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Road to Absolution

Page 14

by Piper Davenport

  “Yeah, Mom. I’m protectin’ her.”

  Oh, this did not sound good. I frowned up at Carter and then walked into Monica’s office and frowned, Carter following. Hawk stood looking very fierce and somewhat pissed off, while Payton sat on one of the chairs looking more worried about the state of her husband than anything.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Have a seat,” Monica said. “We’ve had a little bit of an incident with Maverick and Lily. I must ask your friend to step outside.”

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” Carter said.

  “He’s Maverick’s father,” I said, unsure exactly what to say.

  “Oh, in that case, come in,” Monica said, and sat at the desk. “Maverick hit another little boy today.”

  I gasped. “What?”

  “Yes. Ethan Walker. According to Maverick, he was harassing Lily and Maverick was protecting her.”

  I forced myself not to let out a holler of victory.

  “Lily, as you know, Mr. and Mrs. James, unfortunately, has a nasty bruise on her arm, and since we have a zero tolerance policy, Ethan is expelled, however, I’m attempting to figure out the best course of action for Maverick.”

  Hawk looked like he was ready to kill someone.

  “I don’t understand,” I said.

  Monica sighed. “I can’t condone violence, Ms. Dennis. Maverick hit Ethan and then put him in a chokehold that caused him to pass out for a few seconds. This is very serious.”

  “Yes, very serious. I agree,” I said.

  “Maverick said the reason he put Ethan in a chokehold, was that even after Ethan was hit, he would not release Lily, which I believe is why Maverick went that route… how he even learned how to do that is disturbing, but in this case, it was effective.”

  I narrowed my eyes up at Carter who gave me a look of complete innocence. Well, right there was proof of how Maverick knew how to do that. Crap!

  “So,” Monica continued, “I think it would be a good idea if Maverick takes the week to talk about non-violent ways to resolve his conflict—”

  “That little bastard put his hands on my daughter,” Hawk said, his tone frightening.

  “I’m aware of that, Mr. James.”

  “He nearly broke her arm.”

  “I… I know. I apologize…”

  “Are you hearing me, lady? He nearly broke my daughter’s fuckin’ arm. If Maverick hadn’t stopped him, he would have. Where the fuck were the adults in this fuckin’ situation?” he bellowed.

  “Honey,” Payton whispered.

  A disturbance outside had Carter pulling open the door, then, “What the fuck?”

  We rushed out to see Maverick shoving Ethan away from Lily, a large man drawing his arm back as though to hit him. Carter moved with lightning speed, as did Hawk. The man I assumed was Ethan’s father seemed rather surprised when Carter’s fist landed squarely in his face, while Hawk pulled Ethan away, and Maverick rushed to stand in front of Lily, blocking her from harm. I wasn’t sure I was correctly processing everything that was happening.

  “Ohmigod,” Payton said, groaning.

  Payton and I guided the children into Monica’s office, while Monica pulled Ethan aside. Hawk, Carter, and Ethan’s dad had disappeared, but I caught movement out a side window, so I assumed they were having a discussion… well, or something.

  “I’m calling the police,” Monica stated, and pulled out her cell phone.

  “I think we should get the kids home,” I said, and grabbed Maverick’s hand.

  “Good idea,” Payton agreed.

  “You need to wait for the police,” Monica said.

  “My husband can deal with the police,” Payton said. “I would rather get my daughter somewhere safe… it’s obviously not here.”

  “Yes, what she said,” I said, and tugged Maverick toward the exit.

  I was pulled up a little as I realized Maverick had taken Lily’s hand and was guiding her with us. I caught Payton’s eye and she bit her lip… yes, even in the stress of a biker fight, my kid protecting this little girl was adorable.

  We arrived at the car, luckily parked in the opposite direction of where I assumed our men were, and I pulled open the door.

  “Hold on, Mom,” Maverick said, and faced Lily, laying his hands on her upper arms (the way Carter did to me, I might add). “Hey, you okay?”

  “I’m okay, Mav,” she said, her tiny little voice lilting as she smiled at him with hero worship. “Thanks for helping me.”

  He kissed her forehead and gave her a hug and I had to turn away and bite my knuckle to keep from sighing out loud. Payton had her lips pressed in a thin line in an effort to do the same.

  “I’m gonna make sure Lily gets in her car seat safe, ’k, Mom?”

  I smiled at Payton and then turned to the kids. “Absolutely, buddy.”

  He took Lily’s hand and then stared up at Payton. “We’re ready, Mrs. James.”

  “Right,” she said, recovering a little slower than Maverick expected. “Let’s go.”

  Payton hadn’t parked far from us, so I followed her to the car, sandwiching the kids between us. Once Lily was in the car, she smiled over at me. “Why don’t you guys come back to our place for a bit? I don’t know how long the guys will be and maybe we can order pizzas or something.”

  “I feel like we should wait for the police,” I said.

  “Don’t worry about it. Alex will take care of it and if there are any issues, my brother will help.”

  “Is your brother a cop?”


  “Oh, wow.”

  Payton smiled. “I really want to get Lily home and get ice on her arm. Macey’s coming over later, so I’m going to have her look at it.”

  “Should she go to the emergency room?” I asked.

  “No, nothing feels broken. She has full range of motion, so we’ll ice and see what Mase says when she comes over.”

  “Can we go to their house, Mom, please?” Maverick begged.

  “Sure, buddy. I’ll just text Carter and let him know what we’re doing.”

  “Don’t,” Payton said. “It’ll distract him.”

  “Good point.” I laid my hand on Maverick’s head. “Okay, buddy, let’s get in the car. We’ll follow Mrs. James home.”

  Maverick buckled himself in and we followed Payton home. I didn’t see Carter as we drove out of the parking lot, I did still see his bike, but wondered where the heck the men had gone. We passed a lit up police cruiser on our way home and my heart raced a little. I’d never been in trouble with the law… or anyone for that matter, so it made me nervous.

  We pulled up to a lovely and spacious house in Felida, an upper class area of Vancouver. It was a newer development and it made me long for a place of our own. Me, Maverick, and Carter. I smiled, realizing that it was very, very likely that we’d have it one day.

  Maverick unbuckled himself and rushed to open the door for Lily. I caught Payton’s eye and we both stifled giggles. Grabbing my purse, I followed her inside the house and, after a quick tour, we sat at the dinette table with the kids while Payton iced Lily’s arm.

  Hawk and Carter got home less than an hour after us.

  I studied Carter’s body, checking for injury, but he looked fine… well, other than the knuckles on his right hand.

  “Babe, I’m fine,” he said, stroking my cheek.

  “How bad?”

  He studied his hand. “Not bad.”

  I let out a frustrated snort. “Not you, Carter. Ethan’s dad.”

  “Babe, don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”

  “I’m not.”

  Carter sighed. “He won’t be an issue.”

  “Did the police come?”

  “Yeah, but it’s sorted.”


  “I’m hungry. Are we ordering pizza or what?”

  “Honey, seriously, tell me.”

  He smiled, kissing me quickly. “Ethan’s dad didn’t press charges
, and we didn’t either, considering his kid hurt Lily, so it’s done.”

  “Except we need to find another daycare.”

  “We’ve got time, Cass. I’ll take Mav with me to the shop on days I have to go in and when we get married, we can find a more permanent situation.”

  I huffed and stalked into the kitchen.

  “Babe?” Carter called, following me.

  “You okay?” Payton asked me, glancing up from her laptop on the island.

  I nodded. “Yep.”

  “What do you want on your pizza?” Payton asked.

  “I like combo, Carter’s a ham and pineapple guy, and Mav’s all about the cheese.”

  “Perfect. Ordered.” Payton grinned and closed the laptop. “Should be here in half-an-hour or so.”

  “Don’t like ham and pineapple anymore, Cassidy,” Carter said.

  “Don’t care, Carter,” I retorted, and sat at the island.

  I saw Payton smile and I glared up at Carter, catching his grin before he schooled his features. “What?”

  “What?” he repeated, innocently.

  “Bite me, butthead.”

  He leaned down and gently nipped the back of my neck. “Anytime, baby.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  Carter laughed. “God, how I have missed that from you, babe.”

  “Bet you have.”

  “I still love ham and pineapple.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know, Carter.”

  “Yoohoo!” a voice called out from the foyer.

  “Kitchen, Mase,” Payton responded.

  “I’ll get Lily,” Hawk said, and bellowed for her up the stairs.

  “Helpful, babe, thanks,” Payton grumbled.

  Hawk grinned and Lily and Maverick came down the stairs a few seconds later, Maverick in full protection mode. I was beginning to see that I’d need to have a conversation with him about the difference of being protective and stalker-like.

  “Auntie Macey,” Lily squeaked and hugged her.

  Macey hunkered down in front of her and grinned. “Hey, baby. Mommy said you got a bruise on your arm. I’m gonna look at it okay?”

  “Okay,” Lily said.

  “Mav, let’s give them some space,” I said.

  He frowned and it took him a few seconds before he stepped away from Lily and over to me. I gave Carter a look of frustration and he smiled.

  “Hey, Mav, let’s go talk for a bit,” Carter said.

  “I want to make sure Lily’s okay,” Maverick countered.

  “She’s okay, bud, but Macey needs to look at her to make sure.” Carter laid a hand on his shoulder. “And she needs to do it without us hovering.”

  Maverick sighed, but followed Carter into the family room. I heard my phone peal from the kitchen and rummaged through my purse to answer it. I didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”


  “Yes, this is she.”

  “Hey, it’s Tom.”

  I frowned. “Oh, hi.”

  “I’m ringing to see if everything’s okay with your son.”

  “Oh, yes. It’s fine. Thank you. How did you get my number?”

  “Janie provided it. I hope I’m not overstepping. I was concerned about you and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Thank you. Yes, everything’s fine.”

  “I’m so glad,” he said. “Well, should you need anything, please let me know.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Cheers.” He hung up.

  “Who was that?” Carter asked as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

  I shoved my phone back in my purse. “No one.”

  “Does this no one have a name?”

  “It was a telemarketer,” I lied. “I didn’t ask his name.”

  “Want a beer?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good with pop.”

  He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Stop worrying.”

  I dropped my head to his chest. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  Carter chuckled, setting his beer on the island and sliding his hand to my neck. “I’ve got Mav, honey. We’ll hang out this week at the shop. He’s old enough to hold a wrench and learn how to fix an engine anyway.”

  I raised my head and bit my lip. “You won’t let a car fall on him, or let him fall down into a hole or anything, will you?”


  “What?” I challenged. “He’s a little boy and he’s curious about everything, but common sense is not his strong suit.”

  “I remember, honey. Don’t worry, I got this.”

  I squeezed his middle. “I love you, even if you drive me nuts.”

  “So, how about we go get married next week?”

  “You are not going to get a rise out of me, Carter Quinn.”

  He chuckled again and raised my head for a heart stopping kiss. “We’ll continue this later.”

  I smiled. “We better.”

  “Come on, let’s go join everyone.”

  “Okay, but I can’t make it a late night.”

  “It won’t be,” Carter promised. “I need time to do things to you.”

  I giggled. “You are so romantic.”

  * * *

  “I’ll just grab my beer, babe,” Ace said, and waited until Cassidy was out of sight. He then found her phone, referenced the phone number that had last called her, and put the phone back in her purse. Grabbing a soda for her, he took his beer and followed her into the other room.

  Telemarketer, his ass. He knew she’d lied to him, he just wasn’t sure why, but he fully intended to find out.

  I ARRIVED AT the office the next morning to find flowers at my desk. Red roses. Not my favorite, but still, I wondered who would have sent them. Carter wasn’t much of a flowers and romance kind of guy… unless he was trying to butter up my mother, plus, he knew sunflowers were my favorite, so he’d never send roses.

  “Who are they from?” Janie asked excitedly from my cube door.

  I faced her and shrugged, dropping my purse into my drawer. “I have no idea.”

  “Well, what does the card say?”

  I smiled. “You know something, don’t you?”

  The pretty brunette pressed her lips into a thin line. “I plead the fifth.”

  I powered up my computer and then opened the card. “Ohmigod, they’re from Tom.”

  Janie gasped and then gave a girlish giggle. “That’s so cool, Cass. He’s unbelievably hot.”

  I groaned. “But he knows I’m taken, Janie. It’s a little weird, don’t you think?”

  “Lady, you’re not married. You’re not even engaged, so live a little.” She leaned against the desk. “Tom is super hot, super rich, and super interested in you. This guy you’re dating isn’t even on the same playing field as him. Go for it.”

  “You know nothing about my boyfriend, Janie, I’d be careful about what you say next.”

  She raised her hands in surrender. “Not trying to start a fight, Cassidy. It’s just that Tom’s a catch and you rarely talk about your boyfriend. I saw him when he came to pick you up and he kind of looks rough, you know? Tom’s a total gentleman.”

  “Okay, since I don’t really want to get into a cat fight, Janie, I’m going to ask that we stop this conversation. I purposely try to keep my private life private, but I will say something and I need you to hear me. I love my boyfriend. More than you or anyone could ever imagine. Not only is he good to me and my son, and loves us both dearly, he served this country and continues to serve it, so in my eyes he’s a hero. Maybe you and other people don’t see him on the same playing field as a man like Tom Dale. Well, I’d agree with you there, because Carter is the greatest human being I’ve ever known, and that includes the great Tom Dale.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend you,” Janie grumbled. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  I didn’t respond as she walked away from my desk. There was no reason to. Janie Styles was a notorious go
ssip and could be vindictive as hell. I wasn’t interested in getting further on her bad side.

  I decided there was only one thing to do. I had to return the flowers to Tom. I grabbed the vase and headed to the elevator. Once at his floor, I squared my shoulders, walked past the executive level receptionist desk, down the hall to his office. I knocked on the door, entered when bid, and set the flowers on his desk.

  “You got them,” Tom said, rising to his feet with a smile.

  “I did. They’re beautiful, but I’m sorry, I can’t accept them.”

  “They’re just flowers, Cassidy,” he argued. “I know you had a rough day yesterday and I wanted to cheer you up.”

  Well, that was seriously thoughtful.

  “That’s very kind of you, Tom, seriously, and I don’t want to look ungrateful—”

  “Then take the flowers back to your desk, Cassidy.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “You can, love.” He crossed his arms and leaned against his desk. “Tell people your boyfriend sent them. It can be our little secret.”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” I smiled. “I should get back to my desk. Have a lovely day.”

  “Have lunch with me,” he said to my retreating back.

  I faced him again and shook my head. “I brought my lunch today, but thanks for the offer. I really should get back to work.”

  “No worries,” he said, and I hightailed it back to my cubicle.

  At just before noon, I entered the main kitchen and opened the fridge. I couldn’t stop a little swear as I shoved things around in the icebox. My lunch had disappeared.

  “What’s wrong?” Janie asked, and grabbed a Coke from the vending machine.

  “My lunch has suddenly walked away,” I complained.

  “Ugh, people suck. Mine got stolen last week. I’m thinking next time I bring something with me, I’m going to put a powerful laxative in it.”

  “That’s actually a really good idea,” I said.

  “Hello, ladies,” Tom said, and walked into the room.

  “Hi, Tom,” Janie said. I just smiled.

  “Did you finish up with the board?” Janie asked.

  “I did.” Tom checked his watch. “Thought I’d grab lunch.”

  Janie nodded. “You might want to take Cassidy with you. Someone stole hers.”


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