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Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  The second he's in the shower, my phone goes off. It's Jacob. "Hey where are you?"

  "I'm home. Where are you?"

  "I'm not home. I have some things going on, and well...I just can't talk about them at the moment."

  "What's going on? You're not on duty, are you?"

  "No. I'm not, but I'm out. Sorry, I have to go." I end the call, sitting on the bed, feeling unsure. I nearly said I found my mate. I almost let the truth slip out. I have to be more careful, but isn't Jacob a shifter as well?

  I slip on the panties and the bra. I stand up and look in the large mirror on the dresser. The cup size is a little small, but the width is just fine. Although now it looks like I could pose for those provocative photoshoots. I stare at myself and smile. I look good. My hair’s down, falling over my shoulders, framing my face perfectly.

  I drop my head and pose. Then I decided to climb on the bed and kneel with my legs spread out, posing for the imaginary camera. A low rumble comes from the bathroom. Can you see me?

  No, but I can feel your arousal. Interesting. The bathroom door opens and before I know it, Turner’s on me, lifting me, crushing his mouth to mine and then tossing me onto the mattress.

  He pulls back, resting on his calves as he drags my panties off. “Hey, don’t ruin them.”

  “I’m not. They’re sexy as fuck on you.” I reach around and pop the clasp on the bra, pulling it off to watch his eyes darken. He bends down and sucks on my nipple, biting on it. I let out a moan so loud that I surprise myself.

  “Wow, calm down, tiger.”

  “Tiger? I’m a wolf.”

  “Tiger, wolf—same difference,” I scoff, knowing he’s going to get aggressive. My body burns to feel that intensity on and in me.

  “I’ll show you a difference.” He flips me onto all fours and then slides his cock deep inside me. I cry out from the fullness and then he pulls back, nearly completely out, but then slams back home.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, needing more. I need his touch and he gives it to me, sliding his hands up and down my back before moving them to my front and cupping my breasts and thrusting violently, the sound of our flesh slapping resounding through the room. It doesn’t take long for our sweaty bodies to come. I shake as he wraps himself around me, his head to my neck as he pumps every last drop inside of me.

  We stay on our knees for a minute longer and then he falls to the side, taking me with him as he spoons me. “Sleepy,” I yawn.

  “Rest, my queen.”



  We’ve laid down and made love more times than I can count in the past twenty-four hours, but I must get back to White Wolfe before the new season kicks off. I took a quick shower and now I’m dressed and ready to leave, but it’s time to wake up my mate.

  I call out to her because I know if I touch her, I’ll lose control again. “Love, we’re supposed to meet with Hunter and Cat downstairs in his office in about an hour.”

  “Okay,” she says groggily, turning onto her side with her ass in my line of sight. Fuck, I need to keep my dick down for a bit or we’ll be late to everything.

  “Maria, come on. Get in the shower and get dressed.” She never managed to put on more clothes, so she still has the ones Cat gave her.

  “Fine.” She slides off the bed, completely naked with tiny marks from my hands and mouth. She pads off like a grumpy little thing, which makes me smile. We need to get home, and then she can sleep all she wants.

  I have a hundred messages. Mostly a bunch of congratulations. I have to call my father, who wants to hear from me.

  I call him first to see what he has to say. Since I didn’t personally inform anyone but my brother, I’m sure he’s probably not too pleased with me. “Hey there, son. I wondered when I’d hear from you. How is everything with your mate?”

  “It’s great. We’re getting everything prepared to come home tomorrow.”

  “That’s good news. I can’t wait to meet her. What can you tell us? Your mother has been waiting to hear news, and so has the rest of the pack. Everywhere I go, I get asked about the new Alpha female.”

  “There’s a lot I’m still working out. I have no idea where Mark is at the moment. I should check with him since he sent me a text as well. I kind of ditched him with the Alpha here when I found my mate.”

  “I have heard from him. He’s having a good time hanging out, but he’s waiting on your call. I know you’re busy, but let me know if you need any help.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Maria and I are going down to meet with the Alpha, Hunter, and his mate today before we plan our next steps.”

  “So Maria’s her name? You haven’t mentioned anything about your mate.”

  “That’s because, well, it seems my mate is human.”

  “Human? Really?”


  “Well, that’s interesting. I hadn’t expected that.”

  “Me either. That’s why we’re going to talk to Hunter and his mate, who is also a human.”

  “Well, then, it seems that it is not as uncommon as I believed.”

  “Are you upset, Dad?”

  “Why would I be? As long as she’s your mate, nothing else matters. I am certain that she is perfect for you.”

  “Thank you, Dad. I’ve got to go, but I’ll talk to you later.” I end the call and stare at my mate with just a towel wrapped around her body. “Beautiful.”

  “Don’t even think of it, mister. We have to get ready for our meeting, and there’s still a thousand things to do before we leave Wolfe Creek.”

  “Are you okay with leaving here?”

  “It’s going to be a little sad, but it’s not like we’re far away. Besides, my roots aren’t here. I go where you go, and that’s White Wolf.”

  “Get dressed before I take your sweet ass again.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been called sweet before.”

  “Well, you are.” I stand up and adjust my erection so I can actually take a step. This is such a new and weird experience for me. I hadn’t thought of this issue before, but I suppose I should get used to it.

  She takes her clothes and walks back into the bathroom, which I think is a great idea so this fucker can go down before we go downstairs.

  Five minutes later, I’ve calmed and my erection has settled to half-mast, which is the best I can hope for. She comes out, looking elegant in a pair of jeans and a pretty button-down top. It’s light blue and hugs her large breasts. I do my best to get my jealousy under control. It’s just a blouse, for heaven’s sake.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes. Everything feels nice. I have to ask her where she gets her clothes.”

  “Well, you look perfect. Let’s go.” I take her hand and lead her out of our room and wait for the elevators. There’s another couple there and the woman eyes my mate with a critical eye, and I want to beat her man’s ass because I won’t touch a woman.

  “Excuse me? Is there something wrong with my outfit? You’re staring with disgust.”

  “No. I wasn’t looking at you like that.”

  “I can see your reflection. Either way, we’ll be taking this elevator down alone.”

  I lose it when I realize why the woman’s upset with Maria. It’s because her bastard man is staring at Maria’s breasts. I’m on him in a second, ready to rip his fucking head off. I slam him against the wall, pinning him there while I snarl and my wolf demands to be let out. “Turner? Calm down.”

  “No. There’s a reason his wife is jealous of you. He was just checking you out.”

  “He’s not worth it. Come, love. It’s a pity that not all men are like you.” I let him go because my queen wants me to, but I give him a warning look. I could kill him with my bare hands, and he has no fucking idea. I take a deep breath, and the elevator doors finally open. We get inside while he shoves off his wife’s hands as she tries to care for him. I’ll be having a talk with Hunter about that. I sense a domestic fight about to happen.

are so sexy when you’re territorial like that. I was almost tempted to let you pummel him, but I was afraid your wolf would have come out.”

  “It’s a close one. I’m glad I have you to calm me down. Although, I don’t ever remember being that murderous. Even as teen, I never had the urge to kill someone.”

  “Well, let’s try to keep that to a minimum. Okay?”

  “I’ll do my best. You’re my mate and therefore an extension of me. Disrespect to you is a direct disrespect to me.”

  “Understood. Now, let’s just talk to our hosts so we can go back and you can fuck that anger out,” she purrs against my ear before kissing my cheek.

  I let out a growl. “Damn, baby. You’re killing me. I still haven’t gotten this fucker under control.”

  “Sorry.” She giggles as the elevator doors open up, but there’s a small group of people waiting to get on and I don’t miss the way several women stare at my privates.

  “He’s mine, ladies,” Maria hisses with a flick of her hair. I lead her to the front desk.

  “Hello, miss. We’re looking for Mr. Wolfe’s office.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Turner, please go through that hallway and to your right. He’s expecting you.”

  “Thank you.” I nod and take Maria’s hand as we walk across the library. My ears are pricked, and I know that we need to give them a minute. “Apparently they’ve lost track of time.” We both laugh and then hear the sound of clothes rustling.

  “Maria.” I turn around to hear the man who called my woman. It’s Sheriff Erik, coming toward us in his full uniform. “Turner,” he adds. “I’m surprised you managed to find time to talk to Hunter. I had to make him drag me out of bed almost quite literally.”

  “Well, thank goodness he didn’t try because I’d have to kill him.”

  “Yeah, well, luckily, I’m married to his sister.”

  “Very true.”

  “I just wanted to say congratulations, and I haven’t told the station yet, but I’m assuming that you’re leaving with him to White Wolf Ridge, correct?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  “No. Don’t be sorry. I understand more than just about anyone. I’m happy that everything worked out.” He smiles and extends his hand to me. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you to be good to her, but don’t fuck up.” He winks and gives her a handshake before turning on his heel. I like the man, although it helps that he’s a shifter and already mated.

  The office door opens, and Hunter greets us. “It’s good see you down here, Turner, Maria. Please come in.”

  “Thank you.” It’s clear that they just fucked like rabbits, but I’m not going to address it. It’s pointless to bother, making them uncomfortable.

  “Thank you for coming. I'm so happy for you. Hunter and I wanted to give you guys kind of the rundown of how this whole Alpha-human thing works. We've been kind of learning as we go along and making notes because we know that we're not the only ones and there's a possibility for more to come in the future.”

  “Please, take a seat.” When we do, Hunter pulls Cat onto his lap and she starts talking. “Now, the reason your wolf picked a human is simply because you're the strongest of your pack and thus can handle being mated to a human, but I think you should ask any questions you have. Do you have any questions for us?”

  “A huge one, actually. Will she become a shifter as well?”

  “Yes, but it doesn't always happen right away. One of the biggest things that causes a human to change is something happening to your mate. From the readings of our ancestors, it didn't happen until after she had their first child, but for us, it was when our former Beta attacked us,” Hunter says with a snarling anger, reliving the memory.

  “And it’s strange, but I can hear her thoughts as clear as day.”

  “And vice versa,” Maria adds.

  “Another benefit of the Alpha-human connection. It helps in times of danger and strengthens the bond.”

  “The pups?”

  “Our babies will be just like any other shifter pup.” I’ll explain any questions you have about our pups later.

  “Wow. Okay, so it’s pretty much the same except the whole hearing thoughts kind of thing,” I say, attempting to be under control, but I’m still riled up and hearing pups makes me harder than fuck.

  “That’s very good to know,” Maria says.

  “And before we leave, I have to say I had a little argument with one of your guests.”

  “A little argument? Like slamming up against the wall?” he questions with a smirk. How was he aware of that so fast? “I have cameras and saw the entire incident. I’ll keep an eye on them. I’m surprised you were able to back away. After watching the surveillance video, you were right to beat him if you wanted. He noticed her yesterday and said he wanted his wife to have an ass like that.”


  “Well, I’ve already had my security escort them out of the hotel. Trust me, I understand more than anyone what mating does to us, but they’re regular humans and they don’t live by our moral standards.”

  “I’m only letting it go because I’d rather be home with my mate then finding ways to shred the fucker apart.”

  “Good. So, if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. Here are our private cells.” He hands me the card. “We’ll let you get back to doing what you need.”

  “I need to get her back home. Thank you for the stay.” We shake hands, and the girls hug each other.

  We go upstairs, and as soon as that door closes I have her pinned to it, pants down and panties pushed to the side before slamming into her. “You look sexy as fuck like this, mate. Your pussy was throbbing in the room. Did it make you horny to think of having my babies?”

  “Yes,” she moans, resting her head back on my shoulder.

  “I could feel it. I’m just making sure I got the job done. I can’t wait to see you round, belly swollen, breasts full, letting everyone know that you belong to me. Understand, Maria? You belong to me.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  I do my best to maintain control. The word from her lips goes straight to my wolf. He wants her submission, and she’s given it. “Good, remember that. Remember that when your pussy needs me, demand satisfaction.”

  “Fuck, ah,” she cries, her warmth holding my cock in a death grip.

  “That’s right. Come on my cock while I breed you,” I growl, biting her bared neck. Her walls convulse, orgasming as I roar out my seed deep into her, marking her again.

  “I love when you bite me.”

  “I love having my mark all over you.” I pull out of her and let her feet hit the floor. The door vibrates as we take our weight off it. I’m sure the fucker shook as I possessed my mate, but I heard nothing but her pleasure and mine.

  I reach over and adjust her panties, fitting them into place, feeling our sticky release on my fingers. She turns and quickly sucks my fingers into her mouth. I growl and push her down to her knees. “Since you like to clean me off, mate, your Alpha needs you to clean off my cock.”

  “Your mate wants to lick you clean,” she says, her eyes brightened, heated as she wraps her hand around my length. Her lips part as she takes the tip and slides it between them until it’s disappeared into her mouth. Unable to control the pleasure, I cup her head and start letting go, fucking her like the beast I am. I let off and pull out, feeling like I’m a bit too rough with my queen, but she grabs hold. “I’m not done. I need you, my Alpha.”

  “Fuck. You asked for it, my queen.” I lock my fist around her hair and tilt her head up as I push my cock deep into her mouth. “It’s yours, baby. Take it.”

  “I’m going to come,” she cries out, but I need to feel it, so I pop out of her mouth and scoop her up and toss her on the bed. Pouncing on top of her with a hurried need, my tip nudges her entrance as I push her legs open wide. I grab hold of that waste of material and shred it.

  “I’ll buy you hundreds more for me to shred,” I promise before plundering her
womb in and out, hooking the backs of her knees over my arms as I kneel and punish her pussy. “I’ll never get enough,” I grunt, causing her to splinter and come hard, shaking wildly as I fill her up again with every fucking drop.

  It takes another hour to get ourselves under control enough to leave the hotel. We grab our things from the room because we don’t plan to return. Soon, I’ll have her in our home, filling her womb in every damn room in the house until neither of us can walk. Fuck, I can barely manage it now. Maybe she’s right; I should have eaten more than a meager meal and her pussy. We step out of the room and make it down to the valet to get my truck without me pulling her back inside. Waiting outside with my queen’s hand in mine, I breathe in the chilly air and smile. I’m a happy son of a bitch.

  My SUV pulls up and the guy steps out, nodding to me before nodding respectfully to my mate. I hand him a tip. I can tell he’s a shifter too, and young. “Come on. We have to go to your apartment and at the very least pack your clothes, mate.” I kiss her cheek and then open the passenger door when I really want to slam her against the SUV and bang her fucking brains out again. This lust has me in a haze.

  “I’ll drive,” she says, walking away from the open door. “You don’t know where I live. So please don’t argue. Also, we need to find your Beta.”

  “Shit. That’s the second time I forgot to contact him.” Taking her sunglasses from the bag Cat gave her, Maria slips them over her gorgeous eyes. She switches gears and pulls out like a professional driver. Fuck, she looks hot with all that confidence that pours from her. Shaking my head, I finally remember what I need to do, and I say, “Call Mark.”

  “Calling Mark,” the car says back.

  “Oh my goodness. I forgot about my brand-new, many-monthly-payments-to-go Chevy Silverado.”

  “We can have him bring it back, and I’ll have it paid off by the end of the week. Just make sure to remind me.”

  It rings twice, and he answers. “Hey, you remembered about me!”

  “Yeah, well, when you find your mate, you can take a day or two off. Where are you?”


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