?”

  I giggle. “My sugar rush is fading.”

  “You only had two s’mores. How about another?”

  He’s such a smart man. Who am I to resist? I reach for a roasting stick and shove two marshmallows on the prongs. My mouth is already watering when I lean forward toward the pit. I hold the pair of white puffs over a patch of glowi
ng coals.

  Grady rubs my shoulders. “You’re concentrating awful hard on this.”

  “One wrong move and I scorch them. This is a hidden artform.”

  I feel his laughter. “A little char adds flavor.”

  “Not the kind I like.”

  “I’m intimately aware of what stimulates your taste buds. Lucky for me, you seem addicted to my specific brand and the erotic assortments I offer.”

  A shiver races through me when he presses at a tender knot in my neck. I bite back a moan. “I really am. It was instantaneous.”

  “That’s what I thought. Don’t spoil your entire appetite on food.” Grady pinches my ass and I yelp.

  I narrow my eyes at him, but the threat is empty. There’s no time for retaliation. I pull my skewer from the pit, inspecting the cooked confection wedged on top. “See? They need to be toasted to golden perfection with a gooey middle. That optimal crispy-soft combo.”

  He passes me a chocolate square and two graham crackers. We get the trifecta assembled without missing a beat. I squish everything together until white fluff oozes out.

  “Looks like splooge.” I laugh at my own nonsense. No one else makes a peep. I hold up my creation for Grady to see.

  He sits forward and rotates my ass on his lap. His head tilts in my direction. “Did you just say splooge?”

  I giggle again. “Sure did.”

  “Who says that nastiness anymore?”

  “It's making a comeback.”

  “I doubt that very much.”

  “There are stickers and everything.”

  Grady’s jaw goes slack and he sputters. The rest of his features morph into a horrified expression from the possibility of my words. “No way would anyone buy those.”

  “This just keeps getting better,” Jace chimes in.

  “Hush up over there,” I scold. My focus returns to Grady. “It’s funny swag stuff.”


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