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Tempt Me: A First Class Romance Collection

Page 142

by Hawkins, Jessica

  Josh lays down his cards. “I got a pair of fours. I was totally bluffing.”

  Everyone laughs.

  “What you got, Zander?” Josh asks. “Please tell me it’s something that’s gonna beat this fucker and make him cry.”

  Zander lays down his cards with a flourish and flashes a huge smile. “Full house, gentlemen. Read ’em and weep.”

  Everyone at the table cheers and laughs and hurls taunts at Reed as Zander rakes in his chips. I try to applaud and cheer, too—I’m thrilled for Zander, of course—but I can’t seem to focus on the game at the moment. I’m too lost in my swirling thoughts. I want to make Tessa Rodriguez happy for the rest of her life. I know it to be true as surely as I know my own name: I love Tessa and I always will and I want to make her happy for the rest of her fucking life. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna tell her tomorrow night.



  I knock on the door of Josh and Kat’s bungalow, my skin buzzing. I’ve only got a few minutes before I’ve got to meet up with the wedding coordinator to help her with a thousand things today, but I wanted to quickly stop by Josh and Kat’s bungalow to give them my paltry attempt at a wedding gift to kick off their Big Day. But, to my surprise, it’s Jonas who opens the bungalow door, not Josh or Kat.

  “Oh, hi, Jonas,” I say. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Theresa,” he says.

  I step into the room to find Josh sitting at a table filled with breakfast plates. “Good morning, Mr. Faraday,” I say. “Where’s your almost-wife?”

  “Kat swapped places with Jonas last night. She didn’t want us seeing each other today until the moment she’s walking down the aisle.”

  “Aw, she’s so cute.”

  Josh offers me food, but I decline while plopping myself down on a chair next to him. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve never been so excited in my life.”

  I swoon just a little bit. I can’t believe how far this formerly commitment-phobic boss of mine has journeyed in the time I’ve known him. Although, wait, come to think of it, I can believe it. Now that I’ve spent so much time with Kat and her family this week, I can plainly see nobody, not even a world-renowned playboy like Joshua William Faraday, not even the most thick-skulled, thick-skinned, stupidest person in the world, could possibly resist the chance to become a permanent member of the Morgan clan.

  “So what’s up, T-Rod?” Josh asks, munching on a piece of bacon.

  “I just wanted to come by and tell you and Kat how thrilled I am for you both and give you my wedding gift.”

  “We told everyone no gifts, remember?” Josh says. “‘Your presence is our present.’”

  “Fuck that. I’m not ‘everyone.’”

  Josh and Jonas both laugh.

  “T-Rod lays down the law,” Josh says, smiling.

  “I’m just saying—you’ve been so generous with me over the years, I wasn’t gonna let this occasion pass without some attempt at showing my gratitude, however pathetic it may be. Can I just say you’re impossible to buy a gift for, Mr. Faraday? You’re truly the man who has everything.”

  “Not quite yet, but I will in approximately”—he looks at his watch—“five hours and thirteen minutes.” He grins.

  “Okay, so don’t expect too much, but I just wanted you and Kat to know how happy I am for you. So, drum roll, please...”

  Jonas gives me a drum roll on the table.

  “I’ve arranged for you and Kat to have twelve ballroom-dancing lessons in the privacy of your home.”

  Josh laughs. “Wow, T. That’s awesome. Thank you.”

  “But, wait, there’s more. During each lesson, a chef will be hard at work in your kitchen, making you a five-star meal to be enjoyed when you’re finished dancing.”

  “Amazing. Kat’s gonna be thrilled.”

  “Plus, I’ve already chatted with Kat’s parents and Ryan and Keane and Colby and Sarah, and if you wind up taking some or all of the lessons after Gracie Louise arrives, they all said they’d be thrilled to watch the baby while you and Kat dance and dine the night away.”

  “Put me on the list of babysitters, too,” Jonas says. “I wanna cement my spot as Little G’s favorite uncle early on.”

  “Oh, man, don’t let the Morgan boys overhear you saying that, Jonas,” I say. “At the pool the other day, all four of them almost got into fisticuffs about which one of them was gonna be Gracie’s favorite uncle.”

  “Shit. I forgot about those bastards,” Jonas says. “It’s gonna be awfully tough to compete in the Uncle Olympics with those motherfuckers. They’ve definitely got me beat in the goofy department.” He laughs.

  My body floods with sudden warmth. “Those boys have everyone beat in the goofy department, not just you, Jonas,” I say, my cheeks rising with color. “I just love that about them.”

  Josh and Jonas exchange a look.

  “Well, thanks, for your incredible gift,” Josh says. “And, hey, as long as you’re here, and Jonas happens to be here, too, there’s something I want to talk to you about. I was gonna wait ’til I got home from my honeymoon to talk about this, but now that we’re all here...” He sighs. “I’ll just get right to the point, T-Rod: you’ve grown a lot in the time I’ve known you. And, lately, it’s clear to me I’m vastly underutilizing your talents, solely out of selfishness.”

  I’m speechless.

  Josh looks at his brother, gets an encouraging nod, and looks back at me. “T, I’m gonna ask you a question and I want you to answer me with complete honesty, okay?”

  I nod.

  “Do you still feel like being my ‘executive personal assistant’ is enough for you, or do you have aspirations beyond that role?”

  I pause. I didn’t expect to be having this conversation today, if ever. I take a deep breath. “I love being your personal assistant with all my heart—I really do. But, yes, if I’m being completely honest, I do have aspirations beyond that role. I mean, what I mean is...” I swallow hard. “I just feel like I could maybe delegate and oversee some of my more mundane tasks to free me up for tasks that require a bit more... high-level thinking?”

  “Precisely my thoughts,” Josh says. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  I exhale with relief. “Really?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  “For what it’s worth,” Jonas says. “I agree, too. Not that I have any say in the matter—I’m just a bystander. But I’ve watched you grow and blossom exponentially from the sidelines, and I think it’d be a crying shame not to acknowledge and foster that growth. Excellence isn’t magic—it’s habit, the by-product of doing something over and over and striving to be the best at it. Visualize the divine original form of yourself and then strive to become it. The sky’s the limit for you, Theresa.”

  I feel my cheeks bloom. “Thank you, Jonas.”

  “And thank you, Plato,” Josh says dryly. “So, okay, it’s settled, then. We need to think about how best to utilize you. It’s not something I want to figure out today—no offense, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry today.”

  We all chuckle.

  “But we’ll definitely put our heads together on this when I get home, okay?”

  “Okay. Great. I’m excited.”

  “I do have one idea I’d like to float past you now, though,” Josh says. “A little something for you to think about while I’m gone this week.”


  “The other night, Ryan sent me his business plan for this bar he’s planning to open. Captain’s.”

  My stomach tightens with excitement.

  “Jonas and I were looking at the plan together last night and we were both impressed at how good it is. We both feel confident it’s something we want to invest in and be a part of—and, if Ryan’s on board with the idea, maybe even grow it beyond Ryan’s initial vision to something really big.”

  My skin is buzzing. My heart is racing. “Mmm hmm,” I say, trying very hard not to let my body language betray a
ny of the following facts: one, I’ve already devoured Ryan’s business plan and was thoroughly impressed; two, I’m dying to be a part of Ryan’s dream, in any teeny way he might let me be (and, in fact, I’ve already got a thousand ideas of ways I might contribute); and, three, I’ve been fucking Ryan Ulysses Morgan to within an inch of his life all week long.

  “Don’t say anything to Ryan yet, please,” Josh continues. “Jonas and I need to talk to him when I get home from my honeymoon, so this is purely hypothetical at this point, but what would you say if Jonas and I were to partner with Ryan and bring you on as a member of the team to help us launch? I mean, surely, helping launch a new business venture would be a better utilization of your time and talents than ensuring my Lamborghini is shiny and my suits ordered from the latest Anthony Franco show.” He grins at Jonas.

  I feel like my head’s exploding. “I think that sounds awesome,” I say evenly.

  “Perfect,” Josh says. “Jonas and I won’t be able to commit a whole lot of time to Captain’s—we’re gonna be crazy-busy with our plans for Climb & Conquer, so having you be my eyes and ears on the project will be a win-win. Plus, to be honest, now that I’m getting married and having a baby, I think there’s a good chance I won’t need the same kind of personal attention you’ve always given me anymore. I could be wrong—I’ve never been married with a kid before—but I figure, whatever I might need from a personal assistant going forward, you could hire someone to do it, teach him or her exactly what I like, and then manage them for me so I never need to talk to them.”

  I laugh. “Absolutely.”

  “Cool. So, yeah, all in all, I think it’s a natural progression for you—and me—and this new, amazing life I’m embarking on—if you become my proxy in some new, expanded ways. And I can’t think of a better project to sic you on than Captain’s. It’s like the stars were aligned.” He takes a deep breath. “So, in concept, that all sounds good to you?”

  I feel like I just won the lottery, but I try to keep my cool. “It sounds great,” I say. “I’m actually thrilled about the idea.”

  We share a smile.

  “So, cool, Jonas and I will talk to Ryan when I get back, and let you know if he’s equally thrilled with the idea, too.”

  “I think he will be.” I swallow hard, stuffing down my impulse to tell Jonas and Josh everything about Ryan and me. “I, uh, I’ve actually had a chance to spend a little time with Ryan this week, and we get along very well,” I say lamely.

  Josh and Jonas exchange another look, this one even more loaded than the last.

  “Look, T, as long as we’re talking about Ryan and thinking about you possibly working closely with him as my proxy,” Josh says, “I feel the need to say something I wouldn’t otherwise say.”

  My stomach clenches. Something tells me I’m not gonna like whatever words are about to come out of Josh’s mouth. “Okay.”

  “There’s one source of trepidation I have about this whole idea, to be honest.” Josh exhales. “I’ve noticed sparks between you and Ryan. I don’t know if it’s a two-way street, but it seems pretty clear to me he’s interested in starting something with you. I don’t know if you’re open to that or not, or even if I’m right about that—and, frankly, it’s none of my business; but just, you know, in case I’m right, I’d kick myself later if I didn’t give you a heads-up about something I’ve observed.”

  I wait, my pulse pounding in my ears.

  “Just do yourself a favor and proceed with caution if you’re gonna get involved romantically with Ryan, okay? Ryan’s a great guy—I already love him like a brother. I genuinely think he’s loyal and honest and funny and smart as hell, and Kat sure thinks the world of him. I have no doubt he’s gonna make a spectacular business partner or I wouldn’t even think of doing a deal with him, brother-in-law or not. But when it comes to the way I’ve seen him interact with women, I think he might be a diehard ‘something shiny’ kind of guy, if you know what I mean.”

  My chest is tight. “Why... do you say that?”

  Josh and Jonas exchange yet another look.

  “For a couple months now,” Josh says, “Ryan’s been losing his shit over this one particular woman he met a while back. I’d even go so far as to say he’s been totally obsessed with her. And I know for a fact he was still feeling that way about her the day everyone arrived at the resort because, at the opening party, he was talking about how he’d been trying to contact her that very day.”

  I feel like I’ve just been punched in the stomach. That’s what Ryan was talking about with Jonas and Josh and Henn and that group at the opening night party while I stood there giggling about Keane’s and Zander’s imaginary dick-tattoos— some woman he’s “obsessed with”? And he was doing it after he’d already fucked my brains out? Well, shit, if he’s so obsessed with her, why the hell didn’t he bring her to Maui? Did he decide not to bring her precisely because he was anticipating having a vacation-fling behind her back?

  What happens in Maui stays in Maui.

  Oh my God. I feel physically ill.

  “Maybe you... misunderstood him?” I offer, clinging to hope maybe some of the amazing things Ryan said to me this week—and the feelings he’s made me feel—have been real. “Maybe Ryan isn’t as into this other woman as you thought?”

  “Oh, he’s not,” Jonas says. “That’s the part that’s confusing. Right before the party, he was totally into her, no doubt about it, and then, all of a sudden, at the party, he was saying he was ready to turn the page and move on. It was so weird—and it pissed me off, to be honest. He was really, really into this woman for quite some time, Theresa—I won’t go into detail about how I know that to be true, but just trust me: a while back, he was talking about them having a ‘soul connection.’ And then, for some reason, the minute he got here, that other woman was yesterday’s news and he was ready to drop her like a hot potato. I mean, sure, a dude can move on. Of course. Sometimes, that’s the healthiest choice. But the way he was able to do it so fucking fast after being obsessed with her right before he got here is what was so weird to me.”

  “Well, let’s not be disingenuous, Jonas,” Josh says. “We both have a strong hunch the reason Ryan was so willing to drop the other woman like a hot potato is that he met you. I saw the way Ryan looked at you in the lobby the first day—everyone did. And, hey, that’s great. I mean, if Ryan’s attracted to you and has a sincere desire to start something serious with you, then more power to you both. Who the fuck are Jonas and I to say a damned thing about it? All we’re saying is this: keep your eyes wide open, okay? If and when Ryan makes a move on you, which I personally predict is inevitable, take it slow and feel things out before you get in too deep with the guy because, as great as he is, it seems like he’s got a shockingly short attention span with women. Especially if you’re gonna be working with him on Captain’s, it’s gonna be important you don’t rush into something with the guy and then have things go to shit on you. I’d hate for you to get hurt. Plus, I’m not gonna lie, I’d also hate for our business dynamic to get fucked up.”

  There’s a long pause, during which I’m smashing my lips together so damned hard, they hurt. Oh, fuck. This is a nightmare. I was so damned excited to work on Captain’s a moment ago, and now I feel like it’s an absolute impossibility.

  Ryan swore to me he’d jumped from Psycho Barbie to “Samantha” in lightning speed as some sort of aberration—because he simply couldn’t resist our incredible connection. But now I see he jumps from woman to woman pathologically. He’s ping-ponged from Psycho Barbie to Samantha to this Mystery Woman to me. Jesus, how many “soul connections” can one guy claim to have in three fucking months? Samantha, he called me while screwing me on our first day here—and now it makes perfect sense. The man is addicted to fantasies and role-plays—nothing is ever fucking real for him.

  “To be clear: Jonas and I love and respect the guy,” Josh says. “Or else we wouldn’t even consider investing in his bar. But after what happened wit
h Stu, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t warn you about what I see as a potential red flag in the romance department. What you do with the information is totally up to you. You’re a big girl.”

  I manage to stuff my emotions down deep enough to speak in a calm, clear voice that, hopefully, betrays nothing of the hurricane of emotion suddenly swirling inside me. “Thanks for the heads up,” I say. “I appreciate it. But, honestly, your warnings aren’t necessary because I have absolutely no intention of starting anything ‘in the romance department’ with Ryan Morgan.” I clear my throat. “None whatsoever.”



  Kat is breathtakingly beautiful as she floats down the sand on her father’s arm toward Josh, and it’s not because of the lovely way her simple white dress floats like a cloud over her baby bump or the way the large jewels dangling from her ears are glinting in the pre-sunset light. It’s because she’s the embodiment of pure joy and love itself.

  I look at Josh, biting my lower lip, trying to keep tears from my eyes. He’s standing in the sand, mere yards from the glittering ocean, dressed in a sharp black-and-white tuxedo, an expression of unadulterated elation on his face. To his right stands his best man, Jonas, who, in turn, is standing next to Josh’s groomsmen, Henn, Reed, and Uncle William, all of them looking sharp in tuxedoes, all of them smiling broadly.

  When Mr. Morgan and Kat reach Kat’s future husband, the proud father kisses his beloved daughter, guides her gently to Josh, and takes a seat next to his teary-eyed wife; and the officiant—a large Hawaiian guy in a white linen suit, sunglasses, and a lei—commences the ceremony.

  The whole scene is utterly perfect. Touching. But I’d be lying if I said I was completely in the beautiful moment. In truth, I can’t stop thinking about Ryan, seated on the other side of the audience.

  I knew exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to be Ryan’s secret fuck buddy this week, didn’t I? So why the hell do I feel so utterly rejected to find out he was obsessively fixated on some other woman the day he stepped foot on the resort grounds—mere moments before he screwed me so passionately in his room? Okay, yes, I realize the guy probably screws a different woman every week of his life, but I guess I’d convinced myself the way he screwed me had brought out a whole new kind of passion in him.


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