Road to Absolution

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Road to Absolution Page 6

by Piper Davenport

  Cassidy pulled her arm back and shot the cue forward, the clack of the white ball hitting a solid, and then her little squeal of victory as the solid slid into the pocket. Ace went hard at the sound.

  “Ohmigod, it worked,” she said. “Thanks, Mack.”

  “Anytime, babe.”

  “Fuck off, Mack,” Ace hissed.

  “Carter!” Cassidy snapped. “Language.”

  “Yeah, Carter, there are kids around. What’s your problem?” Mack glanced at Ace with a shit-eating grin on his face, still touching Cassidy.

  Ace faced his brother, his back to the kids and mouthed “fuck off” again before inserting himself between Cassidy and Mack, shoving the man out of the way. Mack’s response was to laugh, although, he did put distance between them.

  Ace wrapped an arm possessively around Cassidy’s waist and pulled her close, only to have her worm her way out of his hold and step closer to Maverick. She sent him a look that spoke volumes, though, and Ace frowned at her. He picked up that she didn’t want public displays of affection around her son, at least not yet, but that didn’t mean Ace had to like it.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and watched as Hawk helped Lily make a shot, even though it was boys against girls. Lily stared up at her dad with hero worship in her eyes and Ace hoped he’d have that one day. He wanted nothing more than to have kids with Cassidy… he just had to figure out how to make it happen sooner than later.

  A few minutes later, once the girls had “won” the game, Cassidy declared it was time to get Maverick home and into bed.

  “Aw, Mom, Lily and I were going to play Super Smash Bros.”

  “I’m sure Mrs. James and I can figure out a time for you and Lily to have a play date. Maybe at our place,” Cassidy countered. “So, you can play another day.”

  “But we don’t have Super Smash Bros,” Maverick whined.

  “But we do,” Payton interjected. “You can come over anytime and play.”

  “Can I, Mom?” he begged.

  Cassidy nodded. “I will set something up with Mrs. James, okay?”

  Maverick let out a fist pump and grinned. “Awesome!”

  “Did you leave anything in the playroom?” Cassidy asked.

  “Oh, my DS,” he said.

  “I’ll help you find it,” Lily offered, and the two made a run for the playroom.

  Ace watched them go and then smiled down at Cassidy. “Brings back a few memories, huh?”

  She nodded and turned away, but not before he caught the sheen of tears in her eyes. He slid his hand to her neck and gave her a gentle squeeze, kissing her temple.

  “I guess we should exchange phone numbers,” she murmured, and pulled her phone from her pocket, effectively pulling away from him.

  Ace took her phone, entered his info, then texted himself. He was handing her phone back just as Maverick and Lily returned, portable gaming console in hand.

  “Found it,” Maverick declared.

  “Good job.” Cassidy took a few minutes to say her goodbyes and then Ace walked them to Cassidy’s car.

  “Get yourself buckled, Mav,” she instructed. “I’m going to talk to Carter for a minute.”

  “Okay, Mom,” he said, and climbed into the car.

  “What’s your week like?” Ace asked.

  “I work full time, so I’m usually home by six after I pick Mav up from daycare.”

  “You don’t work tomorrow, right?” He was having a difficult time not touching her, but he understood her need to go slow with Maverick around.

  She smiled. “No, I make it a point not to work on Sundays.”

  “We’re gonna do something, then.”

  “We are, are we?”

  He nodded. “And Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday… getting the picture?”

  Cassidy giggled. “Yes, I’m getting the picture, but I have a busy week, so I can’t promise we’ll see each other every day.”

  “Yeah, you can.”

  “Carter, I can’t just drop everything in my life because you decree we will spend every waking moment together. I dance on Mondays, Mav has karate on Tuesday nights, then swimming on Thursday nights. Not to mention, by the time I’ve worked a full day, picked him up from daycare, cooked dinner, bathed, and put him to bed, I’m usually collapsing into bed myself. Maybe we can just plan the weekend after next.”

  “Hell, no. I’m not waiting that long, Cass.”

  “Well, I’m driving down to my parents on Friday night, so I don’t know when else we’ll manage it.”

  “Fuck!” Ace snapped.

  Cassidy growled in frustration. “Five-year-old kid right there, buddy.”

  He squeezed the bridge of his nose.

  “I should go,” she said.

  “Baby, wait.” Ace slid his hand to her neck. “Tomorrow, we’ll sit down and figure it all out.”

  “What if I have plans tomorrow?”

  “Then you need to change them.”

  “Ohmigod, Carter, you are an idiot.”

  He grinned, leaning down to kiss her. She pushed at his chest, but he wouldn’t budge. They were close enough to the car that even if Maverick cared about anything other than his video game, he’d only see Ace’s side. He broke the kiss and stroked her cheek. “I’m bringin’ you breakfast.”

  “You don’t even know where I live.”

  He chuckled. “What does Mav like to eat?”

  “He’s a five-year-old boy. What did you like to eat when you were five?”

  “Anything with sugar.”

  “Well, there you go. Nothing’s changed.”

  “I’ll be at your place at seven,” he said.

  “If you are, I will maim you.”

  “Nine, then.”

  Cassidy threw her hands in the air. “Fine. Come at nine, but as soon as you get there, you can watch Maverick while I go back to bed.”

  Ace dropped his head back and laughed. “Okay, baby. Whatever you want.”

  “I really should go, Carter. I hate driving this late.”

  “Want me to drive you?”

  “No, it’s okay.” She smiled up at him. “I need a little time to process.”

  Ace stroked her cheek and kissed her quickly. “Text me when you’re inside and safe.”

  “I’ll try.”


  She rolled her eyes. “Still bossy.”

  “Still stubborn,” he retorted.

  Cassidy sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Ace nodded and watched her climb into her car and drive away.

  AFTER I PUT Maverick to bed, I sat for quite a while on the sofa just staring off into space. I was still blindsided by the events of the day and wasn’t entirely sure if I hadn’t dreamed it all. I heard my phone peal from my purse and frowned. It was almost eleven, I couldn’t imagine who would be calling me at this hour.

  I didn’t reach it in time, but it started ringing again, so I answered it without looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”

  “Fuck, Cass, I’ve been worried sick. Are you home?”

  “Oh, Carter. Sorry. I totally forgot to text you.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He sighed. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I smiled. “I have managed to get myself home all by myself for the last seven years or so.”

  “Well, open your door. I want to see for myself.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Babe, open the door, yeah?”

  “You’re not really here, are you?”

  “I’m really here, staring at apartment number seven-eighty-two.”

  “I’m seven-eighty-four.”

  “You are not,” he countered.

  “No, you’re right, I’m not.” I sighed and checked the peep hole, before pulling open the door. “Hi,” I said, and hung up.

  Carter grinned, leaning down to kiss me as he pushed me back into my apartment and closed the door. “Hey,” he said, between kisses, cupping my cheeks as he held me captive. “God damn, you can kiss.”

  I smiled against his lips and broke our connection. “So can you. But what are you doing here?”

  “I was worried about you. I’ve called you sixty-two times.”

  “What? You did not.”

  “Okay, no. Three,” he admitted, and turned to lock the door. “But when you didn’t call me after the last one, I headed up.”

  “Carter, you can’t stay. I’m sorry I worried you, but you can’t just show up when you want to pound your chest and get all alpha male on me.” I was really glad I got the words out, and I think they sounded legit. Of course, I didn’t mean any of them. I was beyond flattered that he’d checked on me and I didn’t want him to leave… ever.

  “Yeah, I can,” he said, and cocked his head. “Babe, you’re gonna have to get used to this. I will do my best not to get possessive, but making sure you and Maverick are okay isn’t negotiable.”

  I slid my arms around his waist and settled my cheek against his chest. “Okay.”

  He chuckled and gave me a gentle squeeze. “I thought that was gonna go a different way.”

  “I have missed you so much. Even if this doesn’t work out, I prayed for just one more day of us time, so I’ll take whatever I can get.”

  “Baby, it’s gonna work out. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I nodded against his chest, drawing in his scent. There was something about the combination of the cologne he’d worn forever mixed with leather. “Are you still wearing Stetson?”

  “Hmm-mm. You still love it?”

  “Hmm-mm,” I mimicked. “It smells even better on you now.”

  He’d worn the fragrance for as long as I could remember, it had been a gift from an old girlfriend, but we’d both agreed it suited him perfectly.

  He kissed the top of my head. “That’s good to know.”

  “I have a confession,” I breathed.

  “Not sure I can handle another one of those in my life, honey,” he joked.

  I slapped his arm and leaned back. “Jerk.”

  He grinned. “What’s your confession?”

  “Huh-uh,” I retorted, walking into the kitchen. “You lost your chance, buddy.”

  Carter chuckled as he followed me. “I have ways of making you talk. Have you forgotten?”

  “Um, hello, we’re not in the pond now, and I’m fully clothed. That was the last time I wore a string bikini in your presence.”

  “But you sang like a canary in order to get the bra back.” He frowned. “I was kind of bummed you did. I only took it because I wanted a gander at the girls.”

  I gasped. “Ohmigod, you did not.”

  “I absolutely did.” He grinned, leaning down to kiss me again.

  I pushed his face away. “I don’t even remember what the secret was.”

  “Me neither,” he admitted. “But I didn’t care, to be honest.”

  “This is weird. You get that right?”

  “Weird, no. Different, yes.” He gave me space and leaned against the counter. “Most people would kill to start a romance with half the foundation we’ve built, Cass.”

  “That is true,” I mused.

  “Mom?” Maverick called. “Mommy!”

  I pushed away from Carter and rushed to Maverick’s room. “Hey, baby, you okay?”

  “I’m wet,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  “Aw, honey, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for. Remember? Sometimes this happens, it’s no big deal.”

  He threw his arms around my neck and squeezed. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “Mmm, I love you too. Okay, kiddo, let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll change your bed. Uncle Carter is here, so don’t worry if you hear voices.”

  “’K,” he said, and grabbed clean clothes before heading to the bathroom.

  “Where are the sheets, babe?” Carter asked from the doorway.

  “In the hall. Closet’s on the right.” I stripped the bed and threw the sheets in the corner. He’d need a new mattress cover, so I leaned in the hall to tell Carter, stopping myself as I watched him hunkered down eye-to-eye with Maverick.

  “Mommy never gets mad,” Maverick said.

  “Do you think she should get mad?”

  He shrugged.

  Carter laid a hand on his shoulder. “You know, bud, there’s nothing to be ashamed about. It happens.”

  “Does it happen to you?” Maverick asked.

  I bit back a smile as I watched the exchange.

  “Not anymore, but it did when I was your age.”


  Carter nodded. “Yeah, and my mom never got mad either. Because it’s no big deal.”

  “Ethan says only babies wet their pants.”

  “Who’s Ethan?”

  Ugh, Ethan. He was a nasty little kid in Maverick’s daycare and he’s the first six-year-old I’d ever wanted to cold cock into next year.

  “He sits next to me sometimes during snack. He was teasing Xavier because he didn’t make it to the potty on time.” Maverick rubbed his eyes. “He made Xavier cry.”

  “Well, that wasn’t very nice of Ethan, huh? But you don’t need to worry about him, because he sounds like a bully,” Carter said. “And you want to know a secret about bullies?”

  Maverick nodded, his eyes wide in anticipation.

  “Bullies are just cowards.”

  “What’s a coward?”

  “A coward is someone who is scared, which I have no problem with, but a bully is someone who won’t admit he’s scared and, instead of asking for help, he’s mean so he can look strong.”

  Maverick’s head bobbed up and down. “Oh, yeah, he’s really mean sometimes.”

  “He is?” Carter’s voice dropped low and I felt his anger pour off of him.

  “Hmm-mmm, he pulls girls’ hair and sometimes hits them.”

  “And do you pull girls’ hair or hit them?”

  Maverick gasped. “No! I wouldn’t do that. Girls are pretty.”

  I grinned. Score one for Cassidy’s parental powers.

  “They are pretty,” Carter agreed.

  Maverick lowered his voice. “And sometimes, Katie lets me kiss her by the bathroom.”

  There just went my point. Damn it.

  Carter chuckled. “Well, I think it would be a good rule to just plan on never hitting a girl even if she isn’t pretty, and maybe it would also be a good rule to wait until you’re older to kiss a girl.”

  “How come?”

  “Because when you grow up to be a man, you have a responsibility to protect a woman, but more importantly, you need to respect a woman instead of just trying to kiss her.”

  “Are you going to protect my mom?”

  “Absolutely,” Carter said.

  Maverick’s grin grew and he threw his arms around Carter’s neck. “I’ll help.”

  Carter chuckled and hugged him. “I’d appreciate that, buddy.”

  I had to back into Mav’s room again and force back tears. Ohmigod, was there anything more precious? The answer was no and I’d spent six years missing out on it.

  “Cass?” Carter walked into Maverick’s room with fresh sheets. “Hey? You okay?”

  “Hmm-mm,” I said, brightly, refusing to look at him.

  I felt his front hit my back and his arm slid around my waist. “Hey,” he whispered. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I rasped. “I need to get these sheets in the washer.”

  He let me go and I pulled myself together as I did busy work. By the time the bed was changed and Maverick was tucked back in, I felt a little closer to myself again.

  Carter followed me into the living room and pulled me down onto the sofa next to him. “Spill.”

  “What?” I played dumb.

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his chest. “Babe, why were you crying?”

  “Because it’s apparently my day.”

  “Cassidy.” He chuckled, kissing my temple. “Tell me the real reason.”

  “I was just hit by ho
w much we’ve missed.” I snuggled closer. “He doesn’t spend as much time with strong men for obvious reasons, well, other than my dad, of course, so having you say those things held weight. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell him I will never get mad, he worries.”

  “Does he do that a lot?”

  “No, but he does a couple times a year. Doctor says it’s normal.”

  “Yeah, baby, it is. Were you worried it wasn’t?”

  I looked up at him and grimaced. “A little bit.”

  Carter smiled. “I’m gonna tell you something and you have to promise never to repeat it.”

  “I promise.”

  “Aidan wet the bed until he was ten.”

  I sat up. “Seriously?”

  Carter nodded. “He just had a small bladder so it was harder for him to make it to the head, but then it seemed to fix itself. I shared a room with him, so Mom told me if I ever teased him or told the other boys, she’d scalp me.”

  “Ohmigod, she totally would.”

  He grinned. “Which is why I never said a word.”

  I snuggled back against him. “You’re also a nice guy, Carter, so that could be part of the reason.”

  “That’s not for public knowledge.”

  “I’ll take it to my grave,” I promised.

  “’Preciate it, baby.” He kissed my temple. “You really don’t date?”

  “I really don’t. The club get-together was my first… um… what would you call it? Attempt to see if I could find someone, maybe?”

  “Yeah, well, you found someone.”

  I giggled. “Yes, I guess I did, huh?”

  “You gonna let me stay?”

  I sighed, dropping my head back to look at him. “I don’t know.”

  “I’m stayin’.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What was the point of asking me if you’ve made up your mind?”

  “Gotta give you some semblance of control, babe.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  He pushed me onto my back and stretched out on top of me. “An idiot who’s going to make you want to scream.” His mouth went to my neck and I couldn’t help but crane it to give him better access.

  “No screaming,” I whispered. “I don’t scream, but even if I did, I think we should wait a bit for this.”

  “You’ll scream with me.”

  “Highly doubtful.”

  Carter dropped his head to my shoulder with a sigh.


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