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Waiting for Willa

Page 8

by Kristen Proby

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything in my life.”

  That line is new and absolutely true.

  He smiles softly. He slips his hands under my sweater, skims them up my sides, and pulls the top over my head, tossing it on the floor.

  “My body has changed,” I warn him.

  “So has mine,” he says.

  “Well, where you’ve gotten hotter, and thank the good Lord for it, I’ve had a baby.”

  “You’re amazing,” he replies, guiding my jeans down my legs, not worried in the least. Which only makes me love him more because I know, without a doubt, those aren’t just pretty words being said to get in my pants.

  Max means every syllable.

  With my clothes gone, he steps back and takes me in. The light from the bathroom is the only illumination in the room, but it’s enough for him to see me.

  In the past, I would have moved to cover myself.

  But not now.

  Not with him.

  “Jesus, Wills.”

  “What?” I glance down and cringe. “I know, these stretch marks are wild. They’re not nearly as bad as they were after I first had Alex—”

  “No.” My gaze whips up to his, and he swallows hard. “No, baby, I was just thinking that I’m going to come faster than an amateur on prom night.”

  I giggle and step to him, returning the favor of stripping him naked.

  My fingers linger over the ridges of his abs. I mean, are these legal in all fifty states? Does he need a license for them? A permit?

  A freaking warning label, perhaps?

  Max’s lips twitch. “Find something you like?”

  “I see plenty that I like.” My voice is rough with lust. My fingers roam down to the waistband of his jeans. Rather than flick the button open, I run one digit under the fabric, touching his warm skin.

  And the tip of his cock.

  “That’s it,” he says, shucking off his jeans, kicking them aside, and lifting me onto the bed. “I’m sorry, I can’t take it. If you keep touching me like that, I’m going to make a fool of myself.”

  “I want to touch you.” My hand plunges into his hair as he kisses his way from my neck to my breast, tugging the nipple between his lips. “You’re touchable.”

  “You’re fucking incredible,” he growls. His mouth devours my breast, and his free hand glides down my belly to home base.

  But he doesn’t push his fingers inside me or even go straight for my clit.

  No, Max Hull lightly brushes his fingertips over my lips on either side of my opening, sending shocks of electricity through every nerve of my body.

  “Oh my God,” I mutter, my fist tightening in his hair.

  “Hold onto the pillow,” he instructs me.

  I immediately comply. Hell, if he told me to jump off a bridge right now, I’d be swimming with the fishes.

  He carefully and methodically plays my pussy like a musical instrument. Taking me right to the edge of reason, then pulling back again until I moan my frustration.

  “I need to make sure you’re ready,” he says.

  “I don’t think I can get much more ready,” I assure him and grin when he nudges his hips between my legs. “Can I let go of the pillow now?”

  “You may,” he agrees and kisses me deeply. The head of his cock is nestled against me, and as the kiss deepens, it slides farther inside until Max groans and buries his face against my neck. “Fuck, Wills, you feel so damn good.”

  “Mm.” I shift my hips and grip him, grinning when he groans again. Then all conscious thought leaves when he picks up the pace and sends us both into paradise.

  After we’ve caught our breath, he leaves the bed before I can move and comes back with a warm washcloth to clean us both up, then he crawls into the bed next to me, tugging me into his arms.

  My cheek on his chest was always my favorite place to be when we were kids, and it seems that’s one thing that hasn’t changed.

  “I can hear your heart,” I whisper.

  He kisses my head. “Go to sleep.”


  My phone is ringing.

  I sit up, disoriented. I’m in my bed, but Max is with me, and suddenly, the past few hours come rushing back to me.

  “Phone,” I murmur as Max looks around, searching for it. “It must still be in the living room.”

  “Got it.”

  He rushes out and then comes running back with the cell, and I accept the call just before it goes to voicemail.


  Alex only calls me Mommy when something’s wrong.

  “What’s going on, Bubba?”

  “I want to come home.” His voice is so small it breaks my heart. “Can you come get me?”

  “Of course.” I glance up to see Max pulling on his jeans. “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes, okay? Is Pierce’s mom awake?”

  “His dad is. He said it was okay to call.”

  “Okay, Bubba. I’ll see you in a few.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  I hang up and blow out a breath.

  “Well, so much for a whole night alone,” I say, apology in my voice.

  “Don’t even worry about it,” Max assures me as I climb from the bed and pull on a fresh pair of leggings and a baggy sweatshirt. “Let’s go get him.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to—”

  “If you think I’m going to let you drive alone at two in the morning, you’ve got another thing coming.” He holds his hand out for mine. “Come on. I’ll drive.”

  We hurry out to his Mercedes, and by the time we reach the end of my road, my seat and the air blowing on me are warm.

  “This really is a nice car.”

  He smiles over at me. “You really are beautiful.”

  He kisses my hand as I blush in the passenger seat. I feel giddy. And, if I’m honest, a little sore.

  Now I have to figure out how to tell Max that he can’t stay the night once Alex gets home. It’s never been an issue with men I’ve dated in the past because I never let them meet my son. No way.

  But this is so different. Not only has Max already met Alex, they genuinely enjoy each other.

  I’m not ready for a sleepover and all of the explanations that come with it.

  Max pulls into Pierce’s driveway, and I immediately jump out and walk to the front door, which is already open with Alex coming outside, a smile on his sweet face at the sight of me.

  “Hi, Mom!”

  As if it’s not two in the morning.

  “Hey, Bubba. Go get in the car, and I’ll be right there, okay? And what do you say?”

  “Thanks for letting me stay. Sorry, I’m a pain in the butt.” He waves and hurries down to Max’s car, and I roll my eyes.

  “I’m sorry about this.”

  “Hey, it’s no big deal,” Stan, Pierce’s dad, says. “They’re at a tough age. They want to feel independent, but they’re just not quite brave enough yet. We’ll try again in a few months.”

  “You’re the best. Thank you.”

  I walk back to the car and climb in.

  “—weird noises.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Alex was just telling me that there were weird noises.”

  “Yeah,” Alex says. “And it smells funny. Pierce said his mom likes seasonal oils, and he has a water thingy in his room with the oils.”

  “Essential oils?” I ask with a smile.

  “Yeah, that. I didn’t like it. I’m sorry, Mom. I know I promised that I’d stay the whole night.”

  “It’s okay.” I sigh, sinking back against the warm seat. “We’ll try again another time.”

  “Did Rocky miss me?”

  And there it is. The real reason Alex wanted to come home. I should have realized.

  “Of course, he did,” I reply with a yawn. “Right to bed when we get home, though. It’s about three years past your bedtime.”

  “Can I take Rocky with me?”


  I’m too tired to argue.

  By the time we reach my house, I’m ready to head back to bed myself. Max escorts us inside, and I’m faced with the uncomfortable talk.

  Alex takes Rocky out of his crate and carries him to bed. I turn to Max, but his hand is already on the doorknob.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says.

  “I’m sorry.” I walk into his arms. “This was supposed to be different.”

  “You’re a mom,” he says simply. “Sleep well. I’ll come over in the morning for breakfast.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  He shuts me up with his lips on mine. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  And then he’s gone.

  I walk down the hall to my room, which is two doors down from Alex’s. He’s in bed, Rocky curled up with him, and he’s whispering to his pup.

  “I’m glad I came home,” he says. “It’s fun at Pierce’s, but you weren’t there, and I missed you. And Mom, but don’t tell her that ’cause she might not let me go again, okay?”

  I grin and keep walking.


  “Max is here,” Alex announces, the way he always does when he sees Max’s car pull into the driveway. “Why was he here last night?”

  I was hoping he would forget about that.

  “We were on a date.”

  It’s not a lie, and much to my relief, Alex just shrugs and goes back to watching American Ninja Warrior.

  “Hey,” I say as I open the door, then feel my eyes bug out of my face. “What’s this?”

  “I didn’t know what you liked,” Max says as he carries four bags to the kitchen and sets them on the island. “Alex, come get breakfast.”

  “Holy cow!” Alex exclaims at the sight of the bags.

  “Holy cow is right,” I agree. “What’s in here?”

  “This bag is bagels and cream cheese. Over here we have omelets and hash browns. I got biscuits with a side of gravy, some fruit, some sausage, and a whole thing of bacon.”

  Max wiggles his eyebrows.

  “The bacon’s for me.”

  “Will you share with me?” Alex asks as he pets Rocky, who’s also excited by the smells coming from the bags.

  “Sure. One piece.”

  Alex giggles. “I want an omelet.”

  “Omelet coming up. With one slice of bacon.” Max slaps about four strips of bacon on Alex’s plate and winks at me. “What about you, beautiful lady?”

  “Just a bagel for me.”

  “More for us, right, buddy?”

  “Yay, more for us!”

  Chapter Eight



  Work isn’t holding my attention, which doesn’t usually happen. I just can’t get my mind off Willa and Alex. I find my mind wandering, curious about how Alex’s math test went today, and what Willa’s wearing to work or if she needs help with the puppy.

  I have it bad.

  And it’s interfering with my productivity.

  Not good.

  It’s only been a few days since our interrupted night alone, the best sex of my life, and a fun breakfast the next morning. We spent all day inside, watching movies and the snowfall outside. We made homemade pizza and laughed when Alex spilled his pepperoni on the floor, and Rocky ate it all.

  I had no idea that being domesticated could be so fun.

  I shake my head as I turn down Noah King’s driveway. He lives next door to his birds of prey sanctuary. I pull into his circular drive and hop out of the vehicle. Before I can ring the bell, I hear a loud crack from the side of the house.

  I crunch through the snow and find Noah busy chopping firewood.


  “Hey,” I say, but he doesn’t look up. He has earbuds in.

  So, like the good friend I am, I scoop up a big ball of fresh snow and hurl it at him, hitting him square in the back. He jerks around, his ax raised high and yanks his earbuds from his head.

  “Hello,” I say calmly.

  “What the hell?” He scowls and reaches to brush at some snow that snuck down his jacket.

  “I had to get your attention,” I say with a shrug.

  “What’s up?”

  “Not much.” I zip my jacket and tuck my hands into my jeans’ pockets. It’s damn cold out today. Spring should be around the corner, but winter is hanging on like a dog with a bone. “Thought I’d drop by.”

  “Well, then that means you can chop wood. There are gloves and an extra ax inside the garage.”

  I nod and go and fetch the gloves and ax. I like physical work. I sit behind a desk for so many hours at a time that hard work like chopping wood feels good.

  When I return, Noah has set up an extra stump for me to chop on. I reach for a piece of wood, steady it on the stump, and thwack, chop it in half.

  “So, what’s really up?” Noah asks, lightly panting. Aside from Cary, Noah and Gray have been my best friends since I was a kid. Noah doesn’t mince words. If he sees bullshit, he’ll call bullshit. He’s loyal, almost to a fault, and one of the smartest guys I know.

  I trust his judgment, and I know that anything I say will stay between us.

  “I’ve had a lot on my mind,” I begin before setting up another piece of wood to chop.

  “Does it have boobs?” he asks, a smile on his damn face.

  “Nice ones,” I confirm. “And if you look at them again, I’ll chop your arm off.”

  “It’s not like I’m leering at them,” he points out. “I’m not creepy.”

  I laugh and stack the wood I’ve cut so far under the lean-to on the side of Noah’s house. He bought it from his parents a few years ago and has made some improvements to the place. He and Gray did most of the work themselves since Gray owns a successful construction company.

  “How is Willa?” Noah asks, joining me to stack his firewood.

  “She’s amazing,” I reply immediately.

  “So, things are working out then?”

  “So far, so good.” I nod and walk back to my ax.

  “I’m glad,” he says, his voice earnest now. “I’m glad you finally pulled your head out of your ass and did something.”

  “But how do you really feel?” My voice is dry as sandpaper.

  “You both deserve to be happy, and being together makes you happy.” He chops more wood. “When do Brad and Hannah come home?”

  “Tonight.” Thwack! “I’m glad. If you tell him I said this, I’ll deny it, but I’ve missed having Brad around.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.”

  I glare at Noah as he laughs and contemplate throwing my ax at him.

  “We’re having family dinner tomorrow at my place. Kind of a welcome home thing since Jenna and Christian are here, too.”

  “Is Willa going?”

  I frown. “I haven’t told her yet, but of course, she’s coming.”

  Noah stares at me as if I just grew a second nose. “Dude, you need to give her notice for these things so she can get a babysitter.”

  “Why would she need a babysitter? Alex will come, too.”

  “So, you’ve fallen for the kid, too.”

  “You know, you’re kind of pissing me off.”

  Noah sighs. “I’m not trying to piss you off, I’m just getting a feel for things. You’re one of my best friends, and I love you, but you’ve hurt her before. The rest of us were here to pick up those pieces. Now, it’s not just her to worry about. I’m just clarifying that you understand that she’s a package deal.”

  “I’m not a jerk,” I reply. “And I don’t know who she’s dated in the past, but I’m not some idiot who thinks he can date a mom and not consider her kids.”


  “I mean, Alex is amazing. I’d challenge anyone to spend just fifteen minutes with that boy and not fall in love with him. He’s hilarious and smart. Not to mention, cute.”

  I glance up to find Noah grinning at me.


  “So, you love him then

  I swallow and stare over Noah’s shoulder, then give a brisk nod. “Of course, I do. I’ve been in love with Willa since before I really knew what that meant, and Alex is fantastic. I like spending time with him. I don’t resent it.”

  “I’m happy for you, man,” Noah says, slapping my shoulder. “I really am.”

  I nod and take another deep breath. “I haven’t told her. Somehow, I think saying the words is too big right now. I want her to believe them, you know?”

  “Willa always was one to guard herself,” he says with a nod. “Actions speak way louder than words. You may not have said it, but I’m sure she can feel it.”

  I hope so.

  “Thanks, man.” I check the time. “I have to run. Is it okay if I leave you with this?”

  “I’d already planned to do it without you. Thanks for the help.”

  “Anytime. I mean that. It feels good.”

  “Well, come back in three days. I’ll have plenty for you to cut.”

  “I’ll pencil it in.”


  It’s become a routine. Every afternoon when Alex gets out of school, I swing into Dress It Up to help the boy with homework and check in on Willa. I crave her, and by the afternoon, I need to see her more than I need my next breath.

  Today, I walk into the store with a grocery bag dangling from my hand and a latte in the other.

  “Hey,” Willa says with a bright smile when she sees me approach the counter. “How has your day been?”

  “Not bad,” I reply, holding the latte out for her. “Something to warm you up.”

  “You’re sweet,” she murmurs, then takes a sip of her drink. “Thank you.”

  “Is Alex here?”

  “He just got here. He took Rocky to the office with him.”

  I nod, but before I walk to the back, I sneak behind the counter and bury my face in her neck, breathing her in.

  “Missed you today,” I whisper.

  “I’m right here,” she whispers back.

  “Missed you all the same.” I pull back and smile down into her gorgeous face. “Hey, I’m hosting family dinner tomorrow at my place. Brad and Hannah are coming home today.”

  “I know, I texted Hannah this morning.”

  “Will you and Alex come?”

  She bites her lip and nods. “Of course. Do you want me to cook?”

  “No.” I scowl and squeeze her hand. “I want you to come and eat good food and hang out with my family. No cooking required.”


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