The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance

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The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance Page 25

by T. S. Ryder

  He continued to stare, unseeing into the crowd of people below him. Various scents assailed his heightened olfactory sense and he was forced to shove them aside before he got overwhelmed. He reached out to his brother telepathically.

  This is ridiculous Micah, I’m leaving.

  Already? We haven’t been here an hour.

  I’m bored.

  Nothing ever excites you, big brother. Micah sounded annoyed. Leave if you must. I’m staying. I have found something that I like.

  Ethan glanced over his shoulder to see his brother whispering in a pretty brunette’s ear. She let out a girly giggle and batted her eyelashes. Ethan rolled his eyes and grunted. He straightened and turned to leave, but stopped when he saw a flash of red. His gaze narrowed and he drew in a sharp breath. He stared at the curvy redhead in the center of the dance floor. Her fluid movements and the seductive swaying of her hips seemed to hypnotize him. His gaze lifted to her face and he swallowed hard. She had a pretty face enhanced by slanted eyes and perfectly bowed lips. Lips that any man would fantasize about kissing.

  The woman beside her said something, eliciting a laugh from her. He could hear the sweet husky sound clearly. His eyes widened as his heart began to beat faster. She was a burst of color in his dull world. His Wolf rippled beneath his skin and he gripped the rail tightly, fighting to maintain control. The animal inside of him had already claimed the woman as his. He warned his Wolf about the danger of claiming a human.

  I thought you were leaving.

  Micah’s voice shimmered in his mind. Uh, yes, I’m going.

  He shook his head slightly, breaking himself from the strange trance the vision below had caused. He frowned as a swirl of unknown emotions rose in him. Abruptly turning away, he stalked off and headed to the stairs. The last thing he needed in his life was another woman. They always thought they could change him, bring him over from the dark side. It was something he found very irritating. He wouldn't see the redhead again anyway, which was probably for the best. But, for some strange reason, he felt a deep regret at the thought.

  He aimed for the club's exit. He was tempted to look back at the dance floor, but resisted the urge, holding his head straight. Stepping out into the mid-July air, he inhaled deeply, relieved to get away from the stuffy atmosphere of the club. He strolled slowly to his black Porsche.


  Ethan turned around at the sound of the female voice. He had picked up her scent, knowing that she followed him out of the club but hadn’t bothered to acknowledge her. His gaze swept over the scantily clad blonde.

  “Hi,” he responded gruffly.

  “Pardon my bold come on, but you caught my attention inside.”

  His eyes bore into hers and she shifted, sensing the darkness in him. But his powerful magnetism pulled her in. His lips lifted.

  “I see. How about a ride?”

  She smiled and sauntered toward him.

  Ethan should have sent her packing, but he felt the need to wipe his mind clean of the woman that had captured his attention earlier, along with the unfamiliar feelings that had been stirred.

  Chapter Two

  Smoothing her dress nervously, Christine studied herself in the mirror. She protruded her lower lip, wondering if she looked presentable. She had to make a good impression on her first day of work. “I have nothing better, so this will have to do.” She grabbed her handbag.

  “Morning,” Keira said, as Christine emerged from her bedroom. “All set for your big day?”

  “Uh, I’m a nervous wreck.”

  “You’ll do great. You were chosen out of many, so that means something.”

  “I guess.” She glanced down at the fruits on the dining room table. “I want to eat breakfast, but I can’t. My stomach is in chaos.”

  Keira grinned. “Sorry hon.”

  “How do I look? Am I giving off the serious professional vibe?”

  “Err, what you’re giving off is the seriously frumpy vibe.”

  Christine’s face fell, “Ouch, I have feelings, remember?”

  Keira shrugged, “The truth hurts. You can’t wear an oversized brown dress and hideous jacket on your first day at a new job.” She huffed in frustration. “When are you going to stop hiding behind baggy, ugly clothes? Let your beauty shine.”

  Christine’s shoulders sagged. “All of my clothes are bigger than me right now. I did lose a ton of weight. My bank account isn’t really up for a new wardrobe.”

  “I think I have something that you can wear. Isn’t it a good thing you have me?”

  “Seriously Keira? I’ll pop the stitches out of your clothes.”

  “That’s exactly what we’re going for,” she replied, disappearing into her room. A few moments later she appeared with an olive colored business-casual dress. “I bought this a while back but it’s a bit too big. The color will go great with your red hair.” She handed Christine the dress, who reluctantly took it.

  Christine glanced down at her own dress. It really was a hideous sight. “Alright, I’ll try it on.” She backed off her jacket and dress in the living room, throwing modesty out the window because she was on the verge of being late. She put on Keira’s dress and smoothed it down.

  “Absolutely perfect,” Keira gushed.

  The dress hugged her curves to perfection without being overly vulgar. She liked that the neckline was high enough to be appropriate for an office setting and the hemline ended right above her knees. Disappearing again, Keira returned with a pair of nude pumps.

  “It’s a good thing we wear the same size shoes. Now get rid of those black monstrosities.”

  Christine kicked off her sensible shoes and slipped on the ridiculously high heels. “Wow, what an improvement,” she said looking at Keira. “I’m so glad I live with you. I could totally kiss you right now.” She continued to look down at her appearance. She no longer looked like a bag lady.

  Keira clutched her chest, "Am I the greatest fairy godmother, or what? Okay, the hair and makeup look fine so get out of here, go.”

  Christine gave her a quick hug. “You really are my fairy godmother. Thank you. I’ll see you later.” She rushed to the door.

  “Yeah later. And we are so going shopping soon,” Keira called before the door closed.


  Christine stood in front of the huge building. “Here I go,” she mumbled to herself. She headed up the stone steps, praying that she didn’t trip and fall on her face. Pushing the huge glass door open she stepped inside and headed for the elevator.

  “Good Morning.” She greeted the other occupants of the lift brightly.

  Most of them shot her strange looks and mumbled their greeting. Note to self, ditch the cheery attitude. She stared straight ahead as the elevator climbed and stepped off when it reached the sixth floor. The closer she got to Mr. Blackwood’s office, the sweatier her palms became. She hadn’t actually met the man who she would be working for. Instead, his personal assistant had done the interview and hiring.

  She had heard a lot about the billionaire business tycoon from the other females who had been competing for the job. They gushed about how handsome he was. There was even talk about him being a playboy. Christine had sat silently and listened to the women moon over the man like teenagers. She rolled her eyes at the memory. She had no interest whatsoever in whom Mr. Blackwood was or what he looked like. She just needed a job. Squaring her shoulders, she entered the main office.

  “Hello. I see you were the one selected. Congratulations,” the middle-aged receptionist said.

  Christine smiled at her. “Hi, it’s Margaret right?”

  “You remembered.”

  “Of course. It’s good to see you again. How are you grandchildren, by the way?” The woman had held Christine hostage during her wait to be interviewed and had spoken excitedly about her two grandchildren.

  Margaret’s eyes widened, “Oh, you remember them too. I knew you were a sweetheart. They’re fine dear.” She gave Christine a once over. “My,
you are lovely. You’d better be careful. Ms. Coleman doesn’t like competition.”

  “Huh?” Christine’s smile faltered at the issued warning.

  “Never mind”, Margaret said. “Welcome, to Blackwood Enterprise. I’m sorry, I can’t recall your name.”

  “Christine Morrow.”

  Margaret smiled, “Christine. You can always come to me if you need help with anything, dear.”

  “Thank you.” Christine walked away with a smile, Margaret’s warning still on her mind. Well, that was ominous. Nancy Coleman was the woman who had hired her. She didn’t understand what Margaret meant by competition. Deciding not to dwell on it, she shoved the thought aside.

  Nancy looked up when she heard Christine enter her office. Her gaze ran over Christine sharply. She frowned, “Ms. Morrow, you look… different.”

  Christine smiled nervously. She had shown up for the interview in one of her frumpy getups so of course she looked different. “Err, I thought I would step things up a bit.”

  Nancy’s nostrils flared and malice flickered in her eyes. She forced out a smile. “Mhmm, so I see. Let's get down to business, shall we? As I explained during the interview, I am Mr. Blackwood's Personal Assistant and you are the general secretary. I will issue the clerical work and other junior duties to you. Got it?"

  Christine nodded. Her heart dropped. Nancy’s attitude toward her had changed significantly since the interview. Crap, I thought she liked me. “I got it, Ms. Coleman.”

  “Nancy will do.” She stood up. “Let me show you to your desk and then I will introduce you to Mr. Blackwood.” She stalked out of the office and Christine followed. “Step it up, Christine,” she snapped. “There’s no time for dawdling around her.”

  Christine picked up speed, attempting to maintain her balance on Keira’s high heels. The morning had taken a turn for the worst. Nancy was upset with her for some unknown reason. Or maybe she is just a natural bitch. She grimaced and kept walking. She was shown her miniature desk in the center of the huge office. Quickly dropping her bag, she rushed after Nancy, a bit out of breath by having to keep up with the taller woman’s long, brisk strides.

  “This is Mr. Blackwood’s office,” Nancy announced, stopping at the closed door.

  Christine came to a halt, grateful for the few seconds to catch her breath. Nancy knocked twice.

  “Come in,” a deep baritone invited.

  Christine stepped into the office and took a quick glance around the swanky office. Every piece of furniture looked expensive. Her eyes landed on the man seated behind the huge oak desk. He looked mighty expensive too. When he finally looked up, Christine’s mouth dropped open. Snapping it shut quickly, she drew in a silent breath. Holy smokes. The man was drop dead gorgeous. She now saw why the women at the interview carried on like love-sick adolescents.

  Mr. Blackwood had deep-set, almost black eyes that appeared to be able to look into a person's soul. His straight nose sat above, lips that were full and kissable. His chiseled jaw screamed masculinity. There was an air of arrogance and power surrounding him. Christine gulped, there was also something dangerous.


  As Ethan looked up, his eyes shifted from Nancy to the woman beside her. His entire world tilted. It was the same red-haired woman from the club. He blinked several times. What the hell is she doing here? His gaze slid over her. She looked delectable in a dress that accentuated her natural curves. His fingers itched, as he imagined running his hands over such a work of art. He knew he was staring but he didn’t care. He could now see that her eyes were a beautiful hazel. The hues of green, brown and amber were hypnotizing.

  Nancy cleared her throat, her lips curled into a sneer. “Ethan- I mean, Mr. Blackwood, this is Christine Morrow, your new secretary.”

  Realization dawned on him. He had forgotten that they were employing a new secretary. “I see. Ms. Coleman, you can wait outside.”

  “Mr. Blackwood, I have already orientated Ms.-”

  “Wait outside, Nancy.”

  Nancy’s eyes swung from Ethan Blackwood to Christine, her brows furrowed. She spun around and left.


  Christine’s brows puckered, wondering what that was all about. Left alone with her new boss, she felt incredibly small, and her five feet four inches frame was dwarfed by his six feet three. “Err, h-hello, Mr. Blackwood. It’s a real pleasure to be working for you.” Her chest heaved, still out of breath from her brisk walk trying to keep up with Nancy and the impact her boss had on her.

  He tilted his head. “You’re out of breath.”

  She giggled nervously. “I just ran a marathon, keeping up with Ms. Coleman. I’m afraid my legs aren’t as long as hers.”

  His lips curved upward. “Welcome to Blackwood Enterprise.”

  “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “Please have a seat,” he motioned to a chair in front of his desk.

  Ethan watched her walk past him. He drew in a breath. It wasn’t necessary for him to keep her in his office but he was intrigued. He had never expected to see her again. He had worked hard to push the mysterious red-head from his thoughts and now here she was, in his office, his new employee. He would be seeing her every day. How long can you keep your hands off her? His subconscious made the inquiry.

  Christine watched him wearily as he seated himself in front of her.

  “How do you like it here, so far?” He asked.

  “Uh, I haven’t seen much of the place and I haven’t met many people yet, but I’m sure I will love it here.”

  “Good. I trust we will work very well together.”

  She frowned, her mouth opening to tell him that she would probably barely be seeing him. Nancy was the one who worked closely with him. Instead, she said, “Of course. Thanks again for the opportunity.”

  His brows lifted, “I didn’t do the hiring.”

  “But you write the checks, so thanks.”

  He let out a low laugh, “Right. You’re welcome.”

  They stared at one another for a few seconds, the silence in the room getting uncomfortable. Christine had the urge to run. “Err, it is nice to finally meet you, Mr. Blackwood. I should probably get back out there before Nancy blows her top.” Her cheeks flushed as soon as the words left her mouth. She pursed her lips, “I mean, Ms. Coleman.”

  “Yes, we wouldn’t want that, would we?” He replied with amusement. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Christine.” He stood up and extended a hand.

  Placing her hand in his, a small shiver ran down her spine when long fingers wrapped around hers. Her breath hitched at the slight contact and he stared down at her with wonder.

  “Thank you. You too, Mr. Blackwood.”

  When he released her, she backed away still gazing at him and then turned to scurry out of the room. When she closed the door she let out the breath she had been holding. Oh man, he’s sexy and intense. She was uncomfortable with the effect he had on her. Pressing her hand against her fluttering stomach, she made her way to her desk.

  Chapter Three

  Ethan ran through the woods, the wind whipping against his fur. He ran at supernatural speed, pushing himself to the limit. He whizzed past trees and jumped over foliage, feeling liberated. Being in his wolf form was the only time he felt free and happy nowadays. He sometimes wished he could remain as a wolf forever. But he had a business to run. He would never allow his father’s legacy to fade away. He had no choice but to continue the family business because none of his three brothers wanted to pick up the slack. They all worked in different divisions of the company, but the leading role was left to him.

  There was a time when Wolf Shifters kept themselves contained in the woods, away from civilization. But in modern times, they went out into the world and lived among the humans undetected. His father, Jared Blackwood, was their pack leader and had believed in his people breaking free from restricting traditions and going out to have the lives they desired. He was killed protecting his own from a volatile, enemy pack six years
ago, leaving behind four sons and a wife.

  Being the oldest, Ethan had taken up the reigns and continued the empire his father had established. The company was now one of the biggest real estate companies in the state. He had then brought the company to billion dollar status when he started to buy companies, build them up and sell them to the highest bidder. But he was tired. He was tired of living among the humans and being around his family, yet still feeling lonely. It was as if a major part of him was missing.

  Brother, your despair is maddening.

  Ethan scowled, as his brother, Jacob invaded his thoughts. Then stay the hell out of my head.

  It’s pretty hard to ignore the misery you exude. Every Shifter in Washington can probably feel it.

  Ethan immediately shut down the mental path he used to communicate with his family. Nearing his mother’s home, he began to transform into human form again. Shrugging off the bag he had around his neck, he extracted his clothes and quickly dressed. He made a sweep of the area as he stepped out of the woods and strolled to Olympia Blackwood’s front door. He could hear the loud roars of laughter from his brothers inside.

  The door swung open. Olympia gave him the loving smile. "Ah, my eldest is finally here.”

  Leaning down to give her a peck on the cheek, she said, “Hello, mother.”

  She peered over his shoulder toward the street. “Where’s your car?”

  “I made the journey on four feet.”

  She chuckled and stepped aside to let him in. He strolled into the dining room to see the table set and his three brothers already seated. Jacob, Nial, and Micah all sent him annoyed glances.

  “It’s about time you got here, we’re all starving,” Micah voiced.

  Drawing the chair at the head of the table he scowled at his youngest brother. “Don’t you all have kitchens at your houses?”

  “We much prefer mom’s cooking,” Nial expressed, rubbing his hands together. “What are we waiting for? Let’s eat.”

  Olympia watched her sons eat with gusto. She wore a pleased smile. Sunday nights were her favorite. It was the night designated to break free from their schedules and meet up for dinner. She detected her eldest son’s dark mood. “How are you, Ethan?” She asked.


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