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The Shifter’s Prisoner_A Paranormal Romance

Page 28

by T. S. Ryder

  He stood up, alarm mounting. “What do you mean?”

  "Before I ran, he called my name and he said someone gave him a description of me. I don't understand. Why would anyone want to hurt me? I'm a secretary, for goodness sake. I don't even go out except when I go out with you. What enemy could I possibly have?"

  Ethan stayed quiet, his mind working overtime. “Christine, just calm down.”

  “Calm down? You can’t seriously be telling me to calm down. Someone tried to kill me and then I almost got eaten. I mean what are the chances of being attacked by both human and animal in the space of five minutes?” She let out a mirthless laugh. “It is so not my night.” Taking a deep breath, she said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow up like that. I’m really stressed right now.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I really should report it.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Why the hell not, Ethan?” She asked outraged and confused.

  “The man that attacked you is dead.”

  She gawked at him. “What? How do you know?”

  Ethan turned away from her and ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. He would have to reveal what he was sooner or later because he didn’t plan on ever giving her up.

  Christine stood up. “Ethan, what is it? I don’t understand why you don’t want me to call the police. If there is a dead man lying around, they should know.” Although, she couldn’t figure out what had caused the man’s death.

  He turned around to face her. “I killed him, Christine.”

  Her heart stopped and she took a step back. “Ethan, you can’t talk like that.”

  He took a step toward her. “He was going to kill you and he wasn’t human.” She was starting to feel faint again. “You should sit down.” He suggested.

  She looked at him with fear in her eyes. She glanced at the door, wanting to run. Ethan huffed, “For goodness sake, Christine, if I wanted to hurt you I would have done so a few minutes ago when you were unconscious on my couch.”

  She made a distressed sound. “You’re talking crazy. What do you mean that man wasn’t human?”

  “He was a Wolf Shifter, like me,” he said softly, gauging her reaction.

  Christine blinked and then let out a laugh. “A what?”

  “A Wolf Shifter.”

  “Oh my God, you’re being serious. I’m in love with a crazy person,” she murmured.

  His eyes widened. “You’re what?”

  She pursed her lips and shook her head. I can’t believe I said that out loud. “Let’s not stray from the fact that you think you’re a wolf or whatever.”

  He shrugged. “I have been wondering when to tell you.”

  She held up a hand. “Not another word, Ethan. It’s ok. I’m sure we can get you a good psychiatrist.”

  His lips twitched. “I’m not crazy, although my brothers would tell you otherwise.”

  “You have brothers?” It dawned on her that she really didn’t know much about him. She had chosen to look over the fact that he was always so secretive. She captured his gaze, her mouth falling open. Another memory appeared. She had looked into the eyes of the second wolf and they were identical to Ethan’s. Shaking her head, she whispered, “That’s impossible. The wolf had your eyes.” He remained silent, holding her gaze. “This is ludicrous. There is no way you could have transformed into an animal.”

  So she really has no idea about her own half-Shifter gene, he mused silently.

  Christine dropped onto the couch. “I saw you the other night. You ran out of the woods naked.”

  Ethan froze. He had detected that something was off with her behavior when he took her home the following morning. Now he knew why. He really needed to be more careful. But he had been in a rush to get back before she woke up and discovered that he was gone. “I was coming from a pack meeting.”

  “Oh God,” she groaned, dropping her head into her hands. “Pack? As in a group of people who think they are wolves?”

  “I am a wolf.”

  She sighed. “Alright, say you are whatever you say you are, does anyone else know?”

  “No. We can’t afford to let humans know about us. People are afraid of what they can’t understand.”

  “Then why would you tell me?”

  “You are my true mate.”

  Christine was taken aback. “Um, I’m not quite sure what you mean.”

  Chapter Seven

  Christine kept her eyes on the man standing over her. She was trying to decide if she should be afraid of him or not. But he was right. If he wanted to hurt her, he would have already. Now he was telling her that she was his mate. For some reason, she knew that the words held a different meaning than being just his girlfriend.

  Ethan took a seat beside her. “My kind has a mate for life. Each of us has someone made for them as if connected by destiny or nature. I never quite believed it, until I saw you. The first time I saw you, it was like something connected. I can’t explain it.” When she continued to gape at him, he continued. “After having found you, I don’t think I can live without you.”

  She blinked, “Oh my, this is…”

  “I know, it’s too much and too soon.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “No, I really don’t mind hearing something like that.” Considering that she had fallen in love with him within just a few weeks, she was ecstatic. There was only the problem of him thinking he wasn’t human. “Show me.”

  Ethan frowned. “What?”

  “You say you’re some kind of wolf. I find it very hard to believe so show me.”

  “Christine, I don’t think-”

  “I won’t believe it if I don’t see it.”

  He sighed in resignation. "Okay." Turning to her, he took a deep breath. Lethal-looking canines erupted and his dark eyes transformed to a bright yellow. Christine sucked in a breath, the color draining from her face once again. Ethan eyed her with concern. "You're not going to faint again are you?"

  She shook her head, unable to speak. “I’m trying very hard not to faint. This is insane.” Even with the evidence in her face, her mind was still having a hard time processing that he really wasn’t human. “But you look human.”

  He shrugged, “I guess I am a bit of both, wolf and human. I’m sorry, Christine.”

  "What are you sorry for? It's not like you have control over who- what you are, right?"


  She swallowed. If she was indeed pregnant, that meant her child wouldn’t be quite normal. She thought of telling him that she might be carrying his child but decided to wait until she was sure. “I should get home.”

  “You’re not staying?”

  “I-I need some time to think. Alone.” She saw the fear flash in his eyes. “I won’t go to the police,” she reassured. What could she tell them that wouldn’t make her sound like a candidate for the psychiatric ward?

  His lips lifted wryly. “That’s not what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid you won’t come back.”

  The vulnerability she witnessed coming from him tugged at her heart strings. There was no way she could leave now. “I suppose I can think just fine here.”

  He let out a breath. “You know, you are taking all of this much better than I thought you would.”

  She shrugged. What choice did she have? So, he wasn't quite human, but he was the best boyfriend she had ever had. "I know what it's like to be judged for one's appearance. Sure, your teeth can get a bit sharper and you can get extra hairy, but you're still the same man I have been with for the past four weeks. You are, aren't you?"

  He smiled. “I am. Christine, about what you said earlier-”

  The ringing of her cell phone interrupted him. Christine pulled it out of her bag, grateful for the interruption. He was no doubt going to ask her about her slip of the tongue earlier. He would want to know if she meant what she said about falling in love with him. That wasn’t a subject she wanted to discuss at the moment. “Hey, Keira.” She watched Ethan ge
t up and stroll out of the room.

  "Hi, hon. Are you okay? I thought you would be home already."

  “Uh, I did a little overtime at work.”

  Keira snickered. “Overtime huh? With your boss?”

  Rolling her eyes, Christine answered, “No, I was actually working. But I’m with Ethan now. I should have called to let you know. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright, as long as you’re fine.” Keira let out a sigh. “I’ve hardly seen you since you started seeing your hunk of a boss. I’m happy for you, but I miss you.”

  Guilt swept over Christine. She had been spending the majority of her time with Ethan. “I’m sorry Keira. How about we plan a girl’s weekend? It will be just you and me, no boys allowed.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I take it you’re not coming home tonight?”

  “Uh, no.”

  Keira chuckled, “Of course you’re not. Alright, I assume you’re coming home in the morning, so I’ll see you then.”

  “Yeah, see you in the morning,” Christine hung up the phone and stared at it for a few seconds. If only she could share the bizarre events of the night with her best friend. She sighed softly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She jumped and let out a shriek. Clutching her chest, she turned to Ethan. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  His lips twisted, “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine and I’m fine. I need a shower.” She sprang up and made her escape to the bathroom before he could resume their conversation.

  Ethan watched her rush past him. He let out a sigh. He wondered what was going through her mind. The fact that she was still in his apartment was a great comfort. He had assumed she would run from the room screaming when he had shown her what he was.


  Christine emerged from the bathroom and glanced around cautiously. She couldn’t’ help being anxious about the fact that she was in an apartment with someone who could turn deadly in an instant.

  “You’re still on edge.”

  She gasped. “Oh my God! You have to stop doing that.” She placed a hand over her pounding heart. “I might die from a heart attack.”

  Ethan stood up. “I didn’t mean to startle you. You spent quite a while in the bathroom. Are you alright?” He studied her with concern

  “Stop looking at me like that. I’m fine. I was just in there thinking.” She pulled the towel tighter around her, “Everything you just revealed to me is hard to digest. I just want to get some sleep.” He let her go without another word.

  Hours later, after tossing and turning, Christine threw the covers off and sat up in bed with a frustrated huff. Sleep had managed to remain elusive. She glanced over her shoulder, noting that Ethan wasn’t present. Running an agitated hand through her hair, she got up and stomped to the balcony. The cool night air caressed her skin and she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. Her mind refused to settle down and allow her to get a few hours of sleep.

  She heard footstep approaching and smiled. Ethan made an effort to make his presence known so as not to startle her.

  “Can’t sleep?” He asked.

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “No. I have given up trying. You didn’t come to bed.”

  He came and stopped beside her. “I was trying to give you as much space as possible. I didn’t think you would feel comfortable sleeping beside me.”

  She frowned. “The fact that I decided to stay the night is indication enough that I’m comfortable. I don’t believe for a second that you would hurt me.” She reached up a hand to tentatively brush her fingers across his cheek.

  His eyes flew to hers. There was no mistaking the blatant need reflected in his gaze. But he kept his hands at his sides. Christine smiled. “You don’t have to be afraid to touch me.”

  “I might not be able to maintain control.”

  “What if I don’t want you to?”

  His nostrils flared. “Christine we probably shouldn’t-”

  She silenced him with a finger on his lips. Stretching up, she replaced her finger with her lips. Her mouth moved slowly, coaxing him to respond. When he could fight his need no longer, he grasped her hips and pulled her closer, returning her kiss with ardor.

  “Are you sure?” He asked against her lips.

  “Yes. Make love to me, Ethan.”

  He lifted his head and immediately began to open the buttons of the shirt she wore. He grinned. “You look better in my shirt than I do.”

  She smiled, "Thanks." The shirt was pushed off her shoulders. She reached out to help him out of the sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Her fingers ran reverently over his chest and moved down to his ripped abdomen. She kept her eyes trained on his as her fingers moved lower to grasp his hardening length with gentle fingers. Ethan shivered slightly, keeping the animal below the surface in check. His eyes flashed yellow and he didn’t bother to hide it from her.

  Christine swallowed hard, but maintained her hold on him, moving her hand with slow strokes. He sucked in a breath and placed his hands over hers.

  “I want to be inside of you now. Turn around.” When she hesitated, he asked, “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  Turning around, she waited for his next move, her heart pounding, not from fear but from the anticipation of his next move. Her eyes fluttered closed as soft kisses were feathered down the nape of her neck. She gasped when his fingers slid between her thighs to dip into her softness. "You're ready," he whispered.

  “Yes. Now please.”

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Bend over.”

  Obeying his command, excitement coursed through her veins. Strong fingers gripped her hips and pulled her backward. He entered her slowly, inch by inch. Moaning his name, she pushed herself backward, begging for more. “You’re holding back,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want to lose control, Christine.”

  “I want you to. I want to see and feel all of you.”

  With a growl, he pulled away and spun her around so that she faced him. Hoisting her up onto the rail and stepping between her thighs, he entered her again. She gasped and glanced behind her nervously. "Ethan, we're really high up."

  “Trust me, I won’t let you go.”

  She threw her arms around his shoulders. “Okay.”

  The pace of his hips increased, pushing her higher. Her eyes widened when his fangs erupted. He held her gaze with supernatural eyes, his feral nature exposed. He lowered his head to graze his lengthened canines over her neck, sending a shard of fear through her mind. It quickly disappeared and she put her entire trust in him.

  He continued to move, filling her completely and sending shards of pleasure through her. The tension building in her core released and she let out a cry as an intense orgasm rippled through her. Ethan let out a satisfied roar as he found his release. Turning around, he strode into the bedroom and laid on the bed, their bodies still connected. He rested his head in the crook of her shoulder as she stroked his back.

  “Am I too heavy?” He asked.

  “No.” There was a moment of silence and then she uttered, “I love you, Ethan.”

  He lifted his head to peer down at her, joy spreading in his heart and reflecting on his features. “I love you too. If there is a word stronger than love that is what I feel for you.” He inhaled deeply, overcome with emotion. He never thought she would accept him. “I feel like I’m crushing you to death,” he said rolling off of her.

  She let out a moan in protest so he pulled her into his arms. Planting a loving kiss on her forehead, Ethan held her until she fell asleep. He still hadn’t told her the part of the story that a Wolf Shifter’s true mate could only be one of their kind. He let out a breath. He should let her have some time before telling her that part. She had handled enough already.

  Chapter Eight

  Christine’s eyes fluttered open. She rolled over and smiled as her gaze connected with Ethan’s. “Morning,” she murmured.

  “Good morning.” He gri
nned. He had been up for a while, watching her sleep.

  Christine sat up and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "Shit! I’m late. Why didn’t you wake me?” She swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  An arm swept out to pull her back. “Relax, I’m sure the boss will give you the day off,” Ethan drawled with a grin.

  “You don’t understand. This will give Nancy ammunition to make my life miserable. I’ll be fired for sure.”

  “There is no way she can fire you without my authority, so lay down and let’s engage in a little morning sex.” He nuzzled her neck.

  Christine giggled and pulled away. “No sex until you feed me. I’m starving.”

  He sighed. “Alright, but after breakfast, you are mine.” He hopped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. He smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been so happy.

  A knock sounded on the door and he glanced at it with a frown. He already knew who it was. Walking to the door, he pulled it open. “Nancy, what are you doing here?”

  She eyed him coyly, “I’m your personal assistant, Ethan. It’s nothing out of the ordinary for me to show up at your house. I’ve been worried. You didn’t show up at the office yesterday.” Her eyes ran over his bare chest. “You don’t look like you’re going today either.”

  “I might, a bit later.”

  She pushed her way inside and frowned. “Why do you smell like her? Her scent is all over you.”

  Damn it. Christine would no doubt be upset that Nancy found out about them. “It really doesn’t concern you, Nancy.”

  She wheeled around to face him, her face twisted with rage. “Like hell it doesn’t.”

  Christine stepped out of the bedroom, buttoning one of Ethan’s shirts. “You know, I have developed quite a liking for your shirts.” She stopped abruptly and let out a loud gasp. “Nancy.”

  Nancy stared at her in disbelief. She swallowed and took a step toward Christine. "I should have known. I thought you didn’t have any interest in the boss,” she jeered.

  Christine bit her lip nervously. “Well, I-”


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