The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance

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The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance Page 26

by T. S. Ryder

  “I’m great.”

  Her brows lifted, “You look miserable.”

  “That’s how he always looks, Mom. The man is way too wound up and intense.”

  “Nobody asked for your input, Micah,” Ethan snarled.

  “I’m going to give it anyway. What you need to unwind is a nice woman to take to bed at night.”

  Nial delivered a blow to the back of Micah’s head, “Your Mother is at the table, you idiot.”

  Rubbing his head and sending Nial a glare he stated, “And I’m sure she agrees with me, right Mom?”

  “Don’t drag me into this, Micah.” She paused. “Although, you might be on to something.”

  Ethan let out a groan. He was tired of hearing about the fact that he needed to settle down. There wasn’t a woman that interested him in that capacity. Christine Morrow flashed into his mind. At least, there hadn’t been one until recently.

  “Leave him alone, he’s waiting for his soulmate to come along,” Jacob stated. He was romantic by nature, completely different from his three brothers.

  “She doesn’t seem to be coming along anytime soon,” Nial murmured.

  “I think I found her,” Ethan said quietly, much to his own surprise.

  Everyone’s head swiveled to Ethan, his barely audible words eliciting shocked expressions. It was known among their kind that every Shifter had a mate. It was, of course, possible to fall in love and settle down with someone who wasn’t a true mate, but he was sure that Christine was no ordinary woman. She was the only one he had ever met that made him feel so alive.

  Jacob was the first to speak, “Don’t tell me it’s Nancy Coleman. I know she’s one of us, but I don’t like that woman.”

  "It's not Nancy."

  “Well, then who is it and when do we meet her?” Olympia asked, her expression that of excitement.

  Ethan’s brows elevated. “Good question. I don’t know. She has no idea what I am.”

  Nial choked on his beer. “She’s human? Is that even possible?”

  Olympia nodded. “Yes, son, it is indeed possible for a Wolf Shifter to have a human mate, as long as that human possesses the Shifter trait. That is, he or she is half Wolf Shifter.”

  Ethan remained silent. He had thought about what his Mother just said many times. He was aware that Christine had to have some Shifter gene in order to be his mate.

  “What the hell are you waiting for, big brother? Make her yours,” Micah said.

  If only it were that simple. He wondered if Christine even knew about the existence of Wolf Shifters. “Mind your own business, baby brother,” Ethan growled.

  Everyone took his tone as a warning and the topic of conversation changed. Ethan remained mostly quiet, deep in thought about a certain woman who worked in his office. Christine seemed like a nice girl. The innocence she exuded was enough for him to want to stay away from her. She deserved someone who made her light shine brighter, not a dark soul like himself who would overshadow her. He sighed softly, knowing deep down that he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her.

  Chapter Four

  Christine hung her head in dismay. Her morning was not going well. Of the one week she had been working at Blackwood Enterprise, she hadn’t had one good day, and it was all thanks to her senior, Nancy Coleman. The woman was vicious and found any excuse to dig her claws into Christine. At the moment, she was going off about a minor typographical error that wasn’t even Christine’s fault.

  “I hired you because I thought you were smart. I guess I was wrong,” Nancy jeered.

  Christine wanted to ask how her intelligence had come into play relating to an error that was Nancy’s fault. She kept her mouth shut and took the berating because she couldn't afford to lose the job.

  Nancy continued, “I chose you out of the many women because you didn’t seem too engaged in your appearance. I assumed you would be a good worker. But it seems now that you have seen what your boss looks like, you’re all about flaunting yourself. What are you hoping? That he’ll notice you? I hate to disappoint you, but you’re not his type.” She eyed Christine with hatred. “He goes for much thinner women.”

  Outraged, Christine finally spoke, “I have no interest in Mr. Blackwood and I don’t see what that has to do with the error you’re blaming me for.” As far as she was concerned, if Nancy wanted their boss she could have him. She was well aware that he wouldn’t give her a second look anyway, so she was in no way trying to get his attention.

  As for her new wardrobe, Keira had convinced her to go shopping. She huffed. She was happy with the way she looked. The well-fitted attire she wore nowadays didn’t make her feel like a frumpy old lady and it gave her confidence quite a boost. Her new confidence, however, had just been stomped on by the very tall, thin and glamorous Nancy Coleman. It was like high school and living with her mother all over again.

  Nancy grunted, “Well, it’s good to know you don’t have your eyes set on Mr. Blackwood. You can go now.”

  Christine whirled out of the office and stomped past her desk. Angry tears burned in her eyes and she blinked rapidly to keep them at bay.

  “Are you alright, dear?” Margaret asked, concerned.

  Christine didn’t stop. “I’m fine, Margaret.” She continued down the hallway and into the lounge. Glancing around the room, she sighed, glad to find it empty. Walking to the window, she sniffed as a tear streamed down her cheek. Damn it. She was annoyed with herself for letting Nancy get to her.


  Ethan pushed open the lounge door. He didn’t usually frequent the room, but he had seen Christine storm past and disappear behind the door. He frowned when he saw her standing by the window with hunched shoulders.

  “Christine, are you alright?”

  She yelped and spun around, her eyes widening when she saw him enter the room and close the door. “Mr. Blackwood, I- uh yes I’m fine.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, he asked, “That’s why you’re crying?”

  She sighed quietly. She had obviously hoped he wouldn’t notice. Averting his gaze, she responded, “It’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”

  She looked so vulnerable as she stood there. He felt a strong urge to protect her, to take her into his arms, to make her happy. He frowned, stepping closer. “I don’t like seeing you upset, Christine.”

  Ethan’s lips twitched. She was gaping at him with a confused expression. She was no doubt wondering why he cared. He was just as confused as she was. Unable to resist the urge to touch her any longer, he lifted a hand to trail his thumb across her wet cheek.

  Christine drew in a breath, immobilized by shock. But before she could recover, his head acted on his own accord and descended, his mouth covering hers. His lips moved slowly over hers. After her initial shock had worn off, she parted her lips slightly, as if she liked it too. The close proximity to her allowed him to take in her feminine, sweet scent. He felt almost intoxicated. His tongue darted between her lips, jolting her back to her senses.

  Abruptly pulling out of his grip, she stared up at him in horror, her chest heaving.


  “Uh, I-I’m sorry. I have to go.” She stumbled backward and then turned to rush out the door.

  “Christine, wait!” Ethan let out a curse and wiped a hand over his face. “Real smooth, Blackwood,” he murmured. He didn’t know what had come over him. The need to kiss her had been too great. He could only hope she didn't press charges for sexual harassment in the workplace.


  Christine was out of breath when she got back to her desk. Oh my God. I kissed my boss. He was the one to initiate it, but she had kissed him back. And I liked it, she thought with horror. She had been attracted to him since first laying eyes on him. But, given the way Nancy had acted, it was safe to assume they had something going on. She fully intended to stay away. She didn’t need another reason for the woman to target her. A shadow appeared over her and she looked up. Ethan loomed over her desk with his hands in his pocket. She groaned

  “A word in my office, Ms. Morrow,” he ordered softly.

  She glanced toward Nancy’s office. “There isn’t anything to discuss. What happened was a mistake. It won’t happen again. For the second time, I apologize,” she said, trying to keep her voice down.

  His brows lifted, “I believe I was the one who kissed you, so you have no need to apologize. I’m not sorry for kissing you, by the way.”

  Christine flushed a bright shade of pink and glanced around frantically. Margaret was a distance away, studying them with interest. “Can you keep your voice down?” She hissed.

  "You won't have to worry about anyone hearing our conversation if you come into my office."

  She sighed, “Okay, okay, you win.” Standing up she followed him reluctantly.

  Christine watched with her heart racing as he closed the door and turned the lock. She gulped as he stalked toward her, causing her to take an involuntary step back. “I have wanted to kiss you for a while, Christine.”

  “Err, you have?”

  He nodded, his lips twisting into a grin. “I must say, I liked it and I want more.”

  She let out a nervous whimper. “Mr. Blackwood, this is highly inappropriate.” She couldn’t help glancing at the door.

  He let out a laugh and drawled. “It is, but I have never cared much for propriety. I have been trying to avoid you for a week, Christine, but you are just too damn tempting.”

  “Look, it was never my intention to capture your attention or seduce you, no matter what Nancy says.”

  He paused, a frown appearing on his face. “What does she have to do with any of this?”

  She gave herself a mental kick for letting the words slip out. “Uh, nothing, forget it. But, I’m not like every other woman under your employ Mr. Blackwood. I don’t desire any attention from you.”

  His lips curled in amusement, “I like that about you. Do you deny that you are attracted to me?”

  “I’m not attracted to you.”

  Ethan inhaled, taking in her scent of arousal. He could hear her heart pounding and feel the heat emanating from her body. “Liar.” His eyes bore into hers, daring her to deny her attraction to him again.

  Averting her gaze, she shrugged. “So what if I am? Nothing will come of it.”

  “The fact that I too desperately want you means that something will definitely come out of it.”

  Taken aback, Christine wasn’t sure how to respond. He wanted her? “I was told I’m not your type.”


  “Never mind.”

  He stepped closer, his eyes roving over her from head to toe. “You are exactly my type.”

  “Oh.” She sucked in a breath, feeling her knees go weak. Oh, my. It was now evident to her that she had no chance of resisting his charms.

  Ethan grinned, “Just oh? Is that all you have to say?”

  Before she could answer, her feet were lifted off the floor and she was seated on his desk. Stepping between her thighs, he cupped her face and studied her intently, as if he was trying to figure out a mystery. “I have wanted you before I even met you.”

  Her brows knitted. “What are you talking about?”

  “I first spotted you in a club on the dance floor. You were the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

  Christine stared at him as if he had instantly sprouted two heads. That wasn’t a compliment she got very often- or ever. Her gaze dropped to his lips, wishing for him to kiss her again. As if reading her mind, his lips crushed hers. Desire overrode her reservations and she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His mouth moved roughly and his tongue delved between her lips to explore her mouth.

  Letting out a low moan, Ethan dropped his hands to slide up her skirt, hiking the material up inch by inch. She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make you mine right here,” he murmured.

  Alarm seeped in, replacing her good senses. “What? No, you’re my boss and we’re in your office.” Not to mention that it was broad daylight and the building was packed with people.

  “I don’t see why any of that matters.”

  “Are you being serious?”

  “Quite.” He continued to kiss the sensitive area along her neck causing her to let out a groan. “No one will know.”

  She shook her head, “I can’t risk losing my job.”

  Seeing her concern, he sighed and stepped back. "Have dinner with me then, this evening."

  Christine froze. He was asking her out on a date. The entire ordeal was surreal. She didn’t get asked out by sexy billionaires nor was she passionately kissed by one in his office. This must all be a dream.

  "I won't take "No" for an answer."

  She gulped, knowing she would probably live to regret it. “Okay.”

  His lips curved into a satisfied smile and he offered her a hand to assist her from the desk. With a deep blush, she adjusted her clothes, refusing to meet his gaze. “So um, should I meet you somewhere?”

  “I’ll pick you up at your place at seven.”

  “Okay.” She walked quickly to the door, desperate to get away from the intense penetration of his obsidian-like eyes. Hands on the knob, she turned, intending to give him her address.

  “I already have your address,” he announced with a smile.

  “Right. See you then.”

  Pulling the door closed, Christine shut her eyes tightly. See you then? I’m so lame. She scurried back to her desk before Nancy would pass by and see her leaving the boss’ office. I can’t believe I just agreed to go out on a date with my boss. She knew she would suffer the consequences at some point. But she felt oddly exhilarated. Never being the one to take risks, she had always played it safe. A smile appeared on her lips. Making out with her boss in his office was definitely not her usual behavior, but she liked how it made her feel. It was even more enlivening knowing that he was actually interested in her.

  Christine bit her lip to contain her excitement. She couldn’t wait to get home and tell Keira she had a date. Her roommate would no doubt flip out. She had been working overtime to get Christine to start dating again.

  Chapter Five

  Christine tapped her foot nervously on the hardwood floor while Keira put the finishing touches on her makeup.

  “Will you stop that? You’re making me nervous.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help it.”

  Keira growled in frustration. "Just keep still, woman." She ran a brush over Christine's lips and stepped back. "My masterpiece is complete!"

  Christine turned around to look at herself in the mirror and let out a gasp. Was this really her? “Thanks, Keira, this is perfect." She would never have been able to make herself look this good. The only thing she knew how to do was apply lip gloss.

  “I know it is. And you missy look absolutely stunning in that dress. Your date just might have a heart attack.”

  “I hope not,” Christine murmured. She blew out a breath, “I think I have to pee again. I’m so nervous.”

  Keira rolled her eyes. “Don’t be, everything will work out just fine. I’m just glad you’re finally getting back into the game after Justin.” Her voice dripped with contempt when she mentioned Christine’s ex.

  “Okay, let’s not even go there. That subject is a total mood killer. So what do you think I should do with my hair? Up or down?”

  “Hmm, up will go better with the dress and jewelry. You are just exuding sexy elegance right now.” Keira proceeded to brush her hair into a stylish updo.

  Christine glanced at the time nervously. “Oh my God! He’ll be here any minute. I think I’m going to have a panic attack.”

  Keira picked up Christine’s clutch purse and shoved it in her hand. Pushing her out into the living room, she ordered, “Just sit here and wait.”

  But she didn’t sit for long. As soon as she took her seat, her cell rang.

  “Hello?” She said, her voice sounding as if it didn’t belong to her.

/>   “I’m outside.” The deep baritone voice made her heart jump.

  “I’ll be right down” she answered. She took a deep breath and marched to the door. “Well, here I go.”

  “I won’t bother to wait up,” Keira said with a grin.

  Christine stepped outside and drew in a breath when Ethan unfolded himself from his car. He looked as handsome as ever in casual wear. She tried to stabilize her breathing as he walked toward her.

  “Good evening, Mr. Blackwood.”

  He smiled, his eyes moving hungrily over her. “You can call me Ethan, Christine.”

  She swallowed, “Ethan.”

  “You are gorgeous, as always.” Her brows shot up. “Yes, always. I have been watching you,” he said answering her silent question. She ducked her head, in an attempt to hide her blush. He opened her door and she slid into the car.

  “Oh my God, this is really happening,” she whispered, watching him through the window as he walked around to the driver’s side. The vehicle felt much smaller with his large presence.

  Sensing her tension, he glanced at her with a wicked grin. “You can relax, Christine. I don’t bite… all the time.” Her eyes widened slightly and she shivered. Something feral and carnal reflected in his gaze. She gulped as he drove off.


  Christine lifted her wine glass to her lips and took a long drink. She was going out of her mind with the way Ethan stared at her. Every smoldering gaze he gave reduced her to a quivering mass of yearning. “Are you always this intense?” She asked.

  He grinned sexily and shrugged. “I have been told that I am.”

  She looked down and tried to focus on her meal, trying not to feel out of place in the ridiculously expensive restaurant. “So, what are we really doing here, Ethan?”

  He cocked a brow, “Eating.”

  Blushing, she said, “I mean why did you ask me out? What’s going to happen after this?”


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