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Across the Miles (The Not So Bad Boys of Rock #1)

Page 6

by Rhonda James

  “No, that’s all pretty fuzzy right now, but thank you for helping me.” She grasped his hand gently, and my heart tightened just a bit at the sight of her small fingers clasped in his. Why the hell am I jealous of a handshake?

  “Well, I’m glad you came by; Sebastian mentioned that you have been suffering from a headache since the incident, and that you blacked out.” Brooke nodded in response. “That doesn’t surprise me, but it does give reason for concern, I want to get a look at your brain to rule out any serious complications that could arise from a blow like that. I’m pretty sure that you have a concussion, a pretty good one it seems, and I feel that it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Steve turned to me, “Sebastian, we won’t be long, just have a seat and we should be back within the hour.”

  I watched as he led her down the hall; she glanced back over her shoulder one last time, and I gave a small finger wave and an encouraging thumbs up. I couldn’t help but notice the fear in her eyes as she rounded the corner. I settled in with a magazine, looking through a few pages, before becoming bored and tossing it aside. I picked up my phone and called Dek.

  “What’s up dude? Where are you? I just stopped by your house and rang the bell like twenty times. Are we writing today or taking a beach day again?” Dek and I had been friends since the third grade, having sided with one another during a large recess brawl. I don’t care who you are, when a guy you don’t even know has your back in a bad situation, you are friends for life. I may have only been nine years old, but even back then I knew I had found someone that I could count on, no matter what, and to this day Dek had never let me down. He stood beside me through all of the booze and all of the drugs, through everything.

  “Man, something came up; I won’t be able to hang out.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Dek asked suspiciously. He’d known me long enough to tell when I wasn’t being completely honest.

  “I won’t go into the full story now, because I don’t have time, but I met someone yesterday and now she needs my help.” I knew it was a weak explanation, and he would never buy it.

  “What do you mean ‘she needs your help’? You mean financially? Dude, you need to be careful; these women will take advantage of your kindness. Do I need to remind you of the chick who took you for ten grand a few years back?” he quipped.

  “No,” I snapped back, “I don’t need reminding, and it’s not like that with this girl. She was mugged and injured while visiting the beach. I found her and took her home. We’re at the hospital now, Steve is checking her out.”

  “Whoa, sorry about that. So you really are being a nice guy, that’s cool. So, where does she go to after the hospital?”

  “She’s catching a plane back to Michigan this afternoon, I’m taking her to the airport,” I said, my voice catching as I forced the words out.

  “Dude, you’re acting weird. Is there something going on with this girl? You didn’t take advantage of her in her condition did you?” Dek accused gently, knowing my jaded history with women.

  “Of course not!” I barked out, drawing the attention of the receptionist seated behind the glass partition, I lowered my voice. “It’s just… I don’t know what it is man. There’s just something about her. She’s different. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but right now, she needs me, and it feels good to be able to help.”

  “So you like her? You’ve known her how long?”

  “We just met yesterday morning, but that’s beside the point. It’s hard to explain, but…” Just then, I heard my name being called, and I looked up to see Steve beckoning me to join him in the hall. “I gotta go man, talk to you later.” I hung up and jogged down the hall.

  “Brooke is having a mild anxiety attack at the thought of going into the scanner. It appears she may be claustrophobic. Maybe if you come and sit at her feet, that will help her calm down.”

  “Sure, is it okay for me to be in there. Did she ask for me?”

  “It will be fine, and no she didn’t ask, but I think she will be pleased,” he looked back at me. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you,” he winked, and I couldn’t hide the smile forming on my lips.

  “Brooke,” Steve announced as we entered the room, pointing to the chair where I should sit, right at her feet. “I know you are scared, that’s why I had the attendant fit you with that mirror over your forehead. Can you see me standing here now?”

  “Yes,” she replied in a small, scared voice.

  “Can you see who else is in the room with you?” Her head shifted a bit and I heard an audible whimper as it registered that I was here. I reached out, placing my hand on her ankle to reassure her of my presence. “Sebastian is here, and he will stay with you during the procedure, it won’t take long. I promise you will be safe. Will it help to have him with you?”

  “Yes,” she responded, voice stronger now. I squeezed her gently and rested my hand protectively over her, letting her know that I wasn’t going anywhere. I looked down the opening of the scanner and saw the mirror over her face. In a brief flash we made eye contact, I smiled reassuringly and kept my gaze on her throughout the duration of the test. At times, she kept her eye on me, and at others she closed her eyes as if trying to mentally escape. I could totally relate. I don’t like confinement either, so if the roles were reversed I wasn’t too sure that I wouldn’t need a kind soul at my feet. Soon the test was over and the attendant came out to remove the cage contraption that had been placed over her face, then helped her to a seated position, instructing her to remain there until Steve came back in the room. I looked back through the window partition and saw Steve standing with two other doctors, looking at a screen in front of them.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her.

  “About the same, except now I have a loud banging in my head from all of that racket. I should have taken them up on the offer of headphones and music,” she laughed nervously.

  “Sorry, guess I could have offered to sing for you,” I laughed too, trying my best to put her at ease. “They’ll be done soon, and we can get you home,” I encouraged. In my head, I meant back to her home state, but in my heart I knew that I meant back to my place. We were going to have to stop back by there to pick up her belongings, but then would be rushing off to the airport where I would drop her off and never see her again. My heart was unnaturally heavy.

  “Brooke,” Steve announced, as he came through the doorway. “We’ve gone over your scans, and everything looks normal on your brain, activity is good and there aren’t any bleeds. But, there is some mild swelling that is normal with a concussion. I would like to keep an eye on that. How long are you in town for?”

  “My flight leaves today at two-thirty,” she replied nervously. “Why do you ask?”

  “Well, I’m sorry to do this to you, but I’m going to recommend that you avoid air travel for the next seven to ten days. You’ve suffered a pretty nasty blow, and although your scan is clear, I would feel better knowing that you aren’t flying. Air travel can prolong your recovery and even make your symptoms worse.” Steve snuck a quick glance at me before continuing. “However, I can’t stop you from choosing to fly; it’s just a medical recommendation. I’ll let you two discuss this, you are free to leave the hospital if you wish.” He shook both our hands and left the room. Brooke remained sitting on the edge of the table, staring ahead, as if shocked by the recent news.

  “Hey honey, you okay?” I prodded gently. I knew she probably found it strange that I kept referring to her as honey, but I couldn’t help myself, that endearment just fit her, it must have been the hair that led me to call her that. Yeah, that was all it was.


  I don’t like confined spaces, and this machine is totally freaking me out. Steve left, and the assistant is in fitting me with a mirror over my eyes. I’m not sure how this is going to help my situation, but I resign to it and pray that this procedure is over quickly, and I can be off to the airport. The thought of leaving brings about two conflicting emotions
, excitement and dread. I want to get back home to the familiarity and comfort of my apartment, but a part of me would like nothing more than to remain here for a while longer and spend more time getting to know this man that intrigues me. Something about him calls to the deepest part of my being, he calms me and excites me all at the same time. Maybe we can exchange phone numbers and become those people that have a long distance relationship getting to know one another via technology. Yeah, that sounds romantic. Get a grip girl, he’s just a man, you see hundreds of them on a weekly basis and never react this way. I’m sure that once I am home he will become nothing but a pleasant memory of this terrible vacation, and surely he will forget all about me once I am gone, after all, he has gobs of women seeking his attention on a regular basis. I’m sure that the only memory he will have of me is that I was an inconvenience, a needy inconvenience.

  Steve walked back into the testing room and spoke a few reassuring words to me, he is a nice man, and then I felt a hand on my ankle. I looked in the small mirror and saw his kind blue eyes staring back at me, his gaze never leaving mine. He’s here with me, by his own choice. Throughout the entire scan, he remained there, his hand protectively placed over my leg, stroking it absentmindedly and soothing me in the process. His presence made it possible for me to tolerate the small space, and before I knew it, the test was over and I was out of the tube.

  Steve came back into the room and started talking about my results, I only half listened, instead choosing to stare at Sebastian. His eyes were such a brilliant shade of blue, and I loved the way the little flecks of silver sparkled whenever he laughed. His hair looked soft and crazy, and I couldn’t help but fantasize about running my fingers through it, just once, to get a feel for it. Would that be weird? I didn’t see how it would be, considering that just last night he had run his fingers through mine while cleaning it up, surely that constituted as a legitimate excuse for me to return the favor.

  “Well, I’m sorry to do this to you but I am going to recommend that you avoid air travel for the next seven to ten days,” Steve reported; the next words he spoke were lost as I couldn’t wrap my head around what he had just told me. I couldn’t go home? What was I supposed to do now? I couldn’t stay here; I had to get back to work. Where would I stay? A hotel would be expensive for that many days, and I barely knew Sebastian. Surely that would be too much of an imposition. One night was awkward, maybe, but ten? No, I had to get home. Maybe I could drive, surely that would be acceptable.

  “Hey honey, are you okay?” Sebastian asked, his hand on my shoulder. Why did my heart skip a beat when he used that endearment on me? Was it possible that I had feelings for him because he had come to my rescue? I knew it was common for women to want a man to be their hero, but in my limited experience, men didn’t run blindly into problems, they ran away from them without looking back. But Sebastian, he was different, he not only jumped in to help me when I was lying there hurt and bleeding, but he stayed and was still here beside me twenty-four hours later. This man was unlike any man I had ever known. This man was the exception.

  “I can’t travel. What am I going to do, I have to get home. I have responsibilities and bills. I can’t just stay here for ten days waiting.” I hopped off the table and began pacing frantically. “I could rent a car; I might be able to drive it in five days, six tops. I don’t have enough money to pay for a hotel for that many nights.” My mind raced, and I spoke out loud as I paced. Sebastian, however, just watched quietly. After I had covered the same ground no less than ten times, he cleared his throat and offered a suggestion.

  “You could stay with me. I don’t have any plans, and you already know that I have plenty of room for you.” He read my body language immediately, sensing my hesitation, and continued his argument. “Hear me out okay?” I nodded slowly and stopped pacing. “You can have reign over the entire east wing. We can have dinner together, or separately if you prefer, we can spend the time hanging out and watching T.V. I could show you around town, give you a proper city welcome. You can meet the rest of the band, you know how much you love our music,” he offered a lop-sided grin. “Come on, what do you say? It will give us a chance to get to know one another. I enjoy spending time with you; I’d like to know more about you.” He sat back, placing his hands behind his head, and waited for me to process everything he had just laid before me.

  “Are you finished?” I cocked my head and smirked. “You put up quite a good argument; I’ll give you that. And it is a very generous offer, but I barely know you. To spend the next ten days sleeping at your house makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. What if someone gets hold of this story and reports that we are sleeping together? I don’t want that kind of gossip being spread about me.” He held up a hand in protest.

  “That’s not going to happen, and if it did we could have them print a retraction. I have a very good publicist, not every news clip about me is negative you know. Come on, you said it yourself; I’m a decent guy. This offer is me doing the right thing. You need to stay here, for your health. I would worry about you if you tried to fly after what Steve said. Please, if not for me then do it for your safety,” he pleaded, even throwing in pouty lips and batting eyelashes. It was entirely unnecessary, I had already decided to stay with him before he even began his argument, I just needed to make my point. I hope I didn’t regret my decision.

  “Okay, I’ll stay, but only on one condition,” I held up a finger. “You have to let me cook for you while I am here. It’s the least I can do to repay you for your kindness.” I stood facing him, hands on my hips, waiting for him to respond.

  The next thing I knew he had picked me up and swung me around, whooping and hollering. He kissed me on the forehead and set me back down on the table, I leaned a hand against it for stability, not sure if I was reeling from the spinning or the kiss, or both.

  “I am going to make this the best week of your life Brooke Caldwell. You just wait, by the time ten days are over you won’t want to leave.” The butterflies in my stomach fluttered restlessly, and I smiled weakly because part of me knew that he might be right.


  “What the hell do you mean you have to stay with him? You don’t even know him,” Jade demanded through the phone, exasperation evident in her voice. “Let’s back up a minute. Tell me everything that has happened, and don’t leave anything out because I am still mad at you for only texting me after your attack and not returning my phone calls. I have been worried sick over here.” So I started from the beginning, making sure not to leave anything out, before finishing with him inviting me to stay at his house. “But you don’t even know him,” she reiterated.

  “Jade, just think about it for a minute. This is Sebastian Miles we’re talking about. Hello. I tried really hard to say no, but he was so persuasive. Besides, have you seen him?” I asked sarcastically. “He’s been incredibly sweet so far and nothing but a gentleman, I don’t even think he has those kind of feelings for me. I think he just sees me as a woman in distress, maybe helping me is a way to redeem himself.”

  “I don’t know Brooke, I still don’t like it, but I trust your judgment,” she sighed. “Seeing as how you are going to be shacking up with a celebrity, you can get those pictures for me. Maybe you’ll get to meet the rest of the band while you’re there,” she said, now excited about the prospect of me staying a while longer.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I laughed and said my goodbyes. I made my way out to the balcony, just off my room, and placed a call to my boss, Donnie.

  “So, my little Brooke goes out to L.A. and gets herself shacked up with a famous rock star. How on earth did you swing that?” He laughed heartily before continuing. “Seriously kid, are you okay? The doctor says that everything looks good just no traveling to stay on the safe side? You’re not keeping anything from me are you?” Donnie wore the surrogate father hat well, and right now he was in full-on protective mode.

  “I promise, I’m okay. I’m frustrated that I have been advised t
o stay though. How will you manage without me for that long? I don’t want to put you in a bad spot.”

  “We’ll be fine, trust me. I’ll call in a few favors and have one of our sister restaurants send me someone on loan until you get back. You are coming back, right? You’re not going to run off and marry this guy are you?” he teased.

  “Stop it! You know me better than that Donnie. Besides, it’s not like that; he’s very sweet and doting. Kind of like you, but worth a lot more money,” I teased. “I promise to be careful and not fall madly in love. And I also promise to come back home. I love you and will call you later this week.”

  “I mean it, call me if you need anything, I’ll come running,” he pleaded. “I love you too kiddo.”

  Once I had finished calling my friends, and the airline, I headed downstairs to find Sebastian. I searched most of the main floor before heading to the basement studio; he was in there, and the door was closed. I stood there for a moment watching him play the guitar; his eyes were closed, and I could see his lips mouthing a song. He looked peaceful. I slipped back upstairs and headed out the back, down the pathway that led to the beach. Sebastian lived in Santa Monica, and his estate backed up to the ocean. I found a quiet spot to sit down and stare at the water. This part of the beach was nearly deserted, I looked to my left and right and spotted mostly surfers or the occasional sunbather. I stretched my legs out before me and rested on my left palm, using my right to shield the sun from my eyes. A beautiful ocean breeze and the crashing of the waves against the shore made for a relaxing setting. I had been there for only a short time when I heard Sebastian’s voice behind me; I instantly smiled.

  “There you are, I thought you’d snuck off and hopped on a plane to Michigan,” he joked, plopping down in the sand next to me. I noticed that he had changed into a pair of running shorts and was barefoot. He had nice feet. Of course he did, everything about him bordered on perfection, there was no way he could look that good and have ugly feet. I drew my legs up close to my body, suddenly aware of my shortcomings.


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