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The Rites: Ethos Society Part One

Page 18

by Chloe Gunter

  They had given me more than I had dared to hope for and filled me with warmth and the security to know that we would survive this, and hopefully come out better for it.

  The following morning was still relatively quiet, all of us in our own minds still. Gavin and I made a simple breakfast with copious amounts of coffee for all of us before we all sat down at the dining room table. I took a deep gulp, letting the smooth flavor roll across my tongue.

  "I know we could all probably use some time to decompress after yesterday," I started, the guys attention now on me, "I know I could. But some time, when this is finished. I want to know how it was for you Gavin, you don't have to bear that alone. We're here for you too."

  He reached over and took my free hand, giving me a soft smile, "Thanks, cara, that means a lot."

  "She's right brother, I know we've been doing our own things the past couple of years, but you're my other half. Whatever you need, I'm there," Gage said.

  "Speaking of other halves, whenever you both do finally go undercover together, I want to be involved. And before you object, just know that I have a catalogue of your modulators and tells that I analyzed so thoroughly about each of you after that whole ordeal happened. I want to help prepare you, to make sure you are both so seamlessly in sync that there'll be no chance you'll be discovered."

  "They try not to utilize us deep undercover for extended stints of time unless there are extenuating circumstances. They usually just have the lower level agencies do all the groundwork then analyze the data and intelligence."

  "Regardless, you're both mine, and we protect our own. Isn't that what they say?"

  "Damn straight we're yours," Gage said gruffly as his eyes met mine. I'm instantly drawn back to our encounter yesterday in the kitchen and I feel my temperature start to rise as Gavin nods his head as well.

  We finished breakfast and I said bye to the guys, making plans to see them the following day. I needed time to sort things out on my own before I had a movie night with Reed. I wasn't sure when the initiation would be held, or what exactly would be involved, but I knew that it would require strength.

  I found myself in a familiar place, circling the track around the quad. I had forgone earbuds, wanting the silence and time to filter through my thoughts. I had just made it through my second mile when I heard a familiar stride come from behind me.

  “I can’t do this with you today Wyatt,” I said, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. I had come here after the second Rite and he had found me, hashed things out then silently supported me.

  “It seems like every time I see you you’re saying something to that effect. So please Charlie, I’m asking you as your friend, what the hell did I do to make you keep pushing me away? I explained about the Reed incident so I feel like I’m truly missing something here.”

  I stopped running, wiping a hand along my forehead. Weighing the pros and cons of outright questioning him. He had to be my fucking sponsor and after last night, after a Rite that was based on trust, I had so many trust issues with him right now that it was still eating me up inside.

  “I think you know why I’m upset Wyatt, why I can barely look at you after last night. Did you think I would be grateful? For you including me in this?”

  His arm gripped my shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed and genuine concern on his face, “If something happened to you last night Charlie, I need to know. I’ll do whatever I can to protect you, but I need to know.”

  I shoved his arm off my shoulder and took a step back. I couldn't stand him touching me. I may have accepted his comfort last night, but time away from the situation had made me stronger, had made me angry that he thought the fucked up mind games were okay. Just a means to an end, to prove that I could keep a secret and keep it together so that I could join an organization that was shrouded in a mix of altruistic darkness.

  "You're really skilled Wyatt," I passive-aggressively said, as he lied to my face while appearing to be genuine and sincere. "Look, I'll see you when I need to, and not a moment before. You owe me that much."

  I turned away and ran. I ran from the decision I would have to make. I ran from the memories and flashes that plagued my mind from the night before. I ran until my feet were sore and my head was empty. And then, I went home.

  When Reed saw me walk through the door sweaty and disheveled, he sent me to take a shower and told me 'screw movie night, we're having a movie marathon day.' By the time I made it out of the shower and into my lounge pants, two pizzas were resting on the coffee table with a few waters and sodas.

  "I put the beer in the fridge for later, unless it's a day drinking kind of day?" Reed asked.

  "It totally could be, but I'm pretty sure I need to hydrate first. This is good, thanks," I said twisting a cap off a bottle of water and taking a sip. I loaded down my plate with pizza, sprinkling crushed red pepper and parmesan over the slices before taking a huge bite out of one.

  "Damn, Char. I hope you devour those boys of yours the way you do that pizza."

  "I knew you couldn't make it through the first movie without asking me about them," I laughed, enjoy our friendly banter. I had missed it. "But yes, things between the guys are, well, they're complicated, as to be expected, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. And, so far, there have been no complainants about my...appetites."

  "That's my girl," Reed said affectionately as he put his legs up on the couch, his feet touching my thigh.

  "What about you, mountain man? Not to be a drag but did Ramsey have any idea how long he'd be gone?"

  "He shouldn't be more than a few days. I still worry though, you can't help it when it concerns the people you care about, and that includes you. So if the boys aren't the ones who are bothering you and making you look like you're going through some kind of existential crisis, what is? You're doing well at GRAVITAS from what I've heard, making a name for yourself."

  "No, it's not the boys or school, it's-" I blew out a breath, not quite knowing what to say. Reed was my best friend and I knew that whatever I had to say, that he would listen. That he would be there for me through whatever we faced, just like I would be for him. "I think I need some more pizza and maybe that beer before I get into that."

  Reed got up to grab us a couple of bottles while our attention turned to the movie, eating pizza and enjoying something so mundane. I ended up with my legs draped over his on the couch, his hands lightly rubbing my sore feet, and a blanket wrapped around me as we started the second movie.

  "How far should we be willing to go for the greater good?"

  His hand paused on my feet as I continued to stare blankly at the movie playing on the screen, not even following what was going on, only absorbing that it was an old black and white film. Something I hadn't expected Reed to choose. His hands resumed their slow circles on the undersides of my feet.

  "I'd like to say there is a clear cut answer to that, but it's all about what you can do, what you can sacrifice for the greater good, and still be able to stand looking at yourself in the morning. The world is a far different and much vaster place than I ever thought it was, and it seems that as I grow older, I discover more and more ways that people can be malicious."

  I absorbed his words, turning them over in my mind and contemplating how far I would be willing to go. To join Ethos, to fight for the good of mankind. It seemed I had already offered myself up to that cause and I accepted that.

  If I had to choose between millions of people dying or one person I loved, I knew in my heart that I would choose the person I loved and would pray that they understood. I knew I would live with their face and the guilt, but I would bear that burden to save millions of other lives.

  "Hey, Charlie," Reed said, snapping me out of my thoughts, and using my preferred name, which was extremely rare for him. He tilted his head and said, "You know I'll always be here for you, you can talk to me about anything."

  I froze.

  I completely and utterly shut down until all I could do was stare at him in horror, my mo
uth agape.

  The tilt of his head to the left when he asked a question was all it took to blow the last semblance of normalcy from my life forever.

  How hadn't I seen it before? How was I so convinced it was Ridley when the answer had been in front of me the entire time?

  "Char, you're scaring me. Please, talk to me." His face was the picture of concern as my heart continued to break. That beautiful fucking liar. The pieces splintering bit by bit as the seconds went on and I stared at him in silence.

  "Reed, what movie is this?" I said, my voice low and devoid of any emotion. Completely in contrast with the storm that was brewing inside of me.

  "The Whistler," he offered, making no other offers of explanation, but I caught his shoulders fall. "Charlie, I-"

  "Betrayed by my own best friend and served up like some sacrificial lamb for the greater good. Is that what you're willing to do for the good of mankind, Reed? Can you still look at yourself in the mirror, knowing what you've involved me with? What it's done to me?"

  "You think this wasn't hard for me? To watch you struggle with this and not being able to step in when I wanted to? I tried to protect you the best I could," Reed said jumping up to match my now standing position, tugging so hard on his beard that I thought it would fall out.

  "Oh, am I supposed to apologize for your self-inflicted feelings? Newsflash, mountain man, you did this. You did this to us."

  I walked to my room and grabbed my bag, shoving clothes and things into it without looking. A second later my door flew open and Reed was there, "What are you doing?"

  "I can't stand to be in our home for one more second, let alone look at you right now. I'm leaving." I made my way to where he was standing in the doorway and he put his hand on my shoulder.

  "Char, please," his voice cracked, "let me explain. It isn't what you think." Silent tears raced down his cheeks as he faced me, his chest heaving in grief.

  "Don't fucking touch me."

  His hand abruptly flew away from me as I pushed past him and out the door. I opened the door and turned back, looking at the broken man in front of me and not finding an ounce of comfort for him left, "And don't, for a second, think that I need your protection. You better pray that this is all worth it, or I swear, you're going to fucking regret this."

  We all make choices that define us. Choices that speak to the core of our very character and change our world forever. I made a choice that night as I made my way deep within the forest to the chamber. Ready to accept my Ethos initiation and what that would entail.

  It had been weeks since I discovered that Reed was my sponsor, yet the betrayal was still fresh. I stayed with the twins, managing to avoid him except for combat training. He tried talking to me after class once, but I wasn't ready. I was still too hurt and too raw to hear what he had to say.

  Thanksgiving had come and gone, and I had taken a much needed trip to see Alicia. She could tell that something was wrong, but I played it off as just being overwhelmed with seeing her again. My mind kept going over whether or not I would go through with the initiation, but I knew deep down that I would. I had come too far and sacrificed too much not to.

  The chamber was noticeably warmer as I stepped inside, following after Gage. I sank into my cold place, the emotionless void I used for interrogations. Nothing could touch me here, and that's what I needed most right now. To be numb. Unfeeling. Cold.

  Apparently, initiation was a group effort.

  Though I was slightly surprised to find the chamber already occupied. Roughly ten or so hooded figures were waiting for us in a semicircle, a poetic reflection of the first time we entered this chamber. So much had changed since then. I looked around quickly for Glitch, Thistle, Lynx or Ryker, but they were nowhere to be seen. I still had no idea what had happened to them in the second Rite, or if they had even made it to the third.

  Gage and I walked to the middle of the arc and stood in front of the familiar stone podium. Only this time it housed multiple metal discs with strange markings and a large metal cylinder that laid horizontally across the span. I looked to Gage to see if he recognized them but he looked just as curious as I was.

  “Novitiates, I want to welcome you to the beginning of the rest of your life and congratulate you both on successfully completing the Rites. Our cell hasn’t had more than one novitiate pass in a single cycle in decades.”

  The figure raised his arms and all the flames in the chamber turned an electric blue, almost as though they were dancing with electricity as the air grew colder.

  “Tonight is a celebration. Tonight, we welcome you to the Ethos Society.”

  All at once the hooded figures around the room took their right arm and slapped it three times against their heart. As if that was the key, the robes began to disintegrate.

  It started from the top, a noticeable hexagon pattern appeared in the hood and seemed to fold into itself. The creases between the shapes were filled with the same electric blue of the flames that danced on the walls. The whole process took two seconds, the robes completely gone as I now stared into the faces behind the society that had turned my world upside down. All dressed in what appeared to be a soft white fabric, while looking like a formidable force.

  I didn't recognize the majority of the members, but the ones I did, surprised me.

  People I had encountered along the way, that I hadn't thought about recently, like Katya. To Ramsey, who I should have expected. He stood next to Reed looking directly at me with what I could only describe as hostile disappointment. I turned my gaze away from him, and back to the center of the arc where a familiar woman stood, she was one of the Assistant Directors that Ridley had pointed out to me at Veritas, though he himself was noticeably absent. I never had gotten her name, but she was still as striking as ever.

  "You may call me Harmony," she said, answering my unasked question. "While you are aware that our mission is to preserve and protect mankind, tonight you will learn what only few people have before you. We are the Ethos Society, a technologically advanced shadow organization that has been around for centuries. Our name may have changed over the years, but our origins remain the same," she finished before the male on her left stepped forward.

  "You may be familiar with the tale of the lost city of Atlantis and how the misuse of power and energy became their downfall. I'm here to tell you that the civilization is not a myth. And while history has skewed the actual events of the incident, their legacy lives on," he paused locking eyes with me, "within us."

  What the actual fuck?

  "While the civilization was mostly destroyed, a group of elders managed to take the master crystals and seek refuge elsewhere, preserving the knowledge and energy that would one day become the Ethos Society." Katya stepped forward, her icy blonde hair and white clothing making her appear almost ethereal.

  "Anorak, Bird, today you will be offered your Spark, one of the purest forms of energy derived from the few master crystals that were saved centuries ago. It is that Spark which powers and lies at the core of all of our advances and technology."

  "You have seen things," Reed cut in, taking a step forward, "things you can't explain and that have no foundation in the world today. Portals, tangible holograms, bioengineering, those are just a scratch on the surface of what we're able to do. The Spark will merge with your DNA, altering and allowing you to harness the energy into infinite possibilities."

  Reed shuffled back in line and I caught Ramsey grasping his forearm in silent support. Harmony stepped forward once again, drawing my attention back to her.

  “Usually this would be the time the two of you officially meet your sponsor, but it seems like we have an unprecedented situation with the two of you and that is no longer necessary. Your intellect is valued,” she said, giving us an acknowledging nod. “An Atlantean may share their Spark only once, maybe twice, in their lifetime, or risk death. It is the highest honor an Atlantean can bestow upon another. By sharing the source of their power, they share with you part of themse

  "This cylinder houses some of the remains of the master crystals that originally powered the lost civilization of Atlantis. Once you’re officially confirmed, they will be the catalyst and source that will channel your sponsor's Spark and make you anew."

  Gavin proceeded to walk to one side of the podium, his gait sure and steady as he gave us both a reassuring smile.

  “I, Chiron, hereby nominate Anorak for Spark Initiation. Having successfully completed the Rites necessary and demonstrating the utmost character and core values required in an Atlantean, I offer him a piece of my Spark.”

  Gavin smiled proudly at Gage as the assembly behind him moved as one, this time thumping their left chest once and leaving their hand there.

  “Spark Initiation, granted.”

  Gavin motioned for Gage to join him at the stone pedestal, directing him to place his hands on two of the metal discs. Gavin moved to the opposite side, mirroring his position.

  “Bonum commune hominis,” Gavin said, his clear voice giving the society's motto a weight and depth, reminding me once again why I was here. For the good of mankind.

  Gavin’s palms emitted a light blue light as his head arched back, a pained groan escaping his lips. The metal discs under his palms started to glow and branch across the pedestal like a circuit board, leading to the metal cylinder.

  The cylinder lay dormant, only a faint glow escaping the seams at either end, until it began to grow brighter with each beat of Gavin's heart. The light burst forth from the cylinder and shot across the pedestal, illuminating Gage’s disc and eliciting an agonizing sound from him.

  It was an eternity before the Spark stopped glowing, that brilliant light threading between the brothers and binding them further. One of the Ethos members supported Gage as he acclimated, both relaxing by degrees and withdrawing their hands from the pedestal.

  “Spark Initiation, complete. Welcome Anorak. May the Spark show the way.”


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